Review: Samsung 49" Super UltraWide Monitor (C49HG90)

Sit back, folks. This is a long one! :cool:

Typically, in regard to sim racing, the two "ultimate" display solutions are VR or a triple screen setup (yes, I realize there are other extreme solutions but I'm talking about the usual suspects). I contend, a third solution should be added to this "ultimate" list - Samsung's 49" super ultra-wide curved gaming monitor.

When I put together my 27" triple screen setup, Samsung's beast did not exist. I had three 144 Hz Viewsonics providing a terrific fov and thoroughly enjoyed those sims that offered true triple screen support. Bezels? Mine were not narrow - close to an inch wide - but they didn't bother me. Typically, one side would land where the A pillar is so never really noticed it. The other side, though landed a little past the center of the windshield, didn't bother me. I found when racing, I was so focused that I just didn't notice it. However, where it became intrusive was in some of the newer GT3 cars that use an LCD for a rear view "mirror". The bezel would sometimes partially block the screen and I don't use virtual mirrors when driving.

So, then... why did I move away from triples? It was a combination of things. The aforementioned rear LCD issue was annoying especially since I primarily drive GT3. The other bit was the annoyance factor dealing with Nvidia's surround solution. I use my PC for more than driving. My rig is pretty comfortable so I spend a fair amount of non-sim computer time in it including those days I work from home. For those situations, it is more productive - for me - to not have surround active. Jumping back and forth between surround and non-surround mode is by no means a one or two click process. I started to see a smattering of postings of those who use Samsung's monitor and noticed that the fov was pretty good. I went to the extent of covering up half of my two outside monitors to mimic the decreased fov and realized that I really didn't miss the extra expanse. I could still look into corners and spot apexes with no problem. That's when I really started to get interested. After bugging a couple of owners with detailed questions I decided that this just might be a perfect solution for me. Boy howdy!

This monitor in of itself is quite impressive. The long expanse of curved glass is something to behold. It's simply a marvel of engineering and, quite frankly, a... well... a beautiful monitor if you are someone who geeks out over electronic equipment (guilty as charged!). After some trial and error, I've got the monitor mounted where it sits just above my CSW v2.5 with the back of the monitor equal to the back of the wheelbase. That has me sitting about 24" from the screen. I have my vFOV set at 33 degrees, hFOV at 95 degrees. Admittedly these are a few degrees more than calculated but I've found you can cheat within about 5 degrees before it becomes really noticeable.

Okay. Okay. So how is it when driving?! Get on with it!

In short - this monitor far exceeds my expectations. First off, the picture is gorgeous. The colors and clarity are top notch. I realize the 4K resolution train is awfully crowded but imo, 1080p works terrifically. We humans are quite adaptive and unless you have two identical monitors side by side, one 1080 the other 4K, you won't miss the additional resolution. Yes. Yes. There are those who LOOK for those differences and have a hard time getting past it but when you are in the midst of a race and are full on in concentration mode, most simply don't notice it. Case in point: the popularity of VR.

The biggest surprise has been how immersive this monitor is when driving. I think it is due to two things: 1) The uninterrupted view, and 2) the curve of the glass closely mimics the curve of a real windshield. What I am finding is the feel of the physical expanse of the car has dramatically improved. I am hitting apexes with much more regularity and my sense of where the car is exactly on the track has increased exponentially. That improved awareness/feeling is absolutely a delight especially at tracks like Bathurst (hmm... what other track is really like Bathurst?:geek:). Especially at T4 and T18 where you really want to hug the wall, I've never felt so confident/comfortable running so close to those walls. It is an absolute treat. Even though I've reduced my FOV, the immersion factor has greatly improved. I did not expect this and has been an awesome surprise. That and with the fact it has answered my previously mentioned surround/not surround switching annoyances and the physical reduction in size - width-wise - of my rig (I don't have a ton of room and those triples take up a lot of space)... color me one happy camper.

The only negative I can come up with is that I thought I could set this monitor so it acts like two side by side. Yes, it is easy to set two windows side by side with Windows' snapping feature. Also, Samsung provides a bit of software where you can define various ways the monitor gets split so you can drag windows to those areas and they snap into the predefined size. However, I was hoping I could have two windows that act like physical monitors. Say you have YouTube running in one window, I would like to maximize it for that window rather than it take over the whole monitor. I believe there is third party software that does this but I was really hoping it was something that would be a feature of this monitor especially considering its 32:9 aspect ratio. All said, this has been a very minor detraction to the overall enjoyment of this beast.

