SFX-100 + Next Level V3 Owners Thread

Hello friends! It's me again back with another helpful and entertaining RD thread! This time focusing on combining motion's new kid on the block, the SFX-100 AC Servo full chassis motion solution with our current favourite seat mover, the Next Level Racing V3 Motion Platform. We already have extensive threads for either of these amazing pieces of sim racing hardware, you can read more about them both in the links below:

- SFX-100 / SimFeedback-AC DIY

- Next Level Racing V3 Motion Platform

This thread will focus on the owners or potential owners looking to combine these solutions for their sim racing motion experience. Looking forward to seeing everyone's input on getting the most out of this setup. Feel free to leave suggestion, questions, settings and profiles and anything in between. The other threads are huge now and have a lot of discussion, let's get this one up there, too!
I think you fail to realise that not every movement and piece of information comes through the seat mount of the platform. The movement that dipping one actuator creates doesn't need to be felt through the seat at all. That said, the V3 still has separated LR effects where certain curbs are considered and Steve can attest to feeling these in rF2 also.

We don't need a unit strapped to every part of our body while driving to get a sense for where the movement is coming from and how your inputs cause or react to it. Even more so because we are now removing over half of what the V3 platform is capable of because we now have a system combined with it that naturally does those things better. I think the biggest thing that people who have never experienced at least these 2 motion platform solutions misunderstand is how natural everything feels. You have a lot of freedom with improvements in software capabilities to create the feeling you like which might give different results. For me, I'm never thinking about the platform and my brain always accepts the movement that I have going on as a natural response to driving.

Which is amazing and how it should be. For instance, when using tactile for road texture and even bumps, it always felt like something was banging around under my feet. Not in a natural way. Granted that may be the unit choice, tuning or mounting, but I always felt it wasn't genuine. Never have that feeling with the V3 and especially with the SFX-100 especially since I tuned my post process settings in profiles.

I wasnt referring to the motion, I was asking how SFX's own vibrational tactile sensations feel from the standard SFX type build with a typical seat connected to the left/right sides. To then how this compares/changes if a VR3 is then also mounted.

With the normal build/seat installation, vibrations from the right are then entering the right hand side of the seat. Yet with the universal joint, the mounting frame of the VR3 and the seat. It now places the vibrations to enter from both sides of the seat.

What I was querying was if any users noticed, that they likely then have L/R sensation still in pedals but now only mono in the seat regards the vibration, not the motion...

Its possible anyways, that the mind is fooled with the motion, even if the vibration is now on both sides of the seat evenly? The only reason I ask is that people in the SFX thread did comment how good it was with kerbs with strong vibrational feedback.

This isn't about other tactile, just what the SFX offers. As for textures from Simvibe I believe, they are mono and not per wheel based, also IIRC they are calculated/generated based on estimation* and not fully fledged or "genuine" road surface data.
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The tactile combines with the heave and roll effects so it's a little different than just comparing straight tactile. I've not tested the SFX-100 without the V3 mounted although I've used it almost exclusively with the V3 turned off. I could try it but there's no point as I don't plan on removing it. If I eventually did it and sold it, then it just becomes a case of it is what it is. I won't have options then.

When you also consider I am using VR and a DD wheel, you really do have a melding of the senses and tend to forget which information is coming from where. It all just feels natural. What you can feel is fake or non genuine effects most notably the 'noise' that comes from Simvibe road texture with Aura bass shakers or even my Mini LFE's. That sort of stuff disconnects you from the experience and is better left off.
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Righto gents. First lot of testing done and before I hit the sack I'll leave you all with some profiles and a brief overview.

First of all, the combo is pretty sick. Definitely not needed and there actually may be better suited alternatives out there to combine with the SFX-100 system but the V3 is a certain contender, especially if you already have one. For the price (including a decent seat), it does a good job. You're looking around a similar cost of a GS-5 which is probably the piece of kit that makes the most sense if you were to do this all from scratch. That said, the seat probably isn't going to be as comfortable or suitable as a dedicated bucket and I hated the look of the GS-4 seat so only sitting in it will let you know how good it is for you.

Surge effect is probably the best utillised effect from the V3. I only run two effects, Surge and Sway. I turn everything else off. I don't see the need to have anything else on. I also run the brake bias in the negative to emphasise acceleration and reduce the push forward of the seat under braking. You tend to need this when running higher intensity and gain in the settings. It balances out nicely but you can tweak it down by reducing the Surge slider a little. I'd leave the post process settings as is and just use the main sliders to adjust to your liking.

SFB profiles are pretty much stock with some little adjustments here and there to make the ride fun and informative while not going over the top and making a huge fuss. The platform can be very harsh if you let it and the resulting drive is annoying and not enjoyable.

