I've been browsing a lot here the past few weeks and convinced myself to get started in tactile. I've seen a lot of good information so I'm very thankful for all that. I wanted to start small so I bought 2 ADX Maximus and an smsl amp. My current rig is an obutto r3volution.
I haven't got that far yet other than plugging some stuff in and making sure I can get it working from the subwoofer port. I'm still trying to figure out where and how to mount everything.
I didn't have luck with ssw, but I think I saw a lot of troubleshooting tips in that thread so I'll need to revisit. I played some 5.1 movies with car chase scenes so that was pretty exciting, even though the shaker was only on my lap.
I'll try to keep this thread updated as I progress.
I haven't got that far yet other than plugging some stuff in and making sure I can get it working from the subwoofer port. I'm still trying to figure out where and how to mount everything.
I didn't have luck with ssw, but I think I saw a lot of troubleshooting tips in that thread so I'll need to revisit. I played some 5.1 movies with car chase scenes so that was pretty exciting, even though the shaker was only on my lap.
I'll try to keep this thread updated as I progress.