rF2 Track Reviews


Below is a list of tracks I tested and did not meet the basic standards set for these reviews and which I have uninstalled from my rF2 track roster until they are improved either by updates or as all new release for rF2.

Good tracks I have tested with links to review:
Good tracks I have driven and reccomend - no review yet:
Tracks to avoid:
Criteria used to test rF2 tracks:

I am a big rF2 fan and at the moment it is my go to sim, but as I discover it I am realising that there are many really bad looking add-on tracks. When I say 'bad looking' I mean that they are packed with jaggies, shimmering objects that should not shimmer and the off track terrain is something out of a bad acid trip with eyeball damage a possibility.
Perhaps some of these tracks have excellent 'physics' and the other stuff that makes good tracks. As a visual person the way tracks look are very important and sometimes all it takes is one lap to bin a track because it looks bad.
I admit: I hate jaggies and therefore anything where the jaggies actually catch my attention more than the braking zone or an apex is to me unacceptable. If there are jaggies but they are not too intense then I might stay with the track and live with the mild jaggies because the other elements are cool.
I have started this thread to keep a record of track reviews I make as I journey through rF2 and perhaps like minded souls (if there are any) can use this as a reference and even join in with critique or feedback and even do their own track reviews.
Note that these are plug-and-play, out-of-the-box evaluations with little (if any) tweaking or fussing about with settings other than the standard one-size-fits-all that I use.
The reviews are my personal opinions based on evaluations of the tracks I test and not meant to offend anyone.

Some of the criteria I use to test tracks are
  1. Cars used for test: ISI Indycar, Renault Megane Trophy v1.02 & Renault Megane World Trophy MOD 1.4.01
  2. Fields between 24 and 30 AI cars at 100% and 50% aggro
  3. In the reviews the following are confirmed and/or work correctly with regards to reviewed tracks: penalties for false start, pitlane speeding, cutting track penalty, sector-times, start and finish procedure, starting lights and pit-limiter
  4. System used: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, with Memory: 32768MB RAM, Processor Intel i7, Ram 32GB DDR III, Solid State Drive 128GB SATA, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, single screen 1920 x 1080 (60.000Hz) with all in-game graphics at full settings
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track dependent?
Or do you mean upscaled textures that are by nature pixely?
Exactly. I download a track, select it and run on it with my standard settings with my car of choice and then I evaluate it.
Some tracks have good graphics and others don't and as a (photographer) visual person the way it looks has a big impact on my like or dislike of a track.
Agreed about the focused thing in cockpit. Trackside objects must not intrude on me when I drive eg. shimmering or jagged.
But you will be surprised how subliminal things are and how good surroundings add to the immersion - rule of thumb on a good track if you do not notice the surroundings that is a cool thing. Only notice what you want to notice and then it should not be intrusive if you know what I mean.
I think reviewing ISI tracks is a bit of a time waster.
They are all of high standards and AI is good on them.
(Same goes with VirtuaLM i assume)

You haven't raced the AI at Sao Paulo? Sao Paulo AI are quite slow by comparison to other ISI tracks.

Training AI is often necessary with the historic tracks & cars, too. All the historics, for instance, hop curbs at Brianza unless you put them through Type 2 training. Similar problem at Belgium, where they drift wide on the fastest turns.

Besides, when peevee reviews bad tracks, the comparisons to good tracks need to be made, so why not have those good reviews already in place?
Daytona SCES Road Course 2.7 by SimHQmotorsport.
I last reviewed this early February 2016. With Daytona 24 Hours happening in January I was keen to do some laps on an rF2 version and my findings were that the SCES version is way below standard of the new generation ISI and 3PA tracks. This version is visually unpleasant with jaggies and sub-standard graphics, the apron to banked curve transition just bad, and the AI is terrible. Not recommended and not worth an in-depth review.
Daytona SCES Road Course 2.7 by SimHQmotorsport.
I last reviewed this early February 2016. With Daytona 24 Hours happening in January I was keen to do some laps on an rF2 version and my findings were that the SCES version is way below standard of the new generation ISI and 3PA tracks. This version is visually unpleasant with jaggies and sub-standard graphics, the apron to banked curve transition just bad, and the AI is terrible. Not recommended and not worth an in-depth review.
Did also many laps on this track. I liked it a lot, had at least a lot of fun at this track, which is to me the most important thing of racing.
Track: Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
Version: v1.79
Track Maker: RaceRfactor
Sim: rFactor2
Track Info: The Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya was built in 1991 and began hosting the Spanish Grand Prix that same year. Construction also coincided with the Olympic Games scheduled to take place in Barcelona the next year, where the circuit acted as the start and finish line for the road team time trial cycling event. The Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya should not be confused with the Montjuïc circuit, which hosted the Spanish Grand Prix four times between 1969 and 1975 and, unlike the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, is actually located within the city of Barcelona.
Real Life Link: https://www.circuitcat.com/en/
Download link: https://mega.nz/#!EpsyVCwa!aBl7rHquu_qziBOB0ZwnkMBD8HOPc7Jk-UWgBfkJOdM
Track Type: Permanent road course
Configurations: IRL there are ould only find one
Scratch or Conversion: rFactor conversion
Last Update: 5 October, 2014
Last Reviewed: 20 February, 2016

