
What FFB fix? Have they announced a fix coming? Hope they don't mess too much with it then cos I love how it is ATM and find it 2nd only to NKpro. But I'm no pro and my opinion is based on what I find fun to drive rather than "correct" (if there is such a thing as correct FFB).
Having played a lot of free2play games i can honestly say that the priority is content then bugs. So everytime you see new content being announced, add 1 month to bugfixes.. It's all about cashflow, new content gives you cash, bugfixes don't. It's shortsighted but if enough new poeple join, they can get away with it. I'll wait for the FFB fix.

What's wrong with the FFB? It's great for me so I have trouble understanding what you mean. A user specific issue is not a bug, it could be a number of things, a number of which are being done or addressed in the wheel setup threads or online via the websites 24/7 chat support.

Games have bugs, all games have them just as all games have user specific issues that don't affect the majority, if you paid attention you would see that a massive ammount of effort is being put in on their part to provide good user support. The guys who create the content are not the same guys who work on the bugs, the artists, the sound designer the physics guys and the support guys, the testers and the bugfixers are all different people with different jobs and different areas of expertise.

Edit : But more importantly, features like league racing and multi/mixed car/class racing and the social aspects of the game, including stats are some of the things the game is in desperate need of to move forward, small bug fixes and individual support issues should play second fiddle to this considering that this is still in beta and going through heavy development. Bringing more tracks to the game is also something of a priority, so I think they have their priorities just about right for now.
Yeah I feel that the "moneygrabs first, bugfixes later" comment fits poorly with my experience so far with SRW, they have had excellent customer service and communication. I've been with them too short to give a fair judgement though.
Could be that they value bugfixes more, don't really know, i was generally talking about Free2play games. All i know that all games that uses gMotor2 so far i've had no trouble with FFB and rarrely had trouble with other engines. RRRe shows quite nicely how it's done right.. Everything works, no need to setup anything, no need to follow forums to get it working (that's a workaround, not bugfix..). I got Momo black that has very generic settings, almost universal. I really wonder if it's just me or do you have a real grasp on how it should feel, and please don't bash me now but it seems odd that some could say it's fine and other complain so much. It most likely is fine once the settings and sliders actually work.

Do you know this concept, FFB clipping: Because that's exactly what it feels like, FFB clipping badly so we are left with only few steps between 0 and 100% force. I can tell you that once i got the wheel, i abused setting for at least six months making FFB clip constantly. I couldn't say that there was anything wrong. Until i read that post, did new setting and the amount of new info was staggering. Very subtle change but definitely noticeable.
As I said I'm no pro so no I can't claim that i know exactly how it is supposed to feel, i do however have a Fanatec wheel and have reduced the FFB strength on the wheel itself so maybe that is why i feel it's good.
It must be that I don't mind a bit of FFB clipping, FFB by nature is nothing like real life anyway, when it clips it usually filters out some details but gives a heavier feel to the wheel, usually giving you something closer to what a non power steering wheel feels like.

I don't believe in the concept that any clipping at all is bad, because a 0% clipping FFB wheel still feels nothing like a real car, and at the end of the day that is the aim. To me I can feel enough detail that I can feel the car, weight changes, when I'm losing grip and details in the road surface, with a strong enough weight in the wheel that it feels somewhat like a non Power Steering car.

It's similar to how NetKar feels to me, though Netkar is slightly better in most of those areas with slightly more detail. I'm using a G27 though. For me the FFB is far better than the FFB i get in GTR2/Race07 or the original Rfactor and I prefer it to Rfactor 2 (though RF2 FFB seems to feel a lot different these days and perhaps I need to set it up again, it's gone from ripping my wheel apart, to pretty decent and now it feels a bit floppy). iRacing for me was too smooth and lacking in detail, felt a bit dead.

Race against Allan Mcnish in the Audi R18, which is also todays (Tuesday 15th) test drive tuesday car, it will be sold at a discount. Allan will also be answering questions in a video response, check the thread for more details!

I just hope they can find it in their heart to release a new circuit before the summer.

