SimXperience G-Belt review

Would appreciate another reply when updates complete
including whether current passwords are expected to work for logins at
Also, the updated website seemingly wanted an email address for login
where the old one wanted a userid; is that change likely to persist?

The Commander update is online and available now.

Nothing changes except the url we are pointing to.

You can still login with the exact same username and password you did before. However, in most cases, you wont even need to enter a login anymore. Sim Commander should auto-fill it for you.

If you have this update tonight, when we go-live with the new website tomorrow, the transition will be seamless for you.
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The Commander update is online and available now.

Nothing changes except the url we are pointing to.

You can still login with the exact same username and password you did before. However, in most cases, you wont even need to enter a login anymore. Sim Commander should auto-fill it for you.

If you have this update tonight, when we go-live with the new website tomorrow, the transition will be seamless for you.
Any news about AccuForce V3?
What’s about SC5?
Any news about AccuForce V3?
What’s about SC5?

Historically we've been in the fortunate position to be able to invest in R&D in order to bring you new products, features, etc..

With the global chip shortage, we're now in a position where we don't know when we'll be able to produce the next batches of the products that sustain us. For that reason, we shifted focus to becoming more efficient by implementing a new ERP system, website, support systems, etc.. It seems that for a time we will need to find ways to do more with less.

We do have a lot of new products in queue for release but have no idea when we can get microcontroller chips to make the release possible. With regard to the AccuForce, we will be releasing a new wireless wheel rim ecosystem. I expect we'll announce beta tester sign-ups for the wireless wheel button box in the next few weeks. The core AF motor control will stay the same and the cloud tuning capabilities will continue to improve. As for new products in other categories, it's a bit early to tip our hat, but you can expect to see some pretty cool new things when chips become available.
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Yeah I never actually had to log in with any details, looks like there is a generic sign in that just works. I don't remember it being like that all the years ago that I was using SC4, but it's working again now. Just a little blip in the radar but was weird nothing working all of a sudden.

For those that are using the G Belt, how are you finding the default power level vs the Extreme? I've yet to test thoroughly on what the unit is capable of, IRL getting super busy lately, but keen on hearing some thoughts as well as the different effects you've found useful and effective. I plan on going through each one by itself and seeing what can be gained out of using some of the more obscure effects. I know it's not a good idea to overload the profile with lots of effects, but would be nice to know I'm not missing out on anything.

Also, how does running the overall gain at 200, 300% on default compare to running extreme at like 100%? What is the main difference between selecting either default of extreme profiles? Is there just an overall power bump does it make everything more aggressive, lower latency, power curve, etc?
Yeah I never actually had to log in with any details, looks like there is a generic sign in that just works. I don't remember it being like that all the years ago that I was using SC4, but it's working again now. Just a little blip in the radar but was weird nothing working all of a sudden.

For those that are using the G Belt, how are you finding the default power level vs the Extreme? I've yet to test thoroughly on what the unit is capable of, IRL getting super busy lately, but keen on hearing some thoughts as well as the different effects you've found useful and effective. I plan on going through each one by itself and seeing what can be gained out of using some of the more obscure effects. I know it's not a good idea to overload the profile with lots of effects, but would be nice to know I'm not missing out on anything.

Also, how does running the overall gain at 200, 300% on default compare to running extreme at like 100%? What is the main difference between selecting either default of extreme profiles? Is there just an overall power bump does it make everything more aggressive, lower latency, power curve, etc?
Personally I’m using the extreme profile. I think the default profile isn’t enough powerful for me.
Don’t go over 150% because you risk to clipping.
I would suggest using a default profile with cloud tuning and tightening the belts firmly before you begin driving.

If that isn't enough for you, then switch to Xtreme mode.

The default cloud tune profile ensures that you won't clip (run out of available travel) during normal combinations of lateral and longitudinal G-Forces from trail braking, etc... If you turn the intensity up from there, you may encounter some clipping. Some folks prefer to just focus on heavy braking forces though, so in that case, leaving headroom for lateral forces is unneeded and you could crank up the intensity.
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Would leaving all of the intensity sliders, both effect and global, at 100% or less, while still using the Xtreme profile run the risk of clipping also? I've got a profile I am going to be testing with around 5-6 effects and I've not got any of them above the 100%.
I have a question, is the acceleration effect useful?
While braking you feel the belt getting tight what does tye acceleration effect actually do?!
It slightly loosens under power application. There is a standard tension when no forces are being applied so from there it gets slightly looser and then under brakes tightens fully.
Right. I've had my G-Belt for nearly a couple of weeks now and while I haven't had a great deal of time to spend with it, I have enough to give some initial impressions on the unit and software. Bear with me.....

