stuttering ????


Although I have a greatly reduced problems compared with others , I still get stuttering.
My question is really all about finding the cause, is there some software I can apply to give me a clue to the reason.
Stuttering happens, usually 10 min into racing, usually only once or twice, then not again, so at present it is not really a big problem with
Had big stutters recently. Got a new monitor friday. Now I just get get a very slight stutter at mulsane and arnage(le mans), 2 right handers that look down a long straight. No drop in fps.

It is alot better than last week on the old monitor. That started when i cranked up the graphics and set vert sync set to 60fps and 60hz refresh... got deeper into sol and custom shaders at the time too.

New monitor is at 144hz maxed out at 90 fps with freesync/gsync compatible turned on. A freesync monitor with a nvidia card...

Appears to be a sync issue rather than a performance one. Read something about a content manager update starting it. Maybe some of that helps!
I have Nvidia card with triple freesync 75hz monitors.

I have vsync turned off in the SIM but have it on in Nvidia control panel.

Should it be on or off?
Is it sitting at 60fps? I have mine set too application controlled. I reset all the card settings to default when i got the monitor. Application controled where possible.

I think freesync needs vert sync off to work properly. There is a fast setting also. Sounds good but havent tried it..

I set my ingame limit to 144...but it sits rock steady at 90 so makes no odds. I'd try your off and then at 75fps limit. See which works better.
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I have Nvidia card with triple freesync 75hz monitors.

I have vsync turned off in the SIM but have it on in Nvidia control panel.

Should it be on or off?
That is the same for me George, but as I get stuttering, not much of a recommendation, will try the suggestion of no v-sync on, will report back. :)