Why am I rubbish?


I am just about passable at Assetto Corsa, bit rubbish, but ok, but Assetto Corsa Competizione I am totally rubbish.
Some 4 to 5 seconds off the pace at Imola.

Admittedly I don't practice much, but assumed it should be an easy jump from AC gt3 to ACC gt3.

I don't expect an obvious answer, nothing in life is that easy, but you never know.:O_o:
That is a very good point Richard, I may be victim of that driving Imola, know so little about that, i will check driving conditions when I have another bash at it.
I have only spent a few hours in ACC.
i am fairly proficient at set ups, I know the basics, so when I have a problem I am reasonable at sorting it.

what are the fastest conditions, do I need to do hot laps to get perfect conditions.????
That is a very good point Richard, I may be victim of that driving Imola, know so little about that, i will check driving conditions when I have another bash at it.
I have only spent a few hours in ACC.
i am fairly proficient at set ups, I know the basics, so when I have a problem I am reasonable at sorting it.

what are the fastest conditions, do I need to do hot laps to get perfect conditions.????

Hotlap mode gives you perfect track, tyres reset every time over the line, and no fuel. Sundays will give you the best track conditions for a race weekend, provided it's not rained.
My theory is about this a couple of things

It depends on your rig and kit you use, and PC etc, if you are state of the art you can run everything max and see more detail, it's more immersive etc. Wheels, I would think most aliens and freak boys are using very good either custom or near wheel and pedal sets, this makes a difference as you can tune them to feel the rather crap basic FFB better. 3 screens, maybe VR, custom seats etc.

But mainly, it's down to what I call "clicky" setups. If you understand the game physics, and what the devs concentrate on, and most importantly the main things to adjust you will find a lot of time. You can faff about all day tuning aero, tyre pressures, etc, but if you dont know what the MAIN thing is to change, you wont find the time.

I have no idea what they are, but they will be able to find tenths per corner, be flat in places you can't be, and simply be seconds a lap faster. They are maybe a second to 2 faster than you, but not 5, that is ALL from setups, knowing what to change, and what the main things are they look for.

There are also smaller things like track cutting.

I am usually about 3 seconds off the freaks on the common fast lap runs they have, which I am happy with, I run an old PC with a G25, one screen and nothing else. And I have a life.
@Kek700 just read through this thread and I really wonder if you were comparing the lap times in the same conditions?!

You were around low 43's right? Which mode?
And where did the "other people are way faster" lap times from?
Normal practice vs hotlap can make a difference of multiple seconds!

I remember when I first drove acc and I was like "wtf 8 seconds faster? I know I'm no alien but wtf?!".
Went into hotlap mode and got 4 seconds faster in 2 laps...

For acc I can really recommend to not compare lap times. Just practice and then do races.
During a race, everyone will have the same conditions so then the times are comparable.

Or practice in hotlap mode. Then the times are comparable too.

Would be interesting if you still remember where the comparison times came from and in which mode you practiced :)
My theory is about this a couple of things

It depends on your rig and kit you use, and PC etc, if you are state of the art you can run everything max and see more detail, it's more immersive etc. Wheels, I would think most aliens and freak boys are using very good either custom or near wheel and pedal sets, this makes a difference as you can tune them to feel the rather crap basic FFB better. 3 screens, maybe VR, custom seats etc.

But mainly, it's down to what I call "clicky" setups. If you understand the game physics, and what the devs concentrate on, and most importantly the main things to adjust you will find a lot of time. You can faff about all day tuning aero, tyre pressures, etc, but if you dont know what the MAIN thing is to change, you wont find the time.

I have no idea what they are, but they will be able to find tenths per corner, be flat in places you can't be, and simply be seconds a lap faster. They are maybe a second to 2 faster than you, but not 5, that is ALL from setups, knowing what to change, and what the main things are they look for.

There are also smaller things like track cutting.

I am usually about 3 seconds off the freaks on the common fast lap runs they have, which I am happy with, I run an old PC with a G25, one screen and nothing else. And I have a life.

Most of the aliens use Logitech DFGT's or G25's. I read once that some of them don't even have ffb enabled.
But then guys like that it's all about bending the game physics and i suppose the less coming through the wheel to distract the better?

