Why is it bogus to predict the death of the United States of America?

The microchip thing is fairly plausible though, I'd imagine that there are plenty of people who at least would want to do that. The struggle for control of the world's resources is also nothing new, but the idea that one entity could seriously hope to control all of them is a little bit insane.
It´s not fairly plausible, it is the future of personal belongings.
Just like we don´t walk around with a wheel barrel of coins when the economy is bad we won´t go around with coins in our pocket or bringing credit cards with us everywhere we go.
As well as driver´s license etc.
Everything will be stored in a chip, when the technology is there the process will most likely be absolutely painless at that.

The idea to control the world is as old as man. This has been the goal of many human beings since day 1.
Nothing has changed since then, well except technology and the fact that if you get big enough you can actually do just that.

You think of it as we will be like Jews and mistreated. It´s not like that.
Their goal will be to make us feel comfortable being "enslaved" so to speak.
Just as you are perfectly fine with paying taxes upon taxes and literally working 3-4 months per year completely for free, all of that goes directly to the governments.

Right now what we are seeing is the Big Brother phase. London is packed with cameras, schools are packed with it and eventually all places around the world will house cameras everywhere except in your own home and public toilets.

I actually do not have the slightest doubts that occasionally, clandestine events happen. Watergate, assassinations of various leaders or hey, even the Catiline conspiracy :D are fairly well-known examples.
And you still stand there in doubt waiting for the Government to release documents before you believe it. Hasn´t history shown enough? Clearly not.

The problem with conspiracy theorists however is that "it's a conspiracy!" is the default explanation they use for any political event.
That´s because most are conspiracies.
And it starts to become apparent when things arise, things which you would brush off while another person that can think clearly can see that there´s definitely something not right here.
9/11, Oklahoma City Bombing, WACO, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq war, Afghanistan war, Vietnam etc etc.

It´s all bullshit propaganda and to think that the war on terror is real is a joke in of itself.
It´s the same with the war on drugs. You think if there was a real war on drugs they would have figured out a long time ago banks were laundering their money..
You know why they never figured that out? Because banksters are part of the global game.

And what was the punishment for the banks? Nothing. Nobody went to jail.
2008 Economic crash, watch Inside Job, it´s crystal clear the bankers knew what they were doing when the persuaded the US Government to de-regulate the markets.
They knew all along because they knew that it was never their money that would be lost but us the people´s money.

USA is called Corporate America for a reason. It´s because it´s run by Bankers and massive Corporations.
This is why FBI kept quiet on hit-lists for occupy wall street. Who would want them dead?
Bankers and big Corporations.

I can´t understand how you can not piece the puzzle together, it´s not that hard to objectively look at what is happening every single day and see what their goal is.

And most of the time, there is nothing special going on whatsoever.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
This is what i have been saying all the time "well it wasn´t that bad"
What you can´t see it´s just another piece of the puzzle.

It´s a bit like Police managing to bust a cocaine transport. If you were a cop there you would say "well done boys we have managed to get all the cocaine off the streets"
While other people would say "are you serious, this is just a drop in the ocean, there´s a whole business behind this cocaine trade and we need to take them down"

To elaborate on the Jew thing: Jews have been mistreated in not just Germany but all of Europe for pretty much the last thousand years or so. And that doesn't just mean light discrimination but goes right down to serious persecution and political violence. Post WWI, anti-Semite sentiments were extremely common among the German public. The Nazis were not particularly secretive about their intentions, the reason they succeeded is simply that they were not alone with their opinions (though most of the German public probably did not intent to go as far).
Consequently, what happened after 1933 did not come as a particularly big surprise for German Jews. The problem is that they simply couldn't do much about it. Most Germans were not willing to help them and emigration was difficult and obviously became close to impossible as soon as the Nazis came to power. Additionally, they wouldn't have been treated any different in the SU and France wasn't particularly friendly towards them either. Therefore, you can't really say that they didn't "listen to the conspiracy theorists".

Yes Jews have been kicked out from over 100 countries.

Why? Because first of all they think they are better then other human beings, they are the chosen people.
this alone causes problems.
Second of all, if you haven´t noticed they have basically taken over all of USA through FED, Banks like Goldman Sach´s, Lehman Brothers and Media Corporations so they control very important parts of the playing field.
This is why they are getting kicked out. Because they rather choose a Jew that doesn´t know **** instead of an "outsider" that has all the qualifications necessary to begin with.

