TT Isle of Man - The Game

hmm somehow the HE pedals conflict with this game.... the gaspedal makes the bike and menu's 'steer' to the left, brakepedal at ca 30% prevents menu rotating... Hopefully someone knows another solution than removing the USB
They always say practice makes you perfect. Well in this game you need practice and lots of it.
Continuing on with my rookie TT training of following an AI rider around, I can now manage clean laps using cockpit view (dynamic view off), no racing line or corner markers. It is starting to come together. I reckon another couple of weeks and I'll be ready to tackle the six lap senior TT and do it clean with no crashes. (If I crash I start again despite where I managed to get to as in reality you would never be able to get back on and your TT time would be too long anyway).
Loving it. :thumbsup::)

Edit: now using manual gearbox and no anti wheelie and by god it feels good.
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Nice one, I'm on Xbox btw but no biggie as it was on my watch list the last time I was looking at bike games. It's part of the MotoGP series isn't it?
Yes, it is. It's penultimate in series. Although... can't see why would you take that one, since there's newer, better, MotoGP 17. Oh the price yes... but still... it's worth those few extra bucks imho.
Regarding your helm problem... on PC pressing a numpad key "7" changes the way your head moves in corners not sure about Xbox maybe (it must be?) there's one for that too ?

My sort of review of this game would be...
Can't make x360ce controller emulator to work with this game. :devilish:
Never had any problems with MotoGP and MXGP series. And that's a bummer. A BiG one.
So now I'm stuck with TWO predefined setups Kylotonn has provide for me. Oh yeah... there's "Custom" one but that doesn't work either. Can't change the damn thing. And can't tell why.
Good thing that comes from that:D is that I finally start to use an axis (the throttle in my Logitech 3D) for a gas and not buttons like I did with all moto games until now. There's something cool in that, so ok... one positive thing comes out of it. :)

Like someone already said... you just can't save once you realize you're about to fall. It's hard to describe but you simply can't ...whatever you do'll go down. So that must be wrong right ?
And, oh boy... wish I didn't say this on first page of this very same thread:
Enjoy your beautiful replays, notice the small things as build up dirt on windscreen...
cause simply put... I just can't enjoy mine. First things first...

1) Did anyone noticed that there actually no replay mode in practice sessions. And I do most of my rides for now on them. Don't feel confident enough for racing still.
Why on Earth ?? Don't we wanna see all those (dozens and dozens in my case) spectacular crashes in practice mode ? I really... I can't... how can they be so shortsighted ? But remembering their other title WRC7 and that disastrous replay they got there, why should I be surprised at all ?

2) And ok, now I'm in race mode but I still can't enjoy my replay. Why now, I'm sure, you wonder ? Well... how to put this... all my replays just play themselves in like 1/16 or something speed. :alien: Don't have a button for PLAY neither on my joystick, neither on my keyboard. Strange. To put it mildly.
But I got a button for all the rest useful and less useful function in replay. So I can keep coming back to that wonderful start in slooooooooow motion, change cameras, return to beginning again, or go to half or end and do many things more but REALLY I can't play it in any speed but this amazing ~ 1/16. Trust me... it drains a man. So useless.
And I'm really really a guy who likes to sit back and watch a good replay. And take screenshots out of it. But Kylotonn guys had some other intentions obviously.

But despite all this ...shortcomings this is one cool game, feeling of speeding through those tree-tunnels while leaves are gently falling:inlove: on you is amazing, graphics are great, not best out there but still very very good, sound ok, physics in general feels good (driving with axis as a throttle definitely changes you as a gamer (and as a man too:D)), 10! circuits - honestly I wasn't expecting 10! tracks, I thought there will be main TT course and perhaps one or two short for mental shakedown before you get courage to try real one but yes - there's 10! of them. Wow.

So... to finally wrap it up... my grade for now would be something like 7.7 out of 10. And that's one good grade isn't it ? :)
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I think Andy is largely most probably correct in what he is saying. This is 2018 not 1999. And also we are on two wheels and not four. We are talking about a niche minority interest m/c racing game here. It's a tad frustrating but there it is..

I too would love to see a greater depth to the physics on this one. Suspension, more advanced tyre modelling, a more defined gyroscopic effect, bike adjustment and set-up parameters etc. and so forth..

But, sadly, I do not think we will be getting that much more. There's no money in it (from the developer's perspective) to deliver a gpl experience on two wheels. As much as I would love it to be the case with this and every other m/c racing game we are being given in the modern era. It's a quick fix formula on two wheels these days. Unless you go gpbikes which is a very slow "fix" and has been in development for a decade (give or take a bit).

