SimHub - TV Style Side & Scrolling Leaderboards + Timings SideScreen

Apps SimHub - TV Style Side & Scrolling Leaderboards + Timings SideScreen 6.6.7

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If you think you have the latest..check it anyway...It may not automatically tell you there is a newer version..

Known bugs/issues/limitations (as of version 4.7):
These will be added to/removed as/when sorted...
  • Does not work in 'class only' leaderboard mode set in Simhub.
  • If you exit the session (or pause in some games) and Simhub loses data connection the position +/- resets so will be wrong when session resumes (takes the current position as the new 'start grid' position.
  • Only works 100% (and certain levels of features) for the games I have stated on the main page..any other games may show some data but not pits/tyres/position +- / class icons etc as these are hand coded to each game.
  • Pit count and position +/- does not handle driver changes in RF2 very well.
Please report any bugs/issues in this support section and I will do my best to address them.
Please include as much detail as possible..
Please take a short Simhub replay file of the issue and send/post it so I can see all data that Simhub is using so I can try to recreate the issue my end.

**UPDATE 11/04/2020**
To enable RF2 spectator mode observed driver switching you need to edit an RF2 game file:

Go to: \steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\CustomPluginVariables.JSON
Edit in notepad (or whatever)
set "UnsubscribedBuffersMask" to 0
You may have it as '32' (see picture)

if so..change it to 0..
If you do NOT have it...add this line: "UnsubscribedBuffersMask":0

**UPDATE 17/05/2020**
Added pdf instructions for using the F12019Drivernames from text file......



  • How To Use The F12019 Drivername File.pdf
    453.5 KB · Views: 1,104
Last edited:
Anyone want to leave a comment?
Is it good?
Is it bad?
Is it 'meh'?

I am working on an update which I hope to release soon but any other suggestions to change/improve this are greatly appreciated.
GarySwallow updated SimHub - Scrolling Leaderboards with a new update entry:

Bigger Better Stronger Transparent..with whistles on... Update to the TV Style Side Leaderboard

Version 3.2 brings:
Opponent pit status for all supported games (RF2, F12017,PCars2,AssettoCorsa).
It may work for other games but I have not tested it..

Positions gained/lost since race start.

F12017 tyre compounds

FLAGS for PCars2, Assetto Corsa, F12017 and RF2


You need to install my plugin (in the zip) to get the features to work.
Drop it into the root directory of SimHub, start SimHub and activate it in the Settings/Plugins section....

Read the rest of this update entry... I have found some more bugs and a few silly mistakes that needed to be rectified so there will be a new version coming soon.
I also noticed that I have not included my latest plugin that does the tyre compounds for F1 2017 (sorry).
Wotever has also been assisting with an issue in F1 2017 where any player that has a DNF messes up the leaderboard (not just my leaderboard..all of them) so that is a WIP as well and we may have to wait for the next release of Simhub to get an updated codemasters dll plugin (I am testing a rough new version now).
So..stay tuned for the update.........
GarySwallow updated SimHub - Scrolling Leaderboards with a new update entry:

Added Best Lap and fixed a few issues

Side Leaderboard Update:
Overall best lap time of the session (across all drivers) popup (appears as soon as the fastest lap time changes).
Fixed F1 2017 tyre compounds display.
Fixed DNF drivers messing up the leaderboard (New Codemasters dll file in zip - will also be included as standard in next release of Simhub - thanks Wotever).
Stopped the scrolling of the best/gap times to (hopefully) increase performance for data heavy games like RFactor2 - it looked pretty for most games but then...

Read the rest of this update entry...
New version to be released on Saturday.
I now have extra goodies and fixed a major error that was filling up the log in Simhub.
Looking good and race tested :)
Upload in a few hours.........
GarySwallow updated SimHub - TV Style Scrolling Leaderboards with a new update entry:

Updated bottom scrolling to 2.0 and some tweaks to the side leaderboard

Major update to the longer bottom scrolling board:
Added RF2 as it was missing.
Added gap/delta.
Added positions lost/gained.
Still only first 20 opponents....for now..
RF2 scrolling is still very slow!!

Added more class icons for RF2 to both leaderboards.
+some under the hood tweaks

Read the rest of this update entry...
GarySwallow updated SimHub - TV Style Scrolling Leaderboards with a new update entry:

Few Fixes + other goodies added

All leaderboards updated so you need to use the new plugin included.
Added 'battle for 4th/8th etc' random popup to the side leaderboard as a test.
Added a scroll speed up/down button in Simhub plugin properties tab so you can adjust the horizontal leaderboard scroll speed.
It gets jerky the faster you go so use wisely..

Let me know if you have any issues...

Read the rest of this update entry...