And stop saying the Jews had any idea they were going to be exterminated, that´s the dumbest thing i have ever heard and it´s a slap in the face to the people who died.

They had NO IDEA they were being exterminated. They had no idea where they were going when they got on the trains.
Starting to piss me off with that now.

France would have treated them better but they were scared and Germany had them in a choke hold where they walked freely on the streets and treated very good.

I´m sure a few listened to "conspiracy theorists", people who knew about the concentration camps and they probably dodged a bullet there too.

Schindler saved 1200 Jews, imagine if they had not belived him and said "nope i´d rather stay in this train k thanks bye"

If you truly believe that there are any similarities between Nazi Germany and present-day America, you are in need of a serious history lesson.
Oh there are...

In fact, USA right now is more efficient at killing people then Hitler was during his prime.
Just that they go about things in a different way then Hitler.

You think they only brought over Nazi´s to USA for a technology boost? Please..
It's a large post and you made a lot of points so I am going to work my way through it bit by bit. But my overall impression is that we actually do not completely disagree on most things. The main difference is just that you a) are willing to jump to conclusions whereas I do not accept something without compelling evidence and b) you always suspect a conspiracy whereas I think it's usually just another case of people being selfish and acting according to what is in their best interest.

It´s not fairly plausible, it is the future of personal belongings.
Just like we don´t walk around with a wheel barrel of coins when the economy is bad we won´t go around with coins in our pocket or bringing credit cards with us everywhere we go.
As well as driver´s license etc.
Everything will be stored in a chip, when the technology is there the process will most likely be absolutely painless at that.
This is mere fact, not much to debate here. But it seems we draw different conclusions from it. You seem to see a concerted effort to monitor every person at all times. I think people just want to use it because it's practical and technological companies just want to provide that service because that's what they do. Sure, there are probably going to be some scandals where a company accesses/collects information it is not privy to in order to get an advantage compared to its competitors, etc. but that doesn't mean there is anything more to it.

The idea to control the world is as old as man. This has been the goal of many human beings since day 1.
Nothing has changed since then, well except technology and the fact that if you get big enough you can actually do just that.
Agree on the idea part, but I severely doubt it is becoming easier or even possible. I'd say that Alexander the Great still had the best shot pulling it off and it's only gotten harder since then.
Just as you are perfectly fine with paying taxes upon taxes and literally working 3-4 months per year completely for free, all of that goes directly to the governments.
Nobody likes paying taxes, but a government isn't necessarily a bad thing. Some basic services can only be provided by the state because outsourcing certain things such as law enforcement only leads to corruption. And the U.S. are a prime example for what happens if education and the health care system are in private hands. People who grow up in poor families do not have the same shot at life. Hence, paying some taxes is a necessary evil.
Right now what we are seeing is the Big Brother phase. London is packed with cameras, schools are packed with it and eventually all places around the world will house cameras everywhere except in your own home and public toilets.
Again, this could be interpreted as a secret effort to build a surveillance state. But quite frankly, isn't it much more plausible the the London police merely wants to have an easier time doing its job (notwithstanding the question if cameras are the right way to do that)? And apparently they also have the support of the public which actually demands more cameras (read this somewhere recently, I guess its fairly plausible so I won't bother searching for the source) because it makes them feel safer (again, you could debate whether it actually does, but that is simply not the point here).
And you still stand there in doubt waiting for the Government to release documents before you believe it. Hasn´t history shown enough? Clearly not.
I don't care who releases the documents, but without credible evidence, assuming a conspiracy is mere conjecture and that's not helping anyone.
That´s because most are conspiracies.
That's just a hypothesis without any statistical evidence.

And it starts to become apparent when things arise, things which you would brush off while another person that can think clearly can see that there´s definitely something not right here.
9/11, Oklahoma City Bombing, WACO, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq war, Afghanistan war, Vietnam etc etc.

