Brno 1965 GTL  by maeckie

Brno 1965 GTL by maeckie V1.0

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Brno 1965 for GTR2 v1.0 by ZWISS
The real track:
Originally an 18.11 mile road circuit, the old pits and barriers of which can still be seen, Brno is now a more bland purpose-built motorsport complex built to attract modern formula racing. The first alterations to the original circuit came in 1949, when a connecting road from Zebetin to Popuvky was built, reducing the length to 11.06 miles, and just to confuse everyone, the racing direction was changed from anti-clockwise to clockwise. In 1964, a link road bypassing Zebetin was used, reducing the length to 8.66 miles, followed by a further shortening to 6.79 miles in 1975 when a new road was built to link the start to Kohoutovice. This circuit was still used by the European Touring Car Championship until the new Automotodrom was built in 1986, and first opened in 1987.
Track Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Track Type : Public Roads
Track Length : 13.94 kms.- 8.66 mi.
Track Num. Turns : 50
Track Year : 1964-1974 (this layout)
The sim version:
This track was made for GPL by a Team Brno. It was released September 2005.
A while ago an upgraded version was released for rFactor by TenTenths.
Original Brno Team: Richard Cooke, Sergio Loro, Petr Hlavac, Robert Zeugin, Greg Liebzeit, Carsten Meurer, Ginetto
The work:
To reduce polys, I re-worked the whole track surface with 3DSMAX.
Now the HAT file is a lot smaller, meaning FPS should be better.
I also made an invisible collision wall to avoid cars falling into the void.
I did not add new objects, but in an update I might change or move some straw bales and armco.
That way you can survive if you brake late for the haipins. (I wonder if there was any armco at all in 1965...)
The textures are all from TenTenths' rFactor version.
I also reworked the AIW, made the corridors in the small streets tighter, but still some cars will crash agains the light poles, causing mayhem, and dramatic pile-ups. Its much better than it was at first.. but in an upgrade I migth find a sollution for the poles, maybe make them less fatal :) Idea's are welcome...
I fixed pacecar, added teleports for rolling starts, fixed groove
GTR2 goodies:
I added rain reflection, animated marshalls, grid walk
I will do some texture work and add some more shadows, if I can improve the FPS.
Especially the first village in lap 1 can cause a lot of mayhem and kill the FPS.
Time Trial teleport not fixed yet.
Original version for GPL by Brno Team (feat. Sergio Loro)
Enhanced rFactor version by TenTenths
GTR2 LODS by FrankBB from Pilsbierbude
Marshall skins by sunalp2 from NoGrip
Enjoy !

transferred for use in GTL by maeckie !!
big thanks to allow the conversion to zwiss !!
lets race !

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Makes me proud
Very beautifully done 100%

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