Steam only Release for AC

Yeah, I guess that's life. Some like what we do, some don't, some don't understand it and don't want to. Take the good with the bad and keep trying, inch by inch.

Sorry about your business - that's a brutal type of business but, people are starting to see the benefit to having more personal & better customer service that small shops have to offer even though it may cost a bit more.
Indeed,now i use this supermarkets aswell..bummer hehehehe
Hehehe yes,now i see it,unfortunate its real....the rules applys in many things that are not related.;)

its allways like that ... when some people dont get what they want or expect they ... thats why we should allways try to see the both sides ... defending yours but respecting others ... this way people will discuss differences and still mates in the end ... we can disagree with kunos options without offending them so in the end we can enjoy the great sim they are about to present us .... with or without steam:)
Unless you have been in their shoes, you cannot possibly know what success or challenges they have met or are now dealing with or will in the future.

I have a small business and many people believe that I must be very wealthy but, in reality - we don't live any different than they do. Many of them have better health plans, retirement, vacations and other benefits than I do. I have to sacrifice much of my family and personal time to make sure my customers are happy or I don't get paid. I struggle to pay the bills every month like so many of them. I do it because I love my job and the independence that comes from owning my own business. From a purely financial standpoint, I would be judged a complete idiot by most people. It really is a slap in the face when people assume that I must be wealthy and maybe even greedy. They really have no clue at all what it really is about. Just because a business can survive does not mean it is thriving. In this economy, many are just surviving - and barely at that.

Consider how small the Race Sim market is and how hard it has to be to survive as a small business today - ridiculously bad odds by any investment standard. The fact that Kunos or any small studio even attempt to produce a product (such as a true race SIM) that would be determined to be a non-starter by any publisher seeking to make a profit, should be a clue as to the determination and passion required here.

The pessimistic will always say it is Greed that drives businesses to do it this or that way. They must have their million-dollar cars, yachts, lavish vacations, etc. In some cases, yes but, in most - it is simply people trying to make a living doing something they are passionate about and trying to find some sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. It is so easy for observers to judge and criticize the doers yet, they do so having never even attempted to walk in the doer's shoes. Is it greed, survival, or passion that drives these new business models?

If it was easy - everyone would be doing it. It's not easy, anyone that owns a business can tell you that. It takes blood, sweat and tears to make these things happen and when you see businesses making these kind of choices, think about what goes into making it all work. I have a certain amount of respect for anyone that is enough of a doer to make a business that can even survive today - let alone thrive. If Steam allows Kunos to do that - then so be it. We get what may very well be our Dream-Sim and they may actually turn a profit. Then again, they may be financially better off working at Wal-Mart greeting customers.

In the end, it is a gamble for any business but, at least they try and don't just complain about the big bad monsters that are ruining the world. Yes, there are some bad people in this world but, most of us are not so different from one another. We know that we must provide a service in order to make a honest living. For those that can do that and are lucky enough to fulfill a passion at the same time - more power to them. If they do it well, they deserve to be rewarded. If they suck at it, they will ultimately fail. If you can do it better - do it.

Doing takes effort. Complaining is easy - anyone can do that. To sit in judgement should be an earned position. How many here can say that they have run a business, let alone a Racing Sim development business in this economy?

Sorry for the long post but, reading it is optional. :)

Thanks a lot for the time reading and replying. however you really don't know me.
to classify me as a complainer.

building a game as hard as it is, doesn't justify all these actions,they are against of what I believe is right for,therefore there is nothing to like.

It is a shame for the game itself because most likely it will be good.

its allways like that ... when some people dont get what they want or expect they ... thats why we should allways try to see the both sides ... defending yours but respecting others ... this way people will discuss differences and still mates in the end ... we can disagree with kunos options without offending them so in the end we can enjoy the great sim they are about to present us .... with or without steam:)

Thats its time for some music while i work on my Mini model hehe
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Yeah, how dare they post 3 minutes videos when they should be answering every single question I ask !


What a childish attitude. Can't say I'm surprised though, it's not the first time I find one of your post cringe-worthy.

Asking a developer what their product will be is childish?

Again with the personal insults. When did I ever attack anyone on here personally?

I'm asking genuine questions and the best I get back is verbal abuse or personal put-downs.

Great community spirit!

simply: Amen!