So, 2 profiles for SFB and 2 for Platform Manager (V3). Both are for Assetto Corsa but I plan to test this profile later on with other titles and if all is well, just copy paste the values for the rest of the sims.

Assetto Corsa Profiles

Leave some feedback on how you find them and if anyone is tweaking them also let us know what you have done or found not to your liking. Obviously everyone will have different tastes. The SFB profiles are easy to drag into the Profiles folder. The V3 ones have been exported so using the import button should take care of this although I don't remember anyone actually giving me a profile for it so it might not be as easy as it seems. Let me know if they work and also make sure to check that the post process settings are different from what you've set them too. I'm unsure if the profiles change these too. They should but it's LATE and I have to get to sleep!!
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@sjb266 @Steve D @sdubbin @Mascot

Sorry to @ you boys but I am wondering if some of you can help me in an experiment that I've found needing investigating. So we are all owners, or about to be owners and users of both motion solutions. I have made my feelings pretty clear in that I thought the V3 was a welcome addition to the SFX-100 motion platform in my early testing and experience, However, not everyone agrees. I have since done some more mucking about with it last night and have come up with more questions than answers for now. I have a few dilemmas that need addressing which involve some feedback from you kind lot. Some of it will require a little additional testing if you can spare a little time for me and the rest will be your general feedback and opinions on what you've already been experiencing with your setups.

So the first thing is Sway. On the SFX100. I am somehow confused by this setting now after running the V3 for 2 years now. It always felt natural the way that Sway was portrayed. However, playing with the graphs and sliders last night in rFactor 2 revealed that the Surge was inverted, Meaning on braking, the chassis would pull up at the front. This felt very wrong to me and I HAD to reverse it to see if I could correct it. I tried comparing the graph to other profiles and eventually I think I sorted it out. However, this prompted me for some reason to do the same for Sway, which to my knowledge and experience felt like it was supposed to, as the V3 would have it. I inverted the graph and the result was the chassis tilting WITH the movement of the steering, so steer car left, chassis dips into the turn left with you. At first you think this is wrong. How come then in VR it felt somehow RIGHT? I was rocking the steering in my van today trying to make sense of it and although comparing a Toyota Hiace to a high powered race car is a little unrealistic, the movement felt like it did last night. Car tilts to the left, the seat pushes on your opposite side (so seat pressure on my right side while turning left) as the weight of the car shifts. Not representing G forces obviously in my passenger vehicle, but it felt correct. Can anyone go and reverse their 'G force simulating" Sway effect and see if they feel the same? In the V3 this felt wrong, but on the SFX-100 it felt like I was really in a groove going into corners around Suzuka, of which there are many changes of direction. I'm confused and it's been annoying me all day.

Right, the main thing. I think I want to remove the V3. I had it globally paused last night while doing the Sway thing and I feel SO MUCH MORE from the actuators with the seat static. Like, A LOT more. All the little vibrations and twitches, all the detail, the movement in the car chassis, not just my aluminium chassis but the feeling of the actual car I'm driving. I still got a TONNE of feedback through the new inverted Sway, the Surge was obviously different but I didn't feel like I completely missed the Surge from the seat. The firmness of the static seat really helped me get a feel of the undulation in the track, the small elevation changes, the little bumps, all the detail. You lose this while running the V3. The obvious solution then for now is to dial everything back on the V3 to an absolute minimum. This includes the travel in post processing as well as the Intensity sliders in the motion tab. This will definitely help to get some of the full platform feeling back. I just wonder if it's worth keeping the thing on there then. I get to drop my seat even further if it's gone and it would be completely rock solid mounted to rails without the small wobble in the V3. Removing that would even further increase the feeling of the full platform.

I'm going to have to try it completely without it to be sure for myself. But even with it just globally paused I can feel a big difference and that's with whatever wobble is in the unit still present. I've made it known that this doesn't ever really bother me but once it's removed, will we feel even greater feedback? I guess Simon is the first one to have removed his unit completely and I'm curious to see how he is still getting on with that. Any desire to put it back on? Have you tuned profiles now that make better use of the SFX-100 now that the V3 is removed? If so, please share!

I don't really want to go G Seat, but I'm seriously considering parting ways with the V3 at least for the short term and see how I get on with the full motion on it's own. I would like to acquire a seat like sdubbin (guys, 3 Steve's, really...? :) ), that bucket looks wicked. My Bride replica is OK but that seat you have looks like it would give even better feedback with the amount it would hold you in. Mine is recliner and not as enclosed as yours at the sides.

