RDHGP S4 - Race 7 - Jarama, Spain - 11/02/10

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome to Round 7 of the RDHGP S4

Welcome back to the 2009 RDHGP S4, and to the last Thursday race of the season.

Before I get into the guts of the briefing, some of you might not have noticed why Kris Leeten did not participate at Österreichring, It is because he became a father, so the very best wishes from all at RDHGP to you and your newly expanded family, Kris.

After a couple of races where I ended up having to moan a bit, Österreichring feels like it was a total success, no incidents and accidents, no hints nor allegations. The track is a corker, probably better than the 79 version because of that fast T1, and it will probably be used much more regularly by me, probably in the not-too-distant future. I was, I have to admit, always going to be dreading this race (not the track – I love the track) in my little Escort, but picking tracks that suited my car is not what all this ever was, or is, about. I was glad to see Tom & Carlos get somewhere where the Beemers great engine could do it’s stuff without being compromised by it’s less than agile handling, and where Ivo could really open the taps on his ‘vette (just a shame that his tyres didn’t hold out). My heart went out to Hans after he fell foul of the GTL bladder disease.

Again I was delighted to not see the dread topic of cutting raising it’s ugly head at all before, during or after the event. The only mention was a minor query that required some very minor clarification. You once again have my thanks for that.

And, I am pleased to say, people seemed in general to realise that they win nothing on Lap1 and the driving standards seemed to be back to where they ought to be. Yes, there are (and were) accidents, but we are talking spins and mistakes rather than rash or ill-advised dives into gaps half the size of your car.

I love writing my introductions where everything is not only fine, but also a large dollop of dandy. So please - let’s keep that going for these last 2 races.

While I have your attention, I’m going to use this space as a word from our sponsors, as our American cousins say on TV:

RDHTC Season 5 begins with a Testing event on Thu 15th April, with Round 1 on 29th April.
7 x 100km races on alternate Thursdays, finishing with a 200km event finale on Sat 31st July.
TC65 class of cars – Alfa GTA, Austin Mini Cooper S, Fiat Abarth TCR, Ford Falcon & Mustang, Lotus Cortina, NSU TT, Toyota Corolla.
Car choice now open via PM only.

I hope I will see most, hopefully all, of you on the Grid for Season 5, where I think the cars I’m using, are not only extremely well matched against each other, but much more controllable than their higher powered brethren. Both of these facts are conducive to close racing, so I don’t think it unreasonable to anticipate that the proven RDHTC format, along with the best cars in GTL, and the best, most courteous drivers on RD, will combine to produce something spectacular.

Now back to our regular programming.

We move south-west from Austria to Spain for Round 7, in the form of the Circuit de Jarama. The intricate arabesques and curlicues of the Castillian track provide the starkest possible contrast to the Österreichring’s brutally simple, high speed layout. Also, because of the relatively slow speeds during a lap, it provides yet another contrast to Austria, as it will be one of the longer timed races in the 100km class.

In addition, I will be posting a poll regarding Le Mans, and what conditions you want to drive it in. I’m not sure I want to muck about using accelerated times, but I can set the start time so we get a gradual change in atmospherics. We ran a Le Mans event like that in the past and it worked quite well.


Circuit Notes

Built in 1967 on arid scrubland north of Madrid, Circuit de Jarama has some illustrious siblings, being designed by John Hugenholtz, the creator of both Zandvoort & Suzuka.

It has hosted the Spanish Grand Prix in the past, but the combination of extensive mechanical grip aided by increasingly efficient aero meant that passing was not always possible. An example of this was when Gilles Villeneuve, genius though he was, successfully defended the lead in 1981 from lights to flag despite there being a tail of 4 significantly faster cars behind him.
Happily, this will not be a problem to burden the RDHGP, as early 80’s F1 standards of grip and aero are not something we tend to be troubled by, especially in, for instance, a Ford Escort. I fully expect the layout and the cars to provide ample passing opportunities.

Jarama also has very wide (and in this incarnation, yellow/blue) kerbs that –deliberately– intrude onto what would be the ideal racing line, to make the track even more complex. I’ll say it now – these kerbs are NOT deemed as part of the track, you must keep 2 wheels on the tarmac at all times. There are no other types of kerb on the lap, so there should be no further clarifications needed.