Merely citing an event for which one of many explanations is a conspiracy is not evidence.
It´s all bullshit propaganda and to think that the war on terror is real is a joke in of itself.
Just because the war on terror is not going particularly well doesn't mean there is a conspiracy.
It´s the same with the war on drugs. You think if there was a real war on drugs they would have figured out a long time ago banks were laundering their money..
Conjecture. Sure, there is not the slightest doubt about the fact that many officials who are supposed to combat drug trafficking are benefiting massively from it, but that doesn't mean that the whole thing is a sham. It's just the usual: some people are greedy. That's all there is to it.
And what was the punishment for the banks? Nothing. Nobody went to jail.
That's simply not true.

2008 Economic crash, watch Inside Job, it´s crystal clear the bankers knew what they were doing when the persuaded the US Government to de-regulate the markets.
They knew all along because they knew that it was never their money that would be lost but us the people´s money.
Of course. I don't see what's surprising about this. People are selfish. Doesn't mean they are trying to control the world.
I can´t understand how you can not piece the puzzle together, it´s not that hard to objectively look at what is happening every single day and see what their goal is.
Pivotal difference between your and my stance. We don't differ much on the individual pieces, but as opposed to you I don't think they form any kind of puzzle. It's just individuals who want a full bank account, a Ferrari and a house in Switzerland. Additionally, never discount the factor of human errors. Coincidences which may look like conspiracies are statistically bound to happen.

It´s a bit like Police managing to bust a cocaine transport. If you were a cop there you would say "well done boys we have managed to get all the cocaine off the streets"
While other people would say "are you serious, this is just a drop in the ocean, there´s a whole business behind this cocaine trade and we need to take them down"
No, it works like this: Top cop says "alright boys, there is a whole criminal organization here, but within the bounds of our legal system, we simply can't touch them. We do however have the chance to get that one cocaine transport. We all know it's just a drop in the ocean, but my boss wants to see results so he looks good in front of his boss (who also wants a promotion and so on), so let's make it look like more than it is. Better than nothing."

Yes Jews have been kicked out from over 100 countries.

Why? Because first of all they think they are better then other human beings, they are the chosen people.
this alone causes problems.
Second of all, if you haven´t noticed they have basically taken over all of USA through FED, Banks like Goldman Sach´s, Lehman Brothers and Media Corporations so they control very important parts of the playing field.
This is why they are getting kicked out. Because they rather choose a Jew that doesn´t know **** instead of an "outsider" that has all the qualifications necessary to begin with.
The Jewish community in the U.S. is extremely well-organized, but you can hardly hold that against them. If you had to fill a vacancy, with both an old friend and someone who probably has a bit more expertise than him applying for it, who would you pick? Most people, Jewish or not, would pick the former and not see anything bad about it.

And stop saying the Jews had any idea they were going to be exterminated, that´s the dumbest thing i have ever heard and it´s a slap in the face to the people who died.

They had NO IDEA they were being exterminated. They had no idea where they were going when they got on the trains.
Starting to piss me off with that now.
Okay, I suppose I should clarify here: Most Jews were not aware precisely how the Nazis intended to kill them, but with whole families simply vanishing, it wasn't difficult to figure out that things weren't going to end well for them. There were already a lot of political murders in the 1920s and the organized thugs of the Nazis were targeting Communists and Jews. It was obvious for the Jewish community that if the Nazis would come to power, things would get a lot worse. But there was simply nothing they could do about it.
France would have treated them better but they were scared and Germany had them in a choke hold where they walked freely on the streets and treated very good.
About the France part: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair
About the being treated very well in Germany: Seriously? They were discriminated against at every opportunity.
It's a large post and you made a lot of points so I am going to work my way through it bit by bit. But my overall impression is that we actually do not completely disagree on most things. The main difference is just that you a) are willing to jump to conclusions whereas I do not accept something without compelling evidence and b) you always suspect a conspiracy whereas I think it's usually just another case of people being selfish and acting according to what is in their best interest.

You're labeling him just like every other "conspiracy theorist" bland association. Who are you to say there is not compelling evidence? There's LOADS of it on a myriad of different events and scandals you just don't want to look at it. I consider myself a rational person and believe in coincidence, but once you get to 5 coincidences, 10, 20, 40, you have to give in and admit that things are not what they appeared to be. Is it really that crazy to believe that the people with power use their power to benefit themselves at the cost of others? Is it really that hard to believe the media promotes an agenda with the trend of its coverage?

