The Crazy Russians did it...997 GT3 RSR and COTA

Hi slightly new to the forums as I just recently got AC. Used to play GTR2 and Race07 alot back in the day...more recently GT5 and GT6.

Did anyone see this!!! Released yesterday!!!

I'm in the process of checking it out...

Porsche 997 GT3 RSR

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Well i do have serious doubts that turn 10 will never make another forza game because people rip their cars and tracks, grid is a horrible series lots of stuff has show up ripped out of that game still making them.

It is far more likely that smaller devs could be hit but i really do not see the link at all between people boosting cars and track and games just dying. Especially when most people do not give a single solitary spit where that content came from. I doubt that ripped content does one single solitary thing for games or very little either in positive or negative sales for the og game.

But we should be mindful of what we post links to, if it looks too good ask where did this come from? Too pro a job too fast and it near screams ripped content. But as time goes on and the field gets more glutted with stuff then it gets a bit harder to sort that kind of thing out without more digging to find out.
There is a gentleman's agreement in the industry not to sue for content imported into anothers game on the basis it can become tit for tat. Its only a gentlemans agreement and is more relevant to companies who have large back catalogs others can focus on. Ks aren't in that position imho. As the consoles have now moved into x86 with the 8th gen and with VR allowing previously pc only style simming experiences I don't see that agreement lasting where big corporates are involved.

Companies like Simbin and KS are in the same small pond. They don't sue each other as a matter of course. MS/Sony are different creatures. rFactor, GTR 2 and Race 07 lived in that previous generation where PC's and consoles only brushed off each others territory when it came to sim racing.

Much of this stuff goes on behind the scenes in much the same way 90% of cases in my country on the civil side are settled on the steps of the court rather than within it. Codemasters have already issued take down per another poster. No I don't overreact much. I've outlined my concerns clearly but theres clearly no point in outlining them here.

In the end the content is being released for free, by modders, for other games.

AC is irrelevant, it could be for an open freely made game inside any engine. Big game makers are probably not going to be able to chase anyone except those hosting the copied content itself.

For example, they'd be hard pressed to chase an individual making a private conversion of content from a game they already own, then distributing the car via friends of friends of friends. 6 degrees of freedom and everyone has a copy and if it's done anonymously then it's impossible to stop.

The ONLY issue I see is that RD as a forum, would be legally in a bad area for hosting the content, or links to the copyrighted content. That is all, as has been discussed a million times before.

I doubt many big developers copy each others content any way. In the big picture the mesh work on a car is a fraction of the total cost in time to make a full working great looking/driving/sounding car in a game.

Even for modders I don't get the appeal. It takes so long to make a car really great, that the mesh work 'saving' by using a car from another game kinda becomes irrelevant in my experience.
And it always has that stigma of being modded/copied/can't be legally shared on the forums. And further you get no kudos because it's a conversion, even though a good conversion can take almost the same time as a good scratch made car any way.

I've done them all over the years. And that is why conversions are generally always crap... because those that realise to do a great one takes so much time, they just don't bother converting and make one from scratch instead!

All in my view/experience any way.
I'm off the thread as its like headbutting a wall and its clear people are happy to steal from others but I'm going out with this. If great Devs have their content stolen and are not paid for its reproduction they won't develop and so neither will the simming community. These devs make our genre as great as it is, don't spit on them. I'm out.

Generally it's the mass-market stuff that makes our genre as terrible as it is.

Yes it all looks pretty, but we have but a small handful of games that are actually half ok, never mind truly great.

And it's always happened, and it's never stopped developers making games. Indeed we see more modding than ever, and ever crapper modding conversions too imo, and yet the game makers are making yet more and more drivel as car games for us to buy with fantastic looking models for 'converters' to grab.

There is no risk to devs keeping on making car games. The biggest issue really is them making good to play/drive games, and other people nicking meshes to make crappy conversions isn't going to change anything to do with that.

Well i do have serious doubts that turn 10 will never make another forza game because people rip their cars and tracks, grid is a horrible series lots of stuff has show up ripped out of that game still making them.

It is far more likely that smaller devs could be hit but i really do not see the link at all between people boosting cars and track and games just dying. Especially when most people do not give a single solitary spit where that content came from. I doubt that ripped content does one single solitary thing for games or very little either in positive or negative sales for the og game.

But we should be mindful of what we post links to, if it looks too good ask where did this come from? Too pro a job too fast and it near screams ripped content. But as time goes on and the field gets more glutted with stuff then it gets a bit harder to sort that kind of thing out without more digging to find out.