So, after all that, I need some guidance and thoughts from you gents as to how you're all fairing with your kit.. We're quite the minority with our combination of motion solutions. I just worry that I am stubbornly keeping the V3 mounted at the expense of the overall experience. I think now that I have used the SFX-100 for quite a while, removed the monitor and pretty much sorted the VR sensor issues while mounted to the rig, I am comfortable increasing the feedback level and the V3 might be a component that is losing viability every race. I have to say I feel much more in control of the vehicle when the entire chassis is moving as the car body would and not having the seat doing its thing as well. There are other factors that come into play such as title compatibility which the V3 has tonnes of, but overall I'd sacrifice being able to play Richard Burns with motion for an increased immersive experience in our favourite and most importantly competitive sims.

Please lend me your wisdom and I apologise if none of this interests you at all.
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@sjb266 @Steve D @sdubbin @Mascot

Sorry to @ you boys but I am wondering if some of you can help me in an experiment that I've found needing investigating. So we are all owners, or about to be owners and users of both motion solutions. I have made my feelings pretty clear in that I thought the V3 was a welcome addition to the SFX-100 motion platform in my early testing and experience, However, not everyone agrees. I have since done some more mucking about with it last night and have come up with more questions than answers for now. I have a few dilemmas that need addressing which involve some feedback from you kind lot. Some of it will require a little additional testing if you can spare a little time for me and the rest will be your general feedback and opinions on what you've already been experiencing with your setups.

So the first thing is Sway. On the SFX100. I am somehow confused by this setting now after running the V3 for 2 years now. It always felt natural the way that Sway was portrayed. However, playing with the graphs and sliders last night in rFactor 2 revealed that the Surge was inverted, Meaning on braking, the chassis would pull up at the front. This felt very wrong to me and I HAD to reverse it to see if I could correct it. I tried comparing the graph to other profiles and eventually I think I sorted it out. However, this prompted me for some reason to do the same for Sway, which to my knowledge and experience felt like it was supposed to, as the V3 would have it. I inverted the graph and the result was the chassis tilting WITH the movement of the steering, so steer car left, chassis dips into the turn left with you. At first you think this is wrong. How come then in VR it felt somehow RIGHT? I was rocking the steering in my van today trying to make sense of it and although comparing a Toyota Hiace to a high powered race car is a little unrealistic, the movement felt like it did last night. Car tilts to the left, the seat pushes on your opposite side (so seat pressure on my right side while turning left) as the weight of the car shifts. Not representing G forces obviously in my passenger vehicle, but it felt correct. Can anyone go and reverse their 'G force simulating" Sway effect and see if they feel the same? In the V3 this felt wrong, but on the SFX-100 it felt like I was really in a groove going into corners around Suzuka, of which there are many changes of direction. I'm confused and it's been annoying me all day.

Right, the main thing. I think I want to remove the V3. I had it globally paused last night while doing the Sway thing and I feel SO MUCH MORE from the actuators with the seat static. Like, A LOT more. All the little vibrations and twitches, all the detail, the movement in the car chassis, not just my aluminium chassis but the feeling of the actual car I'm driving. I still got a TONNE of feedback through the new inverted Sway, the Surge was obviously different but I didn't feel like I completely missed the Surge from the seat. The firmness of the static seat really helped me get a feel of the undulation in the track, the small elevation changes, the little bumps, all the detail. You lose this while running the V3. The obvious solution then for now is to dial everything back on the V3 to an absolute minimum. This includes the travel in post processing as well as the Intensity sliders in the motion tab. This will definitely help to get some of the full platform feeling back. I just wonder if it's worth keeping the thing on there then. I get to drop my seat even further if it's gone and it would be completely rock solid mounted to rails without the small wobble in the V3. Removing that would even further increase the feeling of the full platform.

I'm going to have to try it completely without it to be sure for myself. But even with it just globally paused I can feel a big difference and that's with whatever wobble is in the unit still present. I've made it known that this doesn't ever really bother me but once it's removed, will we feel even greater feedback? I guess Simon is the first one to have removed his unit completely and I'm curious to see how he is still getting on with that. Any desire to put it back on? Have you tuned profiles now that make better use of the SFX-100 now that the V3 is removed? If so, please share!

I don't really want to go G Seat, but I'm seriously considering parting ways with the V3 at least for the short term and see how I get on with the full motion on it's own. I would like to acquire a seat like sdubbin (guys, 3 Steve's, really...? :) ), that bucket looks wicked. My Bride replica is OK but that seat you have looks like it would give even better feedback with the amount it would hold you in. Mine is recliner and not as enclosed as yours at the sides.