I've posted this before but I'll do so again because it's relevant.

Isn't our "democracy" great?
Is it really that crazy to believe that the people with power use their power to benefit themselves at the cost of others?
Not at all. I wrote that multiple times and you even quoted it :O_o: But that's not a conspiracy, it's just part of the business. There is a difference between misusing one's power to sneak in a few extra thousand dollars per year (general practice among many politicians and business leaders) and Obama turning the U.S. into a fascist state (only happening in conspiracy theorists' heads).
Is it really that hard to believe the media promotes an agenda with the trend of its coverage?
There is no such thing as "the media". There are vastly different media outlets. They share some similarities (for example most of them now struggle for survival because of the competition through the internet), but the differences are far more important. Many of them are just local newspapers and TV stations whose main job consists of reporting on the local annual beer-drinking contest. Then there are populist tabloids who mainly cater to people with an IQ of <80 by overdramatizing every story in the most spectacular way but generally don't take sides in politics (they are on whichever side is capable of creating the biggest headline). Then, most successful and serious newspapers/TV stations are slightly leaning towards one political direction. Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is mainly directed at right-leaning people whereas Newspapers such as the NYT or the Guardian cater to the moderate left.
All these media outlets are in competition with each other and often vocally disagree with each other. So how could they possibly pursue ONE agenda?
As stated above, there is a common theme that money is currently in short supply, so even serious papers are increasingly willing to compromise their journalistic integrity and forego earnest articles in favor of sensationalist pieces. But that doesn't mean that they are pursuing the common agenda of keeping their readers in a constant state of fear, they really are just trying to pay their employees' salaries (or, as stated above, maybe a bit of a bonus for the suits upstairs).
You don't need to own 100% of every news outlet to own the media, you only need a certain percentage of the biggest names and the rest will follow. Do some reading on Rupert Murdoch.

He owns:

he Sun (United Kingdom)
The Times (London)
Sunday Times (London)
The New York Post
The Wall Street Journal
The Australian
The Daily Telegraph (Australia)
The Herald-Sun (Australia)
The Courier-Mail (Australia)
Dozens of community newspapers throughout Australia
Community Newspaper Group (United States)
Dow Jones Local Media Group
The Papua New Guinea Post-Courier
Financial News (London)
Vogue Australia


A 5 percent stake in MySpace
Fox Interactive Media
News Digital Media

Book publishing

Zondervan Publishing

Movies and television production

20th Century Fox
Fox Searchlight Pictures
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
20th Century Fox Television
A 39 percent stake in British Sky Broadcasting
SKY Italia
Star TV (India and China)

Cable television

Fox News
Fox Business Channel
Fox Movie Channel
Fox College Sports
FX Networks
A 50 percent stake in the National Geographic Channel
Speed Channel

Enough to make a noticeable difference in the news you see huh?
But that's not a conspiracy, it's just part of the business. There is a difference between misusing one's power to sneak in a few extra thousand dollars per year (general practice among many politicians and business leaders) and Obama turning the U.S. into a fascist state (only happening in conspiracy theorists' heads).

And by the way its not a few thousand dollars its more like 21 trillion.


And here's some parallel's between the US post 9/11 and Hitler's rise to power side by side.

You don't need to own 100% of every news outlet to own the media, you only need a certain percentage of the biggest names and the rest will follow. Do some reading on Rupert Murdoch.
Murdoch has (deservedly) gotten an incredible amount of bad press from all the media outlets he does not own. Precisely how is that "the rest will follow"?
Additionally, Murdoch does not have an agenda beyond making money and maybe promoting what he thinks is right (could just as well be that he thinks right-leaning media are more successful). But his newspapers etc. wouldn't be following a certain direction if that direction wasn't popular with their readers.
And by the way its not a few thousand dollars its more like 21 trillion.
I said a few thousand (though in some cases it's obviously a bit more) per person per year. What you quoted are the entire accumulated off-shore funds of rich people in general (not even from one country) and they are not even necessarily ill-gained. Something completely different.
It's a large post and you made a lot of points so I am going to work my way through it bit by bit. But my overall impression is that we actually do not completely disagree on most things. The main difference is just that you a) are willing to jump to conclusions whereas I do not accept something without compelling evidence and b) you always suspect a conspiracy whereas I think it's usually just another case of people being selfish and acting according to what is in their best interest.
No the main difference is that you are waiting on governments to tell the truth rather then look at what is happening and form a (most of the time) extremely basic and obvious opinion about what is really going on.

