RDHGP S6 - Round 7 - TI Okayama - 100km - 17th Feb 2011

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™


All points on the track – General Items
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the race.

No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
You may put your lights on if you are on a timed Qualifying lap to inform people in front of you. If they themselves are on a timed lap, they are not under any obligation to move for you.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

There are no incident reports arising from Rounds 4 & 5.

There are no drivers serving infractions for no shows – I have stopped awarding infractions here, and will simply deny any application from constant no-showers for any future Seasons.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Argh, horrid :(.

Couldn't find consistent pace, qualified 11th?

Got a decent start, but then got span by Bob I think it was in the esses, David collected me, car was badly understeering.

Then I made a small mistake, Bob and Neil came through.

And now I have to say HUGE apologies to Neil, coming down the straight I pulled out to pass and misjudged the speed difference completely, tapping the back of him and sending us both spinning down the straight - I've no idea how that happened, maybe Neil was pulling another gear as I pulled out, either way compleely my fault :(

Then I span under braking and Dmytro collected me (sorry!), car was a mess, a few laps later, daydreaming, broke too late and kaput :(

Useless from me - again sorry to Neil (who I also bumped in quali - didnt have time to say sorry in chat)
Probably my best race on RD so far :woot:

Skipped qualifying, preferred catching up from the back of the grid. Had one spin early on, I think Steven was behind me, but I managed to reverse off track in time.
Of all the cars I've seen, mine was by far the slowest on the straights. Couldn't do anything there. But the car was awesome in the bends, was gaining a lot of time there. Too bad I can't pass properly :)

In the end, it was David, Neil, Dmytro, and myself, all within 2-3 seconds, for several laps. David and Neil went off in the last corner, and Dmytro and myself carried on.
I was a bit faster than him, but again, can't pass. No idea how I did it in the end. I guess he went wide, and the monster grip of the 911 kept me on the inside of the bend. Or maybe you let me through, LOL? I hope everything was fair tonight.

All in all, very happy. Finished 10th in the end, with the 4th fastest lap, wow.

Cheers Stuart, and all the drivers :thanks:
Just a quick thank you to Hutcho for really fair driving and not cutting across, Neil for the same, David Cuthill for spinning and Stu for spinning on more than one occasion. Brilliant driving by all I raced with, really enjoyed it though front tyres were very iffy at the end.

It's a pity this league has to end, but it's nearly here.

Congratulations to Gary on the win Greg and Andreas on the podium and a huge Thanks to Stuart and Carlos for organising and testing to make this a really close (except for the obvious speedfreaks) league.

EDIT: I nearly forgot, the lack of a quality intro to this race totally wrecked my enjoyment and gave me bad karma throughout.

EDIT 2: And it gave me cramp in my right leg.
I was a bit faster than him, but again, can't pass. No idea how I did it in the end. I guess He went wide, and the monster grip of the 911 kept me on the inside of the bend. Or maybe you let me through, LOL? I hope everything was fair there.

All was Ok, Senad. After an accident on the first lap I felt quite a lot of understeer, and by the end of the race because of this I am quite erased the front tires. Because I barely kept the car. Well done, mate!
P2 in Q, P2 in race... :)
was really happy with that... :)
had some prob in S3 only cause the gear box but this sector was one of the most important.
was in P1 till lap 21 i think where i made a stupid mistake at the hairpin and Gary overtake me there.
if i dont mke that spin i think we will have a good beattle :D
gratz Gary, wd Andreas. ;)
THX Stu and Carlos to make tht league working!!! ;)
I finished and had only one off after a few laps down but it was a big sandy one on turn1, trying a very poor attempt at defending position. Couldn't handle the pressure and took the inside but with too much speed. By myself for the rest of the race not counting the lappers. Lappers ... sounds like a dirty word to me now. I feel like getting drunk, coming out of the woods and heading to town looking for lappers to slap around.:D. Only kidding guys ..you are truly brillant drivers.

