United States & Canada

I know, I know. I was honestly very discouraged when my crew from JC didn't join me over here at RD and then justifiably the GT pro race folded as we weren't filling the grid. So that left me at a new site, driving tracks that I don't know in cars I don't know with people that I didn't know. I just took a break. I'll check out the schedule and see if anything gets me excited. This game gets me most involved if I'm in a season environment where I can focus on learning a car and learning next weeks track... and I'll spend time all week trying to get better in prep. That was fun to me. Driving different stuff every week on tracks that I don't know, that's tough for a guy with limited skill like myself.
I know, I know. I was honestly very discouraged when my crew from JC didn't join me over here at RD and then justifiably the GT pro race folded as we weren't filling the grid. So that left me at a new site, driving tracks that I don't know in cars I don't know with people that I didn't know. I just took a break. I'll check out the schedule and see if anything gets me excited. This game gets me most involved if I'm in a season environment where I can focus on learning a car and learning next weeks track... and I'll spend time all week trying to get better in prep. That was fun to me. Driving different stuff every week on tracks that I don't know, that's tough for a guy with limited skill like myself.

we do drive different track seach week. BUt they are the "club versions" and lap times are no more than 1:05! easy to learn for anyone and we want it that way!

the STCC and WTCC cars are way easier to drive than the GT cars. Secondly, since its only CLUB racing, if its just not going well, then sign off guilt free! No league standings to consider. Just drive to have fun!

we run STCC on friday and a different car on wednesdays. Either the 997 RSR cup or the Ferrari 430. so you get an stcc car you like and get a good setup saved. run that car on fridays.

then you do your best on the P car / ferrari days. Its all about fun man! we'll help you along! in fact the friday Limerock event has an open server and we'll be running a test coaching session at 7:30 EST until probably 9 PM or later.

get your teamspek running and we'll help you get going!:laugh2:

how can you say no now? :victory: I dare ya...............:giggle:
It's funny that you talk about the pressure of standings. That's what I like. Your schedule does sound fun. I may join back in. Can't for a couple of weeks definetly but after that, I'll take a look.
Well personally I've been loving the club tracks, since that's what we're looking for something that is at least slightly competitive for everyone as the tracks are mostly learning the brake zones and getting the setup just right.
I haven't been around for a while due to work related issues, plus some minor burnout:), and have to say that it's really great to see the progress that's been made in the North American community.

Personally, I've enjoyed the mix of cars and tracks... For me, using the shorter tracks during the week is a great idea because I only have so much free time and it allows me to do a race during the week I wouldn't normally be able to make. The longer race on bigger tracks - my favorite configuration - on the weekend is an excellent complement.

Sinced I've been back there have been several polls regarding what cars and/or tracks to use for events so from where I stand there has been input solicited. There are some excellent mods available so why not try them out? Some I like more than others, but that's what it's all about... My suspicion is that people were getting a bit tired of the built-in choices and a break was needed to revitalize interest. We'll probably cycle back through at some point...

Before I took my break we were fortunate to have 1 NA event per week and only a few people were showing up. I don't recall a single event where the participation was out of the single digits. Now, there are 3 events a week and I don't think I've seen one that hasn't had double-digit attendence. Last weekend's event was completely booked up - 24 on the starting grid! Sounds like success to me and I don't think it's an accident...:) Eric's efforts and dedication are amazing. I can't figure out where he finds the time since it looks like a full-time job plus more..:thumb:

I can't say what issues Tim has been going through becuse I've been away most of the time since Tim and Eric joined RD. It sounds like Tim was a contributor, but as the NA community grew it required new or different approaches which weren't always to his liking. But, I agree with the earlier comment about not burning bridges. This really wasn't the best way to go out. Maybe it's time for a break to recharge... My perspective is that Eric is incredibly dedicated and deserves respect for his contributions.

My two cents...:)
Hi guys,
After the recent heated discussions going on here I started reading back some of the older posts in here from the time I considered this my home @ RD.
And boy did I have a good time back then.
But i started wondering why I don't feel like that anymore...and I realised the following;

First I thought it had to do with the direction the NA comm. was going but the more I thought of it the more I started to doubt that conclusion...
Offcourse the NA comm. has changed but that can't be the main reason I feel I no longer fit in...
Somewhere along the growth of the NA comm I got left behind; due to injuries I couldn't race for 6 weeks, then I got asked to switch from the PanAmerican Racing team to the euro team of Black Visor Motorsport and I totally lost connection with all you guys. And I sincerely regret that.
Call me sentimental but I feel like I turned my back on some very good friends, and for that I am sorry.

