[WC] Selected Driver Quotes - Round 4: Monaco

Precision Motorsports
Bono Huis, P1
"Fantastic to win again in Monaco. My Q1 was a mess but fortunately I managed a lap in the end. Q2 went a lot better, I guess I was the only one with a clean lap so I got the most important pole position of the season. I was under a lot of pressure in the first stint but fortunately Morgan crashed. From then on I took it easy and I brought the car home. Great result for us."
Jack Keithley, P4
"Q1 - Made it into Q2 by 1 10/000 th...close.

Q2 - Failed at Anthony Nogues so P10.

Got away decently and just tried to maintain position, but as usual it got tight into Sainte Devote and someone ahead locked up and we touched wheels a bit, but I got a good exit and passed Raino on the outside around Massanet then got Jim at Mirabeau and a wingless Stoffel in the Tunnel to cross the line 6th at the end of the lap.

Took a look at the HUD and it confirmed the suspension damage which I had felt through the wheel, but I had good track position and only had to do 77 laps with no errors I mean how hard can it be?

Once i had got a bit more used to the feel of the car i managed to build a gap to the cars behind and with 2 cars ahead crashing out of contention I was holding down 4th spot mid race, but it was getting tougher to keep the pace up and I lost 4th briefly to Dian as he overtook me out of the tunnel only to hand the spot back a few laps later as he hit problems.

I then had Gergo on my tail for the remainder of the race, but i didnt feel under any great pressure as if you place your car correctly it's almost impossible to pass, so it came down to a battle of the pitcrews on lap 56. Gergo pitted first so I pushed as hard as I dared for the 2 laps before my scheduled stop and the guys turned me around with their best stop of the day and 4th position was still mine and I held onto it for the rest of the race.

Really delighted with the result which is my best ever in WC, the team did a great job with the car and strategy, and I'm just so happy with the outcome."
GT Omega Racing
Rasmus Tali, P2
"Preparation for the Monaco GP was really messy as I had an opportunity to do some kart testing. Made it back home 1h before the Q1. I was tired and it was hard to get use to the virtual racing again.

Q1: I knew that pace should be good enough to get into Q2 but as I only did my first Q1 testing moments before server opened I was not too sure.
First lap I did was clean and smooth so I decided to start testing for Q2.

Q2: After first corner car balance felt good and I was confident but while braking into T3 my chair rolled a bit and I clipped the inside wall a bit which cost me around 0,2-3s (stupid excuse I know). Rest of the lap was good but not good enough, 0,1 off the pole.

R: I had a really good initial start but it was impossible to hold onto 2nd as 3rd place grid slot was almost alongside me and I was outside into T1.
Seeing that Morand and Bono will battle I decided to leave a bit of breathing space in case there was going to be an accident.
I pitted 1 lap earlier than Bono and was looking to shorten the gap between us and try to overtake maybe on later stops but I fell behind my teammate who decided that would be smart to block me while slowing both of us down.
What was a 3s gap to Bono grew to 6s after the first stops. Morand disappeared
and I was promoted to 2nd. I decided it was smarter not to risk chasing Bono as the gap was big and even if I somehow got near him there was no way to overtake.
Rest of the race was lonely and without any mistakes but then at the end of the race I had a strange accident where my rear tyres had small wheel spin and I slide into the barrier
Looking at the replay I still cant understand why this happened, as at this point I was saving the car and tyres to get to the finish.
Luckily the gap to 3rd was big enough to do the whole lap with out the front wing and then make a 20s pit stop.

2nd place and for the second race in a row we had really strong pace in Q and also in the race.
Team has done a great job, if we will put things together we should be able to get even better results.
Dian Kostadinov, Retired lap 51, accident damage
"Q1 - not good enough, did 3 laps i think, but all of them were fail and managed to 11th with same times with 10th. Then understood the bad luck expecting me later from the middle of the grid again.

Race - Really disappointed from this race... Had pace for the podium, or to fight for the win maybe if i did better qualify. After the start won 1 place and managed to 10th. After 5-6 laps Raino did mistake at the exit of last corner and got the 9th place at the brake of T1. After more 5-6 laps i did unlucky mistake at the same corner where Raino failed, but i spun on 180 degrees on the track and many drivers passed me. Then i catched the slower drivers ahed of me and overtook them with agressive drive and much pressure, only that can make an overtake in Monaco. After the first stop managed to win 2-3 places and i got 7th already. Then catched Peter Varga and did some good battle, we had little contact, but wasnt feel to me, don't know for what damage is talking about, you could switch off the repair damage before pit. After 2nd stops came out 6-7 secs. behind Jack and was ambition to catch up him. Had good battle and overtook him after the tunnel with later brake for the chicane. Then when saw for 2 laps i made i gap between me and others behind me, i calmed and made a striking mistake at the chicane in S3. Lost front wing and all car was yellow on display. Stayed 34 secs. in the pit and came out between Gobbi and Morand. Next few laps we had good battle, but Morand did surprising maneuver for me and overtook us in S2 when we fought. Tried to answer him on the straight but he defend perfect and couldnt do more to drive behind him and to keep his pace. Then did 2-3 clear laps, but one more mistake from my side on the 2nd chicane made the crash of the year maybe, almost flew in the water.