Grats to podium people, all drivers and tip of the hat to Senad, and a thanks to Stu for all his work.
Quite disappointing race for me, not from the result but from the racing.
First me and Gary follow Greg, after laps i braked a bit late into first hairpin - it was very close to Gary. Outside of the corne Gary spun, probably i hitted him but wasn´t sure. That´s because i asked with chat to wait or not. Got no answer so i drove further. Gary close up and in the hairpin combination got a hit from him after i had a bad entry and spun. I guess Gary don´t waited cause our incident before, equal it doesn´t matter anyway to me and also my replay is gone that i could´nt view it again.
Then i came a bit on grass while braking which result in almost no braking and crashed into the wall, lost splitter. "I love this car", meet then 3-4 times further the gravel. That i was still on 3rd surprised myself. But to the end, due the damage the car was sometimes unpredictable to drive, i couldnt make a further mistake cause Carlos and Predrag followed me by only 1 sec. Couldn´t hold it and finished 3rd.
Summary, apart one lap, i never found a rythm. Everytime i had to correct the car and couldn´t drive the lines i wanted. So, good that it´s only one more race, have really enought from this Porsche.
Thanks all for racing, shame that some guys was missing. Hope we get for the final a full grid again.
I strongly suspected good things from the Ti Aida + 911S combo,i didnt really expect pole and then a win after seeing some challenging pace from the Degreef Capri and Loffler 911,but one thing i was quite certain of was Greg suffering later on with tyres like i got to witness at Birubi :).
Away ju-u-ust(just) good enough to maintain the lead in to T1 but seemed to get in tighter and better exit than my chasers so a zero drama T1-T2-T3,just the way me likes it :p,but "Captain Capri" got himself settled and duly showed me his straight line trick i got a peek of in practice with a swish past down to the hairpin,as usual this early on im more than happy to do the following/watching game and really got to see where i had my strengths and weaknesses,some little scares with the guy Degreef doing some Tokyo drift causing me to back off a bit let Andre arrive and immediately attack,i got a little warnng "tap" up the backside at the hairpin letting me know for sure he was indeed right there and close....recovered ok and continued the persuit of the Capri but not so close now,i think the very next lap(or +1?),Andre gives me another little tap going in the hairpin but a bit later in the turn-in this time and just enough to turn my back end around.
I quickly scramble my car around the right way and get going with minimal fuss and not too much is lost really,in the chat Andre enquires if he hit me and i just couldnt even look at my keyboard or take a hand off my wheel to reply,i marched on and found a nice little rythym going getting faster and faster lap by lap,Andre gradually got more and more untidy and little errors allowing me to close in and eventually pass,it didnt stick though and my second attempt ended in contact at the third from final turn,never got to see much of it,i saw Andre going wide at the tight left so i took my better run on the clear outside,just as i was starting to turn in i saw a yellow front left wing in "semi tank slapper mode" coming at a very odd angle and dunk my right side door and bounce off,happy with my own conduct and car placement all through the move,i trudged on to see how those Capri tyres were doing by now ;).
Greggles now had about 3.5secs of a lead in his pocket by now but slowly and steadily if i really really concentrated and kept it all nice and smooth,the gap dropped in my favour,also maybe some better timing arriving at backmarkers helped bring the figures in to the "very doable window" regarding time gained Vs. laps left to go,with approx. 4 laps to go i was within striking distance with my closest run to the hairpin up in behind the Capri,sadly....just as Greg turned in the back end let go on him and slewed around to a halt mid turn,i tried to avoid through the little bit of gap at the apex curb,but not enough room so a bit of ugly nose to nose pinball cars action that i came out the other side of the recovery first,not the way i would have liked to take a win,i was really looking forward to working out a pass :/,but thems the breaks ay :).
Well done Greg and thanks for some very nice racing from the very start,good job Andre holding 3rd,maybe still some room for you to be a bit calmer me laddie'o?,so often your own worst enemy...
Well done all finishers in our slightly depleted grid tonight.

Big Thanks to Stu/Carlos & RD
Well, I owe Bob a massage, and I owe Dmytro an apology. After watching the replay, I realised that our little touch (so small I didn't get any ffb on my wheel) caused him a lot more problems than I thought at the time - very, very sorry about that Dmytro.

I also had a total mental meltdown about turn 6 Revolver, it caused me zero problems in practice + quali, but I just got a total blind spot about it during the race, and span there who knows, 4 or 5 times :frown:

It took me about half the race to figure it out again by which time I was well below half way in the pack, and then the cherry on top was me misreading XD and thinking that it was lap 28 when it was actually 26, so tried a move on Bob M which I had to back out of. And by "back out of", I mean "drive into a wall".