I hope I can soon start re-connecting with you all, and have some great races together...

Cheers Marcel

P.S. to Eric: There will always be people that doubt or judge your decisions (I know I have in the past) and that is totally normal.
But pls don't give up on those guys...

P.P.S this might seem a bit of a strange message to all of you, but it was really eating at me...had to vent it out...
I can see both sides of this. Personally, for the past few months I have not had the time to race very much due to work obligations. It seemed like every time I checked in with the community there were some drastic changes, be it in event scheduling, format, or even participants. Big changes, most of them good (always like to see more races and more racers).

The one negative I have seen that has come along with the increased competitiveness of the NA crowd has been in some of the attitudes of some of the participants. I think, and Tim can surely correct me if I am wrong, this is the major source of his frustration. I will qualify that this has nothing to do with the RD Staff, whom I think have done an amazing job in such a short time building the NA community. Naturally there are always growing pains, and I think this will sort itself out over time as people settle in and see where the beauty of RD lies - the community itself.

I will say I am disappointed in the severity of the backlash Tim is receiving regarding his post. He has invested a lot of time and effort into the community and I have never seen him act in a negative manner while participating within the community - this is how he feels and parts of his opinions are obviously shared by others besides him. Ultimately the only way to improve the community is for individuals to voice their concerns/suggestions and for everyone else to take them into consideration.

Again, I think that some great strides have been made in the last few months and I look forward to more fantastic racing with RD in the future.
I've wanted to stay out of this discussion since I am not truly a US group member, but I know I have been a fairly regular participant in US events until recently. So I think I should give my thoughts, since I, like Cory, see both points of view.
First up, Eric and the RD Staff have done an excellent job with the US Group, and most decisions have been based on popular / majority choices, you can't do much more than that, even if the outcomes don't suit all of us.

Now for my position, and why you haven't seen me as much.

More recently, I've been away from home for a few weeks. However, I find myself also having to be more selective in my racing calendar for many reasons, I just can't attend all the events I'd like to. So I have had to choose those which give me the most enjoyment.
GTRE is giving me increasing grief with freezing problems, so I give priority to GTL
I had always given next priority to the USA events, because the timezones suited well and I really enjoyed the close friendly spirit that had existed within this group. I have made some great friends with the US guys.
The changes in days and popular car choices (losing the Tuesday WTCC and mostly modded GT class racing doesn't appeal to me as much) caused me to miss most of the mid week events. No problem, those were voted most popular, they just don't give me as much enjoyment, but I keep an eye out for any events that I might enjoy.
As most of you know, I have a preference for Racing Club Events to be biased towards fun, learning, clean driving, and less competitiveness. I too have found the US Racing has become very competitive. I don't mind too much, if that is more enjoyable for the faster competitive guys, so long as the racing is still clean and the "not so competitive" guys are still having fun. Personally, I have found the competitiveness has become a little too dominant over recent times, to the point that I have gained less enjoyment from them.
The in-game chatting was getting a little arrogant in my opinion and dominated by the fast guys just comparing who was fastest and who was winning. I'm sure it was fun for them, but they need to be aware of other, not so fast guys there as well.

So, overall, I haven't disappeared, just havent found myself jumping into every event listed. I'll still try to get to those I enjoy.

I agree that Tim has not expressed his feelings as well as some would have liked, and burning bridges is not going to help much. I'm sure he could have expressed his concerns better and in a less emotional way, but I can also see his frustrations. The immediate personal attacks on Tim just re-inforced his frustrations (I suspect) and also weren't too helpful, and could easily divide the community. It is not easy to maintain a balance between giving and receiving criticism, but we need to make sure we see both sides if we are to encourage members to express their ideas and concerns, and we need to make sure we voice our concerns / objections through correct channels and without too much pent up emotion.
There is room for improvement from both sides.

Hope you don't mind some views from a non American but USA supportive member.

EDIT: A message to TIM. Even though you set fire to the bridge, you can easily repair it again.
I had always given next priority to the USA events, because the timezones suited well and I really enjoyed the close friendly spirit that had existed within this group. I have made some great friends with the US guys.

