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Misc Telemetry Tool for F1 23 (and many other games) 13.4

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Thank you so much Iko, it runs now and shouldn't have any other problems. Sorry for causing this long drawn-out process of setting it up. I look forward to improving my overall race performance with this telemetry.
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This might sound dumb, but it there a way to see your dashboard? Like live speed.
There are many great dashboard apps and I don't think I should thread much into that direction as there are so many talented people doing those dash apps, and "competing" with them has never been my goal.

There is however the 'Driving' pane, which has some real-time data like that. For some games, like AMS2/PC2 there is the current speed, although not very prominently displayed. I have been thinking adding some a dash thingie, as I would like to use the in some parts of the Tool, like in the 'Lap Comparison' tab.

If you have interest, you could create your own dash app using the included HTTP-server. There are few examples of a phone app and tablet app. See the help for the http-server stuff.

Hi Iko, how can I import AC mod track in the tool? Because If I'm trying to use one of this kind, I can't see the track map. Thanks for your help
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Hi Iko, how can I import AC mod track in the tool? Because If I'm trying to use one of this kind, I can't see the track map. Thanks for your help
Easiest way to get simple trackmap, is to just create the centerline.

See the included help on how to create the trackmap. In the Tool press 'F1' key and then see the 'How to make a track map' section. In short, you have to enable trackmap saving, then drive around the track to create the trackfile(s) and then rename the created trackfile(s) accordingly.

Hi Iko - Great tool bud. Love it on all my sim titles that are supported. Any plans for "converting" the rF2.dll to make it work with LMU?

Be just awesome to get my sf1000 lit up in Le Mans Ultimate :)
Hi Iko - Great tool bud. Love it on all my sim titles that are supported. Any plans for "converting" the rF2.dll to make it work with LMU?

Be just awesome to get my sf1000 lit up in Le Mans Ultimate :)

I don't have LMU myself, but based on the things I have read, it should work directly.

I.e. just copy the rf2 plugin to the LMU plugins directory, enable it in the game (or make sure the plugin is enabled). and then start the Tool in rF2 mode and the data should come in.

Can you test, if it works? If it does I could do bit "magic" to add LMU mode to the Tool.

Hey IKO, do you have any plans to have this work for Iracing? If so is there anything I can do to help? I really want to use this tool with my friends.
Hey IKO, do you have any plans to have this work for Iracing? If so is there anything I can do to help? I really want to use this tool with my friends.
This has been asked few times. I have taken a cursory look on the data and it seems there is some real-time data, but not much available. I have not really had time to dive into it. As F1 24 is coming out, I might look at the iRacing at the same time. I need to see what discounts there are available at the moment for a 2 year subscription. I cannot promise much though.

Hi Iko,
only recently I found out that your tool supports F1 2012, one of my favourite games. Love that! I wondered: I have the SF1000 wheel - can your tool connect the F1 2012 with the wheel´s dash as in AC? That would be so great!
Hi Iko,
only recently I found out that your tool supports F1 2012, one of my favourite games. Love that! I wondered: I have the SF1000 wheel - can your tool connect the F1 2012 with the wheel´s dash as in AC? That would be so great!

It works the same way. Take the 13.2 version of the Tool and make sure you get the data from F1 2012 (simple info at

Please note that there is no 'automatic track' or 'automatic car' selection, as the f1 2012 game does not provide sufficient data for that. So you need to change the track from the dropdown, when you change track.

When you have the Tool working with F1 2012, then just enable UDP redirect in F1 23 mode and set the IP to your SF1000.


It works the same way. Take the 13.2 version of the Tool and make sure you get the data from F1 2012 (simple info at

Please note that there is no 'automatic track' or 'automatic car' selection, as the f1 2012 game does not provide sufficient data for that. So you need to change the track from the dropdown, when you change track.

When you have the Tool working with F1 2012, then just enable UDP redirect in F1 23 mode and set the IP to your SF1000.

Hi Iko, thanks a lot for your response.
The 13.2 version doesn´t work for me. I can click on the batches, but the program just won´t start. In fact, nothing happens at all anymore after downloading/extracting.
The 13.1 version, however, works perfectly fine. With this, I can also get all the data. I had already set up everything according to your info. The hardware_settings_config is adjusted, I have added my IP there (instead of "dbox", is that correct?). The tool receives all the data from the game. But the wheel dash won´t show any info still?
Also on the wheel I cannot choose UDP settings. There used to be the two options "UDP off" and "F1 2019-20" (or so) but since the last update they don´t show up anymore. However, I have been able to try it before and after, but both bring no results just yet. In the game itself I can´t find any additional UDP settings.
For reference, in AC everything works perfectly fine.
What do I need to correct to make it work?
Hi Iko, thanks a lot for your response.
The 13.2 version doesn´t work for me. I can click on the batches, but the program just won´t start. In fact, nothing happens at all anymore after downloading/extracting.
The 13.1 version, however, works perfectly fine. With this, I can also get all the data. I had already set up everything according to your info. The hardware_settings_config is adjusted, I have added my IP there (instead of "dbox", is that correct?). The tool receives all the data from the game. But the wheel dash won´t show any info still?
Also on the wheel I cannot choose UDP settings. There used to be the two options "UDP off" and "F1 2019-20" (or so) but since the last update they don´t show up anymore. However, I have been able to try it before and after, but both bring no results just yet. In the game itself I can´t find any additional UDP settings.
For reference, in AC everything works perfectly fine.
What do I need to correct to make it work?
Hmm, pretty odd, if it would not start.
Do you use the runWin.bat or the "per game .bat" files? I would recommend you use the runWin.bat. Also when running a game mode for the first time, you might select the 'Reset UI' on the launcher. Sometimes the screens can be in wrong place.