To the OP. I am about 5 seconds off every tracks lap record myself. I don't think even playing for 40hrs a week like the 'content creators' and Pros is feesable for most people - in fact if i play for 2-3hrs a week i feel like i've done ok.
I just focus on my race as best as i can, and usually in a MP lobby i finish the race in decent places - anything from podium to top 8 in a 25 person lobby. I aim to keep myself as consistent as possible, choosing my own brake points, turn ins and throttle on markers and not trying to follow others. I don't fight too hard if someone comes up behind me gaining at 2 seconds a lap, and i don't dive bomb other drivers - just wait for the mistakes.
Although none of this takes into consideration the amount of maniacs that are in every online lobby and keeping the SA rating is a battle in itself.
But it's intense and fun,,,, most of the time.
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I have to admit I sometimes watch the quickest guys in a server from inside the car and it looks like they are using a controller! Alonso in the Renaul like steering. Looks odd.

I do not profess to be quick, I am average, as I am at just about every bloody thing in life, but i do think there is a lot of time to be found form understanding the game physics and what the devs sweet spots are with regard to setup, for all you know, it might be something totally out there.
Im slower in ACC than any other sim, i put it down to poor FFB with G29.
Ive tried all settings ive seen recommended on many forums and communities also those suggested by Aris himself but i just dont feel what i do in AMS2,RF2 and R3E.
Im not totally blaming ACC as ive heard many say FFB is great on higher end wheels so i expect there to be quite a bit of truth in this.
Im slower in ACC than any other sim, i put it down to poor FFB with G29.
Ive tried all settings ive seen recommended on many forums and communities also those suggested by Aris himself but i just dont feel what i do in AMS2,RF2 and R3E.
Im not totally blaming ACC as ive heard many say FFB is great on higher end wheels so i expect there to be quite a bit of truth in this.

I went from a ballin'-on-a-budget rig to a screw-the-budget-everything-sucks-anyway rig. I got better at ACC, but "better" in the same way Snickers bars are "better" for you than Marlboros. I'm never going to be a "better equipment makes you faster" guy. I do find that I'm able to feel the tires bite and where the limit is, but human opponents still pass me like a bad kidney stone.

I do believe ACC is the most difficult sim to master, but again, I haven't done all of them. But I do iRacing and AMS2 and manage to not make a complete tit of myself, as opposed to ACC.
If I can contribute to this discussion, here's my discovery: brake pads.
I drive the Porsche 911 just because I like how it looks. I am a "Sunday driver" as I mostly play ACC on weekends, so I don't have a lot of mileage on that car.
Now, Monza. I have driven the Porsche mostly there, and I think I have reached a certain consistency, although there's 2-3 corners I haven't really figured out yet (1st of Lesmo, variante Ascari). Before the brake pads discovery, I could qualify on a low 1:49 or high 1:48 (warm track temps) and on a sprint race i could lap mid-low 49s. On the main straight, I would brake right before the 150m sign in order to make the corner.
Now, yesterday for the first time I decided to check some other setup rather than the standard "aggressive" one. I downloaded a "youtube" setup and tried. The magic happened: I could now brake consistently later than what i used to do with the aggressive setup, for example on the main straight i could brake right after the 150 m sign pretty much on every lap. I went and checked. The youtube setup used the brake pads 1 instead of 2. That alone made a sizeable difference, I think something around 1 tenth per "hard braking" corner, and there are i think 4 in Monza.
After getting familiar with the new braking points I was able to qualify with a 1:48:3 and that was not a perfect lap. During the race, I could lap in mid-high 1:48s. Let's say that i had a 4-tenth improvement. Learning the 1st of Lesmo and the variante Ascari will probably add another 4 tenths at least. Overall, a mid-high 1:47 becomes not impossible at all, I think with a little more practice it is attainable.

This "discovery" also makes me understand what happened in my only CP race so far, at Zolder. I was reasonably fast and i climbed up to third place after starting around 10th place. Towards the end though, thanks to a driving mistake and some lapped cars i came under attack. The thing that surprised me is how the guy behind me was able to outbrake me as if nothing were. Of course he was driving another car (a Bentley) but I was a bit depressed. I need to try again but i think with different brake pads i would have been able to defend myself.

Let me know if this makes any sense or I am just seeing things. Thanks.
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I am just about passable at Assetto Corsa, bit rubbish, but ok, but Assetto Corsa Competizione I am totally rubbish.
Some 4 to 5 seconds off the pace at Imola.

Admittedly I don't practice much, but assumed it should be an easy jump from AC gt3 to ACC gt3.