So US Government telling lies about WMD´s (sources which were a joke) then invade the country, break down their regime, get Halleburton down there to get many contract not just from US Government in building embassies the size of the vatican and undoubtedly is there for one reason and one reason alone. Oil.
It never had anything to do with Saddam because they actually used to help him and egg him on to invade other countries.

US Government is a terrorist and if you can´t see that and brush that off as "I think it's usually just another case of people being selfish and acting according to what is in their best interest."
Then you are a m...n, plain and simple.

I think it´s time you opened your eyes fully and actually looked at what is going on in the world instead of sitting and waiting for the very same government to release documents about themselves about their wrong-doings.
No the main difference is that you are waiting on governments to tell the truth rather then look at what is happening and form a (most of the time) extremely basic and obvious opinion about what is really going on.

So US Government telling lies about WMD´s (sources which were a joke) then invade the country, break down their regime, get Halleburton down there to get many contract not just from US Government in building embassies the size of the vatican and undoubtedly is there for one reason and one reason alone. Oil.
It never had anything to do with Saddam because they actually used to help him and egg him on to invade other countries.

US Government is a terrorist and if you can´t see that and brush that off as "I think it's usually just another case of people being selfish and acting according to what is in their best interest."
Then you are a m...n, plain and simple.

I think it´s time you opened your eyes fully and actually looked at what is going on in the world instead of sitting and waiting for the very same government to release documents about themselves about their wrong-doings.
What's your obsession with the government? I never said that I treat them as the only credible source for what is going on.
As a matter of fact...
So again.... a former President says this. And people are still like.....ummm....no can´t be true.
On the one hand you say that the government can't be trusted, but when a former president says something that supports your view you treat him as an impeccable source. Hypocritical much?
What's your obsession with the government? I never said that I treat them as the only credible source for what is going on.
As a matter of fact...

On the one hand you say that the government can't be trusted, but when a former president says something that supports your view you treat him as an impeccable source. Hypocritical much?
Obession? You keep saying it´s only minor stuff and thus should not be looked into anymore which is completely wrong.
You just ignore everything that goes against your world view when you know it´s not the right way.
Instead you are waiting for the very same government to tell the truth. That´s extremely ignorant.

Yea the President is NOT the government. As many Presidents have said throughout times they don´t really run sh*t.
If you listen to what they say it´s pretty clear after that. The President is merely a puppet or a face for the country, a guy that takes all the blame but he is not THE government.

Funny how you quote a text but completely disregard what was being said in the quote.
Maybe the head in the sand syndrome kicked in right there.

Behind the ostensible governments sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people
He was just a president what do he know, maybe one day the government will tell the truth when you are 99 and you can catch up to the rest of us.
Obession? You keep saying it´s only minor stuff and thus should not be looked into anymore which is completely wrong.
You just ignore everything that goes against your world view when you know it´s not the right way.
Instead you are waiting for the very same government to tell the truth. That´s extremely ignorant.

Yea the President is NOT the government. As many Presidents have said throughout times they don´t really run sh*t.
If you listen to what they say it´s pretty clear after that. The President is merely a puppet or a face for the country, a guy that takes all the blame but he is not THE government.

Funny how you quote a text but completely disregard what was being said in the quote.
Maybe the head in the sand syndrome kicked in right there.

He was just a president what do he know, maybe one day the government will tell the truth when you are 99 and you can catch up to the rest of us.
So then what is that "invisible government" concretely? Which people are its members? Precisely what are their goals? Is there an actual way to accomplish them? By which mechanism are they controlling the "puppet government"?
The idea of an invisible government that is pulling the strings behind the curtain may sound like a cool idea, but as soon as you try to find solid proof for the details of it and not just the foggy concept, you come up short. All you've got is a comment from a former president, who does nothing but state a hypothesis and provides no evidence to back it up
Not at all. I wrote that multiple times and you even quoted it :O_o: But that's not a conspiracy, it's just part of the business. There is a difference between misusing one's power to sneak in a few extra thousand dollars per year (general practice among many politicians and business leaders) and Obama turning the U.S. into a fascist state (only happening in conspiracy theorists' heads).