Why Assetto Corsa on Steam is good for you:
- Fast downloads
- Extensive customer care support
- Join a larger racing community: more players, more contents, more licenses!
- Help KUNOS dev team grow and improve AC with more contents and features for a long-term period
- Bigger community lower prices for additional contents

this post is from february 21st this year. maybe you just forgot about it.

guys, wake up: it is 21st century.. the only reason why games were released in a box 20 years ago, was the reason that there was no distribution via internet!!! ask yourself: would you - as a developer - pay the price for hardcover boxes and dvds just because a marginal group of people likes it for whatever reason if you could distribute your product a hundred times cheaper a hundred times faster??? IMO this discussion is as funny as it is useless.. really! every game today, no matter which genre, is distributed online. even if you can go to your local shop and buy your beloved box, you have to activate it via steam, origin, rockstar social club or whatever you have. and do you really think this happens for no reason???? plus the fact that steam games are in fact one of the most successful, if not THE most successful (don't know exact sales number of each title) ones that have been released to date. even steam-only titles. think about valve games (half life, portal, counter strike and so on) ...
you can even compare this way of distribution to the distribution of other sims: take iracing... monthly fee, (nearly) each car/track has to be payed a price for EACH, which is about a fifth of the complete version 1.0 of AC ... take rfactor2 ... reasonable price - in the first year, then multiplayer has to be payed for every year.... take R3E .. well, not a sim for me, but at least it tries to be ... free2play the boring content/features .. everything more interested has to be payed... are these better ways of distribution? because those titles are also connected to online services. it is just the way it is these days. and given this, i think AC and the way of its distribution via steam-only is extremely conservative or let's say as conservative as it can be: you pay around 45 euros, you get a complete game with dlc's (partly for free) on top!!!

really, this discussion is so useless for me, this is why i find it so funny

I'm not disputing any of that am I?

Do any of those racing games deliver only via Steam?
So why are we comparing any of them to AC's offering which as yet we have very few firm details on any way. Only last month it may well have not been on Steam at all, now it's ONLY on Steam.

That is a fairly big thing as games go, so it's not unreasonable to be asking what else might change suddenly down the line too is it?

If you don't like the discussion don't involve yourself with it.

I think it would help if you read the posts you respond to though. I have no problem with Steam, I have an issue with Steam only release which as far as I was aware wasn't what I was voting for when green-lighting the thing via my Steam account!

Also, about some of the comments in this thread, I find funny how the same people that, last week, considered Kunos and AC the second coming of Jesus, are now considering them to be greedy monsters that should burn in Hell, just because they took the most RATIONAL decision. (A bit exaggerated, but you get the idea. :D)
If you don't like feedback and/or (controversial) discussions then don't go into internet forums ;)

Personally I like the discussion so far and try to understand both sides. The enthusiasm from some people to defend Steam does impress me though. Valve employees couldn't do it better.

Edit: No offense, I think it's good to discuss these things :)
Race07 is a steam exlusive and public servers were full of crackers ... so they can go online with crack.
Yeah so ? This is not Race07. Why do you use the term steam exclusive ? Even if Race07 wouldn't have been steam exclusive it would still have cracked servers. Your point is ?
the 2-3 guys complaiining here are just a small part of many more that dont have the will to face agressive commentaries like yours .... so they remain in silence

No, it's just you.

By the way, i couldn't care less about Steam, but i try to put myself in Kunos' shoes here, they should spend so much more money to release a boxed version that it simply doesn't make sense, especially for a small, low budget team who can't afford any mistake. For what, just to please a few whiny guys ? Hah.
Yeah so ? This is not Race07. Why do you use the term steam exclusive ? Even if Race07 wouldn't have been steam exclusive it would still have cracked servers. Your point is ?

No, it's just you.

By the way, i couldn't care less about Steam, but i try to put myself in Kunos' shoes here, they should spend so much more money to release a boxed version that it simply doesn't make sense, especially for a small, low budget team who can't afford any mistake. Just to please a few whiny guys ? Hah.

My point was to say that people can still play online with steam cracked version if they really want to

just me? dont think so but maybe you can count better then me:)
boxed version? im talking about online service like nKP
whiny guys? thanks:thumbsup:

Peace man
Well, I wanted:
1) dvd release - if not then:
2) online release like nKpro

I'm not a fan of steam and until recently I even didn't have an account - I made one just to download R3E and vote for AC on greenlight - which in the end wasn't possible.

