SimBin: 'Don't worry about bankruptcy rumours'


Various websites have posted news regarding potential bankruptcy of SimBin Studios AB, here's a little substantiated clarification.

RaceDepartment understands that the current SimBin Studios AB company is undergoing a large restructuring. Current projects, such as R3E, are expected to be continued under the new banner of the new studio.

It is understood that there have been a handful of job losses at SimBin, however the majority of the development team is expected to remain at the 'new' studio. We'd like to wish those who have lost their jobs all the best in finding a new position.

We're confident that the information we're providing to you is up-to-date and correct, and is not based on speculation from social media.

SimBin's own @Jay Ekkel said, on RaceDepartment's forums:

Ill keep it short and sweet for now.

New Studio, new (tbd) name, new location, (almost) the same team. And most importantly we will continue the development of the project(s).

More (good) news will follow soon (tm) ;)

Don't worry about it, services and development will continue as planned.

There's nothing to worry about in regards to support of current games, or the release of future games. Content that has already been purchased will still function as normal.
Image: SimBin Studios AB
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So, if I buy one experience pack that has a bunch of tracks, and then buy another experience pack that has some of the same tracks, you're suggesting I should have to pay again for those tracks that I already own? Now that's a bad business model.

No, I didn't say that.

What I would certainly do is make something like "VIP packs" charge you more if you have lots of money and no sense of value for money. In the same way if you want a car to get to work, I can charge you more for a car that nominally appears better.

This is why a Ferrari is rarely "50% off while stocks last!" but your entry level car is sometimes sold at a loss. Same with your graphics card that is, perhaps, 5% faster, you can charge up to 50% more for it. But the middle of road graphics card that most gamers buy? That's the one that's cheaper - not just in absolute terms, but in terms of the performance for that money.

Note, for example, if you buy cars and tracks at the hugely inflated cost, one by one to "build your own game" you don't even get this so-called "experience" do you? You could pay hundreds and get less. That's just a stupid business model.

And you obviously misunderstand the purpose of "free to play". In every instance I've seen of this model

So you have little experience of F2P and that makes me ignorant? Hmm...let's see how this plays...

I've played around 5000 hours of Team fortress 2. Heard of that? If not, I can only suggest you go and look how that works (and Dota 2 as well why you are there) Get back if your point remains, but I'm sure you will have your eyes opened about how F2P works.

(Mobile games are hardly the best argument for you to make, they are causing a huge fuss as they rip off kids)

Another wise business move is giving returning customers a discount because it encourages them to keep coming back and giving you more money.

They don't give returning customers a discount. They give a bigger discount if you buy everything today than if you buy one at a time and go back tomorrow. And you can't, so far as I can see, even get some of the content if you want to buy bits and pieces.

Making people who buy all of your products always pay full retail price is going to limit your income and your return customers.

Exactly. Bored of raceway - want to buy one track - see the price and you won't even have a customer.

It's much like when I go to my local sandwich shop and if I buy 5 sandwiches the 6th one is free

No it isn't. To get a discount with this game you have to buy 30 sandwiches for the month all on the same day. And you can't even get the baguette experience unless you buy 30 sandwiches at once.

Remember too, that food items go stale and that brick shops have shelf space - there are reasons why "buy two, get one free" exists in the brick shop because the shelf space is valuable and because some stock will rot. Digital goods bought online need different models - See Valve's many talks about how these changed their approach with Steam.

If you actually take a few minutes to figure out how the R3E model and discounts work, it's not very complicated and you can get a lot of content for not much more money than you'd pay for a console game

Firstly that's a really poor argument. Console games are a well known rip off. That's why I've spent the last couple of decades playing on PC.

Secondly the content in this game costs significantly more than other similar content in racing sims and games.

Thirdly the whole point of the post you replied to is that the game is a huge rip off if you don't want a lot of content. What if you just want a few cars and tracks...and then to go back later? All your blather about sandwiches - Sector 3 charge you significantly more if you want to do this.

Here's a tip, put the items in your cart and whatever price it shows in your cart is the price you pay and it's converted to your local currency, not at all difficult to figure out.

Be honest with yourself when you answer this. Forget whether you like the game.

