TC-65 Ford Mustang @ Dijon-Prenois - Tue 18th February 2014

Steven Walker

Slowly getting better!

Server name:
Class: TC-65 Ford Mustang (Default)
Track: Dijon-Prenois (Default)

See Main Forum for Official Race Time Clock

------------------------- Race 1 ---------------------------------
Track: Dijon-Prenois Short
Practice start time: GMT 20:00 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 20:20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20:30 ( 13 laps)
------------------------- Race 2 ----------------------------------
Track: Dijon-Prenois Long
Practice start time: GMT 20:50 (20 mins)
Qualification start time: GMT 21:10 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21:20 ( 13 laps )

Note1: CLUB RACING RULES CLICK ME for GTL. Please read the rules they have been updated 6/11/2013 and post a reply that you have read and understood the rules
Note 2: Only liveries that come with the mod please
Note 3: We are using the SIMBIN lobby for this event. See here how to switch lobby
Note 4: We will run both tracks short and long
Note 5: We run Super-Pole qualification: You only get a single attempt to set a time (1 Out-lap + 1 timed lap). If you mess it up, tough luck!
Note 6: Watch your driving please

Server password:
Click here
Racing rules: Click here

Entry List:
  1. Steve Walker
  2. Rupe Wilson
  3. Matej Lakota
  4. Tim Ling
  5. Warren Dawes
  6. Knut Omdal Tveito
  7. Denis Betty
  8. Jack Smith
  9. Hans Sneep
  10. Krzysztof Babij
  11. Stig Bidstrup
  12. Allan Ramsbottom
  13. Roland Warmenhoven
  14. Yves Larose
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
If you have not entered the server and driven a few laps with fellow drivers before we go to qualifying you are to late for that session. Please think of your fellow drivers and get out on track with them, watch how they drive, you can't race with guys you have not seen drive.
We ALL brake a little differently and drive the corners differently, get used to how they drive and then we can all race more safely.
If you drop out of the server during qualifying you can return.

This is being held in our Club, using Club Rules, and should be driven in that spirit.
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Sorry to hear of your troubles Rupe. Hope you feel better soon. Maybe my little story here will bring a smile to your face if you feel well enough to read it.

"Strangest Race I Have Ever Driven" by Jack Smith taken from the novel "A False Reality" by Jack Smith 1

It started like any other race ... with cars appearing on the grid while the clock performed it's count down. I checked to see if the car was in neutral before revving the engine while holding down on the clutch but something was different with this start from all others I had taken part in. My view was not inside my cockpit but from outside ...bonnet view, close to the ground. Franticly as the clock ran down I tapped through the view keys trying to return to cockpit view with no success. I can't exit now I thought...I'll figure this out later on a long straight with time to think clearly and time to tinker with the settings.
3....2....1.....Start.... and I had a good one .. moving up quickly on the right passing a few slow starters and I picked up third spot around turn 1.
My view was low to the ground which presented an unusual angle but I seemed to be doing ok, but another problem became apparent to me ....the wheel had lost most of it's force feedback. Also the car was sluggish in it's response to my commands, still I was in the thick of it with the leaders. After a while I still had not resolved any of the issues plaguing the force feedback, well not really..just that the car felt weird... felt like I was driving in sand. I could turn the wheel with little pressure being felt and the response was like a car with the tires completely worn out, but I was still maintaining a gap on the cars behind me...I don't know how but I was still up front with the leaders.

Somewhere in all of this kayos while trying to race I accidently pressed the key to switch views to another car which really made this bad situation a whole lot worse and I desperately tried to return to my car's view.. all be it the bonnet view.... but I could not find my car. Now thinking ... I am driving blind, I had better escape this mad house before I cause carnage. I watched the remainder of the race from the garage .. and also learned that I had wiped out Knut in my madness. Sorry Knut.

