Trying to find a not so old custom rfactor track


Back in April of this year I had to delete my rfactor 1 file and most of the other track files to clear up some space on my laptops C drive.

One of the tracks I had downloaded and deleted I really liked. I dont remember if I got it from here or rfcentral (Most likely from here) just because of the overall flow and layout of the track was cool and challenging. When downloaded the file and track name was put as JP

It was not that long in terms of lap time due to it having multiple high speed turns one of which being the final turn where it was a high banked left turn that led onto the main straight.

Layout of the track: Turn 1 was a wide and long 180 degree left turn (Think of Catalunya turn 10 and Yas Marina combined) leading into a medium long straight that goes into a blind hairpin that then goes uphill onto a medium long straight. At the top of the hill it levels out and then goes into a double hairpin section where with a certain line is just a left then right. Track then goes back downhill and levels out into a wide chicane that is right left right.

I believe the turn after it is a 90 degree turn but it is downhill making it feel like a hairpin. then onto a short straight which leads into what feels like bahrain turn 10 (Looking back at it now this entire section feels like the Bahrain double hairpin section). After the downhill left turn it goes into a narrow chicane straight out of formula e that can be taken flat out leading onto the final corner which is a banked left hand turn. Pit entry is on the left side right after the turn.

I tried to redraw it but I dont fully remember it and the track didnt connect when drawing
Only "JP" tracks I have reference to are the JP Beltoise Circuit and and the Joux Plane Hillblimb Rally. Not familiar with either.
Only "JP" tracks I have reference to are the JP Beltoise Circuit and and the Joux Plane Hillblimb Rally. Not familiar with either.
yeah it’s not either of those. It’s not the end of the world if I don’t find it. I’m trying to get into track designing myself by downloading race track builder (attempting to self teach myself). If you want to still find it you can. It was also fun for hotlapping and testing cars due to it having nearly every sort of turn

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