Visor View Mod

I fixed intermittent dirt effect bug. Probably, the dirt effect will accelerate drastically in first lap in race, so I recommend to set 'AccelFactor' in Settings.ini to 100 or less. Or set 'AccelLimit' to a half or less.

Great stuff thanks for explaining. If you like I can create some dirt textures/sprites for your tests for the next version?
Yeah, it'll great. But I'm thinking about Perlin noise for texture variations. So I'll try some experiments. If I decide to use conventional texture technique, I'll let you know.
I fixed intermittent dirt effect bug. Probably, the dirt effect will accelerate drastically in first lap in race, so I recommend to set 'AccelFactor' in Settings.ini to 100 or less. Or set 'AccelLimit' to a half or less.

Yeah, it'll great. But I'm thinking about Perlin noise for texture variations. So I'll try some experiments. If I decide to use conventional texture technique, I'll let you know.
Awesome. Thanks :)
Guys, thank you for your reporting. Let sort out RC1 issues.
  1. tearoff key binding
  2. 'visor only in cockpit view' option bug
  3. 'auto team selection' option bug
  4. intermittent dirt effect bug
These are all as far as I know. If there is issue not in above list, let me know.

Then here is the status.
  1. done. change '/' to 'N'.
  2. I can't reproduce it.
  3. probably fixed. You must install all team textures. added description to README.
  4. I can reproduce it. I'm fixing now.
The only remaining issue is 2 and I have no clue. Maybe, it might be something related with graphics options, so please tell me your game graphics settings(low, medium, high or etc).

There was a version that you did, I think that was the first that I tested, which worked only in cockpit view, worked very well, I do not say what it was, but it was the first tests, then I'll see if I still have it here, was the time when the texture of the visor was one, and was to leave, I think in the main directory

as the texture of dirt in my opinion is much better than a lot of game, I know that has this effect, but if you think you can best is good!!
but are cosmetic
I completely rewrote check routine for cam type. I think it fixed 'visor only in cockpit view' option bug. Please check it.

vlasovas, please check this version. I think all problems are fixed.
yes i tested
dirt now occurs as you mentioned, the first lap, the visor very dirty (I not have yet changed the values ​​that you recommended) but after cleaning pressing "n" visor, dirty gradually across the track, not only on the starting grid as before!

but the cockpit has not worked yet, and now it is described on the screen with "Null"
it only remains to fix the cockpit, the rest is pretty good!!


EDIT : also tested the rev31, the two are similar, with the difference that the rev32 in Cockipit screen information shows as "null" as in the photo I posted earlier, the two exhibit the visor in onboard cameras also, I changed the file. ini values ​​between 0 and 1 and the effect is the same, not only displays in the cockpit camera
Hi kenken,

Here is what I imagine to be the ideal approach to simulating the dirt on the visor. I think this would be the start of a future version as it would be a lot of work to implement, but I think the results could be really good. So, putting implementation worries aside, here is what I came up with:


Multiple sprites can be produced. There are two "categories" of sprite called "ambient" and "spots" for example.

Ambient sprites contain the generic dust and grime overlays. These sprite textures generally have much larger dimensions than the "spot" equivalents. The Ambient textures work the similar way as your current dirt implementation does, in that a random ambient sprite is picked and placed at a semi random location on the screen with opacity set to 0. Then, over time the sprites opacity is gradually increased. There would be multiple ambient sprites at the same time all with random position and slowly increasing opacity giving the effect of a general "build up" of grime and dust on the surface of the visor. Ambient sprites ways appear below all spot sprites in the stacking order.

Spot sprites are much smaller than the ambient sprites, and these appear at random locations on the screen at full opacity (with no fade effect). This gives the impression of a piece of dirt or oil hitting the visor suddenly. Spot sprites appear on top of all ambient sprites. I.E All ambient sprites appear closer to the players eyes than the spot sprites.

Bonus points: I know you have done alot of work with your telemetry application. If this application is able to know the player cars proximity to an AI car ahead it would be awesome if the rate of both ambient and spot sprite opacity/frequency was increased giving the impression that the player is in the (literally) "dirty air" while closely trailing another car and dust and dirt is being kicked up by the car ahead (which ultimately ends up on the players visor). This is a massively long shot and probably impossibly difficult, but I think it would be a fantastic feature.

kenken Contact me if you want to take this further and want to use any of my sprites or want any more help or info. Happy to help in any way I can :)!

@Everyone: The above screenshot is just a concept image I mocked up. This sort of dirt build up is not implemented yet (and may never will be!). This post just contains ideas for Kenkens awesome mod.
Hi kenken,

Here is what I imagine to be the ideal approach to simulating the dirt on the visor. I think this would be the start of a future version as it would be a lot of work to implement, but I think the results could be really good. So, putting implementation worries aside, here is what I came up with:


Multiple sprites can be produced. There are two "categories" of sprite called "ambient" and "spots" for example.

Ambient sprites contain the generic dust and grime overlays. These sprite textures generally have much larger dimensions than the "spot" equivalents. The Ambient textures work the similar way as your current dirt implementation does, in that a random ambient sprite is picked and placed at a semi random location on the screen with opacity set to 0. Then, over time the sprites opacity is gradually increased. There would be multiple ambient sprites at the same time all with random position and slowly increasing opacity giving the effect of a general "build up" of grime and dust on the surface of the visor.

