RDHGP S8 - Round 3 - 100km - North Point GP - Tue 15th Nov 2011

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
RaceDepartment Historic Grand Prix Season 8 Round 3

Welcome back to Round 3 of the RDHGP S8. Round 2 followed Round 1 by being extremely close in times right across the grid again, with lots of car types again in the mix right through the field. The track itself performed very well as a League venue for these cars, having a very good flow to it, even if the technical elements gave it a high tariff of difficulty. I’m glad I chose not to enforce the Esses kerbs/cut-through section, as that would have probably been a bit of an unbalancing factor, for both car handling, and overall track times.

Despite some reservations before the race, there were multiple overtaking opportunities, attempts and successes, which is again testament to the controllability of this selection of cars. The TC65’s always allow us to really race, without us hanging on to the cars by our fingernails. This will definitely be a bonus for Round 3.

The track for Round 3 is complex, and just like Round 2 it is a fantasy track, and takes us 4,300 miles South West from Dresden to Lexington Kentucky in the US, and the North Point GP Circuit.


Circuit Notes
Lexington is located in central Kentucky, and is 300 square miles of gently rolling plateau, with the circuit situated on the North Point of the city in Coldstream Park. It is the very centre of the US Bluegrass region, the music genre being named after the local strain of grass.

Unlike Vayline, North Point cannot be said to be giving out any false impressions when you look at the track plan. It is a complex track layout, having as many corners as the 2 previous tracks combined. As I mentioned in the Vayline briefing, it is very easy for designers – not constrained by the realities of recreating a real world track – to get carried away and throw the kitchen sink at it. North Point, if it has one failing, is that the designer fell in love with blind crested entries into corners. But – as they are probably the most exciting type of turn – I’m sure that we will be having a whale of a time once we get to know the layout enough to attack those leaps of faith.

North Point GP is also easily the longest track we’ve driven so far this season, so we have a lower lap count, but lots of medium-tight corners mean a lower average speed, so this could be a long race.

The GP circuit has a decent length S/F straight, climbing through T1aR & T1bL, the opening Esses. These Esses are shallow and don’t present a problem in and of themselves, but caution is still warranted because of what comes next. The exit of light T1bL is both unsighted and the braking zone for T2R, a medium tight turn, protected on the outside by a car grabbing sand pit followed by slippery grass and hard barriers. All of these await the driver not giving the T1 Esses enough respect. The turn itself has no gradient, so carry as much speed as you can through here, down the following short straight.

With that squeeze of acceleration, you need to be mindful of braking for the blind crested T3R turn, guarded on the inside by a high kerb, and opening out into a wider radiused second apex, gently downhill getting some good drive before the approach of T4L. There isn’t enough time between the exit of T3R and the entry of T4L to call it a linking straight. This is another medium speed corner, the inside kerb rising up further through the corner to prevent too aggressive exits. The turn exits up hill and under the footbridge, into another blind crested section.

T5R is a slower, tighter corner, again the inside protected by unsettling kerbs, with the exit opening invitingly onto a downhill stretch of track.

Hard acceleration down the hill, over the little hump and into a higher speed bend, T6R, taken with a breathe of throttle, another high kerb on the inner apex preventing any illegal lines, taking care not to drift out left onto the exit kerb and sandstrip.

The track then curves left, and you will see the orange turn barriers in the distance indicating the very tight T7L. Those barriers are very hard, and you need to avoid them, so going in too hot is a definite no-no. Get as clean a turn in as possible through and floor it along the short straight.

You can see the entry of T8L ahead, uphill and left, medium pace, making sure the gradient doesn’t affect your line, still climbing after you exit the turn and over the crest down the following straight. As you pass the tyre protected Marshall’s station on the left you begin to see the braking marks for T9R, a medium speed 90, no gradient, opening out on to another very short straight.

At the end of the straight, you can see the entry for T10R, a sharp, blind entry, diving turn, that bottoms out on exit and flattens into a straight. Again you can see the approach for the next corner immediately ahead, a medium speed climbing left hander, T11L.
This is the classic sucker punch corner, it is not particularly tight, and so it is very easy to attack it too aggressively, but if you do, you will find yourself in a load of trouble as T12R begins immediately, a much tighter switchback and downhill diving turn.

T12R is protected by an inner kerb that almost rises to be a short wall, so anyone who just throws their car at the inside line after a ragged T11L will be punished.

Exiting onto the downhill straight it’s a short blast before T13L, a medium fast corner, one that almost dares you to be aggressive. It is probably the most standard corner on the track, so treat it in the normal “out-in-out” line, but again always have care because of the sand on the outside for the overeager right foot.

A short straight follows, with the red bollards on the right indicating the pitlane entry and the final turn, T14R. Drift out left, lift off or brake to get the nose in, and floor it through the exit, onto the S/F straight, for an exhilarating finish to a lap of North Point GP.


The Race Director has some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-
All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are not deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately. Report people deliberately and excessively cutting. The worst offenders from previous seasons have not signed up, so I hope that this will be a non-issue this season.