Ask yourself If Amazon worked like this - if you had to play a game where you keep adding things and removing them from the cart just to see how much they cost and the price varied depending on what you bought from Amazon before etc. If you had to solve this NP complete problem of adding and removing things to buy from amazon you would think they were morons and their store was stupid wouldn't you?
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No, I didn't say that.

What I would certainly do is make something like "VIP packs" charge you more if you have lots of money and no sense of value for money.

So you'd charge rich people more, just to gouge them? Good luck with that business model.

Note, for example, if you buy cars and tracks at the hugely inflated cost, one by one to "build your own game" you don't even get this so-called "experience" do you? You could pay hundreds and get less. That's just a stupid business model.

This doesn't even make any sense? Cars are $2-4 usually, tracks are $4-6. That's hugely inflated cost? Seems pretty reasonable to me, especially compared to iRacing. And since you don't understand how this game packages things, an Experience is basically a standalone game complete with a full championship and all liveries/cars/tracks from that series/season. So if you want the experience, you buy the experience and get a huge discount compared to if you bought everything individually (I consider that a good thing, as I prefer to pay less for more). If you pay hundreds and get less, that's your own fault as they've made it quite easy to save money.

So you have little experience of F2P and that makes me ignorant? Hmm...let's see how this plays...

I've played around 5000 hours of Team fortress 2. Heard of that? If not, I can only suggest you go and look how that works (and Dota 2 as well why you are there) Get back if your point remains, but I'm sure you will have your eyes opened about how F2P works.

(Mobile games are hardly the best argument for you to make, they are causing a huge fuss as they rip off kids)

I said in my experience, I didn't say anything about your experience with other games. Free2Play means you get a sample for free and pay for the rest, otherwise it's "free" or "paid". There are probably some exceptions to this, but that doesn't change the overall meaning of the model. Do I like this model? Not really, but I've seen far worse examples of it than R3E (ahem, iRacing).

They don't give returning customers a discount. They give a bigger discount if you buy everything today than if you buy one at a time and go back tomorrow. And you can't, so far as I can see, even get some of the content if you want to buy bits and pieces.

Sure they do. I bought the DTM 2014 Experience, as a result when I came back to buy the ADAC 2014 Experience I got a discount because I already owned some of the tracks that were used in DTM. I've never seen anything in their store that suggests I'd get a bigger discount if I bought everything today, not sure where you pulled that out of. I've bought bits over a span of about two months, the discounts were always based on what I already own and not on when I purchased them.

No it isn't. To get a discount with this game you have to buy 30 sandwiches for the month all on the same day. And you can't even get the baguette experience unless you buy 30 sandwiches at once.

It's not exactly the same, but the premise that because I've bought stuff from them before I can now find discounts is sound. And again, I don't know where this "buy everything the same day" concept comes from. Are we talking about the same game here?

Firstly that's a really poor argument. Console games are a well known rip off. That's why I've spent the last couple of decades playing on PC.

Secondly the content in this game costs significantly more than other similar content in racing sims and games.

I never said console games were a good deal, only that R3E can be comparable in price to other products in this category (I didn't say it compared to the cheapest in the category). I see $70 as a reasonable investment, yeah I would have liked to pay less but it's not that much and I could have only spent half that if I didn't want all the content I got. It's still waaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than iRacing. Why aren't you rallying against iRacing? I've bought whole packs and experiences in R3E for the price of one track in iRacing. Talk about inflated prices.

Thirdly the whole point of the post you replied to is that the game is a huge rip off if you don't want a lot of content. What if you just want a few cars and tracks...and then to go back later? All your blather about sandwiches - Sector 3 charge you significantly more if you want to do this.

I never said the game is a rip off, and if you don't want a lot of content then you don't pay very much, kind of the opposite of a rip off. Just want a few cars and tracks? That could be had for as little as $10-15, and if you go back later you still have that content, with the option to buy more. Oh, and if those cars and tracks you bought are available in a "pack" or "experience" that you want to also buy, guess'll get a discount on the pack or experience! Genius, isn't it?? So, no, they don't charge you significantly more, in fact they charge you significantly less. Are you speaking of a different game? I think you must be.

Be honest with yourself when you answer this. Forget whether you like the game.