Well, one's stance on government and media often is influenced by what is happening (or not happening) in one's life. People who are going through a rough time right now (unemployment, family matters or health problems) are prone to distrusting government. You can't blame them for that. Other than those issues, too often people's lives lack meaning, purpose or direction, and engaging on "end of the world" or "end of democracy" is probably something that catches their interest for a while or gives them some sense of direction and too often they simply pile up theories (even when some contradict each other). Understandable, to a point.


There are signs that things are not what we are shown by the mainstream media. And this is not justifiable via the usual "greed factor" or "that's capitalism" for you.

When you read actors, politicians, military and even scientists profess a world vision of 1 billion people max for this Earth, of making the values of "western civilization" paramount...you understand that if these people dare say these things and risk being seen as members of some cult or political faction, then the matter is serious, grave, and far more widespread then just "conspiracy theorists" small talk.

Ignoring this as just "conspiracy nuts" is as dangerous as some conspiracy nuts are themselves. Maybe you owe it to yourself to really check whatever they are saying and avoid labelling them (and what they say) before you really, really analyse and come to a conclusion.

There is no such thing as "the media". There are vastly different media outlets. They share some similarities (for example most of them now struggle for survival because of the competition through the internet), but the differences are far more important. Many of them are just local newspapers and TV stations whose main job consists of reporting on the local annual beer-drinking contest.

Yes there is. And most have ties to very powerful people who prefer to stay in the shadows.

However, not all media outlets abide by the same rules and profess the same world vision. RT comes to mind, but there are are others which, together with credible and honest reporters, dare question the official version of events.

Which is where all the rabid conspiracy-theorists-are-nuts people in the world fail: they arrogantly point the finger at those who distrust the media and governments labelling them nuts for exploring different avenues, but are fiercely engaged in swallowing everything (or a lot of things) the media and governments throw at them.

The "war on terror" is one such example of how this rabid crowd acts:
- they were told there was an Iraqi connection to 9-11, so "lets invade Iraq";
- when that connection began to fail, the WMD argument grew stronger; the rabid crowd accepted this as the reason for "war"
- when that failed, the big reason for attacking Iraq was "to remove a butcher from government" and "we are there to fight for freedom". And the rabid crowd changed the chorus to that accordingly - never mind the pictures of Rumsfeld shaking heads with that butcher after he had gassed thousands of Kurds and killed the opposition by the thousands.

Yes, there is a creature called "the media", who easily convince those that wish to be convinced of the "truths" governments tell them. If this isn't so, why then did the mainstream media underplayed the importance of the findings in regards to 9-11, Iraq, WMDs and all that came about?
So then what is that "invisible government" concretely? Which people are its members? Precisely what are their goals? Is there an actual way to accomplish them? By which mechanism are they controlling the "puppet government"?
The idea of an invisible government that is pulling the strings behind the curtain may sound like a cool idea, but as soon as you try to find solid proof for the details of it and not just the foggy concept, you come up short. All you've got is a comment from a former president, who does nothing but state a hypothesis and provides no evidence to back it up
So then what is that "invisible government" concretely?
Well it´s a "government" that runs things from the shadows.

Which people are its members?
Bankers, Freemasons(the very highest levels), People that runs and invites other people to the Bilderberg group, CEO´s, Owners, extremely rich people with a lot of power which can control and steer certain aspects of our daily lives like Media, skewed journalism and censorism to real news, promoting war propaganda, fear mongering news etc.

Precisely what are their goals?
Literally taking over the world, these banksters, and the other people i´ve mentioned are working towards the same goal. To control the worlds resources, to control ever single person on this planet, to map everything you do, how you think where you go etc.
Essentially a one world government and eventually one country.
It´s not going to happen tomorrow, expect that in 100 years the plan will be close to finished.
They only need people like you and a slow process and eventually they will make it.
That´s all they need. Ignorance, stupidity and a slow but sure process.

Direct response would be "well these old farts have died then"
True but their sons can become Presidents and they too get indoctrinated in this mind set.
Most of the world leaders went to high level schools with cults like Skull & Bones etc.
Did you know that Obama if you go back in time is related to Bush´s, Churchill, Ford, Truman etc?

