RDHGP S5 - Round 8 - Mount Panorama, Bathurst - 31st July 2010

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome back to the Final Round of the RD Historic Grand Prix, Season 5

The last round of the season, and we roll out our trusty TC65 steeds one last time. Charade appeared to cause some moderately heated discussion in a very limited portion of our drivers. Some accusations of dropping driving standards were thrown about too, but I saw nothing to back up that view, if I’m honest. I have my own opinions about the standards, the accused and the accusers, I disagree with a lot of it, but it probably won’t be helpful or productive if I air those views, so we’ll just move straight on. As the vast majority seemed to enjoy it, I’m going to say it was a success.

We now go 10,500 miles down under to Bathurst, in New South Wales, Australia, home of the mighty Mount Panorama Circuit. Another reminder that this is running on Saturday 31st July, instead of a Thursday. I expect we’ll receive the same courtesy from the other Leagues and Club events that we normally do...ahem.


Circuit Notes

The RDHGP have gained the concession from the circuit management that we will be driving the 1967 layout of Mount Panorama. This comprises one major change, but it has a huge effect on the character of the circuit. Technically, this is a street circuit, and like many of our other venues, there are some gradients to contend with. Mount Panorama goes that much further though, as the net vertical difference between the highest and lowest points on the circuit is a staggering 174 metres. We will be not using the Chase section, but rather restoring the already fearsome Conrod Straight back to its original, engine bursting glory. The 200km length (double our normal race length) will require some pitstop strategy, but with double points on offer, it’s well worth thinking through the pros and cons of various possibilities.

A lap of Mount Panorama begins on the S/F straight, the lowest point of the circuit. A close packed grid leads us into T1L, Hell Corner. A fairly standard 90º corner, it opens up onto Mountain Straight. The pit exit is before T1L, so drivers will need to be aware of people pitting and rejoining at this point. People exiting the pits need to be aware of what is approaching, and anyone driving out at low speeds onto the racing line causing accidents will be penalised. Mountain Straight it the first chance to really unwind your engines and has a few undulations, before the first of many inclined braking zones.

T2R, Quarry, is climbing and more of a bend than a corner, momentum needing to be conserved through here.
Quarry feeds into another short, uphill straight, which end with T3L & T4L, The Cutting. A relatively wide corner, followed by a much tighter radius corner immediately after, both incredibly steeply uphill, it gives an indicator of what this track still has up its sleeve.

T5R, Griffin’s Mount, is a flatter and shallower double apex corner, allowing the speed to build up, before the blind downhill dive of T7L – The Hollow. Throwing the nose in here, still accelerating, we arrive at the deceptively difficult T8L – Park. Get through here unscathed, and you hit one of Bathursts infamous sucker punches, the fast straight called Skyline.

This can lull you into a false sense of security, as it leads into the T9aL/bR/cL Esses complex, a set of blind, decreasing radius and heavily cambered bends, which, despite being hellishly difficult, are merely the starters before you reach the real main course – T10aR & T10bl – The Dipper.

This complex is downhill in the same way that driving over the edge of a cliff is technically downhill. It just falls away from beneath the cars that virtually every vehicle will leave the ground for a few instants, no matter what speed you are going. Obviously cars will be getting squirrelly here, clutching at anything for traction and grip, so you may need to spend some time wrestling the car back into shape.

Of course, you have no time to do that, as there follows another downhill straight, followed by the blind and off camber T11L, Forrest’s Elbow, which leads onto the mighty, near mile long Conrod Straight. Having this straight follow Forrest’s means that you have to attack it or people behind you who get a good drive out of there have all the time in the world to reel you in. Over 3 big humps and then, as you clear the last hump, you suddenly see T12L – Murray’s, approaching very very quickly. Slamming on the anchors for this again quite simple 90º, the huge closing speeds and downhill braking zone mean that anything less than your full attention is potentially car and race-wrecking.

