Season 8-Race1-Istanbul RACE REPORT

Valerio Vinassa

PrestoGP Veteran
bad Q better time in warmup with 60lit of fuel:(
Race after start Im in 14th place but spin in T5 after fews laps so Im in second last place and with mine surprise after only 10 or 11 laps tires was gone tragedy pit is at 15/16lap here I met Andy is born nice and intense battle always before pit with worn tires.Gone in pit and change soft with medium ahead did a few of lap and again before pit met Andy:) (always with worn tires ) change medium front and rear at lap33 this time I had a little advantage on Andy but bump in T1 fear in T5 ( spin too time) Andy is behind me at thenth I drive on curb for half sec. and him pass me push for recover my place but spin again in T5 now Andy is at 10sec. but in last 2 or 3 laps met Eliezer that think have some problen on car because I close the gap in low time and so we did last laps together with nice battle and finished race in photo-finish:).
Im two time happy finish race and did gooood battles with Andy and Eliezer.

Congratulations guys see you at Silverstone

Thanks PrestoGP for event

PS Im bit sorrow for mate Kurt lost in 1st or 2nd lap hope more chance in next race friend;)
Congratulations Reik, Tim and Helder. You guys are awesome.

Q 15th. Not spectacular.

R 10th. After a dreadful 1st lap [see my incident report] I battled early on with Bob. Best part of the race for me were these early laps in close-ish combat. Thank you.

It is nice to be back. I will need to work on my anticipation and re-work my safety margins to not feature prominantly in future incident reports.

Well done to everyone and I hope that Kurt has many good race this season to make up for this one which I ruined for him.

Q 10th with a PB:) It was my first Q lap on this track since season 6. I think I can do better but this track has a lot of overtaking opportunities, and 10th is a very good place for me to start the race.

R 8th
I messed my first pit stop and spun 2 times I think, but my final stint was at least consistent and I'm very happy of my pace, since I was using mediums with more wings than most. Never had the change to overtake someone, but had some close driving with some people.

Congratulation to Reik and the podium. CU at Silverstone
Grats to Reik for winning, Tim and Helder for podium and the rest for finishing :)

q: 18th With limited time to prepare I put all my eggs in the race-practice-basket :)
r: 10th Short story is that I had a very good race and was in 8th at the start of the last stint where Valter and Nicolas got ahead of me due to mistakes on my behalf. But it was a great race and I will make a more detailed report or video later :)
Congratulations to Reik, the podium, and all who participated. What a great race to start the season. I was a bit nervous since I hadn't done a serious long race in nearly a year since breaking my foot. Let's look at the score card:

Qual: 11th Very happy
Race: Had some nice battles early, particularly with Peter until I made the first of 3 self induced spins(2 times in T1 and once in T5)
# of incidents: 0 (I hit no one and no one hit me :) ) Very happy
Finish: 13th Very happy

Summary: I didn't practice enough with fuel and my pit stops were sloppy. However, I didn't muck up the start and I didn't hit anyone. so all in all I have to put this one in the BIG success column.

Thanks for letting me race with y'all and a big thanks to the Race Director for organizing.
Hurray - hurray - hurray for Reik, Tim and Helder!

Q: 12 I think...

R: 7. This is a fantastic result for me.
I did 15 + 16 + 16(-1) laps on soft compound all the way. Started with 77L and filled 50L in each pitstop. I got a little help with this approach from Vincenzo when I bumped in to him on the 16 lap server:)
The gods smiled upon me at this race. No problems at all even though I got a suspension-affecting slap on the rear wheel during first lap.
The racing was amazing. Nicolai and I was fighting many many laps before that incident on the straight before T8. I must look in the replay later to find out what happened. I went on the inside and you chose the outside of the spinner...
And Anthony, great and super clean fight(that I lost):)

More later maybe.

Thanks Nicolai for arranging the eighth season of the best simracing there is.
grats reik and podium!
slightly disappointed with my qualifying time q 6

I managed to gain a position in the first few meters and to avoid contact with the front riders trying to stay with them for almost the entire first stint tires, I fought with a lot of riders during the race, overtaking really exciting being among curbs and pressing.

in the second stint I found myself a little behind followed closely by jim after losing ground to the first 5
it was clear that I was losing ground and trust with the autocar after the mess of my pit stops also jim burns me to stop,
so almost all of last stint behind him, then 6
bad mistake for Jim for the last few laps so I come to 5,

I feel sorry for him, he deserved that position!

my mistakes;
3 weeks before a lot of practice and almost nothing in the last days before the race

0% pitstop practice (in fact, disappointing)

error on strategy and fuel

grats racedirectory for this season 8, 1 and this event!!

sry my english cu all next event !

A brief race report from me

Q, P8 not great, suffered from the old "get straight back up to Q speed after stint practice" issue

R, P12:mad:

A mostly Italian theme to my race:)

Got off the line ok and through T1 without problems, set about following Enzo's Ferrari (sounds good) I suspect Enzo was running less wing than me, I could close up through the corners but on the run down to the last braking zone I was on the limiter and falling back, no chance to overtake, I did try once and it nearly went very wrong:oops: sorry Enzo

I passed Enzo in the first round of pit stops and then found myself close behind Gaetano "no wings" Zizzo;) for the whole of the second stint, same problem on the straights, just couldn't get close enough

I passed Zizzo in the second stop up to 5th and then he followed me closely until I went wide in T8 around lap 42 ish, lost my front wing, fixed it and recovered to 12th? I think?

