Simplest way to remove track objects?

There are a few mod tracks I like that aren't optimized that well. I'd like to modify them for my own personal use by removing some of the clutter. I remember that was easy when I was doing this about ten years ago for rFactor -- I just deleted lines in the .trk files.

So how is this achieved in AC?
That doesn't help when the objects on the mod tracks/conversions aren't set properly to work with the world details settings and LODs. Not to speak about material settings and collision meshes.
I'd love to have this, in my case not for performance but rather to turn modern advertisements etc. off and make tracks appear more historical. Highlands would be my first private project...

However, since most of the stuff is integral part of .kn5 3d files you can't really "clip it out". I guess you'd need a conversion from kn5 to any 3d editing suite standard, then remove the items, and convert back.