The Pit entry filters off after Murray’s so be aware of people braking and pitting after making the corner to make their entry at pit limiter speeds. What I'm really saying is that going on the inside to try and make a pass down the S/F straight may well end in tears.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Please report people who are deliberately and excessively cutting.

Despite the fearsome nature of Mount Panorama, the only sections that I have concerns about are T10 The Dipper, and T11 Forrest’s Elbow. The track is quite narrow, and spinning cars tend to take up most of that width. Please be aware of that when you are following someone closely. It is a double length race, so early risky moves that cause problems won’t get you on my Christmas card list.

To paraphrase some other race monkeys - I hope you can confirm you’ve understood the message.

  • All points on the track – General Items
  • No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.
  • The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
  • Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.
  • There will be pitstops by some people, so make sure you know how to make them if you need to, and how and where the pitlane merges with the track.
  • There is to be NO post race chat until the last running driver has crossed the line for the final time.
Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There are no new No-show infractions now being levied on Drivers after Round 7.
Ryan Callan raised a Driving Conduct Report against Stuart Thomson in Round 7.
The Report against Stuart Thomson resulted in 4.5 sec of cut penalties, all accrued from a single corner, doubled and rounded up to 10 sec, added to the time for round 7. This has no effect on the finishing places.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Allocations and passwords
I will as normal be putting up an individual password for this event, but the link to GPCOS has helpfully (!) been changed. Go to the "Sim Racing" button at the top of your screens, and then select "League Management System"

Scoring System
I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.
The Distribution is as follows for 200km events :
P1 - 50 pts
P2 - 44
P3 - 40
P4 - 36
P5 - 32
P6 - 30
P7 - 28
P8 - 26
P9 - 24
P10 - 22
P11 - 20
P12 - 18
P13 - 16
P14 - 14
P15 - 12
P16 - 10
P17 - 8
P18 - 6
P19 - 4
P20 - 2

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Qualify: 2nd - Finish: 2nd

Installed track and joined server in time for a decent bit of practice and could see early on the Falcon had some legs,i didnt expect those pesky Abaths to be quite so strong though....belter start and made T1 mine with Thommo making good as well making himself my early chaser as Krzy ended up getting more involved in the pack and dropping away after T1,Thommo was a frickin nightmare tbvh!..really buzzing around me back wings at the twisty bits and generally being a nuisance,ofcourse i disappeared up the road again down Conrod,but the situation at this stage was me and Stu breaking clear a bit.
But all the time Krzy was making his way back in to contention with his pole setting pace bringing him up to Stu's car and eventually getting past with a small pressure error from Stu,he instantly sets about closing me in too with similar alarming pace and progress!....
Watched the replay just now numerous times from various views and slo-mo's etc. and come away with a clear conscience,at the time i was indeed fully aware of Krzy hovering just off my rear left wing and made a deliberate point of not moving over to the left to assume the proper line,i placed my car in the middle of the track and took quite an early tight entry for the first right hander and maintained a sort of "to the right side" bias always leaving at least an Abarth's width of room,at the time i truly felt i done nothing wrong there,more than anything else i was totally confused and a bit distressed as to where Krzy had gone to,and what had actually happened there,the replay helps a lot in that regard,im still sorry to see another racer end up in distress like that with me in the picture :(.
I soldier on and keep watching the gap and the lap count and the fuel gauge,i have some thoughts of maybe even a no stopper!?!..but in my efforts to try and do that i probably stayed out a lap or 2 longer than i should have on what are now slightly shot tyres so as well as fuel i decide on changing all 4 tyres and putting in 30L fuel,sadly i made a terrible horlicks of my pit-in :(,got a little wobble going approaching and clipped the little barrier and spun across the track and just fumbled a half-donut recovery in time as other cars came around the final turn,remembered to turn off "Repairs" tab in pit menu and toggled up 30L,watched my chasers come through and past as i came out pit road exit in 4th,but on nice fresh rubber i could push harder than ever with light fuel too now,lovely big chase on Thommo to have 3rd place which changed to 2nd when someone ahead done a really late stop,sadly not enough time and too big a gap to Amir now in 1st,i calculate that my bolloxed up pit stop more than covers the 12secs i ended up behind at the finish,so a possible win was there but im not complaining about a good 2nd place with a big excellent race from start to finish along the way.
Congrats Amir and Stu and everyone i raced with.
Huge Congrats Amir Champ winner,well done m8

