Great app. Still trying to learn how to use all this data.
I do have a couple of questions. Since I updated to f12019 and set f12019 as broadcast mode the Throttle and Brake meter on the Drive Tab no longer register any values.
Also on that screen, what exactly do the dynamic red and green bars that pop up and grow or shrink at each tire telling me?
For the broadcast mode, I don't use it, thus I have not tested with it. I might later make a version, which works well with the broadcast mode too.
For the driving screen, below is short intro.
I typically use this screen when the game is released or if I try new car (in Project Cars 2/F2 in F1 2019) to learn, how the car reacts to the input. Sometimes I use it for start practices too.
On the left you see the controls (Thottle input, gear, steering + the friction circle) + info about current fuel use/ERS gain. The fuel use and ERS gain are the values at that exact moment, so if you need to practice fuel saving/ERS gain, you can use these to better understand how to control them.
In the middle, you have the wheel data + wings and engine status.
The boxes for wheels (or corners) are:
- top left, is front left (i.e. FL)
- top right is front right (i.e. FR)
- bottom left is rear left (i.e. RL)
- bottom right is rear right. (i.e. RR)
For each corner there is few values shown, in the middle is tire temperature inside and outside. On the center side is the brake temperature. The color bar next to the brake temperature changes based on the brake temperature.
The bar, which has magenta circle, is the tire wear. If the bar is full black, then the tire wear is 0%. As you drive, the tire wear increases, thus the red box area grows. This is to simple see the level of tire wear. The actual number value is visible in the race info.
And then we have the tire boxes. The color of the box is based on the tire you have on. Here it is green, i.e. the intermediate tires. The darker green or the red bars show, if the tire is rotating faster or slower than the speed of car. If the bar is green, then the wheels are spinning, i.e. rotating faster than the car. If the bar is red, the wheel is spinning lower than the car is moving. If the wheel is locking, then the red color changes.
On this image you see, that I was accelerating (rear wheels have large dark green box) but also turning slightly to right (FL is green, FR is red). There is slight tyre wear and brakes are bit hot. Also fuel use is high (3.6kg/lap on STANDARD) and ERS is being spent (-0.1 MJ) due to acceleration.
Here are one sample from driving
Here you see Bahrain turn 10. Driving with the soft compound (tyre box is red), where I am braking a bit (40%) and the steering wheel has been turned to left. You can see FL locking (speed is 0 or near zero) as the red color is different to the other wheel speed bars. Fuel use is 0 (no throttle input), but ERS is gained due to braking.
Here you can see a moment of acceleration. Not full throttle yet, but plenty of throttle on 2nd gear, RL an RR are strong green, but FL and FR are rotating at the speed of the car.
Hope this helps