I seem to remember that AC1 runs at 500 (600?) Hz, but what about ACC? AC was awesome in every way when it came out back in 2014 and while its tyre model is still as good as it gets, its suspension/chassis just do not move as believably as some of the current competitors - iRacing or even pCars2. This is especially obvious in external view replays, but also when driving.
How is this looking in ACC right now and are there any specific plans with regards to suspension in the dev pipeline?
I seem to remember that AC1 runs at 500 (600?) Hz, but what about ACC? AC was awesome in every way when it came out back in 2014 and while its tyre model is still as good as it gets, its suspension/chassis just do not move as believably as some of the current competitors - iRacing or even pCars2. This is especially obvious in external view replays, but also when driving.
How is this looking in ACC right now and are there any specific plans with regards to suspension in the dev pipeline?