So, after all that, I need some guidance and thoughts from you gents as to how you're all fairing with your kit.. We're quite the minority with our combination of motion solutions. I just worry that I am stubbornly keeping the V3 mounted at the expense of the overall experience. I think now that I have used the SFX-100 for quite a while, removed the monitor and pretty much sorted the VR sensor issues while mounted to the rig, I am comfortable increasing the feedback level and the V3 might be a component that is losing viability every race. I have to say I feel much more in control of the vehicle when the entire chassis is moving as the car body would and not having the seat doing its thing as well. There are other factors that come into play such as title compatibility which the V3 has tonnes of, but overall I'd sacrifice being able to play Richard Burns with motion for an increased immersive experience in our favourite and most importantly competitive sims.

Please lend me your wisdom and I apologise if none of this interests you at all.


i have sold my v3 now. purchased a second hand gs-4. i felt like i was too high in the seat. since i have the gs-4 i have noticed more of the sfx-100`s movement. i do miss the surge but i couldnt dial in the v3 100% to my liking with the sfx.
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@sjb266 @Steve D @sdubbin @Mascot

Sorry to @ you boys but I am wondering if some of you can help me in an experiment that I've found needing investigating. So we are all owners, or about to be owners and users of both motion solutions. I have made my feelings pretty clear in that I thought the V3 was a welcome addition to the SFX-100 motion platform in my early testing and experience, However, not everyone agrees. I have since done some more mucking about with it last night and have come up with more questions than answers for now. I have a few dilemmas that need addressing which involve some feedback from you kind lot. Some of it will require a little additional testing if you can spare a little time for me and the rest will be your general feedback and opinions on what you've already been experiencing with your setups.

So the first thing is Sway. On the SFX100. I am somehow confused by this setting now after running the V3 for 2 years now. It always felt natural the way that Sway was portrayed. However, playing with the graphs and sliders last night in rFactor 2 revealed that the Surge was inverted, Meaning on braking, the chassis would pull up at the front. This felt very wrong to me and I HAD to reverse it to see if I could correct it. I tried comparing the graph to other profiles and eventually I think I sorted it out. However, this prompted me for some reason to do the same for Sway, which to my knowledge and experience felt like it was supposed to, as the V3 would have it. I inverted the graph and the result was the chassis tilting WITH the movement of the steering, so steer car left, chassis dips into the turn left with you. At first you think this is wrong. How come then in VR it felt somehow RIGHT? I was rocking the steering in my van today trying to make sense of it and although comparing a Toyota Hiace to a high powered race car is a little unrealistic, the movement felt like it did last night. Car tilts to the left, the seat pushes on your opposite side (so seat pressure on my right side while turning left) as the weight of the car shifts. Not representing G forces obviously in my passenger vehicle, but it felt correct. Can anyone go and reverse their 'G force simulating" Sway effect and see if they feel the same? In the V3 this felt wrong, but on the SFX-100 it felt like I was really in a groove going into corners around Suzuka, of which there are many changes of direction. I'm confused and it's been annoying me all day.

Right, the main thing. I think I want to remove the V3. I had it globally paused last night while doing the Sway thing and I feel SO MUCH MORE from the actuators with the seat static. Like, A LOT more. All the little vibrations and twitches, all the detail, the movement in the car chassis, not just my aluminium chassis but the feeling of the actual car I'm driving. I still got a TONNE of feedback through the new inverted Sway, the Surge was obviously different but I didn't feel like I completely missed the Surge from the seat. The firmness of the static seat really helped me get a feel of the undulation in the track, the small elevation changes, the little bumps, all the detail. You lose this while running the V3. The obvious solution then for now is to dial everything back on the V3 to an absolute minimum. This includes the travel in post processing as well as the Intensity sliders in the motion tab. This will definitely help to get some of the full platform feeling back. I just wonder if it's worth keeping the thing on there then. I get to drop my seat even further if it's gone and it would be completely rock solid mounted to rails without the small wobble in the V3. Removing that would even further increase the feeling of the full platform.

I'm going to have to try it completely without it to be sure for myself. But even with it just globally paused I can feel a big difference and that's with whatever wobble is in the unit still present. I've made it known that this doesn't ever really bother me but once it's removed, will we feel even greater feedback? I guess Simon is the first one to have removed his unit completely and I'm curious to see how he is still getting on with that. Any desire to put it back on? Have you tuned profiles now that make better use of the SFX-100 now that the V3 is removed? If so, please share!

I don't really want to go G Seat, but I'm seriously considering parting ways with the V3 at least for the short term and see how I get on with the full motion on it's own. I would like to acquire a seat like sdubbin (guys, 3 Steve's, really...? :) ), that bucket looks wicked. My Bride replica is OK but that seat you have looks like it would give even better feedback with the amount it would hold you in. Mine is recliner and not as enclosed as yours at the sides.

