Why is it bogus to predict the death of the United States of America?

"Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law.
Judicial Watch had filed, on June 22, 2012, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking all documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious and “specifically [a]ll records subject to the claim of executive privilege invoked by President Barack Obama on or about June 20, 2012.”
The administration has refused to comply with Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, and in mid-September the group filed a lawsuit challenging Holder’s denial. That lawsuit remains ongoing but within the past week President Barack Obama’s administration filed what’s called a “motion to stay” the suit. Such a motion is something that if granted would delay the lawsuit indefinitely."

So the Obama administration runs guns to Mexico and Afganistan all while they crusade for gun control to protect the children. :lol:

Let the people read the truth.

States are popping up left and right opposing these measures. This might all backfire on the administration, imagine the assault weapon ban renewal failing and most states disregarding future federal laws. Texas, Wyoming, Missouri and Kentuky are a passing state legislation to ignore 2A infringements.

Saturday states everywhere will be marching on their Capitol buildings(here in Florida it was moved to accommodate more people :) ) come out and show your congressman and Senators we will not go out quietly.
We are supposed to take you seriously when you quote Party Animal and "veritas" funder Andrew Breitbart's BLOG and Rev. Moon's Washington Times? LOL... You should expand your horizons a bit if you believe that the Times is the place to go for insight into the Obama Administration or its supporters. Furthermore, the "Gun Running" to Mexico has been thoroughly debunked by many real news outlets, the US Congress, and anyway, the corruption that is alleged by the John Birtch Society...errr... Alex Jones... errr... (Fill in the blank with right wing shill that is blowing the latest dog whistle to scared, immature, and thoroughly mislead or ignorant right-wingers) took place during the Bush Administration.
It would be nice if we could have an actual debate about non-tangential and irrelevent issues in this country, especially right now when so many people are hurting and scared for the future. Instead, one side is cynically scaring folks in to voting against their own self interest, and the other is too afraid to call them out because of the money bomb that will follow in the next election. The fact of the matter is, the Republican House and the minority of Republicans and Blue Dog Dems. in the Senate have taken unprecedented action to obstruct the will of the people. It is not an option to simply say "less government is good" especially when the Government is the largest employer in the country, but that is what the right in this country has done since the Powell memo was in the mid 70's.
We need a pro-active government that works for the people, not one that we can "drown like baby in a bathtub" (Grover Norquist) because it is so small. Literally almost every economist says we should be spending money to generate economic growth during a recession, instead, the (gerrymandered) Republican controlled House is actively cutting Government spending, voting on irrelevant anti-abortion legislation, or doing nothing at all (probably playing golf)(cuz ya know... JOBS JOBS JOBS!). I know, I know, thats Obama's fault right? No, its the House Speaker's fault because he sets the schedule.
Last thing, whoever gave you that list of "banned" guns has mislead you. Just scanning that list, it looks like most of it is the list of guns for which there is an exception written in to the law with a few others that are already banned (AK's, M16's, Howitzers, Grenade launchers, etc). Also, I wouldn't go around saying things like "Feinstein will need to triple her armed bodyguards," that sounds an aweful lot like a treat to a member of the Senate (who happens to have witnessed two coworkers be shot and killed right in front of her). Furthermore, having "armed bodyguards" is neither a deterrent nor-protection against someone with a gun that wants to shoot you. In fact the only thing that the statistics say is an effective way to lower your chances of getting shot is to not own a gun. You are something like 48 times more likely to suffer a gunshot wound if you won a gun than people who don't.
We are supposed to take you seriously when you quote Party Animal and "veritas" funder Andrew Breitbart's BLOG and Rev. Moon's Washington Times? LOL... You should expand your horizons a bit if you believe that the Times is the place to go for insight into the Obama Administration or its supporters. Furthermore, the "Gun Running" to Mexico has been thoroughly debunked by many real news outlets, the US Congress, and anyway, the corruption that is alleged by the John Birtch Society...errr... Alex Jones... errr... (Fill in the blank with right wing shill that is blowing the latest dog whistle to scared, immature, and thoroughly mislead or ignorant right-wingers) took place during the Bush Administration.

