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Black Carbon UI 2.16

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A new UI with a native resolution of 1080p FullHD, with similar organization as default UI, but even better, this UI is very intuitive, you will be familiar instantly.

v2.16 version is updated to work with Build860 or higher.

Includes a fullscreen monitor with time-table, ideal for spectators and broadcasting! There is a new button below the monitor in lobby-screen, the time-table can be used like in lobby, clicking on players to change cameras. Mouse over the time-table if there are more than 24 players and use the mouse wheel to move up and down. To leave this monitor, just press Enter key.

-> Updating:
1- Install the new version, start the game, and then switch ingame to the new version, then, delete the old version.
2- If you deleted the old version before switching the UI now you are probable having black screen when you start the game, go to the launcher, and tick the ''Revert user interface to default interface on next start'' option, then start the game and switch to the new version.

-> Donations:
If you like this work, and you want to buy me a beer, clic here, thanks you ;)

-> Considerations:
- This UI is constantly evolving, if there is a new rF2 build there will be probably new bugs/features to be added, as you can see in the changelog, practically every build require a new update to fix new bugs and add the new features keep that in mind when a new build is released.
- I accept any feedback, if you find a bug or want a new feature to be added, just ask for it to be fixed/added, thanks you.

-> Oficial website:
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Reactions: Ron Sandrin

Latest reviews

Great UI! My favorite.
Thanks for this UI. Fantastic work. My favorite.

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Victor Cereijo
File size
9.1 MB
First release
Last update
User rating
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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