I was chatting to Nigel & Joseph of SRW this morning (Aus Eastern Daylight Saving Time) about the Morgan not working (spewing about this as it's what got me into SRW in the 1st place....
Regarding tracks, there's a new one coming out by the end of the month...
And the reason there's no dirt tracks yet is because they are having troubles implementing the track cut feature...
Which surprises me as Watkins Glen Long didn't punish me no matter how many times I went off track due to FPS issues, that being said CofA was pinging me for no more than putting 2 wheels on the rumble strips!
So far I can't see much in the way of improvements, nor am I impressed with the fact that with such a limited range in tracks 3 of them are those stupid circle tracks....
Wasn't impressed either with after making initial download & install, then going on to do the 26part download within the game & that took close to 30hours on my 10Mb/s connection....
Very few places here in Oz have quicker speed than that as Oz is only just 'rolling out' (sic) optical fiber network....
Not long before I gave up on SRW last time I did that same 26 part download in only a few hours on 256Kb/s connection via a wireless USB dongle thingy....
In game things are VERY dark at most venues even under a mid-day sun leaving me searching for the headlights which are near useless...
Lastly, Ive seen a LOT of textures (grass, gravel, armco walls e.t.c) which appear to be directly lifted from BTB Xpacks that I know & use, both 'standard' ones & others....(Kormoron[spelling?] Roads for example....)
Some of these Xpacks actually came with a 'Must credit creator/not for commercial use' in their Read Me spiels...
I wonder how they'd feel if someone started plundering their 'original' content?
I tried raising this subject with them in another forum & FB as well as Email but got ignored or flamed by the Fan-Boy brigade (on FB) which was part of the reason I ditched it....
This seems mainly negetive rant but it's just some observations I wished to air....
I was impressed this morning with the interaction when it appeared I may have found a big clue to why the Morgan isn't working.....fingers crossed!
I'm not sure what you're talking about it being dark, I don't have that issue as can be seen in the vids i've posted (and those vids are actually darker than in game too, due to the gamma correction being wrong), I really don't get what you mean with that.

The download issue is a technical thing on your end, you need to download an update to internet explorer, most people don't use internet explorer hence don't have the update, with that installed it will download a lot faster. From what I'm told you need to merely run internet explorer and it should update, don't ask me why this is just what I've seen told by the support people about slow downloads.

As for the textures things, I have no idea but assuming legal issues because you "think" they could be the same in without knowing any of the details behind the scens is a bit silly. There was a fuss over SimRaceway having some of the same sounds as Project CARS with people claiming stealing content bla bla, until the sound designer made it clear that he had been hired to do sounds by both companies, hence the 2 exact same cars sounding very similar in the seperate games.

If you want to discuss these things then do it on the SRW forums, rather than facebook which is merely their way of promoting the game. As for the track detection thing, it's a feature that they are actively developing and it is in beta, it isnt going to be 100% with every track yet, they just released a track update to one of the circuits (the dubai style fantasy track) to address the track detection penalty system there. Tracks like COTA and BRNO will be getting tweaked as those 2 have issues too, and they have made it known that others will also be tweaked.

Essencially this is a game still in heavy development, with a beta tag on it you can't expect everything to be perfect out of the door, the potential is massive though, the physics are 90% fantastic, their support is the best i've seen for any game. At the end of the day if it isnt for you then it isn't for you, but atleast give it a fair chance and expect that being a beta in heavy development it is going to have bugs.

I don't own the car so I dont know of the issues, but here is the support thread on the Morgan 3 Wheeler, a few people have had issues, not sure if you already saw it :
As for the textures things, I have no idea but assuming legal issues because you "think" they could be the same in without knowing any of the details behind the scens is a bit silly. There was a fuss over SimRaceway having some of the same sounds as Project CARS with people claiming stealing content bla bla, until the sound designer made it clear that he had been hired to do sounds by both companies, hence the 2 exact same cars sounding very similar in the seperate games.

Im 'thinking' this as did have (haven't checked to see if it is still the case) Virtua LM's AIW file for Mid Ohio & I know from expirience it's virtually impossible to line up an AIW from a different build due to 0.0.0 being different, so yes, Ive taken a bit of a leap to a conclusion there...
I wouldn't know about the sounds melarky that you've mentioned....

