F1 2013 Why i refused to buy F1 2011 to F1 2013 ...

F1 2013 The Game (Codemasters)
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Hawaiian Guy

Banned on request
Codemaster still have not learn their lessons after 4 goes at it making the same F1 that are no different to any releases.... want people like me to buy the game then let me be part of the game .. i want to feel as if i am racing in the game i want to earn money and buy expensive equipments for my cars as i go along in my racing career.

i want to be able to customize the way i look, i want to upload my photo into the driver profile so i can look like me in the game.

If you wont let me do that then good bye to you company man ... you dont deserve my money.

This sort of games is for people who want to race in a car they can never do in real life and to make it as close as possible for my fantasy to come close is to allow me to customize the game by adding myself into the driver seats .....

I want to be able to unlock parts that will improve my cars and earn money to purchase good parts to make my car better.

This is the reason why i only race in cockpit view mode because i want to be totally in the game as me racing against the F1 best drivers :) Let me be in the game and part of the game ...

The online races are a total disaster still ... after all these years ....

Still no Audio commentary during replay mode? Oh my lazy or just cant be bothered coding that in?

Got me once in 2010 but you wont get me ever again ... lucky for you company man there are thousands of talented people that modded this game to keep it alive. Without the modders your game and company would die just like Test Drive Unlimited 2 game and Atari.
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Alot of users in this thread has some valid points. But is sad to see some ppl defend a company that doesn't care about you and me at all. And they are not the only company btw. Almost any company out there will cut corners to save their worthless piece of papers ($$$)

As a PC user I get so upset when I pay for good hardware only to play shitty ported console games. My PC right now is more powerful than the new PS4. Or very close at least. I'm not into consoles at all, so have no idea about the spec's to 100%. But in a few months or so, my PC will crush the PS4 to dust. But the games will still be developed for the current console spec's and the cycle repeats till the next release of consoles.

This Console vs Console "war" is so ridiculous. I don't hate consoles per say, everyone is ofc entitled to play on whatever system they like. But I get really mad when I as a PC user needs to put up with the shitty ports. When I bought Skyrim, I was ready to throw up, because the UI was so terrible. Everything is so dumbed down. As PC user, I shouldn't need to MOD my game just to make it feel like a PC game.

The First CM Rally game was pretty damn fun. At least the Rally part. I played the same levels for months. A whole Championship over and over and over. Then came CM2. The driving was improved, but game itself was just dumbed down. A few rally stages here and there but the rest was just annoying as hell. CM3. I gave up after just a few levels. You spent more time in menus pressing Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter.

Same as with the F1 games. First one was okay in my eyes. Had great potential to evolve to something really great to the next release. And when the next release came, it was just... awful. 10 steps back. I only completed one season. Every race I was hoping that "maybe this time it will finally happen something..." It never did. I gave up on the F1 games after that. I have still checked on them on the Tube but even a monkey would agree it's the same package. Packed in a new shiny box only. You can't polish a turd.

Game industry today is a big pool of goo. In the old days, gaming was supposed to bring joy and for some a great tool to escape reality for a few hours, has turned into a nightmare.

As long as ppl are paying for releases/dlc that are crap (and defend them like they are the best thing ever) there will never be a change.
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It's your money you spend it how you like it ...
After 4 years of the same thing same animations over and over and over and over with absolutely no options of turning them off, it has become blatantly clear they do not care about us as a consumer.

They gave us absolutely no choices just bits and pieces they think we'd like ... you'd think after 4 years at it they'd have the common courtesy to do a survey on what we'd like in the game .. we deserve this common courtesy don't you agree for most of you have been very loyal to them?

Dont get into internet fighting over the way someone wants to spend their money .... calling people troll is a typical internet tough guy reactions ... as we all know real tough men do not troll online acting tough.

Many moons ago fat and not so good looking people are regularly bullied on a daily basis... nowadays thanks to the internet these bully victims hide behind their keyboard calling everyone TROLL and acting like a real tough guy with the loudest most obnoxious comments all over the internet.

You got absolutely no right to call people troll unless you bought the games for me you can call me whatever you like .. until then it's my money and i'll spend it how i'd like to.

The almighty tough guys calling people are saying they have seen similar posts like mine? Wow you still dont get it? There are a lot of not so many sheeps out there who want changes !!!! This is 2014 almost yeah? Not 1980s.....

If you dont change your attitude then we are going to get inferior consoles after consoles coming out and games will continue to be ported over from those inferior machines until the day we all die.

It's 2014 we are in the space age ... not prehistoric age .... demand it or become a victim of the profiteers. Dont be a sheep be the shepherd.

