The SimFeedback-AC DIY Motion Simulator thread

Hey guys. Thought I’d create a thread for those taking the plunge into this brilliant DIY project..
I will be starting mine soon and I know there are others thinking about it.. so feel free to share your knowledge and experiences so we can all enjoy this platform to its full potential. A huge thanks to the developers who have really knocked this one out of the park!



For all the internals for the actuator contact Amy -
She can supply everything you need. Just remind her you want the ends of the shafts chamfered and make sure she sends the right sized ball screw - we have had a couple of issues reported. She is very helpful though and the cost is pretty good.

Huge thanks to @RowanH for writing a comprehensive user guide which can be accessed here -

In addition, @anton_Chez has contributed a list of post numbers for some of the important settings etc..
Post #320 SFX-100 thread
Post #327 SFX-100 thread for Discord correlation
Post #339 SFX-100 thread
Post #418 SFX-100 thread
Post #424 SFX-100 thread
Post #439 SFX-100 thread
Post #449 SFX-100 thread
Post #517 SFX-100 thread
Post #554 SFX-100 thread
Post #580 SFX-100 thread
Post #826 SFX-100 thread
Post #837 SFX-100 thread
Post #864,866,867,868,870,887,889,897 SFX-100 thread
Post #911,914 SFX-100 thread
Post #988,992,998 SFX-100 thread
Post #1147 SFX-100 thread
Post #1492 SFX-100 thread
Post #1511,1517 SFX-100 thread

I will try to keep this page updated with links to source the parts in other parts of the world. Just post whatever links you have and i'll add them here.

Please note: Not all the parts listed below are essential for the project. For the essential parts refer to the original shopping list.


Thanks to @AussieSim for the following links:

10A power lead(s) * 4

Top quality wire stripper

RCD/safety switch power block

WD-40 lithium grease for the ball screws

Vibration pads

WD-40 Dry PTFE spray for the slider (free shipping)

Arduino Leonardo (free shipping + frequent 10-15% off discount)

DB25 cables * 4 (free shipping)

PETG * 3 (free shipping)

WAGO-like connectors to avoid a breadboard (perhaps use genuine ones if you are doing 240V AC)

D-Sub breakout boards * 4

3D printer Creality Ender-3 Pro

Wires from Arduino to D-Sub breakout (remove black plastic from the WAGO end)

Crimp connectors for AC wire leads
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If they really stopped offering postage to UK, there is still a way... LogoiX
I use them all the time, for packages that can only be sent to Germany, LogoiX gives you a fictive address in Germany and forwards everything that you send there to your home address anywhere in Europe. They have very good postage rates, as low as Amazon. They have always been very quick and reliable, always smooth.
Only thing is their page is in German only.. but maybe you can translate with google.

So a service offering any EU resident the ability to order parts usually only available in Germany, is only available in the 1 language that most potential customers might not speak....NOW THAT MAKES BUSINESS SENSE.

In other news, no pen for me.
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@Steve D I think from memory you've got your cockpit in an upstairs room on a timber joist floor. Did you put any additional 'spreaders' under the rubber washing machine bumpers to spread the point load? The floor in my games room is 8mm laminate on thin foam laminate underlay, then below that is chipboard fixed directly to the floor joists. I'm thinking of putting neoprene-backed ~300mm x 12mm square plywood pads under each actuator as extra damping against the hammer-blow effect (I've got the plywood and the self-adhesive neoprene left over from other projects). Do you think it's necessary? Does the additional weight of the NLRv3 actually help stop the pistons from leaving the ground?
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This thread moves fast!

Thanks for the reply @anton_Chez. Did you order on the old website or the new redesign? Website for me looks like the first photo I've attached.

Second photo shows my options for countries when creating an account/ordering. I cannot see the UK on there at all, someone please tell me I am blind?

Has anyone from the UK ordered profile since the website changed?

Im having the same issue. Is anyone interested in a bulk order using Logoix?
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Removed the NLV3 from the rig tonight... I can say with absolute certainty that i won't miss the wobbly seat!! ;):whistling:
Interesting... You sure you won't miss the added effects? I'm not to try the combo myself yet but I've heard from a few people here that the NLMv3 and SFX-100 work very well in tandem, each filling in the gaps that the other one has.
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I ordered the profile before anything happened to the website. My order was pretty smooth, and came with the now infamous bonus pen....! AND I didn't have my profiles hacked either. I feel kind of bad. If anyone should have gotten hammered up profiles for their project it should have been me. Would have fit right in with everything else..... @Mascot's build is going to be too perfect to have scratched up aluminium showing....