Firstly, I live in Australia. The worldwide pandemic continues to hinder all sorts of logistics. I ordered my G-Belt Monday night and paid 110 USD for shipping. It arrived Thursday afternoon, THE SAME WEEK. I'm not sure how much of this comes down to SimXperience, but they've clearly had it packed up and ready for FedEx to collect super early. Hats off to not only being amazingly fast in organising the order, but also for not using a shipping company that's completely useless.

Packaging was fine. It was super well packed, nothing was loose and everything arrived safe. The box is just a regular unbranded box, which I'm neither hyped nor disappointed about, obviously. It's a box. It got here super quick and in perfect condition. Can't ask for much more.

In the box? The unit (boy, is it HEAVY), power plug for US (I had a spare kettle plug so was able to just swap that in for Aussie power outlet), decent length USB A to B cable and the control box. The control box is nice and neat, has a power switch that you can turn on and off without having to turn the outlet switch off, which is nice considering the fan is not silent. It's not terrible, the NX1000D amp I have is an absolute disgrace where fan noise is concerned and it sits next to that. So as long as they're both on, it's basically inaudible. The plugs for the power and data cables from the unit are fairly well fitted, however they do pull out if your messing around with cable management like I was. So leave some slack on them and make sure not to pull on the box if/when you're moving things around. Under normal usage, this is a non issue.

The unit itself. It's built like a brick sh*thouse, as we say here. Absolutely bulletproof, at least from a physical perspective. It's just able to be mounted by a single person, I was able to do it myself but I nearly dropped it once or twice trying to locate the thread onto the screw. I've got mine mounted on the back of the headrest directly on my Sparco Rev bucket seat and it feels like it works really well there. I was worried the unit might be too heavy for the fiberglass shell of the seat to hold, but it's been there for a while now and nothing feels weak. Nothing really moves and I do not run motion anymore so there's no concern of twisting or torque being applied to the fixing point. Some people have built towers so that the unit is off the seat and further back but where mine is seems perfect. Minimal fuss, two 6mm holes drilled into the seat and we're done. Cables are wrapped in black mesh and are nicely concealed up against my black seat. Very neat. Length is pretty good and I've got the control box under my pedal deck with my amps all placed nicely together. I've run a 3M extension from the unit to the PC and until now, no drop outs that I know of to be USB related. Main unit looks great, it has a great black finish to it, feels fantastic and is less of an eyesore than I anticipated. It's there, you notice it, but it's not getting in the way, it doesn't look terrible at all and most importantly, doesn't add to the footprint of the chassis if you're using my mounting method. Operation is not silent by any means, and the motors have a little squeaky tone to them when in use, but I wear earbuds and never hear this. It's going to differ person to person how they are affected by the noise, but anyone using anything decent for sound, be it speakers or headphones will likely not notice anything while using it. I take it that the sound is just how the certain motors used sound, as seen with some motion platforms. I did have an SFX based actuator system and the motors that recommends to use do not sound like these, which is why I'm pointing it out. Not bad, but not amazing either.

The software. Some love it, some hate it. SimCommander is a mixed bag for me. At the end of the day, it gets the job done for me just using it for the G-Belt and I'm trying to find ways to make it as simple to use within my ecosystem. I'm playing with the idea of having a single profile for ALL games and just changing the game selected in the drop down box in the profile settings. Seems to work for the titles I've used so far, but may run into issues if you're adjusting effects to suit rally and other disciplines. I like the Simhub approach of the game being auto detected as running and once my profiles are set, all I need to do is launch the program and I never think about it. SimCommander seems to not support this (yet, I have no idea) but having one profile will definitely simplify it for me. The cloud sync feature is pretty cool. As mentioned in the thread already, you are recommended to start with these and go from there in tuning your profiles.

