On board looks a hell of a lot better, but I knew that from the other vids I've seen, not impressed with the 3rd person view though (I know I know, helmet cam all the way......sometimes I like seeing the bike!), KT really should see what Milestone have done with rider animations because they do it a LOT better. Not exactly happy with the camera moving around so much as well, hope that can be turned off!

Either way I'll be checking out the opinions of girl racer tracey (hopefully still around), Robo46 YT vids and a few more here on RD, before I commit to purchase.

The movement isn't fluid going round bends, betting on another stinker this one
That's probably caused by using a gamepad, I don't think I've ever seen a vid of a bike game being played where the cornering looks fluid every corner.
It's still being played on a gamepad that was designed 20 years ago to play games with. Updating the bike physics isnt going to make an once of difference. Same game with some new bikes!

Thank you, even though I am much more a rider (always ride sports bike and have my personal track bike for track days) than a driver and would love to have a decent motorcycle riding simulator, it is what it is.
The riding game are just that, looking for simulation in them is pure madness.
First we would need some kind of riding simulator rig which respond to the kind of input we do when we ride. The best out there are not even close and not available to public.
I am not just talking about proper accelerator, brake ( back and front) shifter and clutch, but also weight transfer, leaning angle and counter steering.
Race driver have their simulators from their team like in F1, but rider, even in moto gp do not, because it does not exist.
So, let’s enjoy (or not) our riding game with our game pad, but, please, let stop pretending they are simulating anything. :)
Nobody's looking for PURE simulation. Such a thing doesn't exist. Or at least it's not commercially available. All we need is something that's playable but also respects the basic laws of physics, geometry , friction etc etc.

Anyway, the future is looking better and better for motorcycle simulation. Check this out "BikeSimExperience". Silly name but there's even tire deformation. Looks very very promising.
I will buy it, but in less than 02hours, I will know if I refund it.
About the rider animation, it's always crappy, you can see they hide the chase cam, to not laugh immediately about....
Well, lets hope its a bit better. First one i loved the track but the riding was so far from reality that i got bored quickly. About the game being "too hard" had nothing to do with the riding. It had everything to do with how big the track is and how many corners it has. Of course another thing i guess that makes it harder is that the bikes dont act like real bikes.
The Pro Newcomer pack gives you a career boost (extra points etc, starter unlocked upgrades), nothing new there.

But the addition of Tyre warmers and "Optimum fall management so you can get back on your bike quickly" sounds like paying for game-altering cheaty add-ons!

I did a treble check when I read that!
What's next, 10 second boosts? Nitro? Huge swords on your wheels?
Can't believe it can be allowed in races, surely not...
The 3rd person looked like Ride 2 to me, not very convincing.
I've bought it, those precious 2 hours are make or break.
But in all honesty, this is pretty much a make do till August and we get Ride 4.
Great news, TT IOM2 is superb, the bike handling is massively improved to the point where it's now enjoyable and feels fully connected to the road (rather than the stress-filled when will the bike kill me next for no obvious reason experience of the first game!).

The TT circuit looks absolutely stunning too. I make no claims about the 'realism' of the riding as I haven't got a clue about that (my mountain bike is fast enough for me on 2 wheels) but as a TT/bike game it is instantly good to play. 2 laps into IOM TT2 and I already matched my previous best lap on IOM TT (I ran a couple of laps on IOM TT last night and couldn't get within 2 minutes of my best lap time due to the need to learn all the points that make the bike fall over once again!). The new helmet cam is brilliant too, it's close to a VR type experience of being on the bike. Get a corner slightly wrong in IOM TT2 and the line can be trimmed, in the first game, it just chucked you off the bike. Whatever the term for bike understeer is, it's a handy pointer to going too fast in this game.

No need to take my word for this either, plenty of reviews are saying the same, a huge improvement in terms of the bikes and ability to access and enjoy the game.

I look forward to the RD news article and to seeing what you all think of it. My view is it's safe to buy and I think anyone who enjoys motorbike games will love this - the feeling of speed is so intense, nothing this side of WipEout gets close.
Great news, TT IOM2 is superb, the bike handling is massively improved to the point where it's now enjoyable and feels fully connected to the road (rather than the stress-filled when will the bike kill me next for no obvious reason experience of the first game!).

The TT circuit looks absolutely stunning too. I make no claims about the 'realism' of the riding as I haven't got a clue about that (my mountain bike is fast enough for me on 2 wheels) but as a TT/bike game it is instantly good to play. 2 laps into IOM TT2 and I already matched my previous best lap on IOM TT (I ran a couple of laps on IOM TT last night and couldn't get within 2 minutes of my best lap time due to the need to learn all the points that make the bike fall over once again!). The new helmet cam is brilliant too, it's close to a VR type experience of being on the bike. Get a corner slightly wrong in IOM TT2 and the line can be trimmed, in the first game, it just chucked you off the bike. Whatever the term for bike understeer is, it's a handy pointer to going too fast in this game.

No need to take my word for this either, plenty of reviews are saying the same, a huge improvement in terms of the bikes and ability to access and enjoy the game.

I look forward to the RD news article and to seeing what you all think of it. My view is it's safe to buy and I think anyone who enjoys motorbike games will love this - the feeling of speed is so intense, nothing this side of WipEout gets close.

I've been watching some previews and it looks promising, although I don't like the view locked to the rider's head (I know I know it's 3rd person! ;) booh hiss!!).

The term for "understeer" on a bike is 99.99% of the time "a crash"!! ;) (edit that 0.01% which isn't a crash is all down to Marc Marquez, the only rider I've EVER seen save front end slides!)

for reference the previews I've been watching:

team VVV

sim uk

Robo46 has quite a few vids of it up as well.
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The new TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge 2 videogame from KT Racing has been released.

Successor to the popular if somewhat floored original title from back in 2018, the new game promises to offer up a much improved gaming experience for players. Available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC now, with a Nintendo Switch release to follow later in the year, the new game boasts improved physics, customisation options and wear, as well as more teams and riders than ever before.

TT Isle of Man 2 Key Features
  • Realistic bike physics and challenging gameplay
  • All 38 miles (60km) of the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy meticulously recreated
  • 17 additional circuits to explore and for improving riding skills
  • An open-world area for testing reflexes and bike set-ups
  • A deep Career mode offering the chance to move up from amateur rider to winner of the Senior TT
  • 27 riders and 13 official TT bikes available, as well as 5 legendary bikes
  • A unique helmet cam for increased immersion

The new game has been developed with the support of two real-world TT riders in the form of Davy Todd and Julien Toniutti, and utilises the experience and community feedback received following the release of the promising first game from within the franchise.

TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge 2 retails for around £34.99 depending on region and platform.

TT Isle of Man - Ride on the Edge 2 is available now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC with Nintendo Switch to follow at a later date.

Got questions about the game? Ask our community by starting a new thread at the TT Isle of Man 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment.

TT Isle of Man 2 - a.jpg
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More arcadey, bike is on rails now. That being said, it does ride more like Ride games now, just on full arcade more.
Worse chase cams, much better cockpit cams.
Same experience overall in terms of gameplay. Menu navigation is the same.
AI still too easy. You crash a dozen times and you're back on the bike with no damage and you finish first. These guys are just joyriding.
It also has some additional features that don't really matter to me,like "perks" and "freeroam".
I was hoping TT2 would be more realistic and challenging but they obviously chose the larger,younger age arcade loving audience. Doesn't matter, we still have Ride 4 and BSE on the way.
LOVE the music though.

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