Starting tactile on my r3volution

I've been browsing a lot here the past few weeks and convinced myself to get started in tactile. I've seen a lot of good information so I'm very thankful for all that. I wanted to start small so I bought 2 ADX Maximus and an smsl amp. My current rig is an obutto r3volution.

I haven't got that far yet other than plugging some stuff in and making sure I can get it working from the subwoofer port. I'm still trying to figure out where and how to mount everything.

I didn't have luck with ssw, but I think I saw a lot of troubleshooting tips in that thread so I'll need to revisit. I played some 5.1 movies with car chase scenes so that was pretty exciting, even though the shaker was only on my lap.

I'll try to keep this thread updated as I progress.
So far I still only have one adx connected. I attached it with zip ties to the back of the seat. I saw someone's image on here and it seemed like a good idea to test things out. Only issue was the loud shifter thumps went right into my ears.

Finally got ssw working and tried all the different effects isolated. With the tactile near my spine, I really liked the acceleration. I also tried running with subwoofer output only and the rumble of the engine was a lot of fun. Hopefully I can figure out how to replicate that in ssw.

I think I'll try mounting the second adx under the seat somehow and see how that goes.
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