So, the part everyone wants to know then. How does it feel? I have some shoulder pads added to my 3" harness, which is a 4 point system at this stage. My cam lock does have a 5th point but I cannot find the 5th belt to attach it. It very well may not have come with one when I bought it, I cannot remember. Either way, I don't need it. If you tighten your lap belts properly, there is no way that the shoulder harness pulls up enough to move them. Strap yourself in firmly, you'll feel a lot more connected to the car. Comfort wise, it's just like using a 'passive' (read, regular) harness but I can only imagine it might get a bit uncomfortable without the padding. The elements the G-Belt adds to your driving experience are excellent. You'd think that the braking effect is the more sought after feeling and one that the system would excel at the most. While this is true for the most part, the other effects are equally worth having. Namely, cornering effect, gear shifts, bumps and to a lesser extent, acceleration. I also use Pitch effects to gain a sense of how the car is pointing on the track but I use these to a lesser extent as you really shouldn't feel the weight of pointing slightly downhill too much in the belts. But some sense of elevation change is pretty good. Here is my current work in progress profile for anyone interested.


I am on the Extreme setting seen in the Device Settings tab (not shown in pic) and have no slider above 100% at this stage. For me, I prefer pretty much all the effects that the G-Belt gives me over my 3DOF 4 actuator motion platform. It's that good. Only thing I miss at times is the sprung effect of the heave capabilites of the actuators. Since the G-Belt gives such a good feeling of all the other effects, it actually highlights what's missing when you see the car bouncing and feel the bumps in the belts. It takes a minute but you adjust to it not being there and, here's the kicker, you'll never know what you're missing if you've never tried an actuator based motion system, which I dare say is most people reading.

Brake feel is amazing. You gain a lot of feedback to what the pedal is doing when you press it with the tactile feeling of the belts as opposed to just watching the screen and hoping you don't run over your apex. Cornering is awesome as well due to the dual motors giving you left and right positional feedback. I like this feature a lot. The car feels very active when you enable the effects that I have and as long as you balance the strength of the effects, it is pretty convincing. It only gets better in VR since you're completely immersed in the cockpit of the car as it is. Gear shifting completely destroys anything you can tune from a tactile bass shaker / transducer perspective. There's nothing that compares to getting a tug on the shoulders as you shift through the gears. A point of note is even if you enable that effect, you need to manually assign the strength of each gear change. For me I got nothing until I did that.

Overall, the experience I've had with the G-Belt is outstanding. Delivery was amazing. Installation was simple. The unit looks great. It offers enough flexibility to fit within my current ecosystem re placement. The software offers a good selection of effects and tuning. A bonus is if you already run other SimXperience products, you won't need another app running. Most importantly, the increase in enjoyment while driving is excellent. I'm not done tuning yet and I'm still getting used to having the harness back on the seat after removing it for a while when motion was taken off the chassis, but I actually enjoy being strapped down into the seat. It makes you feel really connected to the car. Just make sure once you're in, anything you need such as mouse or VR controllers are within reach!

For the price, this is a clean, cost effective way to add another layer of immersion to your sim racing and you can achieve some excellent results with it as long as you set it up optimally. For me, this and tactile are the perfect way to 'fill in the blanks' when we're comparing a static sim rig to anything you would feel in the real world. Certainly doesn't replace it, but it's not what it's designed to do.

I've not made a considerable upgrade to the rig since adding motion back in the new year of 2019. I am in no way disappointed with or regret my decision to try one of these. It's true that you can make your own DIY belt tensioner and I thought about it for a while before abandoning the thought of adding yet another active electronic device to my already troublesome rig. I'm glad I went this route. With a GS-5 being completely out of reasonable reach for me here in Australia, this is a fantastic alternative.
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Right. I've had my G-Belt for nearly a couple of weeks now and while I haven't had a great deal of time to spend with it, I have enough to give some initial impressions on the unit and software. Bear with me.....

Firstly, I live in Australia. The worldwide pandemic continues to hinder all sorts of logistics. I ordered my G-Belt Monday night and paid 110 USD for shipping. It arrived Thursday afternoon, THE SAME WEEK. I'm not sure how much of this comes down to SimXperience, but they've clearly had it packed up and ready for FedEx to collect super early. Hats off to not only being amazingly fast in organising the order, but also for not using a shipping company that's completely useless.

Packaging was fine. It was super well packed, nothing was loose and everything arrived safe. The box is just a regular unbranded box, which I'm neither hyped nor disappointed about, obviously. It's a box. It got here super quick and in perfect condition. Can't ask for much more.