Ask yourself If Amazon worked like this - if you had to play a game where you keep adding things and removing them from the cart just to see how much they cost and the price varied depending on what you bought from Amazon before etc. If you had to solve this NP complete problem of adding and removing things to buy from amazon you would think they were morons and their store was stupid wouldn't you?

Actually, it's pretty similar to how I shop on Amazon. When I see something I want I add it to my cart, then add something else, then another thing, and when I'm done I go to my kart to see what the total is. In R3E I go to the store and say "I want that car, and that experience, and that track" and add them to my cart, when I'm done my cart gives me a total. Did the store show me a different price then what I ended up with? Likely, but being the genius that I am I've learned to ignore those prices and just go by the price in my kart. But, genius, so, yeah.

TL;DR - Is R3E the cheapest sim available? Nope. Is it the most expensive? Nope. Is the pricing model a tad confusing? It can be at first, but easy to figure out (genius or otherwise). Do you get a lot of smiles in exchange for the dollars you spent? Yep! Do I love free sandwiches? ABSOLUTELY!

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night.
I like the irony that the quoted teamfortress2, was long a vaporware title (anyone old enough to remember the half-life screenshots), and turned free 2 play after it was out four years. Also that you are seriously comparing that title, run by valve software, the owner of the steam platform, the company that makes money by every transaction done through steam, to a project by a small developer studio & niche product publisher, is only tipped off by the credibility that 5000 hours of playing said game gives you on development and marketing :)

as brandon mentioned, when r3e originally came out, the purchase system indeed was not optimal, and imo it indeed felt a bit overpriced, but since they have all those packs now and the much better shop system, it's quite fair. Though it's still arguable whether a AC/pcars model of pre-financing would not have been better during a "beta phase". Then again what does that really mean... pcars might have a lot of content in pre-release, but what will really survive and what you will have to pay for in DLCs for how much is still open I guess... and both games probably will continue to patch the game. So "beta" or release numbers are also relative.

some people have the feeling it's the duty by others to entertain them for almost free, almost as if a developer owns someone else for putting time into a game (or feedback)... normally that misconception correlates with having to support yourself and facing more realities in life, cause after that you are fine with paying people as you know they have to support themselves as well. Even as I felt the beginning of r3e was overpriced, I liked the game and that has a certain value to me that makes it okay to pay as I had the feeling the money ends up at the right place.

oh well so much for not feeding the trolls ;)
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Once you figure paid DLC into the mix, his arguments really go out the window. He seems to have a hard-on for AC, but how much is the Dream Pack DLC going to cost? If it's around $20, then suddenly I will have spent almost as much on AC as I have spent on R3E but will have got less enjoyment for my money in comparison. How's that for over-inflated pricing? And, how dare they try to make more money off me with the hopes of bettering their product!!??!! Developers, I swear, always trying to make money to pay their bills with. :rolleyes:
Based on the sandwich discussion, he still doesn't seem to realize that you get discounts on content that you already own.
I get discounts on content I already own?????? hmmm doesnt sound like a very good deal to me.... hahahhahaha... If I own the content I dont have to pay for it... do I? what kind of discount is that... but before I did pay twice for the same tracks (DTM 2013 anyone????)... but gladly they change the policy... because it didnt make any sence to have to buy the same track to be able to run on it with diferent cars... hell I even bought tracks that are now free and I didnt get any discount because of it.
I get discounts on content I already own?????? hmmm doesnt sound like a very good deal to me.... hahahhahaha... If I own the content I dont have to pay for it... do I? what kind of discount is that...