Is there an actual way to accomplish them?
Of course there is, it´s what they are doing as we speak, a slow but sure process of taking away your freedom through bills, surveillance, fear mongering news etc.

You seem to think of it as we will look like Jews and be mis-treated physically, that´s not the goal.
They are not after your body but your mind, to indoctrinate you to become a product rather then a human being.
All this has already started a long time ago, most people are nothing but a product the companies buys to show up 9-5 Monday to Friday.

You are already being indoctrinated in how to think, what to do, what to say, how to act etc.

All you've got is a comment from a former president, who does nothing but state a hypothesis and provides no evidence to back it up
ahhh.... therefore he lies, even when there´s 2 more presidents that have said the exact same thing...

Not to mention what Rockenfeller and Rothschild have been saying publically. But you don´t care because again it goes against your own beliefs of how the world is or should be according to you.
History has shown enough that the world view you hold is a false one, it´s a farce.

It seems you are so scared of actually looking at everything objectively and SEE what is happening.
As if you are so scared of letting go. You really have nothing to be afraid of, raising awareness is the key here, not standing on the sideline watching sh*t happen day in day out.

Maybe one day you can look at things objectively and see what´s going on..
But i don´t have my hopes up,
We haven´t even touched on Royalty yet either. The biggest farce there is.
A complete joke and the population is perfectly fine with that idea.

Not to mention the obvious links with European Royalty and US Presidents.
So then what is that "invisible government" concretely?
Well it´s a "government" that runs things from the shadows.

Which people are its members?
Bankers, Freemasons(the very highest levels), People that runs and invites other people to the Bilderberg group, CEO´s, Owners, extremely rich people with a lot of power which can control and steer certain aspects of our daily lives like Media, skewed journalism and censorism to real news, promoting war propaganda, fear mongering news etc.

Precisely what are their goals?
Literally taking over the world, these banksters, and the other people i´ve mentioned are working towards the same goal. To control the worlds resources, to control ever single person on this planet, to map everything you do, how you think where you go etc.
Essentially a one world government and eventually one country.
It´s not going to happen tomorrow, expect that in 100 years the plan will be close to finished.
They only need people like you and a slow process and eventually they will make it.
That´s all they need. Ignorance, stupidity and a slow but sure process.

Direct response would be "well these old farts have died then"
True but their sons can become Presidents and they too get indoctrinated in this mind set.
Most of the world leaders went to high level schools with cults like Skull & Bones etc.
Did you know that Obama if you go back in time is related to Bush´s, Churchill, Ford, Truman etc?

Is there an actual way to accomplish them?
Of course there is, it´s what they are doing as we speak, a slow but sure process of taking away your freedom through bills, surveillance, fear mongering news etc.

You seem to think of it as we will look like Jews and be mis-treated physically, that´s not the goal.
They are not after your body but your mind, to indoctrinate you to become a product rather then a human being.
All this has already started a long time ago, most people are nothing but a product the companies buys to show up 9-5 Monday to Friday.

You are already being indoctrinated in how to think, what to do, what to say, how to act etc.

All you've got is a comment from a former president, who does nothing but state a hypothesis and provides no evidence to back it up
ahhh.... therefore he lies, even when there´s 2 more presidents that have said the exact same thing...

Not to mention what Rockenfeller and Rothschild have been saying publically. But you don´t care because again it goes against your own beliefs of how the world is or should be according to you.
History has shown enough that the world view you hold is a false one, it´s a farce.

It seems you are so scared of actually looking at everything objectively and SEE what is happening.
As if you are so scared of letting go. You really have nothing to be afraid of, raising awareness is the key here, not standing on the sideline watching sh*t happen day in day out.