I find it interesting tbh that those who are complaining about the rear end behaviour in TT IOM do not voice some concerns over the rear end behaviour of the bikes in motogp by Milestone. Different sort of misbehaviour but we've had concerns over the rear end in motogp on and off for years.. I am thinking here of the exaggerated effect of the rear end coming round on corner entry in motogp15, VR the Game and to a lesser extent (because the physics have been further toned down by invisible aids) in motogp17. To the point that when we league raced on motogp15 and VR the game some players left because of this and many that were left moaned.. So Milestone themselves cannot really be held up (arguably at least) as a good example of how to do motorcycle racing physics. By contrast our friendly modders Giovane and Dyego perhaps can be however as they have patiently worked to put right what Milestone messed up in the first place.. ;)

So what do I think of IOM TT? For what it is I am still loving it tbh and dropping my laptimes slowly but surely whilst riding it as best I can and enjoyably within the envelope of the present physics model. What Kylotonn do with it next will be quite interesting.. But I am not expecting a far reaching overhaul. If they shocked the world and went "sim" I would be happy though.. :O_o:
So what do I think of IOM TT? For what it is I am still loving it tbh and dropping my laptimes slowly but surely whilst riding it as best I can and enjoyably within the envelope of the present physics model. What Kylotonn do with it next will be quite interesting.. But I am not expecting a far reaching overhaul. If they shocked the world and went "sim" I would be happy though.. :O_o:

This. ^^^^^
Even with the physics as they are I still think many people here find this game too hard for them and quickly go back to mundane four wheels. This sim takes patience and practice to get right. The feeling in cockpit view when you crest a rise in the road and the front end comes up is second to none. Trying to control a 1000cc superbike with manual gears on the TT circuit is a real challenge and I am loving it.
I can do clean laps now no problem, now I need to up my pace. It only takes practice.:thumbsup:
1st n last of there games I buy, got burnt too often by milestones crap they produced
This game is not by Milestone. And their bike games are vastly different. Bike games are difficult to master and I understand that people give up too easily and go back to what they are comfortable with. This is by far the best 20 quid I ever spent on a full game. Much better value than expensive Car sim DLC.
Here is my issues after about 2 1/2 hours of testing it. It has a good base game when it comes to the actual driving. The driving is fun - but it lacks some simple things that keep me from buying it, and it should be easy for the devs to add it, and i think its things that no one would be against since they are common things.

1. Helmet cam has only 1 view(!) when moving the stick forward, mid, back (lean forward, sit normally and lean back on the bike) nothing happens to the view. Losing a lot of immersion AND they didnt make so that when you lean forward during max speed you should gain a little more top speed (like in real life) and show it by having the camera move a little bit closer automatically as you gain those few extra km/h to add that immersion of going fast as hell. Same with leaning back, not only do you not see if you lean back visually but it also does not slow you down a little. Braking and leaning back at speeds should at have you brake a little faster than leaning forward/mid thanks to the drag of your body. Seems very simple to add these in a patch and would make it so much funnier to drive.

2. Reverb zones missing on this glorious track! Wth? You can see the amazing track but your ears tells you you are going in one single type of landscape all around the track, and not through trees, buildings and rocks surrounding you sometimes and open plains other times. They use FMOD for audio and it supports reverb zones, and all other motorsport games use reverb zones - of course. Im thinking it was publishers that annoyed them so they couldnt finish in time? Otherwise it was a lazy move because its no difference audio wise going through these dense forests and open plains. It just takes your mind away from it and it feels like a much simpler game. Shouldnt stay like this on the beautiful track they built. Looks great but sounds the same all the way. Audio makes up A LOT of the immersion in racing games.

3. Audio again, there is lacking sounds like suspension/tire/bike "DU-DUHK" when landing from a jump or a small dip. No real sound to immerse you from anything but the engine. These things actually bug me because it screams at you that you are playing a game instead of putting you in it making it feel like a big heavy powerful bike you control. Should be simple to add in a patch because i think i ccould hear something sometimes but i was just some "pock" sound.

