Satsuma Building Magazine

Plugins Satsuma Building Magazine 1.0.0

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je možné aby zostali v hre aj ostatné časopisy?
is it possible that other magazines would stay in the game?
je možné aby zostali v hre aj ostatné časopisy?
is it possible that other magazines would stay in the game?
Áno, keď nahradíš originál priečinok Magazines v Assets priečinku týmto, tie ostatné by tam mali zostať. Ak ich tam nechceš, najprv originál priečinok vymaž a až potom tam daj tento priečinok Magazines.

What are you racing on?

  • Racing rig

    Votes: 528 35.2%
  • Motion rig

    Votes: 43 2.9%
  • Pull-out-rig

    Votes: 54 3.6%
  • Wheel stand

    Votes: 191 12.7%
  • My desktop

    Votes: 618 41.2%
  • Something else

    Votes: 66 4.4%