So, after all that, I need some guidance and thoughts from you gents as to how you're all fairing with your kit.. We're quite the minority with our combination of motion solutions. I just worry that I am stubbornly keeping the V3 mounted at the expense of the overall experience. I think now that I have used the SFX-100 for quite a while, removed the monitor and pretty much sorted the VR sensor issues while mounted to the rig, I am comfortable increasing the feedback level and the V3 might be a component that is losing viability every race. I have to say I feel much more in control of the vehicle when the entire chassis is moving as the car body would and not having the seat doing its thing as well. There are other factors that come into play such as title compatibility which the V3 has tonnes of, but overall I'd sacrifice being able to play Richard Burns with motion for an increased immersive experience in our favourite and most importantly competitive sims.

Please lend me your wisdom and I apologise if none of this interests you at all.
I love my v3 but I'd love to find out that I don't actually need it to complete my SFX100. I could sell the v3 and completely cover the cost of the SFX100, get a rock-solid seating position, a lighter set-up for less floor load and less mass to shift, a lower seating position, lower running costs, free up a USB port, have less noise, less cable spaghetti, one thing less to break down... but how much would I miss that surge under braking? I won't know for a week or two, but for all the reasons above I'm HOPING that I'll be 100% happy running the SFX100 vanilla.
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Thanks for some responses boys. I did notice just after I posted that you had sold the V3, or at least attempted it. They are so popular that I'd have buyers at the ready should I decide to part with it. I've just done some more driving and have found some interesting results. I have since removed Sway completely from the V3 and have made the SFX-100 Sway effect to move the chassis as if it was the car, rather than trying to emulate G forces on the body as the V3 does. With the Sway gone from the V3 and the new Sway effect from the SFX-100, the ride is so much more alive! I love it! I am going to change all my profiles to the way this one is and can't wait to try them out.

I am now solely using the V3 for Surge. That's it. Nothing else. Everything else is disabled. I have tuned the PP effects so that the throw is very limited and put the bias 50% toward acceleration. This pretty much gives me a neutral seat upon coming off the gas and hitting the brake, so no legs or feet getting jammed up under brakes anymore. Coupled with some brake dive from the chassis itself, it's a very harmonious feeling. I think the effect that the SFX-100 does worst is Surge, under acceleration that is. Not that it's bad per se, just the hardest feeling to get right compared to all the others. I get a good feeling through Sway with chassis alone and seriously doubt that spending the money on a GS5 is warranted. I'm sure it helps but the feeling is there without it, just probably not as pronounced. The chassis feel with the removed Sway effect from the V3 is drastically improved. I think the lateral movement hinders your driving especially when the chassis is moving along with the seat. The Surge effect is much more linear and streamlined and offers next to no downside provided you have the correct setting for it.

The question is, does removing the wobble from the V3 grant an advantage greater than the sole feeling of Surge. If so, is Surge worth a couple of grande, which is what we can sell our V3's for. That's up for debate for each person to decide, I guess. I have my seat low enough. It's perfect for me, although you probably could always have it lower. The way I've mounted everything gives me a much lower ride than sdubbin and the way the V4 and seat are mounted on your rig. SO height doesn't concern me.

I have to remove the V3 and run some good laps in to confirm the solid mounted seat is more beneficial than the Surge effect. I think the Surge effect is worth keeping it for, to be honest, especially since we already have them on hand, rather than looking to purchase. People are buying GS5's for lateral G load, which is $6K AUD PLUS, so I think the value is there. You also get the other benefits should a title you want to run support motion but no profiles are made for SImFeedback.

@sdubbin I REALLY like your seat. You guys are UK based but can you tell me what you paid for it and what make and model it is. I think I found it by googling but can't be sure. I probably will find an AU available equivalent and see how I go. Is it a replica or genuine? I remember seeing genuine Bride seats for like 2 grande when i was looking to replace my NL seat. I think I paid around 500 - 600 for this one I have here. I didn't get a full bucket because I liked the thought of being able to recline the seat to get the perfect arm distance to the wheel. I'm now thinking that a full bucket will provide better sensation with the full chassis motion, especially with my 'new' Sway effect!
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Tough, tough questions to answer Anton buddy because every single one of us is different. Read this morning that the SFX100 beta testers each came up with very different profiles for the same car so there's no right or wrong. Look at what Henk likes for example! Certainly not my 'cup of tea' and I'd like to keep my teeth for a few more years yet. :)

With regards what feels right, I read on the Discord channel that some users had issues with SFX100 profiles feeling a bit odd. However it appeared dependent on whether you were using VR or monitors and they were advised to try inverting the effects in question. Pretty sure it was related to sway and can't recall if surge was mentioned. I recall swapping things around in AC to test for myself and not liking it but that could have been because it acted in the opposite way to the v3 and what I was used to. Maybe worth a revisit.