Not sure if serious.............. but the point being made is that some Experiences/Packs have common tracks (meaning, both DTM 14 and ADAC 14 race at Nurbergring and Hockenheim, for example) and if you already own some of the tracks from one Experience you won't have to pay for those tracks if you buy the other experience (meaning, you don't pay for the same track twice). If they did charge you twice for the same track I guarantee there'd be a lot more people on here complaining instead of one angry, opinionated, uninformed guy. (They may have done it differently in the past, but this is how they do it now and you no longer pay for content you already own, as you shouldn't).
Not sure if serious.............. but the point being made is that some Experiences/Packs have common tracks (meaning, both DTM 14 and ADAC 14 race at Nurbergring and Hockenheim, for example) and if you already own some of the tracks from one Experience you won't have to pay for those tracks if you buy the other experience (meaning, you don't pay for the same track twice). If they did charge you twice for the same track I guarantee there'd be a lot more people on here complaining instead of one angry, opinionated, uninformed guy. (They may have done it differently in the past, but this is how they do it now and you no longer pay for content you already own, as you shouldn't).
Oh but they did charge me twice for the same tracks when I bought DTM 2013... as they do charge twice for the same GT3 car, or the same car in ADAC 2013 or the Same car in ADAC 2014... just because the same car is tunned diferently or has a diferent brake system... they should charge the price of the livery not the entire car...
Gladly they changed the policy concerning tracks we already own when we buy a new experience, but I did pay the full price for DTM 2013 when I already owned Hockenheimring and Nürburgring (probably Motorsport Arena Oschersleben and Circuit Park Zandvoort too)
As I said, they may have done it differently in the past but this is how they handle it now. Some of your criticisms (multiple GT3 cars) are due to licensing issues which they can't do anything about. And they kinda made some of it up to you by allowing all your DTM 2013 tracks to be used in regular R3E gaming, so that almost makes up for paying for them twice. But when you're an early adopter, you should be prepared for things to change in the future and you may not have gotten the best deal. But, your early adopter dollars surely helped them to progress to the point they are now, and I'm sure they're thankful for that. As am I. :thumbsup:
Oh but they did charge me twice for the same tracks when I bought DTM 2013... as they do charge twice for the same GT3 car, or the same car in ADAC 2013 or the Same car in ADAC 2014... just because the same car is tunned diferently or has a diferent brake system... they should charge the price of the livery not the entire car...
Gladly they changed the policy concerning tracks we already own when we buy a new experience, but I did pay the full price for DTM 2013 when I already owned Hockenheimring and Nürburgring (probably Motorsport Arena Oschersleben and Circuit Park Zandvoort too)
I too bought both DTM 2013 and then the tracks again in R3E.
But no one made me do that, I could have waited to see if they get unlocked at some point..
But I liked the tracks and wanted to race on them with the other R3E cars, and I had a ton of fun driving them there as well!
And in the big picture, I don't think it's that big sums to fuss about..

I also think they have made up for it with the new discount system! :thumbsup:
And like Brandon said, that's how it is jumping on projects in an early stage!
I like the irony that the quoted teamfortress2, was long a vaporware title (anyone old enough to remember the half-life screenshots), and turned free 2 play after it was out four years. Also that you are seriously comparing that title, run by valve software, the owner of the steam platform, the company that makes money by every transaction done through steam, to a project by a small developer studio & niche product publisher, is only tipped off by the credibility that 5000 hours of playing said game gives you on development and marketing :)

No, I was replying to someone who was (and is) completely ignorant about how "Free 2 play" games typically work in PC gaming (his limited knowledge being with mobile games) with 2 examples of games for him to go and make himself less ignorant if he wishes.

That said, Valve is a small developer. Don't accept this "we're only small" excuse. That might be reasonable for why they've released a game that doesn't have many of the features that race 07 had, but this is about their website they are using to sell the game and the business decisions they took, not about difficult to implement game features.

I think 5000 hours of TF2 - a free to play title means that when someone tells me I don't know what a free to play title is, he looks like a buffoon. I wasn't suggesting it made me good at development or marketing. It makes me pretty good at playing TF2 though :D

However, it's a nonsense to suggest that Valve's other activities somehow explain Team fortress 2's success as a free to play title. The game is profitable in and of itself - it isn't being shored up by any revenue valve get from other Steam sales and they don't have thousands of employees working on TF2. Yet go and have a look at their update frequency.

They just hire **** hot staff.

It's a huge success and any developer of a supposed "free to play" title that doesn't look at what they do and study it would be a fool. That's not to say there aren't other ideas that Valve haven't thought of, but sector 3 really have had no free 2 play ideas at all.

TF2 is profitable - more profitable than it was when it was sold as a game. Get this in spite of giving every map and every weapon to players for free.