Yes, it is pricey bit of kit. I suppose if I had more patience I might have waited for their new 43" model coming out which might spark a price reduction but that was an "if" I decided not to wait for. I got a good price thru WalMart of all stores. I prefer to make these types of major purchases thru brick and mortar in case I have any issues. Much easier to return/exchange. And because I did a pickup, I got a further discount. I've had zero problems with the monitor thus far and fully expect to keep it for quite some time. Of course, who knows what the future brings. :rolleyes:

I promise I will be posting a bunch of pics soon. We have a house guest for a few days so haven't been driving much. I thought it might be interesting to show you the same car from various sims as a comparison in what it looks like. I will certainly also include an open wheel shot or two. That's when that beautiful expanse of uninterrupted scenery makes me downright giddy!:D
I thought it might be interesting to see the same car represented from different sims. The below shots were taken with my phone in racing position held about 6" from my face. The slight funkiness of them for those eagle eyed out there is from the stitching using Android's panorama camera feature.

In order - after the rig shot - is AC, R3E, RF2, iRacing. Anyone can guess the tracks?





One other thing to note: I use a 1070 for my GPU. I had little problem running my triples with it at medium to high settings across various graphic settings. I thought with this monitor I should be able to set everything on high and for the most part, I can. I've noticed during driving I will experience a frame drop or two but it only seems to happen in the beginning and happens once. Kind of strange. I would've thought if I was pushing the card too much it would be more consistent. My first iRacing race with the monitor I had a massive nearly 3 second pause that miraculously didn't result my even running off track. I guess I'll have to change a setting or two back to medium but I have been able to up my settings for the most part.

Oh, and yeah... still loving this thing!
Ever feel the need for more FOV? I always liked the extra FOV with triples. Not sure if I could make the switch. It sure it is good looking though and not having bezels interrupting is a definite win.

Have you tried TrackIR or similar with it? I wonder if that would suffice for "extra" FOV.
@Shovas I'm not missing what FOV I've lost and the gains have far outweighed that loss.

I have no interest in TrackIR. No, I have never tried it but it seems a bit gimicky to me. Plus, I prefer not to have to wear something and employ more software when I drive.
I am using this monitor as well and prefer to use it without TrackIR. Static view in my opinion just gives a better indication of catching oversteer in time before it's too late. Still going strong solo run 144hz locked fps in iRacing/Raceroom with my old and rusty gtx980 moderate gfx settings. Another thing I love about the monitor is the motion blur reduction setting that works wonders above 85fps range.
Ever feel the need for more FOV? I always liked the extra FOV with triples. Not sure if I could make the switch. It sure it is good looking though and not having bezels interrupting is a definite win.

Have you tried TrackIR or similar with it? I wonder if that would suffice for "extra" FOV.

Yes I did. I replaced my triple 32’s with this for a while and then went back to the triples. It’s close, but I did miss the much wider FOV of my triples sets 60 degrees from flat..

I will probably be selling my 49” soon.
I can see going from triple 32s to the 49" would be a much bigger impact. You lost not just horizontal but a fair amount of vertical real estate. Coming from triple 27s, the vertical real estate is the same.

As much physical space my 27s took up, 32s must be quite the footprint!
Glad to be reading you have been enjoying this monitor.
I still think they are an awesome solution for sim racing. Do you (owners) not find it a major bonus to avoid the exaggerated stretching often a factor with multiscreen setups?

I am keeping an eye out for the upcoming 1440p based models of this that may increase the HDR abilities to HDR 600 level. I also want more real estate for general use. The reason as I always enjoyed the multitasking options using triple 1080p Monitors/Displays.

So we have here in triples 1920x1080 = 6,220,800 compared to an upcoming single screen version of 5120x1440 = 7,372,800 pixels. With the 1440p based solution it will have more real-estate than triple 1080p which is quite astounding. Also with such I'm convinced an RTX 2080 will be sufficient but 2080Ti will help bring higher fps but with improved framerates to running on a 4K display. Its certainly a fascinating time for hardware but is a lot of money to put into a system for the visual enjoyment.

Possible we will know more in November (Phillips 1440p but 60Hz model is due then) but the Samsung may not be arriving till next year, nothing yet regards date/price have been released other than its coming.

Curious if any of you owners are considering moving at some stage to the 1440p resolution?
If you feel its needed or some improvements to HDR is much benefit?
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Curious if any of you owners are considering moving at some stage to the 1440p resolution?
If you feel its needed or some improvements to HDR is much benefit?
I can't even use the HDR properties cause still running Win7 and gonna continue to do so as long as possible. Anyhow the HDR performance of the current model is insufficient already on paper so that is definitely a consideration for an upgrade.

