From 0 to Hero!

From 0 to Hero! 2.0

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The idea is great, but I spend more time looking for mods than competing and the included file doesn't have all the necessary content. This needs to be improved.
no way you cant be seriously expecting us to LITERALLY DOWNLOAD OVER 500 FILES SEPARATELY to play this
how to install
It'd be really helpful if you could include links to the mods you used to make the series. Having a hard time finding a lot of the tracks you used. I've spent several hours trying to get this to work and am giving up on your project for the time being because I'd rather race than google search for dozens of mods. Looking forward to an update with links so I can test this awesome looking project
Thanks for your feedback, currently I'm working on compiling a modlist.
I hope I can make some progress and put it online soon.
This is really good championship. However, some tracks and cars really hard to find. I spent one hour to find all mods only for chapter #1 and #1.x.
Thanks for your feedback, currently I'm working on compiling a modlist.
I hope I can make some progress and put it online soon.
Just INCREDIBLE !!! The stucture of championnship is very good, Thanks my friends !

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