Not hard to find out. The convertor gave all credit to the original authors..
But you're stealing their profit because you're putting out the same product (that's theirs in the first place) for free....

It'd be an even better insult if the work was scratch made.....

thats not remotely true. (though ofc i agree when we see a scratch made porsche or dorsche or w/e itll be much better)

this mod did not prevent me from purchasing forza 4. and besides, if this guy hadnt also ripped like 4 or 5 OTHER peoples work, i think nogripracing actually allows this stuff if you have a forza disc. i know ive downloaded stuff for shift 2 (i know, shame on me) that required a forza 4 disc bc it used models directly from turn 10 as well.
and as for the (unique and interesting, admittedly) scare tactic about why we should apparently keep mum about this or whatever: kunos isnt getting sued for this. ea and msft dont give one **** about kunos. itd be horrible publicity for them if they did sue some no-name company for something some guy in russia made.

i know i was joking earlier but my god, this has taken a bad turn. we can talk about the mod. we can use the mod. chill out.
Not hard to find out. The convertor gave all credit to the original authors..

In this case, most mods are not that open about it. I am just saying when we have 100s or 1000s of car mods and when the general quality is fairly decent it will be harder to tell wo digging into the files themselves or small game specific details that well i would not recognize because i not played forza at all ever to know what a forza 4 model looks like nm the small details.

ATM its just way easier to say if a track looks too nice its probably a boosted track from another game. Especially if it came out of nowhere. Cars some models in wip status looks pretty darn professional will be much harder to just visually identify what is what especially as we go on.
First of all respect your statement there Kennet.

I understand where you are coming from as there's a difference of importing material than doing the proper work to make sure things work. Been there.

In reference to your statement about modding, have been modding since BF 1942 as far as my start with map and AI mesh creation, to simple Poly's. Real basic stuff like buildings and static objects. Circa 2002-3

Then got into it deeper with BF2 and got a little more into python editing and scripting, again more map creation stuff and Ai mesh making. Actually my first experience with Max was patching open poly's. Circa 2005-6

After that expanded into ArmA 1. I found a mod that included some Rockeye Cluster Bombs..unfortuantely it caused some issues and the developer dropped it. I saw the models needed a little bit of work and the scripts caused a lot of performance issues. (Yes I started with a mod that someone started and decided to complete it since it was a simple Rockeye CBU...little did I know what I was getting into something very complex. I before starting asked the group for permission and they approved as long as credit was given). I smoothed it over for gameplay and realism (they had 244 bomblets spawn from a cluster bomb, where 75 did the trick and with a bit of effects tweaking, also they were impossible to aim so in tweaking the vector formula in the script I was able to make them a bit easier to aim when dropping than a crap shoot). I also updated their models and closed open vertices that cause quite an issue in the game engine. Also started with mission editing where you made your own scenarios in a sandbox enviro.
Circa 2007-9

From there when ArmA 2 came out I converted my own content (expanded Cluster Bomb SUU's) and the content with permission (Again gave ArmA Tactics credit when they were gone by that time). I even made my own models to expand the addon or mod. I also worked on a mod team creating content for the NZ and Australia defense force for the game. My interest has somewhat died out due to real life obligations, but can see myself revisiting it.
Circa 2009-12

I also have friends (high school and college) here in Austin that have been around the "world" in the game development industry (meaning laid off from one and then went to go work for another...from EA to Activision, to Blizzard, then back to name it). Was an active member of the IGDA for a couple years but focused my time elsewhere not being a professional in that industry (had an interest to hop off the IT bandwagon and get into Game Development).

So in affect I hear things about what game developers and publisher are and aren't responsible for. It's nothing new. As far as ripping content for profit, there's no grey space for that.

I'm also all about someone getting the credit where due. I've had personal experience with that-

I was burnt when a larger mod team asked to use my content and got no mention (neither did the originators for the script back in ArmA 1) yet they used my CBU models...finger in their face was my mod had better models and Textures:



Updated and newer models and textures:


Well IMO being burnt like this, I saw that this mod team did give credit where due and in many circles this was good enough as far as credit is concerned. They have no idea who the individual is that did the car and I'm sure if they knew they would give full credit to that individual instead of the company. I'm honestly surprised they gave credit at all...for this there's merit in that quite honestly.