I don't expect an obvious answer, nothing in life is that easy, but you never know.:O_o:

Because it's hard to feel what the car is doing in ACC and you're dependent way more on your visual cues to drive faster. In AC when you're off the pace, you pretty much can guess why. In ACC you may be 2 seconds off the pace and have no idea where you might be losing such amount of time.

"Aliens" are just people (generally teens/kids) who play 5-10 hours daily.
Hello guys,

I just Started to play ACC a week ago and i have a 4h Race at Imola Next saturday. Whats a good Pace with full tank?
Qualy time os around 41:4 , i reckon maybe i can go to a 40:9 with a clean lap wich is a second slower for what o have seen on the internet.
Yesterday i made some laps with 125L on the tank on my McLaren and i my laps were beetwen 1:42:6 and 1:42:9 is that good?
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AS I have said previously.

there are some people playing this game, and there are some whose job it is to play it, paid or not.

You see them now and then, open lobbies, 3 or 4 secs a lap faster then the field.

It's not clever, but it is nothing to do with you, these people would be good at ANY game, they have a mindset that is able to exploit every aspect of the game, their PC, screens, and mainly setups. They know perfectly how to set up the car for THEIR ability, be it taily, understeer, that can literally find a freak like this seconds a lap somewhere like Spa.

If you put them in real cars, they would be good, yes, but you would be far, far closer.

I have followed so many laps of these weirdos online and they do NOTHING different to me lines wise, it is ALL in setup, not much more, and that allows them to nail the throttle in places you can't, trail brake where you can't, and just be smoother.

they will tell you they hardly change from aggressive, but if you KNOW what affects the car the most you do it without changing anything else, I have used setups from other sims before and not all suit you, but when you find one that does, it all makes sense.

Don't despair, I am seconds off the pace in some lobbies, yet can win 5 in a row in others.

Leagues are not for me I loath the rules and prim and proper nonsense that's associated with them.

My rating is about 9000, always will be, SA is about 75 always will be as if people take me out I take them back, and racing offline with AI does nothing for it as the AI is next to useless at avoiding unnecessary contact, no matter how hard you try and trying hard 4 or 5 races in a row can cost you tons of SA.
So, at first it was high-end hardware (total B.S., top aliens I've met were all using T300, G27 or even DFGT, some even with stock pedals), and now it is magic setups. In reality, it is not any of that. It is driving perfect lines and utilizing full grip of the car. Whatever setups they use, they are within a second of the aggressive setup, probably even closer. You might think you're doing 100% the same, but you're not and nor are all those who are 3-4 seconds behind. That much time never comes from a setup
I might be wrong here, :unsure:but I am assuming Rob meant, "not a great setup", but one that plays into the hands of their specific talent.

If you have a very oversteering car, by the standards of most, in fact undrivable. But because of a freak of nature he or she can precisely time the application of throttle, so every corner you are able to get on the throttle a 10th of a second every time earlier, over a lap that looks like a miracle of 2 seconds, that by most who use his setup is impossible, then I can see his point of view. I think.:O_o:
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That is exactly what I mean.

It is all about understanding what the devs have done, working out if that suits your style, and if it does, tweaking and if it doesn't knowing exactly what to change to achieve what you want.

Add to that being faster anyway and it's easy to be 2 or 3 seconds or at somewhere like Spa, 5 or 6 seconds faster than a guy like me with a single screen, older PC, G25 wheel and pedals who on first look takes very similar lines, is on the power and off it at roughly the same times, but is somehow losing tenths per corner and straight just through simple understanding of game physics.

I was expecting to watch vids and see guys flat in places I am not, etc etc, but it is not that, it is just corner speed, and that is about largely setup placement, and some level of technique.

I am not saying all these things would miraculously make guys like me alien fast, I don't have the time, inclination or lack of life to do that, but it would make a dent for sure.
I might be wrong here, :unsure:but I am assuming Rob meant, "not a great setup", but one that plays into the hands of their specific talent.

If you have a very oversteering car, by the standards of most, in fact undrivable. But because of a freak of nature he or she can precisely time the application of throttle, so every corner you are able to get on the throttle a 10th of a second every time earlier, over a lap that looks like a miracle of 2 seconds, that by most who use his setup is impossible, then I can see his point of view. I think.:O_o:
Not necessarily. I did try a couple of alien-made setups (though it was in the original AC). They were quite easy to drive, actually

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