F1 2013 Why i refused to buy F1 2011 to F1 2013 ...

F1 2013 The Game (Codemasters)
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Hawaiian Guy

Banned on request
Codemaster still have not learn their lessons after 4 goes at it making the same F1 that are no different to any releases.... want people like me to buy the game then let me be part of the game .. i want to feel as if i am racing in the game i want to earn money and buy expensive equipments for my cars as i go along in my racing career.

i want to be able to customize the way i look, i want to upload my photo into the driver profile so i can look like me in the game.

If you wont let me do that then good bye to you company man ... you dont deserve my money.

This sort of games is for people who want to race in a car they can never do in real life and to make it as close as possible for my fantasy to come close is to allow me to customize the game by adding myself into the driver seats .....

I want to be able to unlock parts that will improve my cars and earn money to purchase good parts to make my car better.

This is the reason why i only race in cockpit view mode because i want to be totally in the game as me racing against the F1 best drivers :) Let me be in the game and part of the game ...

The online races are a total disaster still ... after all these years ....

Still no Audio commentary during replay mode? Oh my lazy or just cant be bothered coding that in?

Got me once in 2010 but you wont get me ever again ... lucky for you company man there are thousands of talented people that modded this game to keep it alive. Without the modders your game and company would die just like Test Drive Unlimited 2 game and Atari.
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I won't entertain pirated games either. If I can't afford it, I simply won't get it. For what ever reason you justify piracy its theft in the eyes of the law.....period!! And it will ultimately destroy the entertainment you love and enjoy and drive prices up.
@Daniel Linder its not defending this particular company per se but the general principle.

As a matter of fact I have more reasons not to like them than that are posted in this entire thread. Can write a book of RD's endeavors with some people at Codemasters/Namco Bandai over the years since the release of F1 2010 but thats a whole different story and you will not see me opening threads about on the forum shouting that people should not buy their games. On the contrary, people can disagree with each other but you can still agree on enjoying a game.

Its just silly that one company gets all the blame here from two people that know it all without using facts but merely assumptions and twisted interpretations of they think is the truth/universe.

If you nail it down to the fact that making games has become serious business with millions at stake its really simple. Massive gaming studios selling games is about profit and nothing else, which is fine as that is how every large company does. They need to have some proper return on the investments made and with an official F1 license those investments are huge, really huge.

If you want love and personal attention you buy your bread at the local bakery not at the mega mall. That choice you can make with games as well. Buy a game from an indie developer if you want love and attention and the guarantee that a game is build for your enjoyment and not for profit per se.

Still its not a valid reason to go to the Mega Mall and shout to everybody that can hear it that their bread sucks and you will never buy it and then sneaky pirate the bread (or should I say that you are eating this bread to help a friend (link) to get rid of it @Hawaiian Guy?). If thats what Type 1 humans do, then i dont want to be part of it and happily stay with the Type 0 peeps.

Yeah, I know it's all about making profit. And that in itself is sad. But ofc, they need to get their money back. That's the system we use for now, and I don't think it will ever disappear. Unless there are going to be some kind of revolution.
I won't entertain pirated games either. If I can't afford it, I simply won't get it. For what ever reason you justify piracy its theft in the eyes of the law.....period!! And it will ultimately destroy the entertainment you love and enjoy and drive prices up.

I don't really justify piracy per say, but I understand why it's wide spread. Companies today lie and deceit. All to just earn some extra $$. So called game reviewers are getting bribed to give games a high score, and screenshoots , videos and god knows what are edited to look better. And then they get mad when a games gets pirated, when they are doing crimes themselves. Not to mention how some treat customers like garbage. I remember when I bought Dragon Age 2. The first one was awesome, but there were always room for improvement. I mean, it's Bioware, what can go wrong? So when I finally beat DA2, I was mad and angry. The quality and just about anything with the game was a huge step back. So I decided to voice my opinion on the Bioware forum. Now, I was polite, and pointed out things that I thought was really good and things that were less good or just pure awkward. What happen? They banned me. One post and I got banned. And I was not the only one either. This topic was quite "popular" and stirred up some heavy debates. But anyone who said something bad about the game, was banned. That was the last time I decided to support Bioware. And this is just one of many things.