I didnt number this one: TT Isle of Man does not have wobbling. I dont care much through since its probably hard to implement in a good way, but i was a bit stunned it wasnt there seeing how ambitious the title is regarding that huge track. Instead if you lean back at speeds while turning you will just fall off the bike. At least there is a "penalty" that way, but you cant see that you lean back, and you have no chance to correct it compared to during a wobble. This is one of those reasons some people think its "hard" as ive seen people say "i just fall off?!". Just dont lean back at speeds and you are good (and dont lean forward while braking lol). Of course you cant SEE that you aren't leaning back when in helmet view since there is just one locked view...
Another thing that i do think they could add rather easily is forest areas without sun is not a little more slippery. This is something all TT guys know and talk about. Would also be so easy to add and to tell the player in the tutorial at start to always take it a little easier in there in the dark parts of the track, and having to ride smoother at higher speeds, and not jerky/twitchy cause then you would skid and fall. Oh well. Hopefully they both expand this game and fix these other rather simple things.

I found 3 bugs personally but since i know nothing of the developers yet i have no idea if they communicated any future patches/fixes.
1. Ghost bike is sometimes without a bike.
2. Career mode (the little i tested of it) if you leave between events that have more races than 1 and you done 1 race already, but leave for main menu to continue later then it can crash every time you try to go back into it, and you have to restart the whole career.
3. Sound bug. I noticed several times that when racing against AI (more engine sounds than yours) that your bike can get buggy engine sound where it sounds like 2 different engine sounds in 2 different tones at the same time. Crash the bike or restart to make it go away.

I feel that i would play this an hour at a time if i bought it instead of doing 5 hour stints to learn that amazing track. They have made a really good base game and it IS fun to drive, but these simple things missing above just makes it a "dryer" experience and i lose interest faster. The career mode is bare bones (and i dont care personally) which means im into the actual driving experience and thus being able to move my head closer to the windscreen and back when i push/pull the L-stick is needed + that it comes with more speed at high speeds when leaning foward, like in reality, and to help me slow down faster when leaning back and braking, like in reality. That adds another dimension to the driving and it really wouldnt be hard to implement. Camera moving is already there but its manual on the R-stick (wich you have no time to use lol). So they have code for moving the camera around already. Just link it to the L-stick in 3 different view angles while in helmet cam. Seems very easy to do. And add a few more km/h speed when leaning forward, and brake the speed with a few km/h when leaning back. Simples that will give more realism and more layers to the driving experience. Add the reverb zones to the track so we get louder volume from the bike plus more "echo" (reverb) when going through forests and villages with houses on all sides, and rocky areas covering one or both sides. Its a function already built into the audio code after all. Please for the love of everything that is holy, i hope they do these things. Seems straight forward and this will be so much funnier to everyone. Wall of text, but thats why i found the game good and fun for the actual driving. Just wish they added those few extra things so the driving experience will be top notch instead of good, and this will be a great TT game for the driving experience alone. They shouldn't leave it as it is now.
They always say practice makes you perfect. Well in this game you need practice and lots of it.
Continuing on with my rookie TT training of following an AI rider around, I can now manage clean laps using cockpit view (dynamic view off), no racing line or corner markers. It is starting to come together. I reckon another couple of weeks and I'll be ready to tackle the six lap senior TT and do it clean with no crashes. (If I crash I start again despite where I managed to get to as in reality you would never be able to get back on and your TT time would be too long anyway).
Loving it. :thumbsup::)

Edit: now using manual gearbox and no anti wheelie and by god it feels good.

Top marks Andy, I'm still struggling to learn it on a 600 and 3rd person. Dabbled a bit with on bike and forks and I just can't jive with it after the Helmet view in MS games. I don't think I can ever drop anti wheelie and when I do I always fall off the back on a restart.

I do applaud you approach to the game though, just wish I could emulate it!
Yes, it is. It's penultimate in series. Although... can't see why would you take that one, since there's newer, better, MotoGP 17. Oh the price yes... but still... it's worth those few extra bucks imho.
Regarding your helm problem... on PC pressing a numpad key "7" changes the way your head moves in corners not sure about Xbox maybe (it must be?) there's one for that too ?

My sort of review of this game would be...
Can't make x360ce controller emulator to work with this game. :devilish:
Never had any problems with MotoGP and MXGP series. And that's a bummer. A BiG one.
So now I'm stuck with TWO predefined setups Kylotonn has provide for me. Oh yeah... there's "Custom" one but that doesn't work either. Can't change the damn thing. And can't tell why.
Good thing that comes from that:D is that I finally start to use an axis (the throttle in my Logitech 3D) for a gas and not buttons like I did with all moto games until now. There's something cool in that, so ok... one positive thing comes out of it. :)

Like someone already said... you just can't save once you realize you're about to fall. It's hard to describe but you simply can't ...whatever you do'll go down. So that must be wrong right ?
And, oh boy... wish I didn't say this on first page of this very same thread:

cause simply put... I just can't enjoy mine. First things first...