Thanks again Stu & RD
Watched the replay just now numerous times from various views and slo-mo's etc. and come away with a clear conscience,at the time i was indeed fully aware of Krzy hovering just off my rear left wing and made a deliberate point of not moving over to the left to assume the proper line,i placed my car in the middle of the track and took quite an early tight entry for the first right hander and maintained a sort of "to the right side" bias always leaving at least an Abarth's width of room,at the time i truly felt i done nothing wrong there,more than anything else i was totally confused and a bit distressed as to where Krzy had gone to,and what had actually happened there,the replay helps a lot in that regard,im still sorry to see another racer end up in distress like that with me in the picture :(.

It was not good place to make any manevour of moving you. Watched also the replay and you kept your line, I turned right and I hit you and lost control. Do not worry, my fault. I think my willingness of winning the first RD race in my career caused this accident. But even if I had moved you I would not have finished the race because of pitstop bug during my game.

Nice fight Gary :)
Grand finale at Bathurst,

Quali on p16 not that bad,start with some problems (Predrag) but hold p16 by T1.

Promised my
self to take it easy in lap 1 to settle down on the long strait,not going to happen going down the Dipper two guys in front having a moment an I think Neil hit me send me in to the wall could not go any where an all the guys behind try to run over or through me sending me backwards to the wall,have to wait to start again but even turning here is not easy stuck in the wall an David found me there,to go out I had to go in reverse luckily David gave me the room to do so, thanks fore that.

So my race start on p20 with a big gap to the front,OK 32 laps to go every sing is possible,try to run with out making mistakes an making some good laptimes an so I saw my p20 drop to p16
"thanks" to misfortune of others.

Halve way race I found Ondrej an we had some great battles together ,pit in lap 18 30ltr.fuel an 2 rear tyres (46 sec) good stop.

After watching the replay I saw Gary do his pitstop ,he did the best stop entering the pitlane with 180 turn an getting the car on the right place,nice move Gary.

After a few laps saw Ondrej leaving the pits so the fight continue, great race Ondrej thanks for that:thumb:

Finished the race on p13 giving me a good feeling ,looking back on this league I had some high an low points bud the Abarth has give me great pleasure to race with.

Thanks every body on the grid, great bunch of guys to race with.

Thanks Stuart for giving us a great league race again.

Grats to Amir for the Championship win, more than deserved

See you all fore the next Season.
A rather surprising race for me, tbh.

I was mid-pack during practice, but I suspect I might have been the only person doing prac & quali with race fuel in, which I always do. Got a surprisingly good quali in 5th, and then got a cracking start, meaning I had to be a bit lively to avoid the slower starting people ahead of me - I think I may have touched someone who was also avoiding a slower starter on the other side. Apologies to whoever that was (I'm at work so have no replay access).

To my great surprise after T1, I'm in P2 and looking at a windscreen full of Falcon rear end. As Gary describes, he opens up a more than healthy gap up Mountain and down Conrod, but as soon as there were twists in the track the little Fiat closed those gaps in double quick time. Gary & I opened up a bit of a gap for a few laps, which I suspected were due to battles going on for the places behind us. As soon as those places got settled, Krzyzstof started reeling us both in. I went too deep into a corner and Krzyzs was through and homing in on Lenno.

I was a little too far back to see the incident, but as I cam around to the Dipper I saw Krzysz on the wrong side of the fence :frown: , putting me back up to P2. The next part of the race was pretty quiet, Amir slowly, slowly closing in for the best part of 10 laps. He wasn't close enough to pass, but I needed petrol, and he passed into P2 as I slowed for my stop, closely followed by the recovering Krzyzs, and the Cortina trio of Andreas, Jay & Martin.