So when I say that I don't justify piracy per say, I really do understand why so many do it.
I do it to on some occasions. It's nothing I'm proud of doing, but there is just no other options when it comes to games. Demos today are very rare. Content are cut from the game, and then sold as DLC. And game industry as whole is just a big fat lie.

The closest comparison I can think of, is if you want to buy a new car or new guitar. You just don't go into the store and buy it. You test it out. And depending on the item, you may test it 100 times before you make up your mind.

Okay, feels like I got very OT atm. But I still agree with many users in this thread.
We want options, and a product that is well made and actually having some thoughts behind it. Not a same package that has been used over and over again.
So called game reviewers are getting bribed to give games a high score

That's one conspiracy theory that I think is highly plausible. Look at the Call of Duty franchise and IGN.
IGN give their games like 9/10 every year. When the game is really nothing more than a few new badges and awards added on to the previous years game. That's about it.

IMO the cod games are probably a 5 to 6/10. But no way are they a 9/10.
I wont reply any further if this childish behavior doesn't end.

Please, please keep to the above statement and we will be all happy.

Slice the mainbrace me hearty's. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. :D:sneaky:

Piracy should not be tolerated in any way.
I know piracy isn't allowed to be spoken in a positive way, but I understand why it's so wide spread. I'm not ashamed to admit I download games first to test them out.
If I like the game, and feel that the company deserves my money, i will happy give it to them and buy the game later on. If I hate the game, and feel it's complete garbage, well, I have just saved €49.99.

All my friends has the exact same mentality. There are even moments when friends says to me "you will like this game, trust me"
To purchase games today is like playing Russian Roulette.

I cannot believe you have typed this out for all to see. :confused: You should be ashamed because it's theft and you have lost your morals.

You deliberately download pirated games? And you are saying if you like the game you will or might purchase it? I would hope the staff here delete you asap.

What if we all did that? What a state the industry would be in. This is why the PC gaming industry is just a shadow of it's former self and why we see such draconian DRM. I detest criminals like you. You have ruined the PC games industry. This is why consoles have taken over isn't it?

How about I steal a car and if I like it I then go and buy one? Or steal some food, if it tastes good I'll buy it?
I am gobsmacked. :mad:
I won't entertain pirated games either. If I can't afford it, I simply won't get it. For what ever reason you justify piracy its theft in the eyes of the law.....period!! And it will ultimately destroy the entertainment you love and enjoy and drive prices up.

That statement is the JOKE OF THE CENTURY! I heard this 20 years ago when they introduced CDs with copy protection, that at the time was uncrackable. Has it changed the pricing? No. Then came the consoles and pirating was out of action. Did it lower the prices? No! Then comes MS stating that second hand sales destroy the market. Even more the joke of the century. I understand why you guys, as owners of this website, cannot have a different opinion officially. But if you now tell me you NEVER EVER have copied a game you did not own I call you a liar! Sorry mate, but this is just plain unreal.

Plus it's not abut piracy, it's about gaming companies using every trick in the book to get our dollars. No matter the cost! (Pun intended btw.)

Then you come along with your white-washed attitude and comment like that on here? C'me on man get a grip. Seriously.

P.S.: The reason I am angry is btw, that I bought every single edition of the F1 series in the hopes it would get better. Every year I give them the benefit of the doubt (and because I can afford it), and get ass raped by those unethical, lieing, bastards from Birmingham. Hawaiian calls them the profiteers, I call them gaming-con-artists. Dev on PC and port to console. Now THAT would be a change of pace would it not be?
I won't entertain pirated games either. If I can't afford it, I simply won't get it. For what ever reason you justify piracy its theft in the eyes of the law.....period!! And it will ultimately destroy the entertainment you love and enjoy and drive prices up.

Totally agree with you Justin. :thumbsup:

Theft is theft. No justification at all.
But if you now tell me you NEVER EVER have copied a game you did not own I call you a liar! Sorry mate, but this is just plain unreal.