Bad end to a great race, not to worry, it was great fun anyway

Grats to Reik, Tim and Helder and all that took part, big thumbs up to Enzo and Gaetano for some great racing

See you all at Silverstone:cool:
Grats Reik, Tim and Filipe.
I had a pretty bad race yesterday, had absolutly no grip, don't realy know the reason for that.
But on the otherhand i enjoyed my battles with Vale, nice and clean fighting there.:cool:
And i finnished the race, so could have been worse i guess.
See you in Jim's backyard soon. :)
(Did my grats in post 3)

Qualify (18th): I felt I did a very good lap (relative to myself), but blew it in the last chicane and lost a second or so. But my time was poorer than I had expected, 1:24:8 or something, not good. But as I have already said, I put little value in qualify, especially on a track like this where it is "easy" to pass. Also, I feel a bit safer starting 18th than super-scary 10th :) (but I always do my best ofcourse in qualify).

Race (9th): I am writing this on memory, as I have not seen the replay yet.
I had a decent start, but had to make evasive action when Peter hit Kurt and lost a bit of ground to the rest, but that matters little on lap one, it does not take long to catch up.

Somewhere in the first few laps I made an outside move on Bob La. I think it was, but he didn't see me and I had to go off track to avoid contact. But no problem, I only lost 2 sec or so, and again that matters little in those early laps :)

I gained a few places in the first stint, not so many skilled moves by me but rather mistakes from others. Towards the end of the stint I had caught up with Nicolas who seemed to carry similar pace as me. After a few laps we both pitted at the same time, but I was sorry to see that Nicolas made some mistakes, and we would not get the exiting pit duel I was hoping for.

Now I am not quite sure in the order of things, but I think I was hunting Vincenzo in the 2nd stint, I was 3 sec behind, and I think he made a little mistake and I was only a sec or so behind. but then I made a few small errors and he increased the gap to 3 sec again, and then he flored it and continued to pull away for the rest of the race, I had no chance to keep up, nice driving Vincenzo!

Also in the second stint I was fighting close with Valter, and I think we pitted the same lap, and I also think he made a little mistake which made the pit exit less exiting than it should have been... or am I wrong... why do I remember this part of the race so poorly :)

Anyhoo, last stint, I think I pass Valter at some stage, and then he stays close behind for a few laps. Then I think exiting the 7th turn I see Peter out of control and I have to (that line was for you Valter ;) ) go on the outside of the track to avoid hitting him. Valter, who is behind me had the option (that one as well Valter :D) to go on the inside and as a consequence passed me. This is what I call racing (not ironic) :) I would hate it if Valter for some reason allowed me to pass him again. Stupidly I was thinking about this, lost a bit of consentration and spun moments later in the middle of t8 (outside curb). That allowed Nicolas to pass me, and I was destined for 10th, but unfortunatley something must have happened to David T. at the end of the race, so I got 9th.

Btw, I also recall great fighting with Eliezer, Bob Lu and Nicolas, and I am probably forgetting others, but I will remember you when I see the replay.

I had a great race and thank everybody I met on the way for great racing. And Valter, I assume you get my humor with the lines etc :) We had an excellent fight in this race... or almost excellent, if I had not blown it towards the end.

And I feel sorry for Anthony I, David T, Kurt, Bob La. and Peter. Stay strong guys, stay strong :)
Race (9th): I am writing this on memory, as I have not seen the replay yet.

Anyhoo, last stint, I think I pass Valter at some stage, and then he stays close behind for a few laps. Then I think exiting the 7th turn I see Peter out of control and I have to (that line was for you Valter ;) ) go on the outside of the track to avoid hitting hi

I don't remember losing it at Turn 7. Hopefully it wasn't me this time. I only recall losing control at the start [my crash] and latter on [lap 33] spinning at turn 1 when Nicolas needed to "go deep" to be safe.

I am pleased Nico, Valter and many of you had a good race, and I fully agree that long stints of close racing is what it is all about. :) That is the race result I "work" for.
I was inspired by Vince's clip so I made a new race report video for Istanbul:) I predict this season will be even better compared to the ones before. Everybody are so safe now with all race experience we have of driving these cars. The most desirable thing for me now is to get that special feeling from close racing. I know I can't win races:((my pace is about 2 sec to slow) so my goal is instead to finish every race and do :cool:close battle:cool: as often as possible:p

Yes Nicolai - I made a mistake in the pit. Didn't stop exactly on the spot and lost about one second:(

There isn't much smoke from braking nowdays thanks to Leo Bodnar and Andy Pastores great mods for the G25 brakes. I got the Bodnar cable a few months ago. The new brake gear makes braking much easier, now I can fine tune the Bodnar controller for different track surfaces.