Roll on Spa.
What a race!

With the lack of a full field quali put me just outside the top ten with times very close which has been the norm this season. With one of my trade mark rocket starts I got upto 7th coming out of T1. T2 & I had to back out a bit following Predrag which allowed Carlos to sneak up the inside going in. I new he was around so left space but in following Predrag I was a little slow out of the turn. Carlos now on the inside out of T2 & having a better exit than me starts to pull away. Meanwhile Ryan pulls in behind Carlos as we all head down to T3 though the esses. Just before we come to T3 with Carlos now in front Ryan tries to squeeze through the gap but clips my front with the back end of his car which causes him to get loose. As we're now approaching T3 I have to slow a bit more than usual due to those infront & by now Carlos has got by but then I see Ryan spining into the side of me but manage to hold it. Now in 8th & I follow Carlso who is looking to pass Predrag but after a few laps they start to pull a gap. Now I settle into my race rhythm & push on trying to increase the gap back to David Cuthill. This I manage to do but then later on came accross a recovering Thommo who I pass but a couple of corners later he manages to get by again so I follow. I manage to keep close to Thommo but again 2 laps later he spins again & I just manage to miss him, few. Now on my own I continue to push on but the gap to Carlos ahead has incresed a bit more & the gap behind is around the same. As the race progresses I am now in 7th but around lap 20 my tyres are shot so have to drive accordingly & by now Bob M & Thommo have gotten by DC & starting to close the gap. I new it would be a big ask to keep both of them behind me so already had it in mind that when they caught me I would let them by without too much of a fight. Bob M was first to reach me & after a couple of laps following me to see where the pass could by made he done it at the hairpin after the back straight all very clean. Next up was Thommo who again followed for a lap or two then at the same place as Bob M went for the pass. During this manover I hit the brakes & the car pulled hard to the left leaving me no option but to take to the kitty litter but with just some minor body damage I recover without to much time loss. Now in 9th with a big gap to 10th I drive it home without any more mistakes mindfull of my failing tyres & cross the line exhusted but happy with my result.

Thanks to Thommo for another great show & for all the work he puts in to make these events happen. Thanks to RD for bringing us all together & congratulations to Lenno for winning the race. Also lilke to thank Bob M & Thommo on their clean, fair & top driving & also to all that made it to the event. See you all at Spa for the grand finale.
Appetite comes with eating. And my final place at the end of the race can no longer be me so happy as it could to please at the beginning of the season when I started in online races.

Qauli: took 6th place. I was not entirely happy with this result. Showed 1.41.5, but could leave 1.41. A few laps in a row in the first sector I surpassed myself on 0,5-0,6 seconds, but always on the second sector, almost all lost. Some sort of barrier stood in front of me constantly.

Race: made a good start, came in fourth place. But Attwood Curve ruined everything. I had to slow down a bit before Andreas and go for a little wider trajectory and as soon as I started to accelerate, I felt like my car drifts into the wall. I immediately realized that someone pushed me. Always a bad thing to get into such a stupid car accident early in the race since missing the entire peloton ahead.
Stu, I understand that this can happen to anyone. It's a pity that this happened. Would be better if you waited and did your crime through 10-15 laps.:tongue:
I already could not dream of fourth place. Now I had to try to catch at least for the first ten. It seemed to me, I think that the accident cost me understeer. I particularly have suffered in the first and second turns, which lost a lot of time. I rushed in pursuit.
I offer my apologies to Steven. I obviously attended the maniacal desire as quickly as possible to win back at least some positions, because I tried to squeeze inside the first turn, but it was not the most opportune moment. Steven, I'm sorry. I hope I understand you correctly, mate? You blinked headlights on the rise for the fifth corner, letting me know that I will not waited for you and drove forward?
Next, throughout the race, the major battles I have had with Ryan, Neil and Senad. At the end of the race, understeer completely ruin me and my front tires, and I could not keep Senad. In the end, I took 11th place. Not quite what I expected at the beginning.:frown: But there's nothing you can do, it's still racing.

Thanks for Stu and Carlos for organizing the event. Thanks to all mates for the race. Congrats for our 3 aliens on podium (their struggle with every race is becoming more epic :D).
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