World Rally RX Looking For All Electric Move in 2020?

Paul Jeffrey

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The FIA World Rallycross Championship looks set to move to a fully electric series in 2020, bringing an end to the flame breathing monsters of recent seasons.

Having just begun to establish itself once again as the pinnacle of off road competition, the FIA have reportedly made a brave move to switch over to an all electric series for the 2020 season, drawing the curtain down on one of the most spectacular elements of this wild and dramatic racing series.

According to, a well placed source within the organisation has confirmed electric cars "absolutely, categorically will be the world championship" in time for the 2020 season, with as many as 15 cars set to take to the world stage in the refreshed series.

Expected to form something of an off the shelf attitude to parts and powertrains, the proposed 2020 WRX will offer a standardised monocoque and safety tub, with the option to fit different power units and shells to best represent the current models on offer from manufacturers who take part in the series. Although it is expected that "works" manufacturer teams will still play a prominent role in the new look championship, due to the nature of the availability of core parts, private teams will have the opportunity to buy equipment capable of competing in the championship, potentially opening the door to bigger and more diverse grids in years to come.

If electric regulations will form the whole of the World Rallycross championship rule set from 2020, or if the organisers will look to incorporate it within or alongside the current cars remains to be seen. It is expected that a formal announcement will come from the FIA within the next few months as tenders begin to be received for supply of the standardised parts expected to be run in the category going forward.

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Do you think moving to an electric power unit is the right move for the World Rallycross Championship? Can electric power provide the same quality spectacle as the current series? Let us know in the comments section below!
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Fantastic move - great way to show off electric cars with their instant acceleration characteristics - some standardised parts to keep costs more in checks and much more marketable for car companies so better potential for manufacturer entries - plus we'll be able to hear the drivers shout "GET OUT THE WAY YOU B*****D" :roflmao:
This is a typical german problem.... to create bigger problems as they are.
I mean this events are just for few days in the year so whats the problem... the locals also profit from that events and the noise backround is not so a big deal. But this is just my statement.
When they really switch to this mentioned electric stuff so i will do not visit RX anymore.

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