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Blackcelica's Photo Real PP Filter 1.43 and newer

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This is a re-upload by request of the popular PP-Photo_CTP_1.4 filter. It is in my opinion the best photo filter to date. The filter is designed to work only with the custom weathers included and not the default weathers of AC. The custom weathers will not override any default weathers so no need to back up.
The custom weathers include an alternative heavy and light fog, bright haze, sunny clear, sunny light cloud, sunny clouds, sunny rich sunset, evening storm brewing, heavy storm and the challenging twilight mist.

This is the twilight mist, it turns the sun into the moon and you must set the time to 18:00. It is very dark (it's supposed to be like that) and the nurburgring is just a killer to drive. Your car headlights will be on by default but unfortunately there are no light projections on the tarmac yet in AC. I believe this is the closest we will ever get to it.

This is evening storm brewing, again a late afternoon time works best creating a very low sun with some occasional glare mixed in with the about to burst heavy dark clouds.
Hope you enjoy as much as the already 4800+ downloaders. Please note, these weathers do not work on the open public MP servers and set your saturation to 85 for best results. Happy racing.

Latest updates

  1. My filter updated to latest version with my custom tweaked weathers and smoke.

    This is a re-upload by request of the popular PP-Photo_CTP_1.4 filter. It is in my opinion the...
  2. Now includes the flter altered for default weather users and the 1.4 for custom weathers

    update 1.5 removed
  3. Added an additional filter PP-Photo_CTP_1.4 for default weather users.

    Added an additional filter PP-Photo_CTP_1.4 for default weather users. Everyone else, I suggest...

Latest reviews

finally its back, waited so long for this, amazing job !!!
Thanks a lot, appreciate the comment.
I'm in love with this PPFilter!
After long search to get better graphics,tested a lot of pp filters,mods etc,... i finally found it !!! well done ,keep up the amazing work
Welcome, glad you got here.
Impressive, the best out there for AC! Keep it up!
Nice of you to say, happy xmas
Great PP, really impressive, waiting for fix on others PP but PP 1.4 its amazing, good work keep it up
Glad you like it, happy xmas
My first Choice.
And mine haha, happy xmas
Best pp for me! Thx Black!
Thanks, there is a brightness issue with some of the default kunos weathers. Will update soon.
Perfect ! Thx a lot !!
Happy xmas
is ti works with last update correctly< i mean 1.4 version of AC?
yes, you will see its 1.4 and newer in the version
Best PP filter for AC!
Thank you very much, means a lot. It's been around a while, it's been used by others, tweaked, copied, stolen (well not really stolen, I'm happy to share) I've tried others myself but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I had to do it myself. It started life as a Kunos photographic filter I think from an early version of AC and went from there. The key thing was to keep it simple and easy to use and look good across all times and weathers.
Excellent, amazing filter my new favorite in AC
Brilliant, glad you like it.
Overall great mod, but it really botters me that in the afternoon the sun is just TOO bright, can't see anything. I would like to test again once this is fixed. Or is it intended?
Set saturation to 90 in graphic settings. As it should be, no more changes are being made to this mod now. You are the only one who's mentioned it, numerous people helped with the testing and setup of this to suit all. It maybe something else on your rig. Brightness of monitor? The sun isn't dull and in a real car it reflects off road surfaces and windscreens and at times visibility is low. Cars wouldn't have Sun visors otherwise.
I've used many pp filters and yours is the best one I use for AC.
This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you
Hey, glad to help out. I was looking for it too, couldn't find it so I made it. There are other good ones about but I wanted something that looked ok at all times of day all tracks. 16.30 at spa mid clear weather is particularly nice as the sun hits at the top of eurouge
Excellent thanks :)
You're welcome.
Thanks for that filter, the game is looking very good with this.
Nice to hear you think so.
Thank you for updating it so fast!!
No problem, I needed it for myself and it only takes another minute share. Enjoy.
Its way too dark in 1.1. What is wrong?
Check your other settings and weather you've selected. It works fine. No reason to slate the review because you've other setting conflicts. It certainly isn't too dark, even on overcast even though overcast is supposed to be darker.
Thank you for 1.1 ;-)

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File size
8.3 MB
First release
Last update
User rating
4.74 star(s) 27 ratings