Yamaha Red Eneos

MGP21 Yamaha Red Eneos V1.1

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possible, but if you use the mir boots for custom rider, you gotta delete the mask file what causes, that you will see every other player with the same boots!
Can we try? I remember someone had done this for the previous game actually. I wanted Mirs boots as my custom boots and it worked and it did not cause other problems
im using the 20 tools! they are working well!
Is there anything in particular you do to make the mod work on MGP21?
I extracted the textures from your mod, to add also my custom number, cooked everything with UE 4.25 and repacked, and it doesn't show anything, like the game doesn't read my .pak file.
It's clear something is going wrong when repacking
Y a-t-il quelque chose en particulier que vous faites pour que le mod fonctionne sur MGP21?
J'ai extrait les textures de votre mod, pour ajouter également mon numéro personnalisé, tout cuit avec UE 4.25 et reconditionné, et cela ne montre rien, comme si le jeu ne lit pas mon fichier .pak.
Il est clair que quelque chose ne va pas lors du reconditionnement
J'ai exactement le même soucis :(
Is there anything in particular you do to make the mod work on MGP21?
I extracted the textures from your mod, to add also my custom number, cooked everything with UE 4.25 and repacked, and it doesn't show anything, like the game doesn't read my .pak file.
It's clear something is going wrong when repacking
Did you guys edit the repack command.bat?

u4pak.py pack pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor_X_P.pak motogp21
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C'è qualcosa in particolare che fai per far funzionare la mod su MGP21?
Ho estratto le texture dalla tua mod, per aggiungere anche il mio numero personalizzato, ho cucinato tutto con UE 4.25 e reimballato, e non mostra nulla, come se il gioco non leggesse il mio file .pak.
È chiaro che qualcosa non va quando rep

Did you guys edit the repack command.bat?

u4pak.py pack pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor_X_P.pak motogp21
not working