I had a bit of a stinker in the pits, I had decided that the tyre wear on the Abarth was OK and would only go for fuel, but fat fingers on the pit menu meant that I changed the rears, effectively doubling my pitstop time. Luckily, the new boots on the rear didn't unbalance the car, so I was able to set about trying to hunt people down. I got to Martin first as he pitted pretty soon after me, and I suspect that my single lap on my new rears were the difference compared to his colder tyres, as I managed to outdrag him going up Mountain. I passed Andreas in the pits on the same lap, and also Krzyzs who was having his pitstop turmoil.

That put me back up to 4th behind Gary, Amir & Jay. Lenno made his stop(s) pretty late, and his new boots made a hell of a difference, blowing past me down the straights as normal, but now able to be much more aggressive into braking zones, meaning the twisty bits weren't as much of a catch up as they were earlier.

Again this was a bit of a "hold stations" portion of the race, but old Non-Stop Jay up front seemed like he would never stop, once he did though, I started to think about the possibility of a podium, which would be my first in a League Race. I managed to keep it on track OK, and brought the little Fiat home for 3rd behind Amir & Lenno.

Very pleased with that as a result, a cracking end to another good season.

Grats to Amir for the win & the championship, and Andreas & Martin for the Joint 2nd.

Thanks to everyone who participated this season, thanks to all of you who made your videos, and especially Bob who stepped up to the plate as official chronicler after Jari couldn't make this season.

I hope to see as many of you as possible in October for Season 6 when we move up to the GTC-72's, a very, very closely matched carset as we've already proven in several events.
I'll upload my replay when I get home, it's pretty decent quality and obviously includes my spectacular double somersault (with Pyke) into the undergrowth!

It's nearly as good as David Cuthill's. One of the most spectacular/funny crashes I have ever witnessed in a race. I should know me and Bob Hutchins drove underneath as he was doing a triple pike with twist. :wink:
Right I have to say this first. After a very busy week and all the racing that been on, enduro's, insane cars, rFactor for the first time and then the RDGHP S5 finale I haven't had time to finish the last league race at Charade yet but hopefully will get finsihed this week and then Bathurst very soon after that as the league has fiinshed which will give me a little more time. Also before I move onto my race report I would like to thank all those who gave their replay files, too many to mention but you know who you are, without which my job would have been much harder.

Now to my race report.
After some good practice with me old mucker Steve P, managed to eventually put in a PB in quali but this was only good enough for P9 just behind late qualifiying Tom. Stu, like you mate I too qualied with race fuel like I always do. At the start of the race things didn't quite go according to plan. For the first time ever in GTL I sat on the grid waiting for the clock to count down and as it went to GO I lifted the clutch pedal and to my surprise I wasn't moving. Looking across to my gear stick I noticed I was still in neutral, what a clutts, & so I lost a couple of places as Martin, Jay & Bjorn darted past. Quickly remedied I select the right gear and off I go & after T1 somehow find myself behind Jay in P12 going up Mountian straight but before T2 managing to get by Jay & then Bjorn going into T2 on the brakes. Now upto P10 & behind Steve we proceed to conquer the top of the mountain. As we approch the dipper all hell brakes loose when David clips the mountain just before the right turn into the dipper and goes flying, I think he done at least 3 triple summersaults, & with Steve taking avoiding actions we both go through the dipper but I manage to get a better exit & Steve gets loose but collects it all up but & lets me go by. As we get onto the Conrod straight Steve picks up my tow & drafts me down the straight & outbrakes me going into the last turn. As we go through the finish line I'm now behind Steve once again & onto lap 2 we go. I follow Steve round the lap & were now back at the top of the moutain approaching the left hander before the conrod straight. Steve makes a right horlicks of this & hits the mountain on entry sending him straight across the road & bouncing of the other side. With no where to go I hit Steve and we both come to a standstill. Facing the wrong way I know others are coming & try my best to get facing the right direction & out of their way but as this is a blind approach they come round the corner & the inevitable happens. I think it was Bjorn who was first so many appologises goes to you mate but like you I had nowhere to go when Steve lost it. As we all get ourselves sorted out I notice I'm infront of Bjorn so let him go by down the Conrod straight but as he brakes for the final turn, early for me, I just avoid hitting him, hit the grass on the exit & Niel gets by on the start finish straight. Now onto lap 3, wow what is going on, I follow Neil up the Mountain straight and manage to get a by Neil going through T3 & put the chase on to catch Bjorn. As we go over the mountain top again approaching the dipper I go over the top only to find Predrag on the barrier on the inside, Bjorn getting out of shape & trying to collect it all up on the outside, & as Bjorn comes back across the track we make contact for the second time both going into the barrier, again sorry for this Bjorn but again tried to get by but had nowhere to go. Thinking my car would be undriveable got underway but to my surprise the car felt ok & as I finished the lap thought I have another 30 laps to go & can I survive anymore collisions at the top of the mountain.