1) Did anyone noticed that there actually no replay mode in practice sessions. And I do most of my rides for now on them. Don't feel confident enough for racing still.
Why on Earth ?? Don't we wanna see all those (dozens and dozens in my case) spectacular crashes in practice mode ? I really... I can't... how can they be so shortsighted ? But remembering their other title WRC7 and that disastrous replay they got there, why should I be surprised at all ?

2) And ok, now I'm in race mode but I still can't enjoy my replay. Why now, I'm sure, you wonder ? Well... how to put this... all my replays just play themselves in like 1/16 or something speed. :alien: Don't have a button for PLAY neither on my joystick, neither on my keyboard. Strange. To put it mildly.
But I got a button for all the rest useful and less useful function in replay. So I can keep coming back to that wonderful start in slooooooooow motion, change cameras, return to beginning again, or go to half or end and do many things more but REALLY I can't play it in any speed but this amazing ~ 1/16. Trust me... it drains a man. So useless.
And I'm really really a guy who likes to sit back and watch a good replay. And take screenshots out of it. But Kylotonn guys had some other intentions obviously.

But despite all this ...shortcomings this is one cool game, feeling of speeding through those tree-tunnels while leaves are gently falling:inlove: on you is amazing, graphics are great, not best out there but still very very good, sound ok, physics in general feels good (driving with axis as a throttle definitely changes you as a gamer (and as a man too:D)), 10! circuits - honestly I wasn't expecting 10! tracks, I thought there will be main TT course and perhaps one or two short for mental shakedown before you get courage to try real one but yes - there's 10! of them. Wow.

So... to finally wrap it up... my grade for now would be something like 7.7 out of 10. And that's one good grade isn't it ? :)

yeah the lack of replay and ability to then take an awesome screenie is a bad omission, I never even knew a replay was there in any state though, sounds half arsed. I'me resigned to finding a good sceneic spot and parking it for a screenie. Would be awesome to take action shots though, like cresting Agos leap and ballaugh bridge. Fingers crossed they'll keep supporting and adding good stuff to the game.
I think Andy is largely most probably correct in what he is saying. This is 2018 not 1999. And also we are on two wheels and not four. We are talking about a niche minority interest m/c racing game here. It's a tad frustrating but there it is..

I too would love to see a greater depth to the physics on this one. Suspension, more advanced tyre modelling, a more defined gyroscopic effect, bike adjustment and set-up parameters etc. and so forth..

But, sadly, I do not think we will be getting that much more. There's no money in it (from the developer's perspective) to deliver a gpl experience on two wheels. As much as I would love it to be the case with this and every other m/c racing game we are being given in the modern era. It's a quick fix formula on two wheels these days. Unless you go gpbikes which is a very slow "fix" and has been in development for a decade (give or take a bit).

I find it interesting tbh that those who are complaining about the rear end behaviour in TT IOM do not voice some concerns over the rear end behaviour of the bikes in motogp by Milestone. Different sort of misbehaviour but we've had concerns over the rear end in motogp on and off for years.. I am thinking here of the exaggerated effect of the rear end coming round on corner entry in motogp15, VR the Game and to a lesser extent (because the physics have been further toned down by invisible aids) in motogp17. To the point that when we league raced on motogp15 and VR the game some players left because of this and many that were left moaned.. So Milestone themselves cannot really be held up (arguably at least) as a good example of how to do motorcycle racing physics. By contrast our friendly modders Giovane and Dyego perhaps can be however as they have patiently worked to put right what Milestone messed up in the first place.. ;)

So what do I think of IOM TT? For what it is I am still loving it tbh and dropping my laptimes slowly but surely whilst riding it as best I can and enjoyably within the envelope of the present physics model. What Kylotonn do with it next will be quite interesting.. But I am not expecting a far reaching overhaul. If they shocked the world and went "sim" I would be happy though.. :O_o:

weird I have never experienced issues with the rear in MGP 15 or VR46, other than it's too planted (especially with the 500s!).
weird I have never experienced issues with the rear in MGP 15 or VR46, other than it's too planted (especially with the 500s!).

It was a handling trait (read "fault") that afflicted the rear end of only the main motogp class in both of these games. To be fair It was more prevalent in motogp15 than in VRTG as we complained loud and clear about this to the development team at Milestone. For VRTG they had by their own admission tried to improve the rear..but it still came round on the limit.