I don't remember losing it at Turn 7. Hopefully it wasn't me this time. I only recall losing control at the start [my crash] and latter on [lap 33] spinning at turn 1 when Nicolas needed to "go deep" to be safe.

It was not you Peter, I was mistaken, it was Eliezer :) The situation is at 6:49 in Valter's video.

I too was pleased with my preformance Peter, my problem was that I was so pleased with myself already half way through the race that my concentration dropped and I allowed myself to make 2 mistakes in the seconf half. I need to become better at keeping focus throughout the whole race :)
I can do a short race review too
I was very excited obviously before the race so I already had problems finding the right preparation in Practise
So in Q I was about 1 second slower then my best result but I was still happy with the result, P14.

The Practise starts before were not going very well and I crashed my first start ever :)
The Race start however was just perfect and I was able to jump 3 cars till Turn 2 to get to P11. The first laps were good too and I got up to P9 till Lap 5.
Then in Lap 6 I accelerated a bit too quick so the car got loose for a second, I could avoid a spin but lost a position.
In the same Lap, maybe because I was still argueing with myself about the lost position I got on the grass (as you can see in the vid) and made a beautiful 720° spin wich ended in the wall.
I lost 6 Positions but the thing that probably had the bigger influence was the suspension damage, I was considering the whole 1st stint whether or not to repair it.
My times were a bit slower than before but I thought that maybe the tires were just wearing off, so I didnt repair it wich was probably a mistake.
The 2nd stint was quite uncomplicated, had one dangerous moment when Eliezer spun in front of me but those things happen.
Again decided not to repair the suspension damage at the 2nd pit stop because I had only 14 laps to go.
Till the end I was able to win a couple of positions but wasnt really involved in an exciting fight unfortunately.
Race ended in P11, what is a great result for my expectations before the race :)
So to summarize, not a perfect championship race but a perfect fist test.

Also grats to the winner Reik, great Q and a great race and to the podium, you guys really know how to drive.
Qualy : 20th. i was not focusing enough when the hot lap started so i forgot where exactly to brake in T1 and span my car , i kept going but ended last, but starting last was not that bad on this track and at least i did not have to endure that scary moment if i had to start somewhere in the middle :)

Race: DNF... my start was very simple, i rolled the car and decided to stay behind Nicolai and beside Vale until everyone passed T1, i gained few places when some drivers did mistakes or span, and by lap 3 i was in P12 behind Valter , i closed the gap to him and then we had a nice fight that lasted to lap 8 when i passed him on the strait :) ...

lap 11 and now in P9 chasing Jim and closing the gap to him slowly, Jim pitted on lap 15 and when i pitted the next lap i was in P5 when some of the front runners pitted, i served my pit stop on lap 16, i went out in P8 and it seemed like i passed Vince in the pit, my race looked good and was enjoying it so i start pushing hard to try to catch Jim with Vince right behind me.

lap 24 and when everything looked so good the unexpected happened, i was approaching T3 flat out when one of the programs popped up asking for updates or finishing updates no one knows and minimized the game and got blank screen, it was a scary moment as i was about to start turning and shifting down but instead i kept it flat out and the only thing i heard was a big bang.:eek: .. i got the game back and tried to keep going but a voice was telling me that i lost the rear tire...Dmn programs updates, since i formatted my computer last week and many programs nonstop keep updating ...( any idea on how to stop this things on race day ?)

now looking forwards to have some better luck at next race .

Grats Riek for a super win , to Tim and Philippe for Podium...

Thank you Nicolai & RD :)
Grats Reik perfect race & q ! Tim and Helder and all finishers !:cool:

Q.4th I made a little mistake in lap but happy with position in end, i had faster time in practise lol
R.4th 65l 58l 58l softs Ended race with 3.4 laps of fuel Doh!

Race was really good we all pretty close on track for alot of the 1st stint and i had great battle with David T most of 1st stint and he pitted around lap 15 , i managed to make softs last so decided to try and do 17 laps hadnt had warning yet usually warning was at lap 13 but i got it 1st stint lap 16. When i exited pits looking for David T and Tim it couldnt have been closer i came out right on Davids g-box and next few laps were as close as before stops, unfortunitly David made a mistake t1 later which ended the battle. Gap then to Reik was around 9 secs i tried to do some fastest laps as could see if i could catch i was able to pull away for Tim slowly until i made a small error and spun lost place to Tim and in next lap spun t1 lost place to Helder and later in 3rd stint i spun 1 more time t1 just for fun :)
Also for interest in 2nd stint i got tire warning at lap 12 and were worn quicker than in 1st stint when i was battling with David, 3rd stint i lifted alot t8 and i got warning last lap so i think being a little slower t8 helped make the tires last longer.

Thanks Nico and RD ,Bring on Silverstone !!
...Dmn programs updates, since i formatted my computer last week and many programs nonstop keep updating ...( any idea on how to stop this things on race day ?
Check "Task Schedular" Under All Programs/ Accessories/ System Tools. I turned off [right click disable] Apple's Software Updater there.

If all else fails, running "Game Booster" does kill Windows Software Updates and amongst other things...

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