Still in 10th place, don't know how, I set about chasing down Warren in his trusty Mini but also trying to maintain some clean laps to put some distance between those chasing me. Over the next 3 laps I manage to reel in Warren who was keeping it really clean & finally get by on the Conrod straight as he pulled over to let me go by, gentleman racer indeed, thx mate. Now upto to 8th I set about trying to haul in Jay who was some distance up the road but like others had reported XD had stopped reporting the gaps to other drivers so I didn't know how far Jay was up ahead but just kept pushing hard & trying to keep it clean. As the laps went by I was pulling away from Warren but couldn't see Jay infront of me in the distance. As I was going to pit around lap 17 I just kept on pushing & keeping it clean until then. Now here's a funny thing, when it came to my pitstop very low on fuel, about .2 of a gallon left, I came out of the last turn & when I pulled the car over to the left to enter the pitlane the rear-end let go & I spin, sound familiar Lenno. Lost a bit of time getting it all pointing the right way and enter the pits to do my stop. I was thinking of changing tyres but didn't in the end to save time so just put in the required fuel to finish the race & off I set. As I reeled of the laps I had a couple of minnor spins at the top of the mountian but only lost time not places, came across Krzysztof later on having his pit porblems but that was about it. Couldn't catch those in front so brought it home in 8th for what has to be one of the most exciting openings to a race I've had to date.

Now the plaudits, WD to Amir for the win & Lenno & Stu for the remaining podium places. Also grats to Stu on his first podium in a league race.

Congratulations to Amir for winning this seasons league, great consistant driving mate and well deserved. Also grts to Martin & Andreas for finishinig joint second. I would also like to thank all those that took part in this seasons league for making it a very memorable one for me as it was my first full league. I learnt a lot about league racing & also experienced how racing with great drivers makes this experience even better.

Before I go I would also like to thank Stuart for all his efforts in making this one of the best leagues at RD & long may it continue. Now off to finish the vids of R7/8 for you guys.
So, off the grid in 4th, keep it tight in the inside around the first corner to allow two wide and still got barged off track by Krzysztof and back to 9th place. With a bit of red mist clouding my eyes, I pounded down the mountain and clipped the rocks, sending me into the biggest triple pike with twist, landing on my roof, then the right way up but pointing backwards and having to wait for everyone to pass. It's so narrow here that it takes a 5 point turn to get back around. A few corners later down the hill and I plough into a stranded Hans and need to back up for his 3 point turn. This comedy of errors had put me around 40 seconds from the back of the pack... it was going to be a long race (just as well).

The laps counted down as I pulled back many places. Just over half way through and I'm back in the top ten. By lap 22 I'm in 6th, needing to pit and looking at the relative times, Andreas is the only real threat for places. I decide to gamble on fuel only as I'm still running good times. A few laps later, I'm alongside Andreas and we have a battle for a few laps until I eventually pull away into my final 6th placing. Not too bad a result considering the awful first lap.

Congratulations to Amir for the league win. And of course a big thumbs up to Stuart for another fine seasons work.
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