Test Feedback

Car used: Renault Megane v1.02 with 23 AI cars
How are the AI: At one point I thought maybe it is not that bad afterall while driving the Renault Megane V1.02, but this soon changed as I started engaging with the AI and found them to be robotic. They run in packs of three or four and never overtake one another, they don't make mistakes and follow each other into the pits as well. They do have reasonable pace and adhere to correct lines etc. but whatever the cause the AI are still somehow below par.
FPS Start: 70 to 80
FPS General: 100 to 170 big fluctuations over the course of one lap
Jaggies: Yes
Graphics Quality: The graphics are an eyesore for me, with shimmering grandstands particularly intrusive. But I tried to put this out of my mind and focus on the black stuff. The frame rates are up-and-down, never dipping below the 70s but fluctuating from 140 fps down to 100 fps on the same lap which gives the impression of stuttering. Annoying when you are trying to race. Also fluctuates erratically depending on how many AI are in sight.
Look & Feel: Has a distinct: I was converted from rF1 feel. Not immersive. Too many small glitches result in one big glitch.
Review Summary: With Barcelona F1 testing happening I set out to find a good Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya but have come up empty handed in terms of a quality version for rFactor2. Only one I could find was Barcelona v1.79 developed by RaceRfactor. Now this was positive because I have driven a couple of their tracks previously and they were pretty good.
I really wanted to like this track because I have driven it throughout the GP2 (Crammond) days and the GTR2 version as well as the current GSCE version. However this one does not cut it and its gone from my rF2 track collection.
I am hopeful a good version of Barcelona does get developed one day as it is an classic and iconic race track with an important place in real life motorsport history - and also as a virtual track. Hey, Pastor won his one and only GP there!
Verdict: Not worth the download
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Oulton Park is one of those great British race tracks with plenty elevations, blind corners and high speed bends - Donington and Brands Hatch immediately spring to mind and Oulton is in there withe them. Good version on iRacing and now this version in rF2 is a must have.

Track Facts

Track: Oulton Park
Version: V1.1
Track Maker: Nuno & Digga
Sim: rFactor2
Track Info: Built into the natural contours of the Cheshire countryside, Oulton Park's combination of stunning scenery and spectacular racing make it one of the most picturesque and best-loved circuits for spectators and competitors alike. Over more than 60 years it has gathered a reputation as the country's toughest test for both car and driver. The venue remains just as popular as ever with fans thanks to the superb views of the circuit available from the spectator banking. Crowds of up to 35,000 regularly visit the circuit for the annual round of the British Touring Car Championship. As well as the BTCC, the Cheshire track hosts two rounds of the British Superbike Championship and the ever popular British GT/F4 event.
Configurations: Oulton Park (no chicane was tested) there is also version with chicane and a short version
Real Life Link: http://www.oultonpark.co.uk/
Download link: https://mega.nz/#!x1gnmDzB!SZWsT1t-EL43aqePOyK_fVoBWSsfYAqqng3XMWzoqd8
Track Type: Permanent Road
Original rF2 or Conversion: I think: This track was originally converted from F1 Challenge to rFactor by Redhawk and Flaux. It was converted to GTR2 by Khan1670 and enhanced by RacerM. The conversion and the enhancement for Assetto Corsa was done by tewie and Rainmaker. Taken over by Digga. Not sure though and will confirm
Last Update: 28-02-2016
Reviewed: 01-03-2016