For desktop usage the 1080p resolution is certainly inadequate and the 1440p would bring a clear update. However for gaming it would be a double edged sword as you will lose considerable FPS and probably the upgraded monitor is gonna be at least a double cost in itself.

For me though when my current monitor dies will absolutely go for higher resolution model if/when available but only if they boast at least 120hz or higher with effective motion blur reduction technology.
I can't even use the HDR properties cause still running Win7 and gonna continue to do so as long as possible. Anyhow the HDR performance of the current model is insufficient already on paper so that is definitely a consideration for an upgrade.

For desktop usage the 1080p resolution is certainly inadequate and the 1440p would bring a clear update. However for gaming it would be a double edged sword as you will lose considerable FPS and probably the upgraded monitor is gonna be at least a double cost in itself.

For me though when my current monitor dies will absolutely go for higher resolution model if/when available but only if they boast at least 120hz or higher with effective motion blur reduction technology.

I believe the new model was to go into production around Sept/Oct and is to support upto120Hz refresh rate. The other main difference is that it is expected to be using a VA DCI-P3 panel. If so, then we can presume it will offer proper 10bit colour and looking at the current trends potentially be around 600HDR specification.

If this is the case then it will be quite an awesome multipurpose and gaming display.
Price wise I expect similar to the original model that appeared in 2017.
Wait, the current 49" ultrawide is only 60 Hz refresh? So there's virtually no difference between that and a 4k TV (except the 49" ultrawide will have chunkier pixels and only half as many)?
Wait, the current 49" ultrawide is only 60 Hz refresh? So there's virtually no difference between that and a 4k TV (except the 49" ultrawide will have chunkier pixels and only half as many)?

No, keep in mind their are already 2 almost identical looking models. The 89 and original 90 based model. The original (90) and current gamer specific model is 144Hz
I made two tweaks to my set-up that simply have me grinning uncontrollably when I'm racing.

One tweak is to my rig where I've semi enclosed it. I have black foam core panels above me and behind my monitors. I also am draping cloth on the open side of my rig (the other side is against a wall). When I pull myself forward into racing position, I now see no ambient light in my periphery. All's I have is that glorious expanse of uninterrupted screen goodness.

The other thing I did is I adjusted my FOV. I mentioned in my op how I cheated the FOV a bit. I started to realize I just didn't feel like it was a 1:1 view. I thought I would then adjust beyond the calculated the other way by a couple of degrees but move the virtual seat back a bit to keep the expanse of what I was seeing the same (just about all of the left side mirror and nearly all of the front windshield).

I jumped into a quick 15 minute GT3 race in R3E at Algarve and I do believe the grin on my face was about as wide as my screen! The level of immersion was simply awesome. It was also one of those moments that remind me why I love this hobby... and this friggin' monitor!!
I quite like the sound of these 49" ultra wide monitors. I currently use a 34" ultrawide but I just might invest in one of these. I'm not into VR as too also use my PC for all sorts, it is my entertainment centre, gaming centre and everything else centre. And I have never wanted triple screens either.
Great write up. Now to persuade my missus that we really really do need one.;):thumbsup:
I made two tweaks to my set-up that simply have me grinning uncontrollably when I'm racing.

One tweak is to my rig where I've semi enclosed it. I have black foam core panels above me and behind my monitors. I also am draping cloth on the open side of my rig (the other side is against a wall). When I pull myself forward into racing position, I now see no ambient light in my periphery. All's I have is that glorious expanse of uninterrupted screen goodness.

The other thing I did is I adjusted my FOV. I mentioned in my op how I cheated the FOV a bit. I started to realize I just didn't feel like it was a 1:1 view. I thought I would then adjust beyond the calculated the other way by a couple of degrees but move the virtual seat back a bit to keep the expanse of what I was seeing the same (just about all of the left side mirror and nearly all of the front windshield).

I jumped into a quick 15 minute GT3 race in R3E at Algarve and I do believe the grin on my face was about as wide as my screen! The level of immersion was simply awesome. It was also one of those moments that remind me why I love this hobby... and this friggin' monitor!!

So what is your FOV setup in AC after this tweak?
Soon buying a PC, a simrig from and maybe this monitor.
Is Nvidia RTX 2080 (not TI) worth buying for running Project CARS 2 and ACC on this monitor or 1080TI a better option when taking the price into consideraiton?
Soon buying a PC, a simrig from and maybe this monitor.
Is Nvidia RTX 2080 (not TI) worth buying for running Project CARS 2 and ACC on this monitor or 1080TI a better option when taking the price into consideraiton?

Get the 2080, it's virtually the same price as a 1080ti. 2080 is a bit quicker too, plus the addition of the new raytracing and AI cores.

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