@sjb266 Damn, I've been tuning for the second half of the day while running laps for the first round of the V8's. It's taken me a lot longer than it should have because I am getting OCD and paralysed by the SimFeedback options and graphs but I'm getting there. Just when I thought I was going to do the same as you, I fired up the Surge effect after what felt like spending 10 hours testing the Sway effect for both systems. Rowan mentioned he heard somewhere that the GS-5 is going to run us around $6500 AUD and I'm not even sure if that includes duties and GST. SO, I was determined to make at least something happen with the V3 before I talked myself down the road of natural progression.

I have to say, the Surge effect on the V3 pretty much makes it for me. Especially in the acceleration department. It feels WAY better on the SFX-100 actuators than stand alone and I really really like it now. We have post processing now to make sure that the seat doesn't push you too far back and I've reduced the throw to around half of what it's capable of. It's pretty much what I was running before but I've increased the Gain slightly and without any other effects getting in the way it feels really really good. With a little positive bias (35%, thanks @Steve D) it works in really well. The other good thing is now that we have some brake dive and pitch as well, there isn't as much need for the forward thrust when you hit the anchors, so the positive bias takes care of this perfectly by reducing the braking effect by that 35% at the same Intensity value.

So. that's my little feedback from a half day of mucking around with the software. I too wasn't sure about keeping the V3 but after today I think it's a done deal. Adding an active harness tensioner is only around 600 bucks for us Aussies and that will once again help with the sustained lateral and longitudinal forces and is a very easy addition to our setups. I've actually fixed my harness coming loose thanks to @HugoB & @RowanH (I am constantly spelling your name wrong.... :() and with that remaining tight now throughout a race, I'd hazard a guess that I might not even need it. IF I do end up with one it's going to be that much more effective, however, now that the shoulder straps don't come loose when bouncing around.

I'll be keen to hear other users feedback regarding the need for keeping the V3 or not and I will be posting the settings in the other thread once I've settled on them.
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I ordered the profile before anything happened to the website. My order was pretty smooth, and came with the now infamous bonus pen....! AND I didn't have my profiles hacked either. I feel kind of bad. If anyone should have gotten hammered up profiles for their project it should have been me. Would have fit right in with everything else..... @Mascot's build is going to be too perfect to have scratched up aluminium showing....

@sjb266 Damn, I've been tuning for the second half of the day while running laps for the first round of the V8's. It's taken me a lot longer than it should have because I am getting OCD and paralysed by the SimFeedback options and graphs but I'm getting there. Just when I thought I was going to do the same as you, I fired up the Surge effect after what felt like spending 10 hours testing the Sway effect for both systems. Rowan mentioned he heard somewhere that the GS-5 is going to run us around $6500 AUD and I'm not even sure if that includes duties and GST. SO, I was determined to make at least something happen with the V3 before I talked myself down the road of natural progression.

I have to say, the Surge effect on the V3 pretty much makes it for me. Especially in the acceleration department. It feels WAY better on the SFX-100 actuators than stand alone and I really really like it now. We have post processing now to make sure that the seat doesn't push you too far back and I've reduced the throw to around half of what it's capable of. It's pretty much what I was running before but I've increased the Gain slightly and without any other effects getting in the way it feels really really good. With a little positive bias (35%, thanks @Steve D) it works in really well. The other good thing is now that we have some brake dive and pitch as well, there isn't as much need for the forward thrust when you hit the anchors, so the positive bias takes care of this perfectly by reducing the braking effect by that 35% at the same Intensity value.

So. that's my little feedback from a half day of mucking around with the software. I too wasn't sure about keeping the V3 but after today I think it's a done deal. Adding an active harness tensioner is only around 600 bucks for us Aussies and that will once again help with the sustained lateral and longitudinal forces and is a very easy addition to our setups. I've actually fixed my harness coming loose thanks to @HugoB & @RowanH (I am constantly spelling your name wrong.... :() and with that remaining tight now throughout a race, I'd hazard a guess that I might not even need it. IF I do end up with one it's going to be that much more effective, however, now that the shoulder straps don't come loose when bouncing around.

I'll be keen to hear other users feedback regarding the need for keeping the V3 or not and I will be posting the settings in the other thread once I've settled on them.

Good to hear you're getting things working! And that you've fixed the belt without spending hundreds ;)

Yup, I ordered the belt tensioner from Australia.. I find the GS-5 too expensive for what it could add over the SFX100. I hope the belt tensioner will give me some valuable 'surge' feeling, at least for braking. The designer says in dual mode it can even give some sway feedback, by pulling only left or right, I hope it's good enough that I can save myself the financial nuke that is GS-5 ;)

And thanks for your tip of Bridge with Flat 6 on rF2 for the SFX100, it's a real blast! The 'curbs' feel really three dimensional! And the track bumps and attitude changes give a very immersive feeling with some proper pitch and roll settings:thumbsup:
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Yes thanks to your pics I was able to spot the difference and make it work. Thanks!