I also see this as Post development work...after the fact the game has been released and the developer nor publisher wasn't hurt in their profit margins. Since this was Post development it wont discourage artists, if anything probably encourage a few out there.

I decided to call the source and see what a few friends that do work in the industry thought on this subject a little while ago over lunch. I asked their take (2 artists, 1 programmer)...I basically combined what they all said:

"More than likely the artist will feel happy someone used their models that they did years ago..."

".. I'd feel flattered if someone used my content for a mod I already got paid for, companies don't care about us"

"...if anything communities and modders care more about what we do than the upper management so more power to them especially since one entity (EA) wants to hold on to a license monopoly to screw other companies, and really you the consumer."

"It's the best thing a mod team can do is provide a mod that has content like that. Now to go the extent of another game's content isn't actually genius and I don't encourage it. I could see paying for a model from turbo-squid so there's not another thing people can complain about....but people will always complain"

"In a sense we get paid for our work, mod teams do it on their free time, and those models can be complex and tiring....I'd see it as a quicker to market strategy honestly. You're a hobbyist not a paid employee so why waste copious amount of hours of your free time that others will usually complain about your models anyhow. Most mod stuff gets torn apart by the community and it doesn't surprise me people are tearing into this instead of just enjoying it. After all there's a bit to be said what you guys are able to get away with and we can't."

I like that word my friend used, a hobbyist...perfect.

As far as my statement being simple about IP, it's just that. We as "hobbyists" are not upheld by the same rules and legalities as a commercial entity would be so the IP argument is mute when it's not stealing someone's hobby work for their own and calling it their own. That's messed up...but to use a model that's no longer used and that cash cow has been milked...hmm, think I'm good with that.

I'm good with it as it's using dead content and reviving it for use in a modification for a game.

Yet, I see where you are coming from Juris, in a very technical manner where an entity can be held liable IF this was used for profit. But this isn't for profit, and like you its beating a dead horse that there's no liability. In a certain realm it's not stealing, nor affecting profit margins, or discouraging artists from doing their work. If anything people "steal" and rip MP3's daily. Mix artists use other artists music in their mixes, etc, etc. So to state "steal" or "stolen" is like calling half the inventory of a pawn shop stolen. It's pretty strong language and equivocal. I'd like to say "recycled" since it's not in use, so please let the point be taken, Forza 4 is EOL, end of life. (This content for Forza is 2-3yrs old now, which by industry standards that's ancient and the industry and artist have surely done 5 projects since then, especially due to EOL).

My perspective might be seen as "blasé" and careless....well it is because I'm more worried about other things in a certain sense but do show respect where respect is due. If there was a legal precedent (which really there isn't), it's good that people like you keep us in check and we do keep our heads about it....It's not like I did not question this at the beginning but instead of thinking I'm dancing in the grey area, I feel clear of it from really logically thinking about it from both spectrum's and understanding an industry perspective and reasoning on it as a "hobbyist".

If you really boiled it down to legality and morality of the issue there's really nothing. If anything there's more of a moral dilemma on what the game companies do these days that should get our focus, If someone isn't stealing for profit, and the models are available in the public space (Google it it's not hard to find an abundance of those models BTW) and only furthering the use of an artist's expression of an entity of real life, than where's the debate? If anything I'd say it's homage to the original artist:

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

So with that said the Russian or whomever did this, did this out of love for the car and love for the game. I don't see why we can't appreciate that. It's good to bring about concerns of IP and raise an eyebrow at this.

Plainly summarized:
If this were a company caught for stealing IP, different story, a mod team stealing content and calling it their own..surely a slap in the face. But...a fan that was so enthused to get a 3D model and content to work in a great game; well I give the guy a hand clap for B+ work, but not a standing ovation. Then again this could have been a conceptual test before doing his own actual model. I've known some to do this in order to cut development time...using a "mule model" as a feasibility study.

(EDIT: Verious speeling erors...)
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Good post and i agree on most of it. Modders can surely get away with a lot more than what game companies can do. That's why there are those unwritten rules in place as game titles get free content without anyone getting miffed about legality or licenses... I just hoped all who say they are modders would be like you, i', so tired of conversion makers calling them selves pros (yes, on some cases conversions are a tough job equal to scratch builds but on most cases it takes an hour or less).