The Start/Finish line is near the end of the home straight and leads into a double apexed left hander, T1aL (Nuvolari) & T1bL (Fangio). The shortness of the run from the grid to this turn should prevent too much conflict on Lap 1, as we won’t be nearing anywhere near full chat.

Out of Fangio and a quick squirt of straight until you cross the first of 3 kinks around the lap T2R, Varzi. Negotiate Varzi and you have another quick dab of throttle until you need to brake for T3L, Le Mans.

This pretty standard hairpin opens out onto what looks like it might be a straight but is, in fact, pretty much just a braking zone for what I think might be the tightest corner of the RDHGP season, T4R, Farina. Depending on your car and gearing, you may even be down in 1st for this corner.

Another very short link takes us to T5L, Pegaso. This is a faster corner, and one that opens up onto a decent straight, Rampa Pegaso, split by the second of those kinks, T6R, Ascari. The circuit used to turn hard right here, until 1990, when it was extended into its current configuration so that it bears left through Ascari, in a curved braking zone for T7R, Portago

Accelerating out of Portago takes us to the last of the 3 kinks, T8L Bugatti, and from there down into T9L Pegio, another hairpin.

From there, it’s a short burst of acceleration and into the double apexed T10R Monza, itself leading onto another short straight and into the final turn, T11R Tunel, a medium speed corner which opens onto the relatively short Start/Finish straight.

So, nearly double the number of corners that we had in Austria, on a track nearly half as short.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

· All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are no longer deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately.

· T2R – Varzi, T6R – Ascari, T8L - Bugatti. As mentioned in the lap description, these kinks are bordered by some very wide kerbs, easily wide enough to take a cars width completely. Which I’m now (obviously) going to tell you that you are not allowed to do, as you must have 2 wheels on the tarmac at all times. These kinks make the short straights more difficult, they have been put there for a reason, so we will respect that. Please report anyone you see persistently straight-lining over the kerbs through the kinks.

· T4R – Farina. Very, very slow corner, and by now, you are expected to know the parameters that both your and your opponents car can operate under, including braking distances. I do not want to see anyone being punted from behind in the braking zone for this tight corner.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There were no Incident Reports from the Österreichring event.

There are 3 new no-show infractions arising from Österreichring

Leszek Porzezinski
Piotrek Blaszczak
Predrag Drobac

There are 4 drivers carrying infractions (number of races left to serve in brackets).

Marius Bentu (3)
Sam J Simpson (3)
Ben Tusting (3)
Bert Van Waes (3)

The following 3 drivers are now clear of the infraction they were carrying through Austria:-

Arkadiusz Kotarski
Lee Madden
Matt Crouch

Any further infractions will result in removal from the League, and therefore missing the finale at Le Mans.

The following 2 drivers have been removed from the League due to a second no-show infraction.

Simon Bacon
Stuart Neal

All No-show infractions will be carried for 4 events, after which time they will be rescinded. A further infraction will result in removal from the League.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows (double for the 200km event):

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap (not double on 200km event)

1 point for qualifying on Pole (not double on 200km event)
The same story like in Oesterreichring. Connection lost. I was on P6 with a big advantage and out from server. I do not know what is happening I have never had such problem and now it happened again in the same time after half of the race. I am very furious now :(
I'm knackered after that one! I was really tired tonight as I was working right up until official practice. I was all over the place at the end, cutting, going wide, totally lost concentration. Found it best to stop there before I made any damage to any other cars:)

And well done driving that Vette Ivo:D

Great track though. And nice to drive the 906 again:)
Fantastic Race yet again - I wasn't expecting much from teh BMW on this track, and I was right. The handling was sloppy and the brakes rubbish as usual. Getting traction down out of the tight bends was a total joke.

However - this was quite simply an amazing race, for the first 18 or so laps it was one long battle between Carlos and myself, with evenly matched cars we were racing so closely and we swapped positions almost every lap, it was so much fun. Unfortunately it came to an end when i got too ambitious into T1 and outbraked myself, carlos took off and that was that, i spent the rest of the race spinning and just trying to get the car home.