ATI + Nvidia + microsoft + Apple + Sony = are destroying technology they are taking us backward into the cartoon age pretending to be real characters .... we are supposed to be in the photorealism world of gaming 10 years ago instead we got these profiteers destroying everything gaming was supposed to be !!!!!

Join us come to the modern world ... forget the Type 0 human civilizations ... if you dont they will enslave you forever along with your children and theirs. The greedy profiteers exist because of you.

If you keep paying for it they will keep on making it ....
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@Daniel Linder its not defending this particular company per se but the general principle.

As a matter of fact I have more reasons not to like them than that are posted in this entire thread. Can write a book of RD's endeavors with some people at Codemasters/Namco Bandai over the years since the release of F1 2010 but thats a whole different story and you will not see me opening threads about on the forum shouting that people should not buy their games. On the contrary, people can disagree with each other but you can still agree on enjoying a game.

Its just silly that one company gets all the blame here from two people that know it all without using facts but merely assumptions and twisted interpretations of they think is the truth/universe.

If you nail it down to the fact that making games has become serious business with millions at stake its really simple. Massive gaming studios selling games is about profit and nothing else, which is fine as that is how every large company does. They need to have some proper return on the investments made and with an official F1 license those investments are huge, really huge.

If you want love and personal attention you buy your bread at the local bakery not at the mega mall. That choice you can make with games as well. Buy a game from an indie developer if you want love and attention and the guarantee that a game is build for your enjoyment and not for profit per se.

Still its not a valid reason to go to the Mega Mall and shout to everybody that can hear it that their bread sucks and you will never buy it and then sneaky pirate the bread (or should I say that you are eating this bread to help a friend (link) to get rid of it @Hawaiian Guy?). If thats what Type 1 humans do, then i dont want to be part of it and happily stay with the Type 0 peeps.
@Daniel Linder Massive gaming studios selling games is about profit and nothing else.

That's the kind of attitude the profiteers just loveeeeeeeee~~~!

If you keep paying for it they will keep on making it - you are the reasons why the profiteers do what they do. All i'm asking for are options is that asking too much? This is why our computers still cant draw circles because people keep buying those graphic cards and paying over $2000 for some of those video cards.
People are accepting cartoon characters instead of photorealistic characters of Vettel or other drivers.

Give me the options to disable the stupid animations i had to press ENTER almost 10 times every time i wanna race.
Well its a forum and everybody is entitled to voice their (positive or negative) opinion of course and others can agree or disagree with them in a discussion.

But pirating all the games of the last two years and then have the guts to complain about it rules them out from further discussions that's for sure.
Its just silly that one company gets all the blame here from two people that know it all without using facts but merely assumptions and twisted interpretations of they think is the truth/universe.

That is quite frankly an outrage. I brought MANY examples of 'the good old days' and how it once was and also how it should be (my personal opinion.) Stating I would not have done so is incorrect and showcases a clear BIAS towards YOUR viewpoint instead of having a proper debate.
You indeed brought opinions but forgot the facts or at least drew conclusions that are verifiable not true.

And if you want I don't mind summing them up for you tomorrow after a good night sleep. Really don't mind a debate if you are open to facts.

Oh and post #107 wasn't directed at you. At least I think it isn't. Depends if you are also a pirate?
Another intelligent guy accusing people of pirating .. the internet is now full of tough guys and bullies.

He must also think single guys using internet are downloading porns illegally too...

Or maybe an old man using internet is also a pedophile.

Such intelligence .... maybe single dudes are all rapists too right?

Using bandwagon fallacy to discredit people just goes to show where his intelligence lies.

I dont answer to bullies dont bother trying to engage me any further.
If paying to support a site like RD and all i get in return is being accused of being a pirate (just because i play on my friends computer and consoles) then i think i have to have a rethink about my support.

It seems i'm not only just wasting my money on games ...
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Look guys.....simmer down. It's one thing to have a debate it's another to drift into a mud-battle about who said what on here. After all we can read it.

Nevertheless. Two points stick out to me, that are the true nature of this post:

1. PC users have to settle for second best due to almost al games (incl. F1 2013) being console ports

2. The gaming industry is not catering quality any longer - it's all fast-food-consumption software these days.

Both of the above are true and factual. I don't like it. Hawaiian Guy does not like it. We both feel short-changed by CM-and rightly so. Bram and some others don' care. That's fine, but sad at the same time.

That is all there is. Tell me if I am wrong now.
Look guys.....simmer down. It's one thing to have a debate it's another to drift into a mud-battle about who said what on here. After all we can read it.