I know you aimed this at Justin, but I take offence too. I have never copied a game, nor movie come to think of it. I buy all mine and have done since the early 80's. What makes you think that it is ok to steal?
I cannot believe you have typed this out for all to see. :confused: You should be ashamed because it's theft and you have lost your morals.

You deliberately download pirated games? And you are saying if you like the game you will or might purchase it? I would hope the staff here delete you asap.

What if we all did that? What a state the industry would be in. This is why the PC gaming industry is just a shadow of it's former self and why we see such draconian DRM. I detest criminals like you. You have ruined the PC games industry. This is why consoles have taken over isn't it?

How about I steal a car and if I like it I then go and buy one? Or steal some food, if it tastes good I'll buy it?
I am gobsmacked. :mad:

I might get banned, so be it. I just hope the staff can see beyond that and actually see what I am trying to say. And you completely missed my point. Gaming companies is using every trick and lies and use deceit to further push their agenda. To sell games. To get profit. No matter the cost. They cut content of games, and then sell it as DLC. They bribe and cut corners. And we all just sit back, quietly and let it happen. They are sueing each other for claiming that " that mechanic was ours, we made that" and for using certain words in titles, Like Scrolls (from the Elder Scrolls Series) the game industry has crashed a few times already, and it wasn't due to piracy or DRM. It was due to profit. (thanks to the monetary system)
So don't come and tell me that we have ruined the game industry. It does so pretty good by itself. this time It started ruin itself when it decided it was much cheaper to make console games due to the hardware limit and then port it to PC. And then the DLC business came. Deliberate cut content out of the game, and then sell it, just to milk a few more dollars from you and me.

It's not strange that EA has won the price for the worst company, since they show pretty well how far they are willing to go, to make cash. Capcom is on the brink on bankruptcy due to how they treat their fans, and cut content to sell later on. And also how they have taken a step back from what made them so good and popular in the past. Just to earn a few more dollars. This has nothing to do with piracy. It all comes down to the business model they are using.

Also, I am 100% sure more than 80% of the members of RaceDepartment has something on their computers that is not theirs. Pictures, Music, Videos, Games, Novels, Programs etc etc. Even all the Avatars, I pretty sure many many members don't have permission to use some of them. So that makes them criminals as well, I guess.
That's one conspiracy theory that I think is highly plausible. Look at the Call of Duty franchise and IGN.
IGN give their games like 9/10 every year. When the game is really nothing more than a few new badges and awards added on to the previous years game. That's about it.

IMO the cod games are probably a 5 to 6/10. But no way are they a 9/10.

It has actually surfaced, that one guy from IGN stepped forward and said that they do indeed received bribe money to put a larger score on certain games CoD was one of them. He also said that this has happen to other titles as well. It is rumored that GameSpot also does this, but none has stepped forward and can confirm it. So that may not be true at all. But you never know.
It has actually surfaced, that one guy from IGN stepped forward and said that they do indeed received bribe money to put a larger score on certain games CoD was one of them. He also said that this has happen to other titles as well. It is rumored that GameSpot also does this, but none has stepped forward and can confirm it. So that may not be true at all. But you never know.

I am honestly not surprised that IGN does receive bribes. I mean, the only game in recent memory that clearly was not bribing IGN was Need For Speed: Undercover. That had to be the funniest game review I've ever seen, because the guy reviewing it just ripped EA a new one, and basically chastised them for such a crappy effort. Seriously, go YouTube it, it's possibly the funniest review ever.

However, I can kind of understand the game developers point of view; they want their game to receive a good rating so that they sell more games, which gets them more money, which means they can continue to put food on the table.
I might get banned, so be it. I just hope the staff can see beyond that and actually see what I am trying to say. And you completely missed my point. Gaming companies is using every trick and lies and use deceit to further push their agenda. To sell games. To get profit. No matter the cost. They cut content of games, and then sell it as DLC. They bribe and cut corners.