Test Feedback

How are the AI: AI can be a tad slow in certain corners eg.Turn 1 and Turn 12.
FPS Start: 70-80
FPS General: The downside is that the FPS hits are quite noticeable on maxed out settings. Can vary from 140FPs to 70FPS on one lap. The straight around the pits is particularly noticeable - although at this point the FPS does not drop below 70FPS on my system - the drop is noticeable as it seems to stutter. Resolved this by reducing shadows and special effects in the setting and then the FPS was improved and game play silky smooth.
Jaggies: None
Graphics Quality: Very Good.
Look & Feel: Very Good
Review Summary: Was mightily impressed with the look and feel. Graphics are excellent and the eye candy spot on. There are no jaggies and shimmering objects. Very pleasing to the eye which quickly immerses you into the challenges of the track. Captures that unique British race track atmosphere very well. And having raced the iRacing version many times, must say this rF2 version is on the money. A good track for tintops up to GT3 as well as single-seaters up to Formula Renault
I drove the No Chicane version and despite some niggles will add it to my must have tracks for rF2 because it is a total blast to drive.
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Thanks for these excellent reviews Peevee88. Oulton Park (International) is my absolute favourite track in rF2, with Mid Ohio (Miller 200) close second. Both are proof that rF2 tracks don't have to look sterile and lifeless. I've spent many a happy hour in a Megane Trophy getting my arse handed to me at Mid Ohio, but can usually manage a podium at Oulton, which further increases its appeal!
Adelaide is the venue of Ayrton Senna's last win in Formula 1. The Digga version available in rFactor2 is vastly changed from the layout of 1993, but it is still very much a street circuit in the classic Monaco style. Plenty walls and little room for error, yet this version allows for real side-by-sde racing.

Track Facts

Track: Adelaide Street Circuit (Clipsal 500)
Version: 1.04
Track Maker: Digga and http://www.simracingteam.de/
Sim: rFactor2
Track Info: The Adelaide 500 (known for sponsorship reasons as the Clipsal 500 Adelaide or Clipsal 500, or colloquially as just Clipsal) is an annual motor racing event for V8 Supercars, held on the streets of the east end of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. First held in 1999, the event uses a shortened form of the Adelaide Street Circuit, the former Australian Grand Prix track.
Configurations: one
Real Life Link: https://www.clipsal500.com.au/
Download link: https://www.facebook.com/notes/sim-racing-for-life/adelaide-clipsal-500/1668365716720759
Track Type: Temporary Street Circuit
Original rF2 or Conversion: Good conversion from original rFactor version
Last Update: 09-09-2015
Reviewed: 24-03-2016

Test Feedback

How are the AI: Good
FPS Start: 60-70
FPS General: 130 (except on the main straight in front of the pits drops down to 70-80)
Jaggies: Not noticeable
Graphics Quality: Good
Look & Feel: Very good captures street circuit atmosphere
Review Summary: Smooth graphics, steady FPS (except along the end of the pit straight has a hit but no big deal) and challenge of a street circuit surrounded by walls and fencing are all characteristics of this track. For me it is one of the best looking add-on tracks for rF2 and should be the benchmark for add-on track makers. No jaggies whatsoever!
The AI seem good all over using the Renault Megane cars, easily running 29 AI without much of a hit on FPS which are pretty consistent in the 130-140 range. Although I have reduced the shadows from full to medium as I am finding that with my system this runs smoother.
Track is best suited for small single seaters and Touring Cars. Could run GT3 cars as they do in real life - but will be challenging... anything bigger or more pwoerful would imo not be much fun.
The only gripe I have is that the Turn 1 and Turn 2 (Senna Chicane) there is no punishment for cutting straight across the chicane and thus making up a chunk of time. Really needs something to prevent short-cutting through there - either a penatly or some serious rumble strips. Cutting that bit out is is worth a second or two or more on a lap time....
But all-in-all this is a great circuit for racing and one to keep on the hard-drive.
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Spent a few days at Nogaro V1.03 by PixSim

Note from Pixsim: "At the beginning it was simple convertion from Rfactor 1 version. But the road mesh was too low poly to be really interesting in Rfactor 2. So I decide to redo only the road, but at the end have redo many things , more works than expected, this track is not perfect, I'm sure you will find many fault, but I have learn a lot between RF1 and RF2 technologies."

Very early impressions: Superb track and definitely up there with the ISI and 3PA level of graphics- smooth and no major hits even running 30 AI in practice - still have to do a race on it.
Contrary to Pixsim's warning I did not find many faults so far - quite the contrary actually!
Driving is great with some challenging sections - for some reason reminded me of some of the Brazilian tracks in GSCE.
Meanwhile worth the download simply on what I experienced over a couple of days of testing in practice mode.
Full test to follow....
Video I found:
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