Nevertheless. Two points stick out to me, that are the true nature of this post:

1. PC users have to settle for second best due to almost al games (incl. F1 2013) being console ports

2. The gaming industry is not catering quality any longer - it's all fast-food-consumption software these days.

Both of the above are true and factual. I don't like it. Hawaiian Guy does not like it. We both feel short-changed by CM-and rightly so. Bram and some others don' care. That's fine, but sad at the same time.

That is all there is. Tell me if I am wrong now.

1. In the majority of cases this is true. Console games that have been ported to PC are generally not quite as good as games that are specifically designed for PC. (Crysis 1 vs Crysis 2 anyone?).

However in the case of F1 2013, it sounds like the PC version has it much better than the console version. A lot more of the people on Xbox and PS3 seem to be complaining about bugs etc. and a lot more can be done to fix these problems on a PC, which is nice :)

There also seems to be a lot more bugs on the console that simply don't exist on PC. Like people on the Codemasters forums are reporting bugs on their console version that I haven never come across ever since 2010.

2. I can't vouch for that, as I have no experience as to how the gaming industry works. Lol.

Perhaps I've been incredibly lucky, but in F1 2013 I've only experienced 1 bug in my time playing it since it's release, and that is the rubbering line bug, which was fixed in one of the patches.
People who have "dont care" attitude seems to treat everyone else accordingly. This is exactly why those profiteers will keep on doing what they have been doing over the past 15 years.

Defamation, Libel and Slander are legal liabilities .... just becareful who you accuse of pirating games in public where someone's reputation is being publicly ridiculed and damaged.

If i was a pirate i sure as hell wouldn't pay to support websites that treats me like a dog.

What Are Defamation, Libel and Slander?
Generally speaking, defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Slander involves the making of defamatory statements by a transitory (non-fixed) representation, usually an oral (spoken) representation. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

Typically, the elements of a cause of action for defamation include:

  1. A false and defamatory statement concerning another;
  2. The unprivileged publication of the statement to a third party (that is, somebody other than the person defamed by the statement);
  3. If the defamatory matter is of public concern, fault amounting at least to negligence on the part of the publisher; and
  4. Damage to the plaintiff.
In the context of defamation law, a statement is "published" when it is made to the third party. That term does not mean that the statement has to be in print.

Damages are typically to the reputation of the plaintiff, but depending upon the laws of the jurisdiction it may be enough to establish mental anguish.

Most jurisdictions also recognize "per se" defamation, where the allegations are presumed to cause damage to the plaintiff. Typically, the following may constitute defamation per se:

  • Attacks on a person's professional character or standing;
  • Allegations that an unmarried person is unchaste;
  • Allegations that a person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease;
  • Allegations that the person has committed a crime of moral turpitude;
While actions for defamation have their roots in common law, most jurisdictions have now enacted statutes which modify the common law. They may change the elements of the cause of action, limit when an action may be filed, or modify the defenses to an action for defamation. Some may even require that the defendant be given an opportunity to apologize before the plaintiff can seek non-economic damages.
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Look guys.....simmer down. It's one thing to have a debate it's another to drift into a mud-battle about who said what on here. After all we can read it.

Nevertheless. Two points stick out to me, that are the true nature of this post:

1. PC users have to settle for second best due to almost al games (incl. F1 2013) being console ports

2. The gaming industry is not catering quality any longer - it's all fast-food-consumption software these days.

Both of the above are true and factual. I don't like it. Hawaiian Guy does not like it. We both feel short-changed by CM-and rightly so. Bram and some others don' care. That's fine, but sad at the same time.

That is all there is. Tell me if I am wrong now.

You nailed it. When I was younger, and bought a game. I knew it was going to be awesome and high quality.. And often when I came home from the store, to install the game, there were updates that actually fixed bugs. And sometimes bugs didn't happen to me at all. But the knowledge was there anyway, in case my game behaved bad. Now these days, you have no idea if the game is gonna be good at all. Screenshots are edited to look better. Gameplay videos is nothing like the actually finished product. Content is cut out from the game, to sell as DLC later on. etc etc.

I know piracy isn't allowed to be spoken in a positive way, but I understand why it's so wide spread. I'm not ashamed to admit I download games first to test them out.
If I like the game, and feel that the company deserves my money, i will happy give it to them and buy the game later on. If I hate the game, and feel it's complete garbage, well, I have just saved €49.99. Demos are rare this days, so why should I trust a company that is prolly built on lies and deceit?

All my friends has the exact same mentality. There are even moments when friends says to me "you will like this game, trust me" so sometimes I don't even need to play the game and buy it right away. And 8 out of 10 times, they were right.

To purchase games today is like playing Russian Roulette.
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