I have not missed your point at all. You are not forced to buy games in the first place. The fact that they are ripping us off is a fact but that does not condone piracy. If food is expensive and twice as much as last year, it does not give you the right to steal it. No one forces you to buy EA's or Codemasters games and if you do not buy them, you certainly should not be a member here.
I am honestly not surprised that IGN does receive bribes. I mean, the only game in recent memory I can remember that clearly was not bribing IGN was Need For Speed: Undercover. That had to be the funniest game review I've ever seen, because the guy reviewing it just ripped EA a new one, and basically chastised them for such a crappy effort. Seriously, go YouTube it, it's possibly the funniest review ever.

However, I can kind of understand the game developers point of view; they want their game to receive a good rating so that they sell more games, which gets them more money, which means they can continue to put food on the table.

Well, true. In a way. But putting food on the table by using bribes... That's is illegal. Or I hope it is. Because to me that sounds like it's a felony. They could at least be honest and put a gun to my head instead and robe me :x3:
Everyone has a choice not to support company's that they think are ripping them off, don't buy it!! If it's not good enough to buy then it's not good enough to install a dodgy copy surely? I'vespent nearly 2 grand on my setup and I'm buggered if I'm going to jeopardise the integrity of my machine by putting something on it that might install something sinister on my machine or cause my steam account to shut down for using illegal software. So no.... I do NOT have illegal software on my pc/ps3/Xbox/tablet and do on.

The energy firms rip us off on a monthly basis but I'm not going to steal gas from them or tap into somebody else's supply. I just shop around and take my bubusiness elsewhere if I can.
Hi all,

I have taken a somewhat superficial view of this thread over the weekend but felt compelled to respond this morning.

@Mark – I somewhat agree with you about the quality of the F1 games. I purchased F12010 (PS3) and enjoyed it immensely, dynamic weather was a real boon although the pit stop bug where you would get dropped to the back of the field broke it badly. 2 patches were released for the PS3 and Code masters were well aware that problems persisted but it was made clear that development of F12011 had to start.

F12011 (PC) Again enjoyed, yes there were bugs but I still look back and think it was the best of the series that I played

F12012 (PS3) - Rain in Bahrain (!!?!), broken weather transitions for shorter races, rain pouring from the sky, yet the track would stay 'dry' so wet weather tires were useless until you saw the AI pit, at which point you knew you could use wets. Out of all the F1 games, 2012 got the least play time and I heeded my lesson about buying F12013.

F12013 – I don’t own this for the above reasons, but I don’t discount it either but my decision will be based on what real people say in forums and not marketing hype, and after being burned I will certainly wait for a lower price and all the patches to be released.

In short, with the F1x series Code masters are on a yearly release schedule – software engineering is a complicated beast and thus stability and refinement come at the cost of innovation. If the demand exists for a yearly game, Code masters will ensure they get one.

This is why I made the decision to invest more time into rFactor2. I have been on the Beta programme since the 85 build and 17 months later the team at ISI have moved the product forward, yes innovation is slower but the game is just more stable and in my opinion solid as a racer as the pressure to release something 'new' is not as paramount.
I have not missed your point at all. You are not forced to buy games in the first place. The fact that they are ripping us off is a fact but that does not condone piracy. If food is expensive and twice as much as last year, it does not give you the right to steal it. No one forces you to buy EA's or Codemasters games and if you do not buy them, you certainly should not be a member here.

Well, since I am member here, and race in the R07 club, I have purchased all the games.
Tyrone, I think I know what you trying to say. You just said it wrong :p
The thing is, if it wasnt for the modders, the game would die in a year, Who plays F1 2011? Not many people Im sure.
CM have tried to make the game as fresh as possible using a budget. With the mods, you can do a hell of a lot. Except have adoring fans bowing to you.:cool:
For F1 fans, the game is great and play it or leave it. There are a lot of other car games you could try and dont stress. Its a great game. :D
If you paid £52 for a game (and we don't) and only played it for a mere 1 hour per week, that £1 per hour of entertainment! How is that bad value for money?
It doesn't cost that much to buy most games and we play them a damn sight more than an hour a week on average.
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