First, I want to apologize to my team, they done perfect job to prepare me and to make a setup for me to have a pace for podium. Also i think we had the fastest car this weekend and we should be happy of this fact. We have to continue work and to trying to get the maximum next race. Now i am gonna take long break and cya after the summer for Monza :) Good luck !"
Mak-Corp Racing
Patrick De Wit, P3
"Well the end results is fantastic!!!
Q1 lap were pretty cool especially swimming pool complex losing back end but catching them without touching the walls and set a decent laptime:)And was in top 10
But i was not happy at all with my Q2 pace i totally screwed nearly the whole lap.. was no magic pole lap like last year....
In the end 7th due to others could not complete a lap as it is Monaco after all
Then Lapchin stalled his engine and i was 6th on grid before race startsThe lights whent out and i had a fraction better start then Parasis and i was 5thThen van doorne was on outside and i think he brake a bit too late and touching Tali and losing his front wing He did not wanted to move over which he should not lol:)And i passed him going into Massenet it was close but fair and i was 4th starting 7thThen its Monaco after all surving is key hereMy pace was same around leaders maybe a bit slower but for long time i had the fastest lapPace was almost same as Huis maybe he was pacing don,t knowThen whole race i was trying to do same pace as Tali who was 2ndBut when my tyres were worse the other cars seemed to have better pace as me but on fresh rubber i outmatchted them a bit i was really happy with my racepaceThen my final pitstop(3rd and last)I was checking the button for limiter ouotcoming Rascasse and i spun the car losing my fornt wing and slight damageRepairing it all costed me around 40 secs in the pits!!!Lucky we had a big gap to the rest of the field as i was around whole race 10 secs behind Huis so it was pretty closeSeemed i was not the only 1 with mistakes as i lost my podium spot to NilsonWho made a error spun and stall and i got my 3rd place back:)
I am really exstatic for this because had a tough start to the season!!!!And i am really happy with this podium!!!!!"

NetRex Grand Prix
Gergo Baldi, P5
"Q1 : I couldn't did a clear lap.. only 12th.Q2 : - Race: I wanted to survive the first laps, i did that, and then i tried to make no mistakes. There was only one close fight, in lap 52 ( if i'm right ) i tried to pass Keithley on the outside line, after the tunnel, but there was a contact, and i was close to wreck the car. But then it was a bit boring race, in the last laps i wanted to catch Jack and Patrick too, but i couldn't overtake them, so i finished 5th. I'm a bit disappointed, i was close to the podium, but this is racing, everything can happen. "

Peter Varga, P6
"qual: I had mistake or traffic every fastlap.. so I was only 17th.. and a little frustrated because of this..
Because I started from back of the grid i decided to make a really short stint.. and then on clear track I will push like hell :) ..
Race: The start was ok.. I was really careful at the first corner and lost a position but after that both of the Ash racing guys did mistake so I overtook them, I did make a great overtake at the grand hotel hairpin.. at the end of the first lap I was 13th.. I pitted really early and that strategy worked really well.. I really pushed the first couple of laps, while the others struggling on their old tires.. they pitted later but they came back only behind me so I was 9.. only Kostadinov could overtake me back.. he was really agressive.. hit my rear wing that why my second pitstop was much slower and I stucked behind Gobbi, and I loosed a lot of time, without these I could be much closer to my teammate at the end.. at the last stint only Morgan Morand overtook me but he was on much fresher rubber so I really have no chance against him.. I tried to defend my position, we had a small contact where my front wing heavily damaged.. and I got terrible under-steering.. but after that he made a clever move at T1 and pulled away.. after that I was wanted only to finish the race without anymore damage.. but finally I bring it home at 6th place... and really happy about that..
congrats to my teammate who made a brilliant job again... and thanks for my racing engineer Zsolt Nagy.."
Marcel vd Linden, P7
"Q1: Was faster then expected to be so P13
R: Had a good start en could manage top 10 whole race. Then with my first stop my car almost died and with restart i lost my position to Baldi.After that i could close the gap but no overtaking was possible. After 55 laps or so i lost concentration due to thunder and lighting here (I think Morgan has send it to me :p)I lost 3 wings in a couple of laps and ended the race on a shame last but p7.
Hope ill do much better at Canada because the track nature fits my driving style."