In the box? The unit (boy, is it HEAVY), power plug for US (I had a spare kettle plug so was able to just swap that in for Aussie power outlet), decent length USB A to B cable and the control box. The control box is nice and neat, has a power switch that you can turn on and off without having to turn the outlet switch off, which is nice considering the fan is not silent. It's not terrible, the NX1000D amp I have is an absolute disgrace where fan noise is concerned and it sits next to that. So as long as they're both on, it's basically inaudible. The plugs for the power and data cables from the unit are fairly well fitted, however they do pull out if your messing around with cable management like I was. So leave some slack on them and make sure not to pull on the box if/when you're moving things around. Under normal usage, this is a non issue.

The unit itself. It's built like a brick sh*thouse, as we say here. Absolutely bulletproof, at least from a physical perspective. It's just able to be mounted by a single person, I was able to do it myself but I nearly dropped it once or twice trying to locate the thread onto the screw. I've got mine mounted on the back of the headrest directly on my Sparco Rev bucket seat and it feels like it works really well there. I was worried the unit might be too heavy for the fiberglass shell of the seat to hold, but it's been there for a while now and nothing feels weak. Nothing really moves and I do not run motion anymore so there's no concern of twisting or torque being applied to the fixing point. Some people have built towers so that the unit is off the seat and further back but where mine is seems perfect. Minimal fuss, two 6mm holes drilled into the seat and we're done. Cables are wrapped in black mesh and are nicely concealed up against my black seat. Very neat. Length is pretty good and I've got the control box under my pedal deck with my amps all placed nicely together. I've run a 3M extension from the unit to the PC and until now, no drop outs that I know of to be USB related. Main unit looks great, it has a great black finish to it, feels fantastic and is less of an eyesore than I anticipated. It's there, you notice it, but it's not getting in the way, it doesn't look terrible at all and most importantly, doesn't add to the footprint of the chassis if you're using my mounting method. Operation is not silent by any means, and the motors have a little squeaky tone to them when in use, but I wear earbuds and never hear this. It's going to differ person to person how they are affected by the noise, but anyone using anything decent for sound, be it speakers or headphones will likely not notice anything while using it. I take it that the sound is just how the certain motors used sound, as seen with some motion platforms. I did have an SFX based actuator system and the motors that recommends to use do not sound like these, which is why I'm pointing it out. Not bad, but not amazing either.

The software. Some love it, some hate it. SimCommander is a mixed bag for me. At the end of the day, it gets the job done for me just using it for the G-Belt and I'm trying to find ways to make it as simple to use within my ecosystem. I'm playing with the idea of having a single profile for ALL games and just changing the game selected in the drop down box in the profile settings. Seems to work for the titles I've used so far, but may run into issues if you're adjusting effects to suit rally and other disciplines. I like the Simhub approach of the game being auto detected as running and once my profiles are set, all I need to do is launch the program and I never think about it. SimCommander seems to not support this (yet, I have no idea) but having one profile will definitely simplify it for me. The cloud sync feature is pretty cool. As mentioned in the thread already, you are recommended to start with these and go from there in tuning your profiles.

So, the part everyone wants to know then. How does it feel? I have some shoulder pads added to my 3" harness, which is a 4 point system at this stage. My cam lock does have a 5th point but I cannot find the 5th belt to attach it. It very well may not have come with one when I bought it, I cannot remember. Either way, I don't need it. If you tighten your lap belts properly, there is no way that the shoulder harness pulls up enough to move them. Strap yourself in firmly, you'll feel a lot more connected to the car. Comfort wise, it's just like using a 'passive' (read, regular) harness but I can only imagine it might get a bit uncomfortable without the padding. The elements the G-Belt adds to your driving experience are excellent. You'd think that the braking effect is the more sought after feeling and one that the system would excel at the most. While this is true for the most part, the other effects are equally worth having. Namely, cornering effect, gear shifts, bumps and to a lesser extent, acceleration. I also use Pitch effects to gain a sense of how the car is pointing on the track but I use these to a lesser extent as you really shouldn't feel the weight of pointing slightly downhill too much in the belts. But some sense of elevation change is pretty good. Here is my current work in progress profile for anyone interested.