So put into the IP ''. No need to put the IP address, as that might cause issues.

With the new SF1000 firmware there is no more the "UDP Off" setting. The wheel will automatically detect the feed format. No just you need to make sure, the UDP redirect sends the data to the right SF1000 wheel's IP address.

Hmm, pretty odd, if it would not start.
Do you use the runWin.bat or the "per game .bat" files? I would recommend you use the runWin.bat. Also when running a game mode for the first time, you might select the 'Reset UI' on the launcher. Sometimes the screens can be in wrong place.

So put into the IP ''. No need to put the IP address, as that might cause issues.

With the new SF1000 firmware there is no more the "UDP Off" setting. The wheel will automatically detect the feed format. No just you need to make sure, the UDP redirect sends the data to the right SF1000 wheel's IP address.

I have tried all of the bat-files, actually. But there is no sign of any window or console opening (or even reacting).

So the dash is working now! I seem to have misunderstood you on the IP. So now the hardware_settings_config says:
<motion enabled="true" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" extradata="2" />

In your tool, I went to network settings, enabled UDP with target port 20777 and entered the IP shown on the wheel (not the one above) and changed the data format to "F1 2020".

Just one problem left: The LEDs above the screen keep flashing now and I can´t turn them off. They just blink constantly two to three times a second. Do you have any solutions for this?
I have tried all of the bat-files, actually. But there is no sign of any window or console opening (or even reacting).

So the dash is working now! I seem to have misunderstood you on the IP. So now the hardware_settings_config says:
<motion enabled="true" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" extradata="2" />

In your tool, I went to network settings, enabled UDP with target port 20777 and entered the IP shown on the wheel (not the one above) and changed the data format to "F1 2020".

Just one problem left: The LEDs above the screen keep flashing now and I can´t turn them off. They just blink constantly two to three times a second. Do you have any solutions for this?
Hi Iko,
I haven´t been able to find a solution to the blinking LEDs so far. With all due respect towards your time - have you already been able to look into it?
I mean purely based on grip, not wear or temperature or anything
I suppose what I'm really asking is "how do I best measure the maximum acceleration of a car's setup?". I know that you can look at 'acceleration' 'g-force lat' and 'g-force long' in the multiplotter but sometimes the maximum value is a blip where the car is accelerating at an abnormally high rate for the smallest possible moment, which doesn't reflect the actual maximum acceleration that the car setup can produce
I suppose what I'm really asking is "how do I best measure the maximum acceleration of a car's setup?". I know that you can look at 'acceleration' 'g-force lat' and 'g-force long' in the multiplotter but sometimes the maximum value is a blip where the car is accelerating at an abnormally high rate for the smallest possible moment, which doesn't reflect the actual maximum acceleration that the car setup can produce
I think pure g-force long is the way to go. You might take the "blips" out in the workspace by smoothing the trace.

With AMS2/PC2/F1 23 you might even use the torque/hp output on the side and maybe in all games combine the wheelslip traces with the g-force long + acceleration and maybe even add the wheelspeed + speed traces on the side. This should give a quite good overview on what is going on. It is laborious, but I don't think there is (or even can be) a single measurement telling: "this is the perfect setup", as the temperatures and grip on track is constantly evolving and all turns are bit different.

For the ideal tyre temperature, again I don't think there is one measurement, which would give the correct answer, as the temps change etc. There are however the "real life" tools, where you set the estimated target temp, then measure the IMO (front and rear) spread max (IMO data not available for F1 games), then the front rear-diff and left right diff. This might vary depending bit on the car, but the rule of thumb for the diffs is Front-IMO 7C, Rear-IMO 5C, Front-Rear 10C and left right 5C. And then you set the target temp, e.g. 75C and adjust the setup to keep the temps within the limits. If you play AMS2, there is first attempt to help on this on the Driving pane. It can also detect, if the tyre pressure is too low or high. But I need to play more on the system to see, if it really helps on the car setups in AMS2.

Hi Iko,
Many thanks for the updates, I've just started using 13.2 and the clock colour doesn't save. Eg change to white and on next start it is back to green although colour in saved settings remains white??
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