Raino Room, P15
"Q1: good lap P3Q2: before s2 split, i made massive mistake. Lost control over car and didnt get time, was on good lap.
R: Started on P8, on first stint was stuck behind Jim, i made little mistake and dian passed me, then after first stop i was up to 7th , then some guys in front made mistakes and was up to 6th , on 2nd stint i was stuck behind keithly who had some problems, didnt want to take risky manouvers.On lap 26or 27 before s1 split i made huge mistake, my rear just jumped out, was very suprised, i slammed into the wall and lost front wing and got huge damage. So in this point my race was over.Very bad weekend from us, except Ivar WS 2nd place and Rasmus WC 2nd place, overall cant be happy, we had very good pace, shame.
Cya in next track"

ATR Management
Morgan Morand, P8
"Q1 : 1.12.7 with the Q1 setup, i made some try with the Q2 setup where i made 1.13.0 with. So i was confident for Q2. The grip was not so bad but very different than we saw in official server before the race server
Q2 : Impossible grip. The car is impossible to control. I made a good S1 thats all. I was on ice at lowes hairpin, no front grip in S2. I am happy to be P3. 0.6s off my Q2 pace.
Race : I started P3, i success to overtake Tali on T1 and catch Huis immediately. Unfortunaly, whereas Huis had a not so bad pace but slower than my race pace, i was not able to overtake him. When he enters in pit at lap 17, i try to do one more lap. All was good, and suddently the car spun without explication... hmm yes there is one : 1/2cm of my rear left tyre touch the wall. Impossible to stop the spin, i press the clutch but i loose the front wing. First time i had this problem, i didn't see that we need to be at 70Km/h to pass a corner. So i hit the wall 2 times. 58sec damage. This little thing destroys my race.
I come back on the track, i catch marconi, but i loose again a front wing. My car is destroyed.. i loose 0.4s per lap but i can catch the guys in front.I have several good battles with Kostadinov and Varga.
Using too much brakes than expected, i loose them 3 laps to go. My poor car dies. P8. What a disappointment. I had the pace to win today. But always one little thing destroys the race. 30 points to huis. If i had bad luck like that i can't do anything.
Thanks for ATR Management, Inside Simracing and all my fans who supports me after this.
Ps : I think drivers would like to have more consistency on grip level on the server. It was different of the grip level ( with less grip ) of the official testing server. This is the cause of this carnage. The car which worked fine in official testing server was almost impossible to drive during the race. 2 times i see that. "

Yannick Lapchin, Retired lap 37, accident damage
"Q1 : was good for me
Q2 : was not fast enough but luckily I got p5Race : I stalled on my starting spot so I started from pits. I made my race till the pit stop where I was stuck behind Morgan for a minute. That was too much for me. I stopped there."
Faster Than Speed
John-Eric Saxén, Retired lap 74, brake failure
"After a somewhat difficult qualifying my strategy was simple: just keeping the car on track. It might have looked a bit slow, but eventually I found myself in P6, without any overtakings even, except for passing a few cars in the pits. With 4 laps left to go, my front brakes let go, even though I was running conservative settings. A couple of points at the end of the day, but a bit disappointed with this."

Guiseppe Marconi, Retired lap 55, accident damage
"In Q1 i was 19th and however i couldn't make better even if i was 4 thents slower than my PB.
I did a lot of races at Monaco, so i know if i was able to finish i could be in the points. I started well my race and for first stint i had a good pace even if a bit slower than i expect. In the second and third stints i had some good battles with Varga and Morand but i could only try to defeat my position and try to drive away from troubles. I didn't any mistakes for all the race and i was 13th until last lap before my 3rd pit. At Rascasse i lost rear during braking and i hitted barrier loosing front wing...i thinked however that i was lucky because near the box but when i used R gear i saw Gobbi was coming behind me so i pushed hard my brake to avoid contact but engine stalled and race was over and so also my points wish."

AT Racing
Fabrizio Gobbi, Retired lap 58, accident damage
"This race for me have been only in defensive strategy, because unfortunately in this 2 weeks i haven't time for training...so the only target is finish the race, and wish to a good place in the end...
the mission was just complete, but in the 58° lap I lost the concentration and i beat the car on guardrail...i see the damage and the tyres,suspension etc is good, but the engine is broke...unbelieveble...but this is montecarlo, and this isn't a favorite track for me. "

Stoffel Vandoorne, Retired lap 14, accident damage
"Bad race weekend :)
Q1: The track felt very slippery. Didn't manage to do a good lap on my first run, but did a very good one on my second run, wich putted me P2.
Q2: Had a quite good lap untill the swimmingpool, where I made some mistakes. Almost everybody made big mistake, so it was just about getting a normal lap down to have a place in the front. I qualified P4 for the race wich was not to bad to make it a good race.
Race: My race was over before T1 :) I touched the back of Rasmus Tali and lost my front wing. After pitstop I made fastest racelap, but I crashed after a few more laps... Race over. Not much to say, but looking forward to the next race :)"
Twister Racing
Fredrick Nilsson, Retired lap 57, accident damage
"With no race practice the race was going pretty well up until the crash, but two contacts with the barriers at two points of the race made my car a mess, which then led to the crash. Quite strange, I was driving quite slowly on purpose, but still the car turned itself around very quickly in the last swimming pool chicane.
We had some good pace here at least, but on the coming regular tracks I have no big expectations at the moment."

