Sim hub ACC issue

I have a strange issue in sim hub when using ACC.
I have a nextion display with the porsche gt3 dash template uploaded.
When the race starts the nextion goes to the default logo image and won’t let me switch to different screens. Before the start of the race the dash is displayed Instead of the logo. It’s almost like it‘s reversed the game detection somehow.
I have tried the same in iracing and it works correctly so I know the template works correctl.
Has anyone had this issue.

I've had roughly the same problem. I would just see the logo all the time, and no dash. Sometimes the dash showed up for like five seconds at the start of a session, and then the logo would be displayed again.
I didn't find a way to fix it and I have no clue how it happened. I ended up using a different template altogether, namely this one:

Works beautifully in all the sims, highly recommend it.
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