Verstappen "Fastest Driver That Has Ever Driven an F1 Car" - Button

Well, let's settle this.

F1 should have an all-star event. Each year, the top 5 in the driver's standings, plus 5 more current drivers that get the most fan votes, plus 10 retired drivers or drivers from other disciplines face off for a spec car race event. Ticket sales and advert profits go to charity, and we get to settle who is the best driver. Boom.
I think you're on to something here. What if the whole F1 grid did a kart race for charity? They could do it during the summer break so all the drivers are in peak mid-season form and it would help us get through the break. It would cost like no money to organize but would probably raise so much. And if any of the F1 drivers didn't want to participate, you could let the top F2 drivers take their place. They would relish the chance to beat the top F1 drivers in identical karts. And with karts, there's no manufacturer or sponsor conflicts. And we would finally see who's the best driver on the grid (in karts anyways).
Ok... So, what does that make Albon, Ocon and Blomqvist? They all beat him in various championships
Drivers with more consistent results for the one or another reason.
Many fast drivers aren't that successful for many reasons, may it be the car, mistakes, bad luck, personallity, rules, or Team descisions and so on...(generally speaking), that's why not everybody in the Formula 1, GT Racing etc. can be in the top 6, but almost every driver to date in higher classes has pace. Some of them have just not the "whole package" in hand, to fully use all of their possibilities and others got the package but haven't got the full potential as drivers. (I surprisingly think of Irvine right now :sneaky:) I'm not even starting about for example fancy Ferrari strategies, that bottled the one or another GP in the past.

All generally i said, most of todays top class drivers are freakin' hot shoes on track. Something, we call "Alien" in simracing. Btw. Verstappen could be considered as one of these Aliens, looking at some of his appearances in simulated races.
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tbh, I find Leclerc face quite more pleasant to look at :x3: but, god forgive me.... I'm afraid that I tend to kind of agree on this with mister Buttock.
That self-obsessed brat is lighting fast for the most of the time. :unsure:
To put it this way:
In the same car... I tend to believe the order on the end of the year would most probably be like this -
Hamilton / Leclerc
Ricciardo / Raikkonen / Sainz
Grosjean. :D
You can mock Grosjean for inconsistency and mistakes all day long, but pure speed has never been an issue. He usually outpaces his teammates on highest finish.
Umm, okay so because Button believes this it's suppose to mean what exactly? I mean this is merely his opinion. I will say that being fast doesn't mean that you're going to win races. Hamilton is the most efficient driver that I have ever seen. Being the fastest isn't Lewis's specialty, being precise and focused is his forte. This is why he wins in comparison to team mates using the same team equipment as other drivers on the team.
Of course Verstappen os the fastest driver on planet earth. That is why he has become F1 Champion for several years now:rolleyes:
Oh....wait....ofcourzzze..."when he would be in a Merc and the rest of the F1 field would not exist"...than he would be faster...bladiebla:whistling:
How can you even compare driver A vs driver B based on speed/lap time when cars are not equal, if all cars were based on parity you may have half an argument, and until then it's just fuel for an argument. Lets not forget they said similar about Micheal Schumacher, but there is always someone quicker just around the corner.
Of course Verstappen os the fastest driver on planet earth. That is why he has become F1 Champion for several years now:rolleyes:
Oh....wait....ofcourzzze..."when he would be in a Merc and the rest of the F1 field would not exist"...than he would be faster...bladiebla
Being fast alone doesn't make you a champion so this argumentation is irrelevant in the first place.

Nobody here was doing or saying, what you are indicating.

Being the fastest isn't Lewis's specialty, being precise and focused is his forte. This is why he wins in comparison to team mates using the same team equipment as other drivers on the team. absolutely true.

And still...i'm pretty sure, if RBR could be more successfull with moar powa within the cars performance, there is a strong possibility, that Verstappen some day gets the championship, also because he seems to become more and more mature in racecraft and behaviour on track...but he has the "fokk it" attitude, to not be intimidated by circumstances, where other drivers are chicken out.

Somebody here brought up Senna...this guy was an arsehole on track with the "know your place"-attitude with open visor divebomb tendencies, he was fast and able to blast near qualy times on race distance consistently. Being fast alone, doesn't make you a champion, it helps, combined with other factors, though.This made him a champion.

I don't know how right Button is with his statement, but it doesn't mean anything for championship outcomes. But there are some strong indicators, that Verstappen is one of the freaking fastest open wheeler drivers on the planet, at least.
tbh, I find Leclerc face quite more pleasant to look at :x3: but, god forgive me.... I'm afraid that I tend to kind of agree on this with mister Buttock.
That self-obsessed brat is lighting fast for the most of the time. :unsure:
To put it this way:
In the same car... I tend to believe the order on the end of the year would most probably be like this -
Hamilton / Leclerc
Ricciardo / Raikkonen / Sainz
Grosjean. :D
Where's Pastor Maldonado in all this? You're forgetting a true legend of the sport
More mature does not mean mature. A few years ago he behaved like a spoiled child on track. Today, slightly less so, but certainly not 'mature'.
Of course not, but the tendencies aren't heading in the wrong direction, i would say...
This is not related to his overall pace, but it is also not "really" related to his championship i said: Senna also was pretty damn crazy on his racecraft behaviour and this guy was collecting victories. He often was even acting way less "mature" on track.

There are many ways, that are leading to the desired objective, some of them are discussable. Is he the fastest guy? Is he a dangerous one? I don't know exactly, but i know, that he often shows some remarkable results, even with all his blacking out.
...You can only really compare to a teammate in an equal car and the way it stands, he was pretty much faster then any of them.

you cant even compare that in the same team. Every driver has a different team around him. See Penske what did Simon struggle for few years and Penske didn’t fire him... this year the team found something and he won a lot of races and the Indy500 for Penske.
Racing is a team sport... and you only will become world champion if the team wants you to and you are in the best and reliable car.. and a bit of luck as well.
By "destroying" every team mate they pair you with ?
Maybe that could be one tiiiiny proof for you ?.

Not always. An established driver in a team may have had more input into car development and have the car behaving in a way that suits their driving style more than a newer team mate.
I remember people saying Schumacher liked his cars very "pointy" and "on the nose", which didn't suit some of his team mates when they drove the car.
More mature does not mean mature. A few years ago he behaved like a spoiled child on track. Today, slightly less so, but certainly not 'mature'.
After being active in F1 for 5 years, he sure doesn't look mature to me.
Since this summer break he's been involved into three T1 incidents so far, whether it was his fault or not. Wasn't there an unwritten rule that says you 'don't win but only loose races in T1'? Obviously a rule wasted on Verstappen and the boy hardly learns. At Suzuka his rocket start resulted into nothing again (!), so overall he's a very insufficient driver who pushed lots of points down the drain with his stupid actions. He sure is a fast... crasher. It may look spectacular, but it costs lots of money for his team and RedBull is not some sort of charity. If I were his teamboss, I'd kicked him out long ago. That's why I rate Leclerc much higher. Sure he also makes mistakes, but he's a much quicker apprentice and a bloody fast driver. The best drivers get the best seats; a given fact.
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Imagine if this thread wasn't (insert driver here) is the fastistist beccus I Wike him!
The reality is we will never really know, it looks to me like the new era of drivers with there home simulations are a very quick bunch. As for who is the best I'd forget the reverse grid race and stick them all in a suzuki liana for a race.
Gasly is faster than him and perhaps Sainz too. He could not do what Gasly do with the TR.
Now i believe when Alonso said that he got a proposition from RB and refused it. Even Ocon beat him.
Strong political support for sure.
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