View attachment 477160

I am on the Extreme setting seen in the Device Settings tab (not shown in pic) and have no slider above 100% at this stage. For me, I prefer pretty much all the effects that the G-Belt gives me over my 3DOF 4 actuator motion platform. It's that good. Only thing I miss at times is the sprung effect of the heave capabilites of the actuators. Since the G-Belt gives such a good feeling of all the other effects, it actually highlights what's missing when you see the car bouncing and feel the bumps in the belts. It takes a minute but you adjust to it not being there and, here's the kicker, you'll never know what you're missing if you've never tried an actuator based motion system, which I dare say is most people reading.

Brake feel is amazing. You gain a lot of feedback to what the pedal is doing when you press it with the tactile feeling of the belts as opposed to just watching the screen and hoping you don't run over your apex. Cornering is awesome as well due to the dual motors giving you left and right positional feedback. I like this feature a lot. The car feels very active when you enable the effects that I have and as long as you balance the strength of the effects, it is pretty convincing. It only gets better in VR since you're completely immersed in the cockpit of the car as it is. Gear shifting completely destroys anything you can tune from a tactile bass shaker / transducer perspective. There's nothing that compares to getting a tug on the shoulders as you shift through the gears. A point of note is even if you enable that effect, you need to manually assign the strength of each gear change. For me I got nothing until I did that.

Overall, the experience I've had with the G-Belt is outstanding. Delivery was amazing. Installation was simple. The unit looks great. It offers enough flexibility to fit within my current ecosystem re placement. The software offers a good selection of effects and tuning. A bonus is if you already run other SimXperience products, you won't need another app running. Most importantly, the increase in enjoyment while driving is excellent. I'm not done tuning yet and I'm still getting used to having the harness back on the seat after removing it for a while when motion was taken off the chassis, but I actually enjoy being strapped down into the seat. It makes you feel really connected to the car. Just make sure once you're in, anything you need such as mouse or VR controllers are within reach!

For the price, this is a clean, cost effective way to add another layer of immersion to your sim racing and you can achieve some excellent results with it as long as you set it up optimally. For me, this and tactile are the perfect way to 'fill in the blanks' when we're comparing a static sim rig to anything you would feel in the real world. Certainly doesn't replace it, but it's not what it's designed to do.

I've not made a considerable upgrade to the rig since adding motion back in the new year of 2019. I am in no way disappointed with or regret my decision to try one of these. It's true that you can make your own DIY belt tensioner and I thought about it for a while before abandoning the thought of adding yet another active electronic device to my already troublesome rig. I'm glad I went this route. With a GS-5 being completely out of reasonable reach for me here in Australia, this is a fantastic alternative.
Excellent write up!

Thanks for sharing your Sim Commander settings (I didn't even think of adding other effects than braking, bumps and corners!). I'll have to have a play with them.
anton_Chez, thank you for the reviews, it was great reading, if it wasn't so expensive, I would probably have bought it already, but unfortunately in my country I would have to spend 4 of my payouts on it, so it will take a while before I can afford it.

I regret a bit that you did not add a photo report of the editing and the final effect, and there is probably no chance for a movie to show the action and how loud is this device?

I admit that the biggest problem for me may be the noise, my Rig is standing in the bedrooms 2 meters from the armchair and my wife is sleeping.
I have LFE BS under the armchair and BST1 under the pedals, with them my wife sleeps peacefully, although sometimes she pays attention to them.
I am afraid that if I add a belt tensioner in the future, it will forbid me to play because it will be too loud.

Are they audible from 2 meters?
I’ve no idea on the noise as I don’t stand 2 meters away while driving with it...! I find it hard to believe though that your wife sleeps through a BK LFE, I have the mini’s and they are heard through the upper level of the house.
Sometimes it seems to me that my fans are louder than the Bas Shake, Noctua 3000rpm.
Is the tensioner system louder than the BS you have, couldn't you make the demonstration movie?
My suggestion would be if you’re worried about noise, steer away from any sort of device such as this, motion platforms etc. It is extremely subjective on what noise levels cause issues between users. I could barely use my CSW V2 across the hall, between doors, when my wife was sleeping. That device would not be considered noisy per se but over curbs the rattle made it unusable.