Maybe one day you can look at things objectively and see what´s going on..
But i don´t have my hopes up,
Now you've formulated a hypothesis (though the concrete mechanism by which the shadow government controls the puppet government is still suspiciously absent). As a next step, you need proof to back it up.
And by that, I mean proof that bankers (which ones, by the way?), freemasons, members of the bilderberg group, CEOs (again, which ones?), owners (yet again, which ones?) and extremely rich people (once more, which ones?) really are forming a shadow government.
Proof that they really have the common goal of controlling the world.
And proof of the concrete mechanism by which they are controlling the governments, the media, the people, etc..
Now you've formulated a hypothesis (though the concrete mechanism by which the shadow government controls the puppet government is still suspiciously absent). As a next step, you need proof to back it up.
And by that, I mean proof that bankers (which ones, by the way?), freemasons, members of the bilderberg group, CEOs (again, which ones?), owners (yet again, which ones?) and extremely rich people (once more, which ones?) really are forming a shadow government.
Proof that they really have the common goal of controlling the world.
And proof of the concrete mechanism by which they are controlling the governments, the media, the people, etc..
there´s plenty of circumstantial evidence.
Seeing as citations from US Presidents is not enough either maybe you should wait for them to write down on a piece of paper that they are infact doing all of this.

It´s like the Iraq war. You believed the WMD story, conspiracy theorists did not.
Eventually it came out that it was a blatant lie, they invaded a country based on propaganda "sources"

And you go "oh ok...but it´s just one instance here nothing alarming at all, i mean they just killed thousands of innocent people and took over a country´s resources for their own good, nothing to see here"


Eyewitness reports of multiple shooters at each of 2012's "lone gunman" cases. Why won't the police release the footage? I seem to remember some other footage confiscated and never returned back in January 2001 too.

They're bold faced liars. It's not everyone, but enough to make a difference. Did you know that if 10% (believe it was 10) of the population has an unshakable belief that belief will spread like wildfire through the population? Once you control popular opinion it's very hard to convince people to look outside the box they've been kept in and lied to their whole lives.

These events are a perfect example of the "media" you claim aren't working together. How many gun related news stories have you read in the last month? Why such a surge of stories? Gun deaths aren't going up, nothing is really changing except now there's a media crusade to "save the children" from big bad guns.

Look at the facts.

Holmes shoots up theater a week before Obama veto'd the UN gun Bill(not enough people were outraged over a movie theater.
1(4) Men shoot up a sheik temple, a religious building. Again not enough outrage.

Sandy Hook. EXPLOSION of anti-gun propaganda, dead(and live) children plastered on wvery media outlet with the same anti-gun agenda, white house promising whirlwind legislation against guns within DAYS(reports are bill will introduce 15-21st) they came put and said were going to do this before the shock has a chance to fade. Never miss out on capitalizing on tragedy, especially when you cause it. Words of wisdom from the US gov.

Did you hear about the man in Texas that shot and killed a shooter before he could open fire on the crowd? Or about the guy who shot and ended a mans 27 victim stabbing spree? Or the mother who hid with her children and shot the man who broke into her house and came into the children's room?

Maybe but probably not because these stories get buried in favor of ones about people getting hit by stray bullets on New Years and more people firing on crowds in gun-free zones.
Now you've formulated a hypothesis (though the concrete mechanism by which the shadow government controls the puppet government is still suspiciously absent). As a next step, you need proof to back it up.
And by that, I mean proof that bankers (which ones, by the way?), freemasons, members of the bilderberg group, CEOs (again, which ones?), owners (yet again, which ones?) and extremely rich people (once more, which ones?) really are forming a shadow government.
Proof that they really have the common goal of controlling the world.
And proof of the concrete mechanism by which they are controlling the governments, the media, the people, etc..


There's a start. Remember the month these pigs lost and got bailed out for was not their own. It was our money they gambled with and lost. But according to Jeffrey Sachs there's 4 big business gangs that run the US.

"First is the well-known military-industrial complex. ”As [President] Eisenhower famously warned in his farewell address in January 1961, the linkage of the military and private industry created a political power so pervasive that America has been condemned to militarisation, useless wars and fiscal waste on a scale of many tens of trillions of dollars since then,” he says.

Second is the Wall Street-Washington complex, which has steered the financial system towards control by a few politically powerful Wall Street firms, notably Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and a handful of other financial firms.

Third is the Big Oil-transport-military complex, which has put the US on the trajectory of heavy oil-imports dependence and a deepening military trap in the Middle East, he says.

Fourth is the healthcare industry, America’s largest industry, absorbing no less than 17 per cent of US gross domestic product."

The article is more detailed than the clips I quoted and is well worth the read.


You should also look into Rockeffelker's Council on Foreign Relations or the CFR. See how many politicians are groomed for the Agenda before taking office in the US.

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