Spot sprites are much smaller than the ambient sprites, and these appear at random locations on the screen at full opacity (with no fade effect). This gives the impression of a piece of dirt or oil hitting the visor suddenly.

Bonus points: I know you have done alot of work with your telemetry application. If this application is able to know the player cars proximity to an AI car ahead it would be awesome if the rate of both ambient and spot sprite opacity/frequency was increased giving the impression that the player is in the (literally) "dirty air" while closely trailing another car and dust and dirt is being kicked up by the car ahead (which ultimately ends up on the players visor). This is a massively long shot and probably impossibly difficult, but I think it would be a fantastic feature.

kenken Contact me if you want to take this further and want to use any of my sprites or want any more help or info. Happy to help in any way I can :)!

@Everyone: The above screenshot is just a concept image I mocked up. This sort of dirt build up is not implemented yet (and may never will be!). This post just contains ideas for Kenkens awesome mod.
This looks promising :) very nice people here :) you can do bugs splash also
Kenken I bring good and bad news:

good news
the tests I had done were in windows 7, just the night I went into the windows 8 and I play to distract, and so I used rev32.
and to my surprise: bingo! visor working only in cockpit ( see photo )!! :D
I do not know why it did not work on windows 7, I still go back to try it again, it may be that the system has not replaced the dll, when pasting. but I do not think there are differences in the treatment of two windows and I do not know why

bad news
however, do not know why the "automatic selection visor" in windows 8 does not work :sick: ( see photo. mclaren with visor renault ), in the file. ini, both fields are set to 1, other words, repaired one, and ruined the other, and vice versa in windows 7, heheheheheheh.
going to understand.

also tested the rev31, but this in windows 8, did not work any of the two cases in question

WINDOWS 8 (rev32)

'm on windows 7 again, and test with the same files that are in windows 8, I'll delete and paste


I went to the windows 7, the result is in the photo below, visor on all cameras onboard, and not only in the cockpit, and the selection of visors worked perfectly, as in the photo below, just to be clear, I deleted all the files from mod , windows 7 folder, and copied the files from the windows 8, which worked the cockpit correctly but the problem is same as I mentioned, the problems are being exchanged in each windows that craziness, I never saw that!! :geek:

I thought it could be that dll "D3DCompiler_43" that runs on windows 8, then pasted in windows 7, just for testing, but continued the same problem

WINDOWS 7 (rev32)
Hi kenken,

Here is what I imagine to be the ideal approach to simulating the dirt on the visor. I think this would be the start of a future version as it would be a lot of work to implement, but I think the results could be really good. So, putting implementation worries aside, here is what I came up with:
Actually, 1.3 has feature of increasing rate by influence of car in front of you. Of course, it's effect on single texture.

I was considered multi texture such as mud, oil coming from engine blow or even bug crash. But I scraped this idea. Mainly too much time is needed to implement this. Probably, I guess, at least several months will be needed to find required data. If this game lifetime were at least several years, I will. Unfortunately, actual lifetime of this CM's F1 series is probably about a half year. So when I finished to implement, no one cares about F1 2012 itself, I guess. This is very difficult choice under these circumstances. I'll think about this. Thanks.
Kenken I bring good and bad news:

good news
the tests I had done were in windows 7, just the night I went into the windows 8 and I play to distract, and so I used rev32.
and to my surprise: bingo! visor working only in cockpit ( see photo )!! :D
I do not know why it did not work on windows 7, I still go back to try it again, it may be that the system has not replaced the dll, when pasting. but I do not think there are differences in the treatment of two windows and I do not know why

bad news
however, do not know why the "automatic selection visor" in windows 8 does not work :sick: ( see photo. mclaren with visor renault ), in the file. ini, both fields are set to 1, other words, repaired one, and ruined the other, and vice versa in windows 7, heheheheheheh.
going to understand.
That's good. At least one step forward. The difference of win 7 and 8 might be difference of memory mapping mechanism. I created dll for check.
Put d3d11.dll into F1 2012 installed directory, then start game. When you drive the car, debug text will be displayed. The screenshot of this is in below.

This screenshot is ideal case. For cam, some line will be '(null)', the other line will be 'head-cam'. I need to know which line number is 'head-cam'. 'head-cam' should be changed when you switch the other cam, such as 'bumber' or 'pod'.

For team, the number should be in range of 20 to 31(converting table from the number to team name is in screenshot). -1 means reading wrong memory address. I also need to know which line is shown correct value.

Met_fan and WillsB3 , please check this and let me know the result.

That's good. At least one step forward. The difference of win 7 and 8 might be difference of memory mapping mechanism. I created dll for check.
Put d3d11.dll into F1 2012 installed directory, then start game. When you drive the car, debug text will be displayed. The screenshot of this is in below.

This screenshot is ideal case. For cam, some line will be '(null)', the other line will be 'head-cam'. I need to know which line number is 'head-cam'. 'head-cam' should be changed when you switch the other cam, such as 'bumber' or 'pod'.