At the moment I'm still enjoying the SFX / v3 combo tremendously and am really getting in tune with it the more I play around. Remember I also managed to source some 150mm angle recently, made up some new brackets and dropped my seat / v3 another 50mm in to the P1. That made a big difference for the reasons you know. FWIW though I have removed Sway completely from the V3 as I feel it really suppresses the detail that the actuators deliver. I'm therefore only using Surge and a small amount at that but it just feels right and I struggle without it.

As a result I've found myself creating a lot more SFB profiles based on individual car, (or car class) and track combos because I became convinced that more generic, 'one size fits all' profiles might have also been contributing to the occasional HMD reset and I needed to pay more attention in terms of tuning the issue out. This was brought home to me on Sunday evening when two things happened. Firstly I created a new AC profile for Nords / Porsche RSR 2017 and I immediately beat my long-standing lap record by more than a second. Something just seemed to click across the motion spectrum the combo provided. I couldn't believe it and I was able maintain the consistency as well. Then I dived in to Rf2 / GT3 / Silverstone and cranked up my previously faultless profile. I very quickly had a random reset when I hit a really bumpy part of the track so I dialled things back just a tad and have not had a repeat of the issue in 60 laps since. Think profiling is therefore really important.

The V3 also personally gives me options. As my rig is based upstairs the actuators can make a dull thud through the floor, despite what I've done in terms of anti-vibration damping. It's way better than it was but still noticeable on occasion, especially on bumpier tracks. If I do need to consider others then I can at least switch off the motor controllers and still enjoy the motion that the V3 provides.

There's one other thing. I've never suffered a moment's nausea in VR and maybe that's because I started with a motion platform and the movement that my brain was expecting has always been there from Day One. When I've forgotten to turn the V3 on then, apart from missing the little surge I have in place and screwing up my braking as a result, (albeit that's purely down to muscle memory and preempting the motion cues I'm 'expecting), I've felt a bit bloody iffy. :roflmao: So I'm also using the V3 as preventative medicine at the moment but I suppose I should 'man the chuff up' and just get the ginger ale ready because I'm pretty sure that "SFX100 vanilla," as Steve put it, still represents motion utopia.

We've just been lucky to be able dick around with both platforms and enjoy the ride!
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Thanks for some responses boys. I did notice just after I posted that you had sold the V3, or at least attempted it. They are so popular that I'd have buyers at the ready should I decide to part with it. I've just done some more driving and have found some interesting results. I have since removed Sway completely from the V3 and have made the SFX-100 Sway effect to move the chassis as if it was the car, rather than trying to emulate G forces on the body as the V3 does. With the Sway gone from the V3 and the new Sway effect from the SFX-100, the ride is so much more alive! I love it! I am going to change all my profiles to the way this one is and can't wait to try them out.

I am now solely using the V3 for Surge. That's it. Nothing else. Everything else is disabled. I have tuned the PP effects so that the throw is very limited and put the bias 50% toward acceleration. This pretty much gives me a neutral seat upon coming off the gas and hitting the brake, so no legs or feet getting jammed up under brakes anymore. Coupled with some brake dive from the chassis itself, it's a very harmonious feeling. I think the effect that the SFX-100 does worst is Surge, under acceleration that is. Not that it's bad per se, just the hardest feeling to get right compared to all the others. I get a good feeling through Sway with chassis alone and seriously doubt that spending the money on a GS5 is warranted. I'm sure it helps but the feeling is there without it, just probably not as pronounced. The chassis feel with the removed Sway effect from the V3 is drastically improved. I think the lateral movement hinders your driving especially when the chassis is moving along with the seat. The Surge effect is much more linear and streamlined and offers next to no downside provided you have the correct setting for it.

The question is, does removing the wobble from the V3 grant an advantage greater than the sole feeling of Surge. If so, is Surge worth a couple of grande, which is what we can sell our V3's for. That's up for debate for each person to decide, I guess. I have my seat low enough. It's perfect for me, although you probably could always have it lower. The way I've mounted everything gives me a much lower ride than sdubbin and the way the V4 and seat are mounted on your rig. SO height doesn't concern me.

I have to remove the V3 and run some good laps in to confirm the solid mounted seat is more beneficial than the Surge effect. I think the Surge effect is worth keeping it for, to be honest, especially since we already have them on hand, rather than looking to purchase. People are buying GS5's for lateral G load, which is $6K AUD PLUS, so I think the value is there. You also get the other benefits should a title you want to run support motion but no profiles are made for SImFeedback.

@sdubbin I REALLY like your seat. You guys are UK based but can you tell me what you paid for it and what make and model it is. I think I found it by googling but can't be sure. I probably will find an AU available equivalent and see how I go. Is it a replica or genuine? I remember seeing genuine Bride seats for like 2 grande when i was looking to replace my NL seat. I think I paid around 500 - 600 for this one I have here. I didn't get a full bucket because I liked the thought of being able to recline the seat to get the perfect arm distance to the wheel. I'm now thinking that a full bucket will provide better sensation with the full chassis motion, especially with my 'new' Sway effect!