NPR's Carrie Johnson tells us more about today's Justice Department report on the "Fast and Furious" gun-trafficking operation:
Justice Department watchdogs say a flawed gun-trafficking operation in which federal agents lost track of nearly 2,000 AK-47s and other weapons resulted from a series of "misguided strategies, tactics, errors in judgment and management failures."
The long-awaited report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz recommended that the conduct of 14 officials in Washington and Arizona be reviewed for possible disciplinary action. Horowitz placed most of the blame with leadership at the Phoenix field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona, which hatched the operation known as "Fast and Furious."
The law enforcement officials wanted to bring down gun traffickers tied to the violent Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico. Instead, the weapons wound up at crime scenes, including the December 2010 shooting death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry."


If you dont like my source take 2 minutes to search google the story and pick your favorite source from the list, dont write it off a story because you dont like the source. Scandals like these usually break on the fringe first and are picked up by msm later. I agree with most of the rest of your post.

And FYI the list I posted are the PROPOSED ban, not the ones in effect.
Came across an interesting article this morning clarifying some of the points(or lack of) in Feinsteins bill. Namely the clause that bans ALL semi-autos with a pistol grip ie everything. With the bill being as ridiculous as it is I don't think it will pass but people need to wake the **** up and realize what's going on.

"Gun writer Alan Korwin, who blogs here, argues (in an email missive that does not seem to be online yet) that the "assault weapon" ban introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) last week effectively bans all semiautomatic rifles, not just the scary-looking, military-style ones. How so? Under her bill, a rifle that accepts a detachable magazine qualifies as an "assault weapon" if it has one or more of six features, including "a pistol grip." The bill defines a "pistol grip" as "a grip, a thumbhole stock, or any other characteristic that can function as a grip" (emphasis added). Therefore, Korwin says, "any semi-automatic firearm that exists, with anything on it you can grip, is banned."

Sound far-fetched? In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee today, Independence Institute scholar (and Reason contributor) David Kopel noted:

The Feinstein bills outlaw any long gun that has a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. Of course, all guns have grips—or they couldn’t be held in the hand to fire at all. While this means that some bills would presumptively ban nearly all semi-autos, the likely intent is to ban pistol-style grips.

If Feinstein's bill were enacted, of course, the courts might very well favor the statute's literal meaning over its "likely intent." In any case, Kopel seems to think this highly elastic definition of "pistol grip" was accidental, while Korwin calls it "very clever," because it means the bill covers a lot more guns than you might think at first glance. As I noted a few weeks ago, the National Rifle Association raised the same concern about the "pistol grip" definition based on an earlier version of Feinstein's bill, so this is a problem she could have fixed, assuming she viewed it as a problem. "


This was my biggest fear when I heard about the bill and read those clauses, legalese is a very tricky beast. If you've ever read an actual publication of rules or laws they're written in a very precise manner open to some interpretation. We have so many laws in this country the people enforcing them can serve "selective" justice or interpret them anyway that suits their needs at the time.
Can't get your officers to fire on civilians? Break those rational constraints featuring the new no more hesitation line from law enforcement targets Inc. "Targeting for a safer America"


Prego packing? No problem.

Young mother protecting her child? Someone call child services.

Everyone knows how hard it is to reason with children. A bullet talks much louder.

...I understand preparing for the worst but if its standard practice for officers to be trained to fire on civilian targets like this suddenly all the reports of police brutality and accidental killings by leo's gets put into a different perspective. It's not uncommon to see hostage targets or attackers but women and children...this is the first I've seen of it and it horrifies me.

"We are proud to call some of America's most trusted and relied upon groups and organizations, our customers.
This includes:

Military Branches – U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army, U.S. National Guard, U.S. Air Force

Government Organizations – Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), Dept. of Justice, U.S. Treasury Dept, and many more...