I had to get a replay of race 1 from Steve because my replay did not make sense. My replay showed me from the start driving into and along the right wall and then over to the left wall and then going off into the sand at turn 1, sitting in the sand for a long duration, driving in circles in the sand, mulling around in the sand, driving out of the sand on to the track, doing numerous doughnuts on the hard track area in turn1, going the wrong way across turn 1 into the wall of the opposite , back out on track ... more doughnuts with lots of smoke .... and finally heading in the wrong direction into on coming traffic as people were approaching from the straight away..... resulting in a head on collision with an unsuspecting Knut, and finally me escaping out.

Steve's replay showed the same craziness as mind........what the fu@% is going on?

Well after discussing this with Steve and Denis we figured out that I was never in my car ....view wise, but in Roland's car view from the get go... I was in effect making the same driving decisions as Roland ...turning when he turned .... attempting to pass when he did....trying to defend as he did etc. I was never in third place, my force feedback was feeling strange because I was driving in the sand.
All a false reality.

Anyway thanks to Rupe and I hope my misery has helped to brighten your day a little. WD podiums. Cheers to all.
Thank goodness Jack has posted his hilarious Race 1 saga, because anyone watching the replay would have thought he lost his marbles, it makes fascinating viewing. :laugh:
I must admit that during the race, every time I went through turn 1, I could see smoke and a car in the sand, and I kept saying to myself, "gee there are a lot of guys going off there ", not realising that it was always Jack making sand castles.

Anyway, back to my report.
Great to see a good grid size for this one, I guess the Mustang is ever popular.

Race 1: I decided to stay out of qualy and start at the back, but so did Knut (although he still out qualified me). Tim must have been uneasy about me sitting behind him on the start grid, and says over TS "Warren, just cruise past me ". Now I took that to mean during the race, but when the flag dropped, off I go, straight into the back of Tim. Now, I'm not sure if he meant for me to pass him off the line. :p
I thought I would get a good view of Knut threading his way through the field, and for a few laps we did just that, me following Knut. All was going well until we went into turn 1, just as Jack's "driverless" car came the wrong way down the track. Bam, and Knut does a three and half twisting summersault with pike which the Sochi judges would have awarded a gold medal :cool: . After that, I continued to move forward efficiently, until I caught the most difficult guy at RD to pass, Roland. Again, his Stang seemed as wide as a bus, I kept getting the draft down the straight, but Roland cunningly kept forcing me to take the left hand side, which meant I'd get the unfavourable outside line through turn 1. After a few unsuccessful efforts to get outside, with one lap to go, I headed for the usual left hand overtake, but quickly darted right and got alongside, getting the inside line and managing the pass. So, very happy to finish 5th.
Grats to Matej, and WD Yves and Allan for the podium.

Race 2: I stayed out of qualy again with Knut, but again he out qualified me, but Yves also joined our rear end gang. This time Knut got blocked a bit early, so I had the task of leading our charge through the field (hopefully). Again, all was going ok, and by about lap 8 I had caught up to the little train of cars battling furiously for P2 to P5, with Roland leading the train. I managed to pass Allan and things were looking good for a scrap for the podium (Matej was gone into the distance by then). I stuffed up the tight uphill right hander, losing a heap of speed, letting Knut by, but at the next turn, Knut did one of his legendry rear end slides, causing me to momentarily back off to miss him. Unfortunately, that caught Allan out and he tapped me into a spin, only he must have kept the boot in, T-boning me, and sending me flipping onto my side. I probably got a poor score from the Sochi judges for that pathetic effort though. After that, Allan waited and we cruised home together. :)
Grats again to Matej, and WD Yves and Roland for the podium.

Thanks again to Rupe and Steve for organising, and thanks to the nice group that joined.
Get well soon Rupe, we miss you.
Great evening as usual on RD club server, yesterday after really long time with this beautiful SimBin˙s game.
I must apologize Roland for my rough move in first lap of 2nd race. I intented to make you "nervous" driving at your tail, but in that corner your braking point was some meters before mine, so suddenly I was next to your car "door to door" and after that moment I just tried to stay on my racing line trought that corner, not to push you out of the track.
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That was a lot of fun gents! Thanks for the great racing and good laughs on TS! Too bad you had to leave Rupe. Hope you feel better soon and we get another race.