We're still HEre waiting for ya to return Mate! It really is, in attitude, just like you left it weeks ago.:laugh2:

As most of you know, I have a preference for Racing Club Events to be biased towards fun, learning, clean driving, and less competitiveness. I too have found the US Racing has become very competitive. I think those involved regularly are trying to become better at the required skills to be quicker. Club racing IRL is not in anyway dissimilar. I club raced BMWCCA and the spread of skill and money was always present. BUt the attitude towards all was one of CLUB Comraderie and friendship first. Same here at RD US Club.

I don't mind too much, if that is more enjoyable for the faster competitive guys, so long as the racing is still clean and the "not so competitive" guys are still having fun. I think the mid -back grid guys are having fun too. We haven't reduced the field to 5 quick guys yet.:giggle:

The in-game chatting was getting a little arrogant in my opinion and dominated by the fast guys just comparing who was fastest and who was winning. I'm sure it was fun for them, but they need to be aware of other, not so fast guys there as well. Occaisionally this may happen but I cannot recall anything close to this recently. Everyone is pretty supportive and displays of sportsmanship abound each event! Keith trying to push a fuel dry car across the finish line at the expense of his position comes to mind from this week alone.

Lets just toss in a couple of notes on sportsmanship and fair play from the US CLUB events.

1. The uploading of working setups to all drivers is always available from the quick drivers. at any club event you'll find 3-4 setups waiting in the "online files for "downloading" this wil dramatically reduce the learning curve to a driveable car and allow anyone to be better prepared and lap faster..

2. Coaching is available at almost EVERY event from guys who are skilled. Just hook up your teamspeak and you are in! The last event at Limerock I helped a few guys with the line as I have been driving that track IRL for 15 years. Set up help is always just a question away for anyone.

3. Teamspeak is just awesome! if you have been on it at all then you know how much it adds to the fun in these events! get it hooked up already!:dance2:

4. Car / track selection now actually matches "club racing" formats. Thats why its called "Zandvoort CLUB" or Mont Tremblant"north" now you can drive a Simpler version of the circuit in a car that suits "club drivers" skills better. This has clearly been a factor in the 14 driver average for a wednesday event and "FULL GRIDS on Fridays".

5. Check out the post race reports from any US club event. Sportsmanship abounds here period. YOu can be from anywhere on the globe and feel good about time invested in a US CLUB event I believe.

Hope you don't mind some views from a non American but USA supportive member. NOt from a guy like yourself Warren! Wish you'd get back soon and see that we are having a pretty great time out here!:)

EDIT: A message to TIM. Even though you set fire to the bridge, you can easily repair it again.
Americans are silly like that! :party2: Just say your sorries sincerely and your back in at least one more time.
Two very good posts from Warren and Eric. Once again Warren's words of wisdom give me a different way to see a problem. I apologize to anyone my posting upset but it was my honest feelings at the time. I have spoke to Tim since and I don't hold a grudge with anyone very long. I hope we all can move ahead and the community will be even better in the future.

Ps Hey Warren its Ledennon Friday would be great to see ya there we had a great battle last time remember.
Well, I am sorry that I stumbled on this thread, cause it makes me sad. It is unfortunate that Tim has become so unhappy, and that peoples responses were that of anger. I don't think he meant it to be a direct attack of any one person, but I understand why Eric and others took it that way.
I too got angry a little while back and posted a bunch of rants in a forum rather than talking to the person directly, but at the time I wasn't thinking straight and to be honest, I wanted people to know I was angry. I would do it much differently if I had it to do over, but I can understand why this kind of thing gets posted.
We all know Tim is a good guy, so maybe we can let this go, and welcome him back to the racing if he ever wants to come back.
Mostly, I just want to race and have fun with you all. Some things have changed here, yes, but there is still some fun to be had. You just have to pick and chose what suits you best. :)
NA Sunday events

I just heard that we aren't going to have any more NA Sunday events due to the low attendance from the NA guys. Given the small number of signups it just didn't make sense to continue on given that there is also an EU event. I wasn't sure if anyone else knew this so I thought I would bring it up...

Personally, I like the Sunday events and Yves has kindly offered to continue them if we can get at least 10 NA guys to race each Sunday. I would like to find out if people are still interested in having the Sunday event and if so what issues might have been the problem, e.g. the time, Sunday is not a good day, etc....

My biggest problem with the Sunday events personally was the time. I travel a lot on the weekends and don't make it back until later most sundays. The events were normally around 6 pm eastern time and I am usually not available until 8 pm eastern at the earliest - usually more like 9 pm.

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