Law Enforcement – Thousands of law enforcement agencies at the municipal, county, and state levels.Numerous training organizations, private ranges, shooting clubs, and shooting enthusiasts."

From the About us link on the page.
Apparantly I'm not the only one who noticed. The website has since pulled the images and products from their web site. The link I provided above will now take you to the "no more hesitation line" which has no products, in fact the link on the previous page to get to this section has been removed altogether.

Guess I'm not the only one who doesn't like the police being trained to fire on women and children.

For those like me who missed the comedy gold the first time they saw this, Donna Brazilia us the VP of the DNC and one of Obama's top Obamacare advisors. She must be on Pelosi's crew of "pass the bills so you can read them."

Our politicians pass laws they don't read and we're expected to put blind faith In these people? The POTUS was a constitutional lawyer before getting elected. Too bad we can't see his grades because he's not too bright if he doesn't understand the words "shall not be infringed" mean or the multiple supreme court cases already ruling the supremacy of the 2nd. Left wing is ruining this country while the right complains and the money still reigns.
Coming to a street near you!


"The Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States.

Although I’ve seen and read several online blurbs about this vehicle of late, I decided to dig slightly deeper and discover more about the vehicle itself.

The new DHS sanctioned ‘Street Sweeper’ (my own slang due to the gun ports) is built by Navistar Defense (NavistarDefense.com), a division within the Navistar organization. Under the Navistar umbrella are several other companies including International Trucks, IC Bus (they make school buses), Monaco RV (recreational vehicles), WorkHorse (they make chassis), MaxxForce (diesel engines), and Navistar Financial (the money arm of the company)."
The above DHS armored vehicles were stopped this morning at the tennessee border by local and state militias refusing them entry. More on that story after I get out of class.

Rand Paul has been filibustering the senate since 8:17 this morning in response to Eric Holders morning comments deeming drone strikes on American soil constitutional but we shouldn't be worried because they probably won't do it...

Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday stopped short of entirely ruling out a drone strike against an American citizen on U.S. soil—without trial.

Holder’s comment came in a letter to Sen. Rand Paul. Paul had sent a letter to President Obama’s CIA director nominee John Brennan asking for the administration’s views on the president’s power to authorize lethal force.

In the letter, Holder said “It is possible I suppose to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States. “
http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/03/0 ... ?hpt=hp_t2

Watch him fight live: http://www.c-span.org/Live-Video/C-SPAN2/

True Patriot.

Police requisition a disabled veteran's car, force him to allow them entry into his home, personal safe, and confiscate his firearms. Why? He refused a psych evaluation when he asked for a follow up appointment for a spinal injury. Where did this happen? CT. Surprise.
In my case, I believe both sides have valid argument. However, we are missing the point, I think. We need to improve on the world we live in, and not complain about it and scream about what is wrong with it. As many of us know money is an idea, it does not entail any true material value. Over the course of our history we have created money as a convenience to purchasing, selling, and trading property. The only problem here is that in our world money = power.

If we were to eliminate the idea of money, the world would be considerably less hectic as we know it today. No longer would people be measured by the things they own, or how shiny your car is, but by things that matter, such as passion, intelligence, courage, and ideas. I don't want to sound like a socialist/utopiast, or whatever you kids call them these days, but we could concentrate on truly civilized things in our society, everything from exploring the outer reaches of our solar system, and even the galaxy. Or by merely allowing every one of our children to reach their potential. There would still be problems of course, social and behavioral, but it's a lot better than we have now.

Now, you must be asking how do you reach such a place of "perfection". The answer is rather quite simple, it is to replace all monotonous jobs with automated machines, in an unparalleled industrial revolution never seen before. This would require all machines to mine, to manage resources, and to maintain environmental stability for people of all cultures to exist in the best of environments.

I must stop writing, as I'm getting quite tired now. This is all based off the ideas, or rather are, the ideas of Jacque Fresco. He is an amazing man, a documentary profiles his work called "Future by Design" it's rather quite interesting.