Put simply there is no need to buy any items to play the full game of Team fortress 2.

BUT - there are lots of cheap items and lots of ideas they've implemented to make buying them attractive (and not just hats)

Lots of ways of spending a little bit of cash (and of making a little bit of cash) Lots of small transactions, I'm arguing, would increase sector 3's sales, rather than just trying to get people to buy in bulk. Which really, as some of you have said - although I already knew this - was just a few knee jerk reaction changes they did to the ridiculous overpriced vrp nonsense they launched with.

Giving away all the content is what Simbin/Sector 3 should have done if and only if they wanted a free to play title. That's really what F2P is about, it's about making the people that don't pay part of the product you're selling.

So how do they make money if they give away all the cars and tracks? Well that's where some of their staff would have earned their bonus. But as I say there are games out there, like the ones I mentioned, already successful to see what they do.

But that seems by the by now, it's probably too late for them to have good ideas. They went with the obvious instead and that's what they sell - cars and tracks. I would argue if they want to sell them they need to make it really attractive to buy just a car or a track for someone who wants to dip their toe into RRRE beyond the (let's face it, pretty crappy) developer made track.

as brandon mentioned, when r3e originally came out, the purchase system indeed was not optimal, and imo it indeed felt a bit overpriced, but since they have all those packs now and the much better shop system, it's quite fair.

Not really. It was crap and still is crap, although I've commented on that above. They made it less crap for sure as a knee jerk response.

It's especially crap, as I suggested, in the sense that it (A) it has a ridiculous and convoluted interface that doesn't clearly display pricing and (B) It doesn't encourage gamers to buy a couple of items. They perhaps listened too much to people who will probably just buy everything and then go "whaa! you've charged me twice for this track" - now you think you're getting a "discount" when sometimes that just means they are simply not charging you twice for the same thing. Heh, who said you can't fool all of people. They are hoping to.

Anyone that buys one item will probably buy more.

Though it's still arguable whether a AC/pcars model of pre-financing would not have been better during a "beta phase".

TBH I don't think it is arguable. I think it's pretty self-evident that of the 3 different "this is the way games are developed de jour" ideas that developers all started to jump on the bandwagon : which are nominally, "free 2 play" games, "early access" games and "kickstarter type funded" games that the 2 companies developing sim racing titles who picked "early access" (AC) and "a kickstarter type thing" (pcars) have done better than the one that sort of picked f2p but chickened out when it actually came down to implementing f2p (and created a mess instead)

Yeah? I mean AC has regularly been at the top of sales charts on steam, not just the racing section, but outselling everything. pcars obviously collected plenty of cash, enough to fund the game development perhaps (not sure how much money SMS and other investors have thrown at it, but a substantial amount came from the community) - and it'd be difficult to imagine that they won't sell a bunch of copies on Steam, even if the bulk of that is only during sales (and of course they've potential in the console market too) A huge part of that was paid for by just positing the idea to a bunch of people.

Now the idea of "F2P" was put to those Pcars people and they said "Nope" - Perhaps Ian Bell et al had a big influence on that decision? I'm not sure, but clearly they rejected the idea of a F2P game. To me that says that sim racing fans that would happily pay for a game that doesn't exist when given a choice they don't want F2P.

some people have the feeling it's the duty by others to entertain them for almost free

Right now they are doing that. If they want my money they have to change what they are doing. But I've played over hundred hours with, as far as I can tell, no benefit at all to sector 3. That's their decision. If they wanted to exploit my playtime they would have needed to make different decisions. If they wanted me to pay them money, they'd have to make it clear they are financially sound - that the content won't disappear.

They can decide, as some of you have, that I'm wrong - and maybe I am - if they are making millions of vrps, euros, dollars or whatever and think everything is going fine and according to plan then no problem. I will probably eventually get either pcars or AC depending which looks the best when they are both available.

But, they won't debate me into buying their content. I'm "right" in the sense that I have the money and I'm not spending it in their store for the reasons I've given at length in this and other posts.