For team, the number should be in range of 20 to 31(converting table from the number to team name is in screenshot). -1 means reading wrong memory address. I also need to know which line is shown correct value.

Met_fan and WillsB3 , please check this and let me know the result.


Sir, yes sir!! :roflmao:

but Perhaps I linger a little bit today, I'm thinking of making tires 2013 with new wears, and was already working on new wear when I saw the message, at the time of testing I see it
Actually, 1.3 has feature of increasing rate by influence of car in front of you. Of course, it's effect on single texture.

I was considered multi texture such as mud, oil coming from engine blow or even bug crash. But I scraped this idea. Mainly too much time is needed to implement this. Probably, I guess, at least several months will be needed to find required data. If this game lifetime were at least several years, I will. Unfortunately, actual lifetime of this CM's F1 series is probably about a half year. So when I finished to implement, no one cares about F1 2012 itself, I guess. This is very difficult choice under these circumstances. I'll think about this. Thanks.

Yeah I thought it would take while to develop. To be honest I was not even considering applying the different textures at different times in the game. I think you had the idea to make gravel dust on the visor if the player goes off track for example? My idea was just to use all the different textures all the time, so no more memory locations would be needed from the game. It would still be difficult to write the code to manage all the build up of different sprites I assume?

I'll give your DLL a go when I get home and let you know the result :)
Yeah I thought it would take while to develop. To be honest I was not even considering applying the different textures at different times in the game. I think you had the idea to make gravel dust on the visor if the player goes off track for example? My idea was just to use all the different textures all the time, so no more memory locations would be needed from the game. It would still be difficult to write the code to manage all the build up of different sprites I assume?

I'll give your DLL a go when I get home and let you know the result :)

I also want hehehehe :roflmao:

Take your time. Your own mod should come first;)

first seen in windows 8, in a moment I enter the windows 7
the results were very different from what you posted
this time everything appeared "null", and once I entered the track with HRT, where the number 11 and 12, appears as HT, but over again I entered the track just to check, because others were null and then appeared as "null"

in most pictures in the "team" on the line, the number 10, in most cases this numbering was high, and it changed, sometimes going to 1298374754, another -1095864, and another -1 are only examples, further you know
another thing at the time of these photos I had OSD and debug menu mod Ryder 25, decided to uninstall them, they change with the game system.
to enter again, line 10 no longer had this long numbering, but only the number 0 in all cars, and in the "cam" the number 14 who lived off in previous photos, now lighted and erased, but maintained "null "always

would be too much to type, so I went into each team and made a screenshot, I think it will help, then do the same for windows 7, you might have different values​​, since yesterday they alternated problems

screeshots windows 8


screens windows 7

I do not have much to say here, except the strange characters of line 3 and line 13

there are pictures of two windows, I have helped in something I do not understand almost anything, but, from the pictures, you who created all this, you should know what to do
Yeah I thought it would take while to develop. To be honest I was not even considering applying the different textures at different times in the game. I think you had the idea to make gravel dust on the visor if the player goes off track for example? My idea was just to use all the different textures all the time, so no more memory locations would be needed from the game. It would still be difficult to write the code to manage all the build up of different sprites I assume?

I'll give your DLL a go when I get home and let you know the result :)
In previous my post, that's totally personal idea if I implement multi dirt texture.
Switching dirt texture in every tearoff is not difficult to implement. And also random small dirt texture is not difficult. These can be implemented without additional condition flag. But, IMHO, I can't expect mud texture pop up in middle of track, especially at several Tilke circuit. So I think some circuit dependent texture selection mechanism is needed.
first seen in windows 8, in a moment I enter the windows 7
the results were very different from what you posted
this time everything appeared "null", and once I entered the track with HRT, where the number 11 and 12, appears as HT, but over again I entered the track just to check, because others were null and then appeared as "null"

in most pictures in the "team" on the line, the number 10, in most cases this numbering was high, and it changed, sometimes going to 1298374754, another -1095864, and another -1 are only examples, further you know
another thing at the time of these photos I had OSD and debug menu mod Ryder 25, decided to uninstall them, they change with the game system.
to enter again, line 10 no longer had this long numbering, but only the number 0 in all cars, and in the "cam" the number 14 who lived off in previous photos, now lighted and erased, but maintained "null "always

would be too much to type, so I went into each team and made a screenshot, I think it will help, then do the same for windows 7, you might have different values​​, since yesterday they alternated problems

screeshots windows 8


screens windows 7

I do not have much to say here, except the strange characters of line 3 and line 13

there are pictures of two windows, I have helped in something I do not understand almost anything, but, from the pictures, you who created all this, you should know what to do
For Cam, I think I need another search. But for Team, number 2, 3, 8, 9 and 12 to 18 are always displayed proper value.
I'll wait others results.

I start to make another check dll for Cam. When it's ready, I'll let you know.
Hey kenken,

I'll let you know tomorrow of the test with your newest .dll
Today I will find no time for that as I'm wirting an university exam tomorrow...

Thanks again for your work and effort in finding the problem. Great support :thumbsup:

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