But I will buy AC on steam because I understand decision that KS made - they save a lot of time=money and it makes convenient for them not to care about the problems that steam solves instantly.
If you don't like feedback and/or (controversial) discussions then don't go into internet forums ;)

Personally I like the discussion so far and try to understand both sides. The enthusiasm from some people to defend Steam does impress me though. Valve employees couldn't do it better.

Edit: No offense, I think it's good to discuss these things :)

---> :sneaky: hehehehe
Asking a developer what their product will be is childish?
Not at all. But whining about the lack of answer is. No answer is really a thing to consider when asking a dev about a game that isn't released.

Read your post again, "they find the time for posting screenshots but they won't answer my one question" is, indeed, a childish attitude.

And you complain about the "community spirit" on here but you're one of the the most negative person about AC I've met. And still you haven't tried the TP. I read your posts on this subforum and all you do for weeks is complaining about Steam, the graphics, the sounds, Kunos ... Make up your mind already.
Shadow Explorer
I'm not trying single you out as a complainer - it's just a general reference to any of us really. We all have times where we don't fully understand someones challenges and it all seems so obvious to us from outside. Its just so hard to understand what's involved unless you have experienced it yourself. That's just it - most people haven't but, at least we might pause for a moment and think about what that might be like. It's more about making choices, about being a complainer or a doer trying to find solutions to problems, or at east understand that there is much we don't know.

Ideally, there will eventually be more than one path to enjoy AC - time will tell. Steam has not been an issue for me - perhaps I am just fortunate. In the end, I hope we all can enjoy AC together.
Not at all. But whining about the lack of answer is. No answer is really a thing to consider when asking a dev about a game that isn't released.

Read your post again, "they find the time for posting screenshots but they won't answer my one question" is, indeed, a childish attitude.

And you complain about the "community spirit" on here but you're one of the the most negative person about AC I've met. And still you haven't tried the TP. I read your posts on this subforum and all you do for weeks is complaining about Steam, the graphics, the sounds, Kunos ... Make up your mind already.

I just read my post again, I said

"They find the time to post pictures and videos. But no time to discuss what your support may or may not buy you when clicking a green light button in Steam?"

They asked for Green Light support to get on Steam, they didn't say if they did that they would not offer any other delivery methods.

I assumed (foolishly) that it would be inclusive of Steam not exclusive if they got the Green Light.

I don't believe that is childish at all. I believe that telling people they would only offer a Steam release if they got the Green Light would be the right thing to do given they were asking for support?

I've heaped praise on the AC material where it's present and free to access as much as I've raised concerns or questioned what they are doing.

The small but persistent group raising concerns over the yellow tint in screenshots seem to have had an impact and the KS team now have a nicer neutral tone mapping or colour toning going on.

I say that if being vocal about things we feel are wrong will bring about a motivation to change them for the better then that is a great thing!

Seriously? Then pirate the game and get the f*** out of this forums please.

Steam opponents are really raising the bollocks-bar here.

At least it's funny to read lol

Seriously, Bram. Allowing the most aggressive steam supporters to get away with insults and personal attacks was bad enough. Then, your post "Please if you don't like Steam or think its the worst thing that is ever invented then please don't buy the game. I am sure that the developers don't want to force you to buy a product that you don't support" allowed those posters to ramp up the bad behaviour.

But allowing these people (this guy I quote above, the others that attacked Lee, Jorge and Dave) to blatantly and continuously attack others is doing a serious disservice to simracing and RD.

If this is your idea of "free speech", sir, then there is no point in a lot of good people posting here.
My point was to say that people can still play online with steam cracked version if they really want to

just me? dont think so but maybe you can count better then me:)
boxed version? im talking about online service like nKP
whiny guys? thanks:thumbsup:

Peace man

So what they can play Race 07 cracked on steam ? What has that game have to do with AC ?

Maybe it is to hard for you to understand but "online service like nKP" would cost Kunos lots of money, they already have online services, which are better, from steam.

mod-edit: removed content
Chronus Why is it that anybody that doesn't agree with you is a steam supporter? Most of us wouldn't care one way or the other but Steam only is the route Kunos have taken. Either deal with it and have fun playing the game or go away and find another game to play. Quite simple really.

I love the post on Marcos' Facebook Wall: There are (few) men who would give up a dinner out with Charlize Theron because they don't like the restaurant she has choosen.

Some call them simracers.

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