My review is a user’s perspective on the benefits of using the G-Belt system. Not an in depth analysis of the product.
Right. I've had my G-Belt for nearly a couple of weeks now and while I haven't had a great deal of time to spend with it, I have enough to give some initial impressions on the unit and software. Bear with me.....

Firstly, I live in Australia. The worldwide pandemic continues to hinder all sorts of logistics. I ordered my G-Belt Monday night and paid 110 USD for shipping. It arrived Thursday afternoon, THE SAME WEEK. I'm not sure how much of this comes down to SimXperience, but they've clearly had it packed up and ready for FedEx to collect super early. Hats off to not only being amazingly fast in organising the order, but also for not using a shipping company that's completely useless.

Packaging was fine. It was super well packed, nothing was loose and everything arrived safe. The box is just a regular unbranded box, which I'm neither hyped nor disappointed about, obviously. It's a box. It got here super quick and in perfect condition. Can't ask for much more.

In the box? The unit (boy, is it HEAVY), power plug for US (I had a spare kettle plug so was able to just swap that in for Aussie power outlet), decent length USB A to B cable and the control box. The control box is nice and neat, has a power switch that you can turn on and off without having to turn the outlet switch off, which is nice considering the fan is not silent. It's not terrible, the NX1000D amp I have is an absolute disgrace where fan noise is concerned and it sits next to that. So as long as they're both on, it's basically inaudible. The plugs for the power and data cables from the unit are fairly well fitted, however they do pull out if your messing around with cable management like I was. So leave some slack on them and make sure not to pull on the box if/when you're moving things around. Under normal usage, this is a non issue.

The unit itself. It's built like a brick sh*thouse, as we say here. Absolutely bulletproof, at least from a physical perspective. It's just able to be mounted by a single person, I was able to do it myself but I nearly dropped it once or twice trying to locate the thread onto the screw. I've got mine mounted on the back of the headrest directly on my Sparco Rev bucket seat and it feels like it works really well there. I was worried the unit might be too heavy for the fiberglass shell of the seat to hold, but it's been there for a while now and nothing feels weak. Nothing really moves and I do not run motion anymore so there's no concern of twisting or torque being applied to the fixing point. Some people have built towers so that the unit is off the seat and further back but where mine is seems perfect. Minimal fuss, two 6mm holes drilled into the seat and we're done. Cables are wrapped in black mesh and are nicely concealed up against my black seat. Very neat. Length is pretty good and I've got the control box under my pedal deck with my amps all placed nicely together. I've run a 3M extension from the unit to the PC and until now, no drop outs that I know of to be USB related. Main unit looks great, it has a great black finish to it, feels fantastic and is less of an eyesore than I anticipated. It's there, you notice it, but it's not getting in the way, it doesn't look terrible at all and most importantly, doesn't add to the footprint of the chassis if you're using my mounting method. Operation is not silent by any means, and the motors have a little squeaky tone to them when in use, but I wear earbuds and never hear this. It's going to differ person to person how they are affected by the noise, but anyone using anything decent for sound, be it speakers or headphones will likely not notice anything while using it. I take it that the sound is just how the certain motors used sound, as seen with some motion platforms. I did have an SFX based actuator system and the motors that recommends to use do not sound like these, which is why I'm pointing it out. Not bad, but not amazing either.

The software. Some love it, some hate it. SimCommander is a mixed bag for me. At the end of the day, it gets the job done for me just using it for the G-Belt and I'm trying to find ways to make it as simple to use within my ecosystem. I'm playing with the idea of having a single profile for ALL games and just changing the game selected in the drop down box in the profile settings. Seems to work for the titles I've used so far, but may run into issues if you're adjusting effects to suit rally and other disciplines. I like the Simhub approach of the game being auto detected as running and once my profiles are set, all I need to do is launch the program and I never think about it. SimCommander seems to not support this (yet, I have no idea) but having one profile will definitely simplify it for me. The cloud sync feature is pretty cool. As mentioned in the thread already, you are recommended to start with these and go from there in tuning your profiles.

