Paul Jeffrey
Ok it's really, really late... so here we go with another Screenshot Sunday (on Tuesday) feature...
First an apology. I've been out of office for a couple of days and also struck down with some kind of Bank Holiday spoiling bug type thing, so to be frank I've kind of forgotten to do this / not felt up to the challenge of sitting down and opening up the laptop. Hence the delay.. sorry!
For this week we have a screenshot submission request for anything and everything Formula One related. Old or new, fast or slow, sexy or sinful, we want your screenshots from the world of Formula One please! It could be a Formula One car (or dangerously closely related fantasy equivalent) from any game, of any era on any platform.
Keep it clean, let us know what car and game has been used, and have some fun. As always effects and post processing enhancements are allowed, we just want it sexy!
For next week (on time this time) we will be running a feature with... Ferrari!
Happy snapping people! Sim racing is AWESOME
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