It’s a mirco rs2 cost about £300, shame I’m going to put it on here for sale next week, I fitted it with 3 adx transducers,
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Hey Ant..

I am still running the same setup and haven't once missed the V3.. I am of the opinion that I have found the sweet spot as far as what I want from my driving experience. For me it's all about heave... I have a bit of surge on for RF2 and iRacing and I only run the overall intensity at 40-50% depending on car track combo..
I don't like intense motion so this is a very subjective opinion.

As previously stated I got a bit sick of having to get in the seat, strap in, the seat would be wobbly... which drove me insane.... So I just stripped it all back..

49" mounted screen
5" OSW mounted LCD screen
7" LCD timing screen
SFX100 running heave and sometimes surge

I never run sway I don't like the feeling..

One thing that I do have on both my rigs is a modified electric seat rail from ebay:


Enables me to really fine tune my seating position and I would really recommend it.. obviously you need a 12v power supply to run it..

Don't think i'll be changing my setup any time soon! If you know anyone who wants to buy a V3 let me know.. still has 6 months warranty!
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shame I’m going to put it on here for sale next week

If the shipping wouldn't be so prohibitive, I'd probably have bought it off you. It looks mint. I'm going to look for a bucket and see how I go. I love the yellow, looks mental.

If you know anyone who wants to buy a V3 let me know..

I'm stripping mine down now for a test run and at the very least to replace the mounting bolts with the longer ones. I might just have a V3 + recliner race seat available for sale in the very near future so I'll pass on the next person..... ;)
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I think I might be moving on from it boys. I have it off the rig now and immediately the feeling of a rock solid seat is very appealing. The chassis looks nicer without it on, the seat is now even lower than before with the ability to go even lower with a few adjustments. I feel like I have better feedback through my OSW as well and feel more connected with the road with just the SFX-100 running. Without the V3 the actuators are almost silent. At medium settings, without earbuds on, I could hardly hear a thing.

I was going to put it back on before I made my final decision but I think my mind is already made up. It's a good chance now to part ways with it while they are pretty popular and maybe look at getting into a really nice bucket seat that I won't have any trouble mounting. I've yet to play with getting a good feeling of Surge out of the actuators but even just with basic profiles, you can feel weight shift and the sense of speed is quite good.

It's sad to see it go, but at the end of the day it was my intention to remove it from the beginning when deciding to build the SFX-100 and only feedback of other users convinced me that it may work. While it still does work, it's probably being stubborn trying to force it together.

Also, I was running RPM effect from the actuators this morning as my BK mini was not connected when I removed the V3 and I'm this close to removing my tactile as well.....

The SFX-100 does everything. I may look at a G seat in the future but I'm pretty set on a full on bucket and letting the SFX-100 do its thing.
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I think I might be moving on from it boys. I have it off the rig now and immediately the feeling of a rock solid seat is very appealing. The chassis looks nicer without it on, the seat is now even lower than before with the ability to go even lower with a few adjustments. I feel like I have better feedback through my OSW as well and feel more connected with the road with just the SFX-100 running. Without the V3 the actuators are almost silent. At medium settings, without earbuds on, I could hardly hear a thing.

I was going to put it back on before I made my final decision but I think my mind is already made up. It's a good chance now to part ways with it while they are pretty popular and maybe look at getting into a really nice bucket seat that I won't have any trouble mounting. I've yet to play with getting a good feeling of Surge out of the actuators but even just with basic profiles, you can feel weight shift and the sense of speed is quite good.

It's sad to see it go, but at the end of the day it was my intention to remove it from the beginning when deciding to build the SFX-100 and only feedback of other users convinced me that it may work. While it still does work, it's probably being stubborn trying to force it together.

Also, I was running RPM effect from the actuators this morning as my BK mini was not connected when I removed the V3 and I'm this close to removing my tactile as well.....

The SFX-100 does everything. I may look at a G seat in the future but I'm pretty set on a full on bucket and letting the SFX-100 do its thing.
Interesting! Quite surprised to hear how easy it was to lose the surge effect under braking from the v3 - it's one of the effects that I think the v3 does really well. I imagine I'd miss it, for a while at least until I naturally adjusted.
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Ok, guys just found this thread. I am seriously jonesing for an SFX-100. I currently have an NLRv3 and just picked up and mounted the GS-5. I'm also running a 9 transducer multi thousand watt simvibe system. I've spent SOOO much time and effort into this rig I can't hard fathom the rebuild to move to SFX-100. Although it sure sounds like the way to go. Sell the NLRv3, most of the Simvibe system and start rebuilding. Crap I thought I was actually done.. haha !
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We're never done. The SFX-100 throws a spanner in the works because such a system should cost $10K + and it just doesn't. Normally we wouldn't consider a D-Box or something similar because of the extremely prohibitive cost. But we now get a comparable product for a literal fraction of the investment. It does make you think 'why did I even bother with all this other stuff....?' once you realise the level of feedback and immersion offered from such a comparatively little cost.