So, the part everyone wants to know then. How does it feel? I have some shoulder pads added to my 3" harness, which is a 4 point system at this stage. My cam lock does have a 5th point but I cannot find the 5th belt to attach it. It very well may not have come with one when I bought it, I cannot remember. Either way, I don't need it. If you tighten your lap belts properly, there is no way that the shoulder harness pulls up enough to move them. Strap yourself in firmly, you'll feel a lot more connected to the car. Comfort wise, it's just like using a 'passive' (read, regular) harness but I can only imagine it might get a bit uncomfortable without the padding. The elements the G-Belt adds to your driving experience are excellent. You'd think that the braking effect is the more sought after feeling and one that the system would excel at the most. While this is true for the most part, the other effects are equally worth having. Namely, cornering effect, gear shifts, bumps and to a lesser extent, acceleration. I also use Pitch effects to gain a sense of how the car is pointing on the track but I use these to a lesser extent as you really shouldn't feel the weight of pointing slightly downhill too much in the belts. But some sense of elevation change is pretty good. Here is my current work in progress profile for anyone interested.

View attachment 477160

I am on the Extreme setting seen in the Device Settings tab (not shown in pic) and have no slider above 100% at this stage. For me, I prefer pretty much all the effects that the G-Belt gives me over my 3DOF 4 actuator motion platform. It's that good. Only thing I miss at times is the sprung effect of the heave capabilites of the actuators. Since the G-Belt gives such a good feeling of all the other effects, it actually highlights what's missing when you see the car bouncing and feel the bumps in the belts. It takes a minute but you adjust to it not being there and, here's the kicker, you'll never know what you're missing if you've never tried an actuator based motion system, which I dare say is most people reading.

Brake feel is amazing. You gain a lot of feedback to what the pedal is doing when you press it with the tactile feeling of the belts as opposed to just watching the screen and hoping you don't run over your apex. Cornering is awesome as well due to the dual motors giving you left and right positional feedback. I like this feature a lot. The car feels very active when you enable the effects that I have and as long as you balance the strength of the effects, it is pretty convincing. It only gets better in VR since you're completely immersed in the cockpit of the car as it is. Gear shifting completely destroys anything you can tune from a tactile bass shaker / transducer perspective. There's nothing that compares to getting a tug on the shoulders as you shift through the gears. A point of note is even if you enable that effect, you need to manually assign the strength of each gear change. For me I got nothing until I did that.

Overall, the experience I've had with the G-Belt is outstanding. Delivery was amazing. Installation was simple. The unit looks great. It offers enough flexibility to fit within my current ecosystem re placement. The software offers a good selection of effects and tuning. A bonus is if you already run other SimXperience products, you won't need another app running. Most importantly, the increase in enjoyment while driving is excellent. I'm not done tuning yet and I'm still getting used to having the harness back on the seat after removing it for a while when motion was taken off the chassis, but I actually enjoy being strapped down into the seat. It makes you feel really connected to the car. Just make sure once you're in, anything you need such as mouse or VR controllers are within reach!

For the price, this is a clean, cost effective way to add another layer of immersion to your sim racing and you can achieve some excellent results with it as long as you set it up optimally. For me, this and tactile are the perfect way to 'fill in the blanks' when we're comparing a static sim rig to anything you would feel in the real world. Certainly doesn't replace it, but it's not what it's designed to do.

I've not made a considerable upgrade to the rig since adding motion back in the new year of 2019. I am in no way disappointed with or regret my decision to try one of these. It's true that you can make your own DIY belt tensioner and I thought about it for a while before abandoning the thought of adding yet another active electronic device to my already troublesome rig. I'm glad I went this route. With a GS-5 being completely out of reasonable reach for me here in Australia, this is a fantastic alternative.
Great review - can you tell me, does the unit come with the mounting screws/bolts and drilling template? I'm thinking of doing the same as you. Seems the most neat (and least expensive) way of doing it.
Great review - can you tell me, does the unit come with the mounting screws/bolts and drilling template? I'm thinking of doing the same as you. Seems the most neat (and least expensive) way of doing it.
Yeah it sure does mate. I found the included 6mm pan head bolts to be JUST long enough to make it through my seat to meet the thread in the G-Belt unit. You may have to source longer ones depending on your own situation. The drilling template is also included and it made it pretty straightforward to get the holes nice and straight.
I'm curious about the weight and also the Universal mount that allows you to mount the Unit much lower. My thoughts are that the NLRv3 could handle the weight a lot better if it were mounted low and didn't have a long lever arm making motion harder. I wouldn't actually use their universal mount and would fabricate something if need be but I'm curious if anyone has mounted this lower and if it feels much different with the additional webbing stretching.
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