Racing Room must be given to all drivers – and this works both ways. Divebombing into and across a corner denies people the chance to make the corner correctly just as much as someone obliviously (or deliberately) cutting the nose off of another driver who has achieved partial overlap fairly.

T2R – Especially on Lap 1. Be aware of people as you turn in here, it has the possibility to cause huge problems if drivers don’t respect each other. Be aware that any incidents caused by reckless or over aggressive driving in Turn 2 during the first lap will be dealt with severely, probably with a “no quali” penalty for Round 4.

T7L – As mentioned in the Circuit Notes, there are potentially car-killing barriers across the track for this tight turn. Some people are going to need to brake earlier than others to avoid mangling their cars. You need to be aware of who and what is around you.

T12R – That high inside kerb will throw you across the track, not even the soft riding Jag can accommodate the height, so be aware of people in front hitting it, and try to avoid it yourself.

All points on the track – General Items
Drivers may put on their lights (and keep them on) during a timed qualification lap, so other drivers know to get out of the way when safe to do so.
No lights are to be flashed at any stage, under any circumstances, during the Race Session.
No Chat during the Quali or Race except by Race Control for information.
The Track must be re-entered safely so as not to ruin other peoples races.
Car damage must be assessed realistically to know if it is possible to make the pits or not.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties
No incidents or no-shows arising from Round 2
Ondrej Kapal attended Round 2 and so his no-show from Round 1 is removed

As last season, 2 consecutive no-shows will mean removal from the League.
Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.) Accident reports made within 24 hours of race completion will be ignored.

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.

You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System
Points are scored down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.
The Distribution is as follows for 100km events :
P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap
1 point for qualifying on Pole
Just got disqualified for ignoring a stop and go penalty, and I did it a few laps earlier :confused:. Unless I got another one, but I didn't see anything, and I don't think I was cutting that much anyway.

Sigh, I was way behind, just wanted to finish and get some points...
:) Senad your pace did improve because you were on my tail for quite awhile. Just bad luck. A tough track to consistantly keep a good line. I had a couple brain freezes but other than that I was able to complete the circuit. I could not come close to my best practice time come race time. For a good part of the race I was chasing or being chased by Tim but his pace was a bit better than mind. We both had silly offs which cost us positions. Roland was making a run at me as I watched my gap on him slowly decrease but then he disappeared from the radar. I made a poor attempt at lapping Hans and hit him as I passed. More my fault then yours Hans. I was too slow at getting out to the side of you.

Looking forward to the next race already.

Wd to Ross, Dmytro and Neil for podiums, thanks to Stu for the event and cheers to all drivers.
I am very angry for the fate. Children went sleep around 20 GMT and I joined the server. I drove during practice very intensively and on quali. When I finished quali I saw everybody was frozen :(. No time to reconnect and I saw lost connection to the host :(. I was close to my PB which was 1:56:8 and really awaited for the race on this superb track.

It wasn't my day yesterday :(
I had a horrorshow of a race, lost some places through Neil & Predrag's accident, and then made one error which cost me a few more.

That wasn't so bad, it happens, but I was just rotten.

I stank the place up last night.

But - the way I was driving it could well have ended up as a DNF, so I'll take my points and move on without looking back.

Krzyzstof, that's really bad luck mate. :(
Well this was one busy race for me, managed to qualify in 3rd place so I was happy with that. Got an Ok start and tried to keep it steady at the start and not push the tyres too hard as I knew the front tyre wear on the TVR is one of it's weak points, so when Dmytro started showing some scary lag spikes I thought stuff that, keep away from that moving wall.

For the first part of the race I had Predrag hunting me down and I knew the Abarth was quick on the straight so a good exit to the last corner was very important so once I had that covered then barring a mistake from me then there was no way past for the Abarth.
I had a couple of weak corners, the first was the downhill left hand hairpin where I just could not get a happy gearing for the approach and any lead that I had managed in the few corners before that were always lost there and it was there that Predrag missed his brake point and we collided and caused a bit of mayhem as I tried to get going again (thnx for waiting).
Got it going again but this time I had Jay behind me and I thought oh crap, the Abarth's I could handle in the corners but the Lotus was a different matter as I knew they could drive rings around my TVR in the corners. So for the next 15 or 20 laps it was just a case of keep it clean and slow into the corners and fast out trying to hit each apex and get to the next braking point first.
It got a bit hairy as my front left tyre started to take a pounding and a couple of times Jay got sniff of a pass but I knew as long as I kept it together there was no way past for him as the TVR has the power to keep the Lotus behind it.
It was hard work keeping Jay there but I finally got a rest when Nils and Jay tangled at the end of the straight but by this time there was no time left for me to catch the slowing Dmytro who's tyres I was guessing to be in a worse state than mine.

Thnx all for a good enjoyable race.
Pretty good race for me overall, very happy with 9th place :)

Had a monster qualie again. I wish I knew how I managed to find 2 secs on my pb. My start though was simply awful. The only way it could have been worse was if I had forgotten to put in gear at all, as I lost 4 or 5 places by T1. Some mistakes, including one I hadn't managed before at T12, left me fighting through the pack a couple of times, but some good fights with Jack and Bob M meant it wasn't a quiet race. Both cars were quicker on the straight, so I had to find a way past through the twisty bits. I hope I wasn't too aggresive gents.