*If my writing skills are poor, I apologize as I've attended American schools all my life apart from 1st and 2nd grade, which I attended in Finland.
As a Canadian, I find it fascinating how the American government uses the ignorance of the common citizen to their advantage. I mean, more people vote for the winner of a singing contest on TV, than for who gets to run their country for the next four years.

I don't think there'll be some bloody revolution or anything when the majority of people finally "wake up," but people aren't going to be cool with being treated as idiots who can't think past episodes of American Idol.
  1. The world is controlled by a global elite of approximately 6,000 people.
  2. 94% of them are men, and their average age is 60.
  3. 2% of the world's population own 50% of the world's wealth.
  4. 1,100 billionaires have double the assets of the world's poorest 2.5 billion people.
  5. The world's 50 largest financial institutions control a third of the world's assets.
  6. The world's 250 biggest companies generate sales of about a third of the world's GDP.
(Source: Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf.)
"We don't spy on Americans, we only spy on anti-government Anericans"

"Law enforcement intelligence-processing fusion centers have long come under attack for spying on Americans. The Arkansas director wanted to clarify the truth: centers only spies on some Americans – those who appear to be a threat to the government.

In trying to clear up the ‘misconceptions’ about the conduct of fusion centers, Arkansas State Fusion Center Director Richard Davis simply confirmed Americans’ fears: the center does in fact spy on Americans – but only on those who are suspected to be ‘anti-government’.

“The misconceptions are that we are conducting spying operations on US citizens, which is of course not a fact. That is absolutely not what we do,” he told the NWA Homepage, which supports KNWA-TV and Fox 24.

After claiming that his office ‘absolutely’ does not spy on Americans, he proceeded to explain that this does not apply to those who could be interpreted as a ‘threat’ to national security. Davis said his office places its focus on international plots, “domestic terrorism and certain groups that are anti-government. We want to kind of take a look at that and receive that information.”

But the First Amendment allows for the freedom of speech and opinion, making it lawfully acceptable for Americans to express their grievances against the US government. The number of anti-government groups even hit a record high in 2012, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Many of these groups are ‘hate groups’ that express disdain for minorities. But unless they become violent, these groups are legally allowed to exist.

“We are seeing the fourth straight year of really explosive growth on the part of anti-government patriot groups and militias,” Mark Potok, senior fellow at the SPLC, told Mother Jones. “That’s 913 percent in growth. We’ve never seen that kind of growth in any group we cover.”

And with a record-high number of anti-government groups, fusion centers may be spying on more Americans than ever before – or at least, have the self-proclaimed right to do so.

“I do what I do because of what happened on 9/11,” Davis said. “There’s this urge and this feeling inside that you want to do something, and this is a perfect opportunity for me.”

But Davis’ argument is flawed: in order to determine whether or not someone is considered a threat to national security, fusion centers would first have to spy on Americans to weed out the suspected individuals, and then proceed to spy on the ‘anti-government’ individuals further.

Across the US, fusion centers have reported on individuals who conducted ‘crimes’ like putting political stickers in public bathrooms or participating in movements against the death penalty. In October, the bipartisan Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations finished a two-year investigation on fusion centers, only to find that the centers had directly violated constitutionally protected civil liberties.

“In reality, the Subcommittee investigation found that the fusion centers often produced irrelevant, useless or inappropriate intelligence reporting to DHS, and many produced no intelligence reporting whatsoever,” the report stated.

And the privacy violations could soon become worse: RT previously reported that the FBI’s proposed facial recognition project could provide fusion centers with more personal data to work with. With at least 72 fusion centers across the US and technology that could further infringe upon privacy rights, government agencies will be able to more efficiently collect data on Americans solely for exercising their freedom of speech."


913% increase in Anti-government patriot groups and militias since Obama took office. I love how they classify all patriots and militias "anti-government" groups. Believing in the constitution of the United States is now "Anti-American", how long before they dub it "terrorism"?

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