I've made peace with parting ways with the V3, just need to find a home for it now. I've also ordered a Sparco Rev bucket seat to replace my Bride replica recliner. I think the more hugging bucket seat will enhance the feeling I get from the chassis. i think it will also be more comfortable. I haven't ruled out a G seat and I see a few people are picking them up. I can't even see them on the website so have no idea what shipping will be like.

Clearly I've orderd the bucket so I don't really intend on getting one anytime soon. I have concerns with the comfort and fit for me. I know the GS-5 is much improved but the GS-4 looked like something you'd sit in in a prison cell. It looked SO uncomfortable.

I also now have the 'guilt free' funds of getting a seat harness tensioner. I think without the V3, this will be a welcome addition. I am waiting for Hugo's impressions but I might just get one straight away in case they go on massive back order again. I've freed up a power socket and a USB so this can just replace those ones.
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You've made the right decision parting ways with V3 Anton, a rock solid seat is in my opinion more important than the added surge effect.

In my case i already made the decision to sell it before even trying it on the SFX100. My main reason for selling the NLMv3 was different though. Simply because it broke down on me and took weeks to repair. Never want to experience that again. Also back then i did not know yet how the added weight would affect the motion.

It's good to hear that this has probably has been the right decision and that the SFX100 feels better without the V3.
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I feel I will remain in the minority here, :) (at least for now and for reasons previously stated) as I still really enjoy the tiny little bit of V3 surge I run. (All other effect sliders are set to zero)

However Anton is 100% spot on that you feel more detail through the actuators without the V3, which does mask or subdue it if you run additional effects, even at very small values. I've been through the same process as he has to discover that and surge aside, I have now binned everything else. As a result I feel that the feedback from weight transfer especially, (all directions) and even traction loss is way better communicated and more natural and I've been revisiting my favourite car / track combos and experiencing them in a different light with absolutely no detrimental impact on lap times, (and sometimes the opposite), or any increase in mistakes. In fact I've been surprised at just how quickly I've adapted and once again I find myself in absolute awe of what the SFX-100 and Simfeedback is capable of. On that basis, the V3 really isn't needed and I totally get why others have now removed it.

I think that appreciation becomes even more apparent once you start to get a bit more comfortable with tuning SFB as many of us are now, albeit the resulting profiles will always be down to very individual taste, such is the degree of fine-tuning possible. I've now got them set up for individual car / track combos and it's worth the effort to do so in my opinion. It's such an fantastic piece of software to work with and the results are immediately felt through the wheel, your body, the seat of your pants and it's even communicated in the HMD.

Please remind me of how many 'sheckles' it cost us again!! :thumbsup:

Hurry up and get her fired up Steve because you are in for a treat! Hopefully you'll then understand what all the fuss is about! :D
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I feel I will remain in the minority here, :) (at least for now and for reasons previously stated) as I still really enjoy the tiny little bit of V3 surge I run. (All other effect sliders are set to zero)

However Anton is 100% spot on that you feel more detail through the actuators without the V3, which does mask or subdue it if you run additional effects, even at very small values. I've been through the same process as he has to discover that and surge aside, I have now binned everything else. As a result I feel that the feedback from weight transfer especially, (all directions) and even traction loss is way better communicated and more natural and I've been revisiting my favourite car / track combos and experiencing them in a different light with absolutely no detrimental impact on lap times, (and sometimes the opposite), or any increase in mistakes. In fact I've been surprised at just how quickly I've adapted and once again I find myself in absolute awe of what the SFX-100 and Simfeedback is capable of. On that basis, the V3 really isn't needed and I totally get why others have now removed it.

I think that appreciation becomes even more apparent once you start to get a bit more comfortable with tuning SFB as many of us are now, albeit the resulting profiles will always be down to very individual taste, such is the degree of fine-tuning possible. I've now got them set up for individual car / track combos and it's worth the effort to do so in my opinion. It's such an fantastic piece of software to work with and the results are immediately felt through the wheel, your body, the seat of your pants and it's even communicated in the HMD.

Please remind me of how many 'sheckles' it cost us again!! :thumbsup:

Hurry up and get her fired up Steve because you are in for a treat! Hopefully you'll then understand what all the fuss is about! :D
Hoping to get it finished this weekend mate, and I'll definitely be initially trying with with the V3.
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