If you want to discuss these things then do it on the SRW forums, rather than facebook which is merely their way of promoting the game.....

I mentioned it on FB because I was having no joy via Email & there was no forum at the time on their site....
It would be nice that when someone offers advice or fixes for free that at some stage a note at lest saying message recieved.

As for the track detection thing, it's a feature that they are actively developing and it is in beta, it isnt going to be 100% with every track yet, they just released a track update to one of the circuits (the dubai style fantasy track) to address the track detection penalty system there. Tracks like COTA and BRNO will be getting tweaked as those 2 have issues too, and they have made it known that others will also be tweaked.

If they're willing to release off-road cars & road course tracks that have these problems then why not the dirt ones too?
I was only mentioning that to shed light on why there's no off-road tracks yet....

Essencially this is a game still in heavy development, with a beta tag on it you can't expect everything to be perfect out of the door, the potential is massive though, the physics are 90% fantastic, their support is the best i've seen for any game. At the end of the day if it isnt for you then it isn't for you, but atleast give it a fair chance and expect that being a beta in heavy development it is going to have bugs.

How long can something remain in 'Open Beta' (to quote them, not yourself) releasing new material while fixing few flaws which essentially adds to the list that needs fixing?
Yes, their support is good if it means helping customers get started or it along the lines of a subject they're interested in....
But then there's this example, since release Longstone has had a crooked AIW fault on the starting line that would have been the work of a few seconds to fix while it was still in rFactor before conversion to their format...
Then there's the crappy headlight which they say 'Yes, we know' but still remains to be fixed along with the view from the front-end of cars mainly being based somewhere around the center of the car or, in a couple of cases, 1/3 to 1/2 a car length in front....
That last one may not matter to the majority but there are a few of us that prefer to race from that view & it is extremely hard to do so with the way it is....
I sent an Email with a fix for the cars I had & not only was it ignored but when I further raised the subject there was a basic denial along with what I considered a 'warning off' of "Simraceway is not meant to be modded & your not supposed to be doing that to our files", followed by "we will get around to it but it's not a priority...."
Fair enough, but the fixes were there, it would have been easy enough to test & maybe implement them...
I also know of another case by another along those lines too....
But anyway, I've rambled on enough...
I really do hope they fix these troubles as I do find it easier to 'jump into' for a 'quick hit', like having a burger & fries, rather than stuffing around with rFactor, but I'll always return to rF for my evening roast & gravy...;)
Charging money for the product = not open beta. But all free2plays are in constant beta-limbo. Why? Decreased responsibility. Simple as that.

This game has a lot potential, otherwise i think we wouldn't criticize it so much.. I would just ignore it, like pCARS. Also the fact that we have modded this engine to extremes gives us a different view of what is actually going on. I really do have to check those textures...

About FFB clippin: you can adjust the settings personally to do that if you want. Forcing all to have it: not a good decision. Most, if not all wheels come with clipping FFB as default and most games are setup the same. Why? Because in the showroom, during those 1 or 2 laps you get to test, if the FFB isn't superstrong they fear that the user will complain "weak FFB" if they aren't breaking their wrist at the first turn. Then the user is left with improperly setup wheel and that will decrease their performance. in the long run.. Plus you get used to clipping FFB and it may feel like it's way better.. It's not, it just feels easier and you are driving with luck....Plus those weird spins you get, you know: "i've been thru this corner 200 times, why did it do that now?" moments are much more rare with full amount of feedback information.

When you're going to a high speed corner and getting 75% of constant force and there's a bumb: you can feel it. Clipping FFB: you can't feel a thing, it's just constantly pushing at full force. The torque difference between 75% and 100% is way smaller than 25 to 50% so that might give the feeling that you aren't losing anything important.
There was a fuss over SimRaceway having some of the same sounds as Project CARS with people claiming stealing content bla bla, until the sound designer made it clear that he had been hired to do sounds by both companies, hence the 2 exact same cars sounding very similar in the seperate games.
I'm glad this was sorted; the 'Other Games' threads on the pCARS forum is often a good source of drama especially when another game is seen as a threat :)

Looking at the ask Allan McNish a question thread ( and it makes me sad that there are so few questions. SRW need to promote these events better as it's not on the SRW front page nor their blog.
On facebook they have a map of the UK with all the tracks pin pointed, asking the community which track should they go to laser scan, they are sending a team over to the UK for 4 days, so I'm guessing they only have time to do the one this time around.