GhostSpeed Racing Team
Giorgos Manousakis, Retired lap 55
"Q1: I was pleased with my lap P14 if you think that it was Monaco with all the traffic etc.
Race:I was not trying to gain any positions at the start. Just avoid accidents. It went well and gain one position.I was keeping close to the guys in front of me with no problem. Some time in the first stint i had a problem with my steering wheel and i lost some seconds. After the second pit stop i was behind Saxen at P10 about 5 seconds. Started to closing the gap until 55 lap that i was less than 2 seconds behind him. And then at T1 the car just snap. I dont understand why this is happening with this mod really. One minute you feel the car ok and the next its like driving in oil. Anyway i went to pit for repair and i hope i didnt get to much in the way of Bono on the way to the pits. Sorry if i did mate. I was strugling to keep it on the road. I even hit it on the barriers on purpose at the last turn before the pit entry, when you passed me, to keep it away from you, cause i couldnt brake at all. I get in the pits and i made mistake on the fuel. I wanted to add some more fuel and medium tyre so i can make it to the end. And in that big frustration with the mistake on the track and in the pits i called it game over."

Jim Parisis, Retired lap 18, accident damage
"Q1: It was good and enough for getting me into top 10.
Q2: The lap was a disaster. But with some mistakes from other drivers I found myself in 6th position on the grid.
R: It's Monaco, so my mind was just to be safe and finish the race.I survived somehow the fist laps, with some drivers trying to gain some advantance in these first laps. De Wit passes me right away when the lights went out, then I tried to defend to Nilsson and we made contact that almost make me spin. Then in T4 Keithley got the inside with a late move, and having Vandoorne infront with no front wing, was a nightmare :pAfter all I was in 7th after lap 1 and I was holding my position, just driving around the circuit. In lap 18 unfortunately, while I had my normal line for that turn, the car crashed on the wall...I really was caught by surprise there, didn't expect that at all...No excuses ofc, this is Monaco..See you in the next race"
Blair Disley, Retired lap 22, accident damage
"Have not had time to practise, and unfortuhately this might continue to be the case. I made a mistake and hit the wall, not something I normally do, but I was very tired due to other commitments."

Ash Racing
George Chatzipantelis, Retired lap 11, accident damage
"Monaco, my favourite track after Suzuka and the one I'd like to perform the best. I had lots of confidence till ..those things happened. FSR is the most organised place for SimRacing, but guys, putting an adjusted 'low grip' Monaco isn't the best thing, in WC we had too much persons retiring, cause the track was simply undriveable. Also changing the track in the last minute (Saturday) also wasn't nice. I agree, it improved the situation a bit but it was different to the previous one in many corners, and it was too late to practice it properly. Too much headache for nothing.
Q1: I arrived with some hope that I can resolve my S2 issues, and I did, My S1 was within two tenths of the leader, and I did my personal best in S2, for some reason though, I couldn't finish a lap without fighting with the back end for the section of La Rascasse to Anthony Noghes. Consecuently I was on the last places again, unhappy, cause with a normal S3, 16th-17th was possible, which would be an improvement compared to the previous races. So, lots of dissapointment.
Race: I had a fine start as usual, gaining something like 7 places, then Phillipp braked a bit early, and I couldn't avoid the contact, I won't blame him, cause it wasn't his mistake, he had to brake early to avoid a contact with the mayhem in front, but on the other side, I won't put full blame to myself. The consequence was losing my front wing and destroying all the chances I had for a good finish. I could dream of my first point if that incident didn't happen, cause too many retirements were predictable, but you know, with "if's" we go nowhere.
Now full concentration on Canada for a proper Q+R for me, I need it.See you again in two weeks.
Congrats to Huis for his 3rd win in a row."

Philipp Puschke, Retired lap 4, accident damage
"Not much to say:
Q1 was awful didnt get a clean lap with huge traffic and own big mistakes...Race was awful aswell as I braked early to avoid any contact but unfortunaly I was hit by my teammate george and gave me a bit of damage. After that my pace seemed to be ok but I wasstucked behind saxen and after some frustration I finally spun out in the final corner and stalled my engine. Race over. See ya in Montreal :p"

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