Started from the back in both races and eased into a rhythm. The racing was really good throughout both races and had some very enjoyable laps chasing the guys infront. This combo allowed some very close racing but also quite difficult to pass. Very impressive driving by everyone, well done all:thumbsup:

Great job on this combo Steve and thanks for organizing:thumbsup:
What a great night racing and what a turn out,nice 1 guys.:):thumbsup:
good bit of racing,kept up with leaders within reason, got third.:whistling::rolleyes::p:)..

RACE 2..
BOY is this gunna be a story..:whistling::thumbsup:..
pretty good qualify, then were off, me behind @Roland Warmenhoven who makes a cars ass wider than J-LO,S,and to pass,jeez,no chance:thumbsup:,awesome driving,all the while @Stig Bidstrup up me chuff piling pressure on,keeping me cool driving my heart out Stig overtakes and then WHO:cautious::cautious: only @Yves Larose up my chuff,another sweaty gripping ordeal,heart jumping all ova place, at this point,gettin pushed,bent ova :whistling::whistling:.four of us in tight racing mode,and all the while sneakily,snakely, @Warren Dawes he,s up my chuff,which i can now say is getting battered:rolleyes::rolleyes::laugh:..A little tap on stig at the last long right before the straight gives Warren a speed advantage and hes past me :mad::mad: FAIRY im thinking mmmmm 7th in this field is,nt that bad...THEN..Who,s up my chuff to totally rip it into tatters..yes another speed god @Knut Omdal Tveito:cautious::x3:;).im driving nearly dead by now,pressure, cars,pressure..all good fun thou..warren taps knut,which slows him down on the left hander, i brake no where to go,i hit warren,not going that fast,, who,s car then decides to fly into the air:confused::confused:,a half triple pike with a flat spin an he,s on his side,showing off his long,thick exhaust system (should be ashamed of yourself):p:p..pulled ova and waited till he had corrected his modesty,then we coasted home to the finish line...:);):thumbsup:..
Well done Podiums finishers..
Well done guys, great night.
Get well soon glorious leader:whistling::rolleyes:..
Great job to me pal @Steven Walker for running the fort,till the next 1 guys..:);):thumbsup:
Well not a fun night for me. I prefer the lighter more nimble cars, of which the Mustang is neither. @Steven Walker provided a setup, and I did my normal procedure of loading it up, then dropping the steering lock to suit my wheel.

@Warren Dawes For the start of R1, it would have helped if I had the car in gear :redface::x3:

In both race 1 & R2 practice I was dropping 3, 4, 5 seconds off the pace :(:unsure:.
Thought about quitting, but nope, I stayed on.
For Q2, I dropped the front ARB down a click, thinking I might need front end grip (n.b. this is the 1st time I've ever had to do this in a RWD). No effect, still slower than a very slow thing.
Changing the fuel for the longer track, I realised that I had changed the steering lock to 5 degrees. A dim lightbulb flashes sporadicly in my head. Maybe I'm unable to turn the wheels enough! I changed the setting to 7 deg.
That found my missing seconds :rolleyes: I still came last though
I'm glad you liked the event, when i was testing it, it had that little zing about it, and in a few laps i knew it was going to be a good one. the track also helps with these cars.
everything just clicked,
it still amazes me that you don't need to be going at mach 3 to have good racing.
mind you knowing you guys, you would have just as much fun if i gave you all tricycles and a big hill to ride down ..:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

At times you could say the game is not as important as the guys you race with.
hopefully this will continue when we start the HistorX races..

If only the other clubs could see what we have and build in a group of dedicated drivers every server would be busy every night of the week.

keep it up guys ill be back soon i hope..:)
Great job on this combo Steve and thanks for organizing:thumbsup:

Sorry Knut but I can't take credit for organising it. Rupe is the one to thank for that, I just posted it on the site while he's indisposed. Get well soon boss.