@Krystof, very unlucky mate :(

@Senad, keep up the good work, you were much faster this race-truly a brown magnificence! :wink:
Considering my driving and circumstances, 4th place is HUGE success for me, and to be honest I was very fortunate.

First of all I want to apologise to Neil for my stupid stupid mistake, I ruined the race for both of us, and untill that moment the race was brilliant (i like close chasing). I still feel awful because of that, and even more when I think about the mess I made because I waited for Neil in the left hander.
Anyway, after that I was in 7th place I think, and almost the whole race I was chasing the guys in front. My pace was consistent (around 1:57's) so the two mistakes I made luckily were not cruical. I was 6th with two laps to go, then Neils and one more driver had an accident in T1, and I saw myself on 4th place. Cool, once in a lifetime it pays off to drive on the limit the whole race. :) I would stay in 6th place for sure if I didn't pushed hard for 20 laps.

Big congrats to Ross and the podium!

I still think that Ross is the class for himself, he was about 1.5s faster than the 2nd fastest driver in praccy and qual, if I remember correctly.
I was very happy with my 1:56.8xx time in praccy, thought that maybe I will be in the first three top times. Then Ross joined us, and BAAAM - 1:54, daaaamn. :wink:
I've uploaded my replay from this race here, but be warned that it's 2 laps of great racing action (you were right Tim, it was 2 laps not one) followed by 24 laps of... well.. nothing really..

After a good start and some fun opening laps, from starting 12th to running 9th chasing Ondrej for 8th place, I found myself spinning into the orange bollards on the very last corner of lap 2!?! That had not happened to me once in any of my 100+ practise laps!
Was running last by then, but could quickly pass both Norman and Hans again due to slight mistakes, only to enter a rather large gap with no one around me, not in front or behind, which lasted very much to the end of the race, only interrupted by a short visit from Jack halfway through.. Chased him for a couple of laps while getting closer slowly, until another silly mistake left me all alone by myself again.

I like the track a lot, complex or difficult as it is, I found it highly entertaining once you learn your way around. Great choice again, mr. League Director! :good:

And since I have a tendency to do something stupid just about every 3rd lap in any race on any track, this one of course was no different :frown: The fact that I had tried to setup my car as easy-going as possible instead of as fast as possible, considering the nature of the track, didn't help me much. Still the Elite throws its ass around and grabs me by the balls from time to time when downshifting..

It's no secret that I still have a lot to learn about both simracing and setting up a car, but what makes things extra painful is the fact that there is a certain Scottish bloke going round this track at over 4 sec. a lap faster.. RUNNING THE SAME FRIGGIN' CAR!!! I'm starting to feel kinda embarrased really :redface: Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to the next one already!

Congratulations again Ross on another impressive drive to victory, and of course to the other podium finishers..

I'm sorry Krzysztof to hear about your bad luck, and Senad don't be so hard on yourself! I'm quite sure you WILL impress us all with some excellent results later this season. You know you can do it, just keep faith!

See you all next time gents..

[click image for full size]
This track, although really nice, just didn't suit the Jag. It did however, give me 27 laps of smiles and a lot of enjoyment, which is something that has been missing in my racing lately, hence the lack of racing. Great choice Stu.
Not a good night racing,don't feel ok lately,lots of coughing an sneezing bad for concentration. Monday did some practice with Jack an times where not bad1.58.5xx, bud on race day more than a sec. slower in Q .

Race was not much better could not hold the pace an making mistakes on places where I had no probl. in practice, S/G did not make it all better,an just for a sec I would stop, but no not my stile keep on going making sure go out of the way wile being lapped an fin on p14.

Grats Ross again,nice to see how you handle that car !!

Thanks Stuart an RD for organising,a all who ware there !!:)
Thank you guys for nice words! I think I know the reason why I had CL. On the race day the provider had changed me the internet connection speed. And later I had a problem with the stability of the connection, luckily decreasing speed a litltle bit helped and it seems that problem is solved.
Had a great race, Q in 5th which is one of my best qualifying position's :). Got a good start and ended up in 6th after the first few corners with Stu in front and Nils right behind. It stayed like that for a few laps, but then at the hairpin there was a coming together with Neil and Predrag which ended in a right old traffic jam with six cars all trying to get around the corner, that made me laugh :D. I managed to come out in 4th right behind Neil with Nils behind me. Then Nils span which put Ondrej in 5th.The rest of the race i spent behind Neil having a right old scrap trying to get bye, cracking stuff :D. But as we were holding each other up a bit i could see Nils catching us and with a couple of laps left he was right behind and going onto the start finish straight got along side me and going into turn one sparks were flying as we got a bit to close and i ran into the gravel :eek: it was 50-50 as we went for the same piece of tarmac so np, thx for waiting tho Nils :).This let Pregrag through to 4th and me 5th as Nils let me back through. Going into the last lap Nils and me were neck and neck again going into turn one but i went a bit wide and off into the gravel again :rolleyes: but managed to get back on a finish in 6th. A thoroughly enjoyable race and cant wait for round 4 :D.

This was me hot lap...

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