In 2015 I organised and raced in the xbla motogp, moto2 & 500cc online championships. In 2016 I organised the Italian championships and we raced full seasons in the motogp, "classic" motogp, moto2, 500cc and 250cc classes. The 500s, the 250s, moto2 and the classic motogp bikes were not problematic at all in this respect. It was a big problem for everyone in the main motogp championships however..particularly from memory at Brno, Silverstone and Valencia. It was particularly bad on the entry to high speed off-camber bends. Turn 11 at Brno was particularly hazardous from memory. It caught out the fastest online players in the world including Pistol 73 who won the motogp class championship in 2015..we had to adopt a different technique to get into that bend on the "limit" which involved going up the "inside" and braking hard to scrub off speed rather than a more gradual sweeping arc to the apex which risked disaster.

So yeah Milestone are far from faultless when it comes to their physics modelling. :whistling:
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I asked them if they might add that Impreza that did a fast lap to the game, they didn't say much in reply!

Pretty sure this is coming, I've looked at the game's exe file and Subaru is located in the same place as the bike manufacturers, plus there's three vehicle categories 'bike' 'car' and 'sidecar' and lots of car setup options.

There three DLC's mentioned:

DLC 0 - King of The Mountain
DLC 1 - Sidecar
DLC 2 - Impreza?

Vehicle code list for the shop:















Here is my issues after about 2 1/2 hours of testing it. It has a good base game when it comes to the actual driving. The driving is fun - but it lacks some simple things that keep me from buying it, and it should be easy for the devs to add it, and i think its things that no one would be against since they are common things.

I take it you have purchased it through Steam and then got a refund Alex? You didn't give it enough time.
Oh and you ride a bike, not drive it. That is unless you ride a car and drive a bike. :whistling::D
The replays work fine for me at normal speed. They are just typical Kylotonn replays though, the same crap as their Rally games. Milestones replays are much better.
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I take it you have purchased it through Steam and then got a refund Alex? You didn't give it enough time.
Oh and you ride a bike, not drive it. That is unless you ride a car and drive a bike. :whistling::D
No mate. They had it on in the game shop on my street. :) I know you ride it. English isnt my first language. ;) Do you think what i wrote are bad things though? I am really fair here and i know that what i write is the simplest things to add because the code is already there, but it would give so much more immersion and realism. I will actually buy it anyway to support them, but i hope they patch the game and enhance it instead of leaving it like this because it really deserve it.
It was a handling trait (read "fault") that afflicted the rear end of only the main motogp class in both of these games. To be fair It was more prevalent in motogp15 than in VRTG as we complained loud and clear about this to the development team at Milestone. For VRTG they had by their own admission tried to improve the rear..but it still came round on the limit.

In 2015 I organised and raced in the xbla motogp, moto2 & 500cc online championships. In 2016 I organised the Italian championships and we raced full seasons in the motogp, "classic" motogp, moto2, 500cc and 250cc classes. The 500s, the 250s, moto2 and the classic motogp bikes were not problematic at all in this respect. It was a big problem for everyone in the main motogp championships however..particularly from memory at Brno, Silverstone and Valencia. It was particularly bad on the entry to high speed off-camber bends. Turn 11 at Brno was particularly hazardous from memory. It caught out the fastest online players in the world including Pistol 73 who won the motogp class championship in 2015..we had to adopt a different technique to get into that bend on the "limit" which involved going up the "inside" and braking hard to scrub off speed rather than a more gradual sweeping arc to the apex which risked disaster.

So yeah Milestone are far from faultless when it comes to their physics modelling. :whistling:
MotoGP 08 was the last one i really enjoyed. Granted i never tested many after that. Just a few, but there was something with 08 that made it fun and it felt more "raw" while the newer ones felt more tame and lame. Possibly i missed one year that was really good, but im hoping MotoGP 18 will be the one.
MotoGP 08 was the last one i really enjoyed. Granted i never tested many after that. Just a few, but there was something with 08 that made it fun and it felt more "raw" while the newer ones felt more tame and lame. Possibly i missed one year that was really good, but im hoping MotoGP 18 will be the one.

I missed out on racing on motogp08 as I was living in an ancient house on the edge of a forest in France. No decent or reliable internet connection..even the electricity supply got interrupted in high winds and storms.. lol.

It wasn't until 2012 when I came to live in England that I discovered online racing and high speed internet connections and found out what a "ping" was..

So I am a French girl enjoying the modern technologies in a strange land.. ;)

I did take motogp 08 for a spin though and enjoyed it. I was playing full time on gp500 at the time though and falling off a lot on the mini IOM TT course. ;)

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