It was a great turnout last night and many thanks to all who turned up, it made the races even more enjoyable.

Race 1 saw me qualify fairly high up the grid but Yves was in front of me and I kind of guessed he would have a slow start.:whistling: My only chance would be to try and get out to the side and pass him that way but unfortunately Roland behind me set off like a whippet and was right beside me before I could make the move.:(:thumbsup: From then on it was lap after lap of following Roland around trying to find a pass which I eventually managed but by this time the front runners were too far ahead to catch. Still, it felt great to go side by side around turns 1,2 & 3 to get that pass on one of the toughest opponents to overtake.:thumbsup:

Race 2 and my qualifying wasn't the best so I started a bit further back on the grid behind Denis. Whilst sitting there in neutral I thought to myself that at least Denis should get a decent start.:whistling: No such luck but at least I had room to attempt to go up the side. I didn't have quite enough ooomph to pull it off so I slotted in behind and waited for my opportunity which came on lap 3 or 4. I made a bit of a hash of it and went in just a fraction too fast into turn 1 pushing Denis wide. Sorry mate, I don't like to make contact or push people aside if I can at all help it so I slowed and waited but he said keep going so I did.;) and then I promptly screwed up again a few corners later and Denis followed so we were even further back.:redface:
Rejoining the track I found myself behind Jack so I pushed to try and catch and pass him whilst trying to stay ahead of Knut. This happened when Jack went into turn 4 a little hot and went wide allowing me the inside line and making the pass around the outside of turn 5.:D Rather frustratingly I did the very same thing as Jack in the very same spot giving him his place back and also allowing Knut through.:cry::laugh:
With not many laps left I managed to pass Jack once again as he out-braked himself into turn 1 and pushed as hard as I dare to try to catch the group ahead who were tantalisingly close but pushing just as hard. Slowly I was closing in on them when I had a ringside seat for warrens somersault just after turn 6. If you had landed back on your wheels Warren I'd have given you 8.5 but as you didn't it only merited a 7.0.:roflmao:
Thanks to this I jumped to 6th and could still see the others ahead but there weren't enough laps left so that was all I could manage. I did have a warm fuzzy feeling inside though from the sheer enjoyment of the nights racing and company and laughs we had on Teamspeak.:thumbsup:

Nice to see Krzysztof again and Knut too (we don't see nearly enough of you mate:(). Congratulations to podium finishers and many many thanks to everyone for the fun.
First of all, get well soon @Rupe Wilson.. Sorry to hear about your troubles, and even more since it makes you miss great races like these..:(

Second.. at R1 start I was already wondering why there was a guy sitting on my cars' front bumper mimicking all my steering moves for the first half lap :roflmao::laugh::D So thank you Jack for clarifying that.. Too bad you don't show up in my replay..;)

Third: This night I really felt like the Jarno Trulli of GTL Club racing. Remember the infamous "Trulli Train(s)", anyone? Although lacking this mans' qualifying skills or a decent pace in the 'Stang whatsoever, two really good race starts warped me pretty far up the front of the field twice.
While in itself that's a really good thing of course, it also meant that in both races I had a string of way faster guys behind me wanting to get past as I slowed them down considerably, which in turn made me drive more and more defensive, which in turn slowed them down even more..which... well you get the picture :D

I must say I had a shedload of fun in both races, more than I expected from the Mustang. because TBH from what I remembered from last week I thought I was signing up for an Alpine/Shelby race which only after signing up I found out will be on Thursday:confused::O_o:
@Matej Lakota No worries about that little tap, yes I am known to brake considerably earlier than some others; I don't know why and can't help myself really as I need to in order to make it through the corners:unsure:

Thanks all for racing, it was really good, grats to the Winners and podium finishers. Welcome back @Knut Omdal Tveito and @Krzysztof Babij, great to see you gents again:thumbsup:
Thanks Rupe and Steven for all your efforts, you know you're appreciated.
And to everyone who got held up behind my little Stang, I'm really sorry.... NOT!!:laugh::roflmao:

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