I know from other posters and forums I'm certainly not the only one reticent to buy content in this title - and there are plenty of people in this thread who don't seem very confident about being online to play offline and what might happen to the stuff they bought. But, perhaps we're a tiny minority and they're all busy finding houses near Notch with candy rooms in Beverly Hills riding on the huge success and overwhelming sales of R3E packs :D

It's up to sector 3 to decide whether they think the points and posters are worth listening too.
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I will probably eventually get either pcars or AC depending which looks the best when they are both available.
But, they won't debate me into buying their content. I'm "right" in the sense that I have the money and I'm not spending it in their store for the reasons I've given at length in this and other posts.
Alrighty man this is the core of all your walls of text. It's remarkable and shocking at the same time how long did it take for you to simply let us know that you won't buy R3E content. :roflmao: Awesome! Great! Fantastic!!
Now I'd warmly suggest you to move on cause your losing precious time to your run to the 6k hours on TF! Good luck with your new milestone! :thumbsup:
So you'd charge rich people more, just to gouge them? Good luck with that business model.

No, I'd add more value to the packs. Viz the examples I gave from other products like cars and computers etc.

This doesn't even make any sense? Cars are $2-4 usually, tracks are $4-6. That's hugely inflated cost? Seems pretty reasonable to me

Really? So why did you buy a pack then instead of buying the "reasonble" cars and tracks separately? Sheesh. Of course it makes sense.

Right now they charge over 60% more for buying stuff as you said you buy sandwiches - one a day.

especially compared to iRacing.

Being cheaper than iracing is hardly something to shout about.

And since you don't understand how this game packages things, an Experience is basically a standalone game complete with a full championship and all liveries/cars/tracks from that series/season.

Yes, I understand that it's completely stupid. You can pay £150 on cars and tracks and not get the experience with full championship which might be £17, albeit probably discounted on steam (if they can get it back on steam) in every sale to £5.

So you pay for cars and tracks what you call "a reasonable price" which is about 80x more than you can get the "experience" which you say has all this extra stuff - and you think that makes sense?

If you pay hundreds and get less, that's your own fault as they've made it quite easy to save money.

So, in other words, sector 3's great business plan is to try and rip off gamers and if they manage to scam a few gamers out of hundreds that's their fault? That's their great F2P idea in a nutshell described by yourself.

If they have a cost effective way of buying stuff - what is the use or point of having lots of non-cost effective ways? It gives no benefit at all to anyone. Not even them if they have any self respect or hope for a reputation.

I said in my experience, I didn't say anything about your experience with other games.

Yes you did. You tried as you have in a few posts to tell me I didn't understand free to play. Free to play in PC gaming works far more as I suggested you go and investigate - in games like TF2. Your limited knowledge of a few mobile games isn't really relevant.

I bought the DTM 2014 Experience, as a result when I came back to buy the ADAC 2014 Experience I got a discount because I already owned some of the tracks that were used in DTM.

Listen to yourself. You perhaps consider yourself an intelligent person? You're claiming that because you weren't charged for the same content twice that's a discount. Think about that. No, don't hit reply, just think about it. Not paying for Brands hatch twice is a "discount"? Really? If you went to your estate agent and said "I'd like to buy this house" and he said "That's your house sir, but we can give you a discount!" would you be like "wow! a discount!"?

I've never seen anything in their store that suggests I'd get a bigger discount if I bought everything today, not sure where you pulled that out of.

Maybe you should look closer next time then. There's a discount applied called a bulk vrp discount. So if you buy 2 packs on a Monday, you pay less than if you buy one on Monday and the other on Tuesday.

And again, I don't know where this "buy everything the same day" concept comes from. Are we talking about the same game here?

Maybe you should have checked before repeating the same flaw over and over.

Actually, it's pretty similar to how I shop on Amazon.

No it isn't. You failed the honesty test.
Alrighty man this is the core of all your walls of text. It's remarkable and shocking at the same time how long did it take for you to simply let us know that you won't buy R3E content. :roflmao: Awesome! Great! Fantastic!!
Now I'd warmly suggest you to move on cause your losing precious time to your run to the 6k hours on TF! Good luck with your new milestone! :thumbsup:

I'm not typing any more or less than anyone else. The thread is 16 pages long after all and I'm not even close to posting the most to it. Are you making up your own rules as you go along?

Feel free to disagree or disregard, but passive aggressive replies from cliques doesn't bother me.

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