Thanks Stu for the race - and thanks Carlos for the amazing battle, you deserved to win after you drove that car all race with no front splitter.

Replay - http://www.mediafire.com/?ywytmmz3nwt
I assume Piotr will finish high this race, so then the points gap will be more than 30 points.

breaking news peter: piotr won the race in the last turn. i was leading the entire race had very tough fights with gary and jay who were all over me but couldnt pass.. the last laps the tires were gone and i got real tired ( getting old i guess:). piotr pushed real hard and in the last turn we were side by side. i was sure i won it but unfortuntly i picked a high 5th gear and piotr passed by a margin of 0/0007:). i wanted this one badly but that is racing so grats piotr .it was a good one .
Oh unlucky Amir....but grats on the 2nd....Grats also to the rest of the podium.

I found this to be the most challenging of all the tracks I have driven in this particular car. I just couldn't find anything like a good set up and was tweaking right up to quali. In the end I just went out and used quali as an extended practice to try and get some consistency. think I managed to get P11 for the start so happy enough with that. The start was a little bit frantic, I got tapped one way then the other, doing a 180 degree spin lol, but just carried on as I didn't know who it was at the time. (The second one put me back in the right direction, so thanks :) )

It was all quite tight after that, following the Ivo's Yank Tank in little train :)

I think Ivo finally went a little deep into the 2 to last turn and we all managed to get through.

Went a little quite after that, but gradually caught up to Stu and was looking forward to some sparring with you, but unfortunately wasn't to be.

Got up to 7th a one stage, but a strange thing happened near the end (lap 20?) Coming up to the turns under the Blue bridge banner a car was parked in the middle of the road sort of bouncing back and forth, I took avoiding action and went onto the kerb/sand and lost about 3 secs. No biggie but, made me way too cautious for the next few turns. (Did you experience that car Warren, you was about 5 secs ahead off me at the time?)

Still , I managed to finish the race in 8th, a position I only dreamed about before the race.

Well done Piotr, the title is in sight. Grats to all that took part tonight and thanks to Ulli for the encouragement :)

So on to the last race of the season, Le Mans. Can't wait :)) See you all there for what I'll hope will be an epic finale.
Pff i like iceskating but not with a car. :biggrin:

Q: 13th so that was quite good.


Started and got a tap on the line from Roman, he said after the race. I didn't really noticed it. :biggrin:
Got through the T1 mayhem by following Stu his bumper and also took the bumper home with me. :biggrin:
So was 8th. After 1 lap i got Piotr, Jari, Warren, Predrag, Steven and Knut behind me. Piotr overtook me on the straight. Could hold off Jari for some laps but he also overtook me.
Thought oke this is going to fast and stop giving presents to everybody. Had a awesome battle with Warren for alot of laps and Predrag behind him. After 9 laps or so Predrag tapped Warren and i had now Steven, Knut and David behind me. We catched Stu who had spun and saw David spun behind me. But lost it in the second to last corner and everything went downhill from there.

We where on the halfway mark and i knew that tyres where bad from now on. Oh boy and they where. Had a nice fight with David and Pedrag for 11th but i hope we also get points for drifting because i did that alot and i think i got the highscore :biggrin:. Saved it a couple of times esspacially in T2. But finally i spun in that corner so lost 2 places and was 13th. And had a nice fight with Ulli. :smile:
But again spun in T2 wich was Hellscorner for me. In Practice it was the easiest corner for me but with smashed tyres it was hell. Lost places to Carlos, Tom and Stu. Followed Stu but he got his left wheel in the grass at T1 and spun. Starting to close the gap to Tom and Carlos and saw Tom also spin in T1. Closed the gap to Carlos but their was T2 again. There was no way to drive that corner normally, tried everything but it was a gamble everytime. Closed again the gap to Carlos had a move on him at T1 in the slipstream but Gary was just in front of us and i didn't want to risk it. Pushed really hard for a couple laps to force Carlos in a mistake. But in the last lap i was behind him and he locked up his wheels and their was alot of smoke didn't see anything so went on to the gravel and spun. So finished 12. :smile:

Quite eventful race for me. But a better result was easy possible. To many mistakes from my side and if i just raced like all my races (without errors) i could have done alot better.
But still happy with 12. :smile:
Thanks Stu cya at Le Mans.
At first I hated this track just like many of you guys. I knew that it was going to be a royal pain in the butt from the first lap I ever drove on it. Because I knew that the track was going to be hard to to be consistent in, I started to practice early in the week and I can say that I easily got over 4 hours of practice in total. I even ended up tweaking the BMW to the point where it was actually a joy to drive it around this track. I must say that the track grew on me and the more I drove it the more I liked it. I like the challenge of trying to memorize and be consistent in difficult tracks such as this one.

This race was the best for me so far. I had the best and longest battle yet with my buddy/rival Tom, I was not happy when he spun out and it was over, it would have been awesome to carry it on until the very end. I also got chased down by Ivo and the Vette twice, and I am pretty sure he would have passed me except the Vette had other plans. Poor Ivo, that car hates you man lol!.

Also, the whole race I was not aware that I had lost my front splitter in T1 right at the start lol. I wonder if it helped or hindered me?

Thanks Stu for setting it all up and thanks to everyone for showing up, without you, there is no race.
Got up to 7th a one stage, but a strange thing happened near the end (lap 20?) Coming up to the turns under the Blue bridge banner a car was parked in the middle of the road sort of bouncing back and forth, I took avoiding action and went onto the kerb/sand and lost about 3 secs. No biggie but, made me way too cautious for the next few turns. (Did you experience that car Warren, you was about 5 secs ahead off me at the time?)

Yep, it scared the heck out of me too, it was Krzysztof's ghost just after he was disconnected.

Interesting race for me but quite enjoyable. I had lost all my setup's in the recent HDD crash, but found an old 906 setup of Sam's in the forum, and with a little tweaking it felt pretty good (as I would expect). I was fairly confident of my race pace, but had bad vibes about the potential for pile-ups at this track. So I decided again to start last, especially with my track record in this League.
Qualy: Went out and did an extra slow lap to ensure last position on the grid, but sneaky Knut pinched that spot by not even qualifying. :tongue:

Race: Took it really slow down the main straight hoping to let Knut past, but he went even slower lol. :rolleyes: Sure enough, by the time we reached turn 1, there was carnage everywhere, smoke, car parts, cars all over the place. Weaved past them and was immediately in P9 by turn 2 :rolleyes: . I then came across Piotr and Jari crashed, so I let Jari pass down the main straight since he was still in contention for the League podium and I didn't want to interfere with his race. However, Jari and I then became boxed in behind Ivo's big yankmobile, Jari soon found a way past but I spent many laps glued to Ivo's tail, trying many options to get past but that Vette just had too much grunt in a straight line. :wink: So, I decided to wait for Ivo's tyres to go off a bit, based on previous experience, but I had a freight train behind me too. Eventually, Pedrag outbraked himself and tagged my rear in turn 1, sending us both into the very slippery kittylitter. Oops!! Now back to P12, but at least I now had some clean air and could lap consistently.
I slowly worked forward, mainly due to others going sand mining, and finished P6.

Thanks to Stu for organising, I actually found the track a very enjoyable challenge. Also thanks to those who raced with me.
I found some decent pace late in qually and started 5th,one of my best starts ever and i was briefly in the lead at the T1 exit,then took a rub and nudge along my right side putting me wide and slow exit,so slotted in 2nd behind Amir...i really dont know what happened throughout the first lap but when i came out the final turn and looked back it was only Jay in sight!!,many many laps chasing Amir but never a proper passing chance and always Jay watching in close attendance,and then my first spin happened dropping off the lead fight for good and losing me 2nd place to Jay as well....i think i ended up having another 3 and half spins or so dropping to 5th,dont know what happened at start of last lap but i was gifted 4th at T1 with Jari just limping back on track.
I feel like im back to square one with this old 911,me just dont understand it.
Grats Piotr Amir and Jay

Many Thanks Stu and RD
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