So you got the tensioner already eh? You got the more expensive one? I'm still in two minds now that I've got this all working together. I think I owe myself to try it at least. It's a handy addition that will enable me to almost remove the pitch forward in the V3 under brakes. Which is not a bad feeling but if you want a high intensity effect, your feet get a little cramped. I like the way I have it now, I feel super comfortable with the bias set to acceleration.

I'll have to ask SeatTime what the wait period is. I might just got with the smaller version. I wonder if this one still has the ability to pull only one belt at a time, for sway effect. I don't need it too much as the V3 will already give this effect when the belt pulls and it moves slightly to one side. Still good to have, though.
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It's a single person making these harness tensioners in his spare time... He used to make them a while ago, then stopped making them because it was interfering with family time, but since a few days he has begun building again, because there seems to be so much demand. I feel sorry for him and his family time and I understand it completely, but I'm sooo thankful that he's making them again! I hope he doesn't get overloaded again and stops, but here's the link to his forum:

Edit: it seems the thread is no longer active, so I guess he's taking a break again.. Which I can fully understand.

@anton_Chez Yup, I chose the high torque model and asked for dual channel, it will cost me about half of the SFX100 system! But still cheaper than the GS-5 or NLMV3... hope it's good enough that I can save myself from those big bois.


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I ordered the profile before anything happened to the website. My order was pretty smooth, and came with the now infamous bonus pen....! AND I didn't have my profiles hacked either. I feel kind of bad. If anyone should have gotten hammered up profiles for their project it should have been me. Would have fit right in with everything else..... @Mascot's build is going to be too perfect to have scratched up aluminium showing....

@sjb266 Damn, I've been tuning for the second half of the day while running laps for the first round of the V8's. It's taken me a lot longer than it should have because I am getting OCD and paralysed by the SimFeedback options and graphs but I'm getting there. Just when I thought I was going to do the same as you, I fired up the Surge effect after what felt like spending 10 hours testing the Sway effect for both systems. Rowan mentioned he heard somewhere that the GS-5 is going to run us around $6500 AUD and I'm not even sure if that includes duties and GST. SO, I was determined to make at least something happen with the V3 before I talked myself down the road of natural progression.

I have to say, the Surge effect on the V3 pretty much makes it for me. Especially in the acceleration department. It feels WAY better on the SFX-100 actuators than stand alone and I really really like it now. We have post processing now to make sure that the seat doesn't push you too far back and I've reduced the throw to around half of what it's capable of. It's pretty much what I was running before but I've increased the Gain slightly and without any other effects getting in the way it feels really really good. With a little positive bias (35%, thanks @Steve D) it works in really well. The other good thing is now that we have some brake dive and pitch as well, there isn't as much need for the forward thrust when you hit the anchors, so the positive bias takes care of this perfectly by reducing the braking effect by that 35% at the same Intensity value.

So. that's my little feedback from a half day of mucking around with the software. I too wasn't sure about keeping the V3 but after today I think it's a done deal. Adding an active harness tensioner is only around 600 bucks for us Aussies and that will once again help with the sustained lateral and longitudinal forces and is a very easy addition to our setups. I've actually fixed my harness coming loose thanks to @HugoB & @RowanH (I am constantly spelling your name wrong.... :() and with that remaining tight now throughout a race, I'd hazard a guess that I might not even need it. IF I do end up with one it's going to be that much more effective, however, now that the shoulder straps don't come loose when bouncing around.

I'll be keen to hear other users feedback regarding the need for keeping the V3 or not and I will be posting the settings in the other thread once I've settled on them.

You've echoed my feelings exactly re. the SFX100 and NLRv3 combo and where the latter is concerned a little goes a long way. Both together just nails the immersion for me and I find I can simply play around a little with the default SFB settings without worrying too much about constantly experimenting and chasing my tail. However I would say that the effectiveness of the combo is very sim and within that, car class / track / telemetry-availability specific although the software for each platform is so adjustable that I've managed to achieve pretty good baseline profiles for most, even if they might feel a bit different. Think rFactor 2 has been the most straightforward to tune so far and Raceroom the most difficult but that's not saying that the latter is any less fun. They just feel different in execution.

What has improved things even more for me though is lowering my seat and NLRv3 further in to my P1, which you and others recommended Anton. By pure chance I stumbled across a grubby offcut of 150mm x 40mm ali angle last week, (needed some serious polishing :)), which resulted in me replacing my 100mm brackets over the weekend. As a result, I dropped the whole lot by an additional 50mm. In my VR cockpit and based on the feedback from the actuators specifically, I immediately felt more hunkered down, more connected to the road and more aware of weight transfer, especially with the OSW providing such awesome feedback as well. I noticed it straight away when I fired up that heavenly rF2 Flat 6 / Bridgehampton fun-fest and then again when I took the GT3 Aston for a lengthy spin at Silverstone. Both just felt so right.

Have to say I'm in sim-racing Utopia right now. :thumbsup:
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