I don't condone ripped models used as references either. If i've modelled something, it's a compliment if someone else uses it. But when thinking about creating something new, something that is not on the market at the moment and that content is then just converted from EOL games, then it hurts. It's easy to say when you are employed by a huge company that puts out the same game with different year printed on the label that it does not affect anyone.. When buying a title X because it has vehicle Y is compared to getting the vehicle Y for free for a title that i already have, it affects title X. At least let it be the labor of a person who makes an effort then, not a direct conversion. And if you are developing for a console, you give rats ass about someone ripping it to PC.. Ask the same questions from SimBin or ISI. Or AC if they like their content to be ripped to competing title. Or EOL game content ripped to compete upcoming content...

There's tons of models out there that can be used if one just asks, most modellers are happy if even one person finds it good and uses their work (always credited, of course..they are good CVs at the end of day ;) ..). Taking an existing model is just too easy IMHO, sweat blood and tears over it, then take the glory.. Conversion makers have my reservation in general, there are only few of them that i respect. And none of them have been accused of stealing content.

As far as spreading the knowledge and posting hints where it may be found.. Just stop it now. I would like this whole thread to be deleted, that is how much i hate illegal conversions. But i'm willing to let it stay, all references to content removed of course. If you want illegal conversions, use Google (no need for search term hints either...)
again, reality check: the only place forza 4 is doing any competing anywhere is on used game store shelves. even there, no ones gonna be losing sales of it b/c one car in for a niche game is modded off of their sample.

im not saying its fully right or fully fair. its not...but im only a part of the modding community in the sense that i can appreciate & use their work...can't do it myself. and i do both appreciate more, enjoy more, & -trust- more made from scratch content, for a variety of reasons.

i also wouldn't call (or think) RD are nazis or something for removing this thread. but some of the comments are borderline paranoid or're not bad if you use this mod. yeah, the guy took a massive shortcut & thats not fair t o other modders, but if a scratch made modded porsche gt spec car comes to AC before kunos can make a deal for a workaround with RUF, i have a feeling i wouldn't be close to the only one to jump ship. so i don't get the need for fostering a climate of fear, on rational level, & at least personally i don't think hard working modders or mod teams have anythign to fear from this stuff.
For me this mod is a placeholder until someone (probably URD or IER) makes a scratch made version that is of higher quality.

I do get a kick out of the guys that seem to want this thread deleted, like that is somehow going to make the whole thing go away. I get a bigger LOL at the wannabe lawyers.

If the guys hadn't admitted that it was a Forza model, it could have been hosted here at RD, and could stay here until somebody from Turn10 asked to remove it. That is the policy with tracks, no reason for it to be any different for cars.
I do get a kick out of the guys that seem to want this thread deleted, like that is somehow going to make the whole thing go away. I get a bigger LOL at the wannabe lawyers.
If the "wannabe lawyer" insult was pointed at me then heres a reality check. I am a lawyer. Qualified Barrister to be precise and I clearly have a much better understanding of the law (at least in my jurisdiction) or at the minimum more respect for the property of others than some here and legal strategies associated with the field. This thieving crap is not beneficial to the scene, end of.
@Michael Hornbuckle is correct about our policy on cars. It's the same as tracks, in fact it all falls under the same blanket of "Content".
If the guys who ripped this Porsche decide to upload it here to our resource centre, then we'll leave it up until the day comes that the original creator (Forza I believe) reports it and asks for it to be taken down. At which point we'll be more than happy to oblige.

The thread stays open as long as we keep the discussion civil. These types of threads may get heated, but sometimes that's exactly what is needed to get a good discussion going.

So please, you're free to debate and discuss, but try not to make personal insults to eachother. If it goes too far, you'll be cruising for a bruising. And I shall be your cruise director. And my name is Captain Bruisen.
@Michael Hornbuckle is correct about our policy on cars. It's the same as tracks, in fact it all falls under the same blanket of "Content".
If the guys who ripped this Porsche decide to upload it here to our resource centre, then we'll leave it up until the day comes that the original creator (Forza I believe) reports it and asks for it to be taken down. At which point we'll be more than happy to oblige.

The thread stays open as long as we keep the discussion civil. These types of threads may get heated, but sometimes that's exactly what is needed to get a good discussion going.

So please, you're free to debate and discuss, but try not to make personal insults to eachother. If it goes too far, you'll be cruising for a bruising. And I shall be your cruise director. And my name is Captain Bruisen.
No offence but RD's upload policy is stupid.....

What, a dislike already? So the policy's the way it is because the people who run the forums can't keep track of whether or not stuff is illegal or not. So they don't bother removing it unless the rightful owner of the content speaks up?!
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