Got me thinking though, most of those tracks were on the summer release list, if they still havent scanned them they have a lot of work ahead if they plan on a summer release.

Furthermore, a dirt track will be releasing on the 1st of February along with their offroad buggy. confirmed on the forums.
New car got added at somepoint last night.


Cost is $0.30 or 300 credits, looking forward to giving this a try!

Simraceway’s first modified stock car, the Asphalt Modified heads back to the 1970s for its inspiration, providing an affordable, front-engine, fender-free utopia for fans of the popular pursuit whose roots can be traced directly back to the nascent NASCAR series, and beyond.

Powered by a 700-bhp, 5.0-liter V8 engine that produces 516 ft lbs of torque at 6,000 rpm, this rear-wheel-drive racer boasts an awesome power-to-weight ratio, while its five-speed manual gearbox can take it from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds -- faster than a Bentley Continental Supersports -- and to a top speed of 190 mph.

With its tube-framed chassis, exposed front suspension, and ground-hugging stance, the open-wheel/stock car hybrid cuts a distinctive, aggressive figure on the track, while its blacktop-grabbing, 15-inch racing slicks ensure the 3196-lb, sheet-metal-skinned beast is as maneuverable as it is nimble.

They didn't announce it but it appears that this oval has turned up in the game. Kentucky Speedway

Figured i'd make this into a seperate post.

They posted this on their facebook, likely as a hint that this particular car will be arriving to the sim (well I think that much is obvious or they wouldn't have posted it).


Which goes along nicely with them adding more ovals to the game, not all that interesting to many but it does seem that they are stepping things up on the oval side of things. Personally I had a lot of fun when I raced ovals at iRacing, though I've not done it since I'm quite looking forward to it.

Can anybody identify what kind of stock car that is? A nationwide perhaps? It doesnt look like a sprint car to me, but then I'm not really a follower of real world stockcar racing.
Another circle track?:O_o:
Thats what, 4or5 of them now?
And to me they all look the same from the driver seat, ie; Occupational Health & Safety over-kill!:sleep:
Even Tilke's tracks are more exciting...:(
I REALLY wish they'd release something interesting where the leMans fast cars can be wound up!
Such as leMans for example....:whistling:
The only time Ive ever found circles interesting are skipping through round-abouts or half tanked & in a paddock full of long grass with a front-wheel drive car in reverse.....:sneaky:
It's only the Morgan & the amount of time it took to re-install it that keeps me from deleting this again
Another circle track?:O_o:
Thats what, 4or5 of them now?
And to me they all look the same from the driver seat, ie; Occupational Health & Safety over-kill!:sleep:
Even Tilke's tracks are more exciting...:(
I REALLY wish they'd release something interesting where the leMans fast cars can be wound up!
Such as leMans for example....:whistling:
The only time Ive ever found circles interesting are skipping through round-abouts or half tanked & in a paddock full of long grass with a front-wheel drive car in reverse.....:sneaky:
It's only the Morgan & the amount of time it took to re-install it that keeps me from deleting this again

More ovals have been a popular request from american players and ovals are less work on the development side, we already know that a dirt track is coming in less than 2 weeks, and that a fairly large list of european race tracks are coming.

I've asked about Le Mans and It doesnt look likely in the near future, they didn't really have anything to say other than I should suggest it in the track wishlist thread. That is the problem with people being so adamant about laser scanning though, tracks like Monaco and Le Mans are off limits, annoying is not a strong enough word, I personally don't care about laser scanning if it means we have to skip out on 2 of the most famous tracks in the world, both are tracks that I love too, and I find it especially annoying that Le Mans is often left out.

But still, if you look at their licence list it is quite clear they have a lot in store for road racing, and though popular oval racing is still playing second fiddle.

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