Inmersive Filter - ACC style + SOL + RESHADE [Photorealism]

Inmersive Filter - ACC style + SOL + RESHADE [Photorealism] v13

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V13 Work In Progress - Preview
Inmersive Filter v13 - Test (WIP) by Mateo De Bonis, en Flickr
Video Preview:

How do i take Screenshots?

In case you think is worth for a Donation, i'll post the Donate link below, it'll be very helpfull due to the economy problems we are having in Argentina at moment, this is NOT obligatory, i'll be more than gratefull with you guys for any cent:
Thanks you in Advance and i want to Thanks to the people that already Donate, i appreciate!

more screens of this version on Flickr:

v12 - Now with NON-Reshade! (ppfilter only)


03:00 a.m - Windy - Sol 1.6 Alpha - Inmersive NonReshade Filter
sol_config: -10 cold tonemap / 85% CSP lights Strength


03:00 a.m - Windy - Sol 1.6 Alpha - Inmersive NonReshade Filter
sol_config: -7 cold tonemap / 65% CSP lights Strength

V11.0 Inmersive Natural + Instalation

You'll find the steps on screenshots Inside the .rar

Remember to select Inmersive_Natural.ini (for reashde version) or Inmersive_natural_NoReshade.ini filter in post-process setting/app and select Inmersive.ini in Reshade window(pop-up) if using reshade.

Reshade Usage:
Once you open the game, simply hit the button "HOME / Inicio" and that'll open Reshade tab, on the top of the window you'll have a text box for selection, you should select "inmersive.ini" preset in there and all the effects will enable by themselve with my settings, the Inmersive.ini file should be placed on game folder SteamApps/Common/Assettocorsa/.

How to UNINSTALL Reshade
Delete dxgi.dll/reshade.ini/reshade-shaders folder. Done

WINDOWS 10 KNOW ISSUE with Reshade
Reshade doesn't work or Game crash (no log/error/reason) when try to open after reshade instalation
Fix: Rename "dxgi.dll" file to "d3d11.dll"

ad the solution in Discussion tab, page 11 here:

Screenshots don't show Reshade Effects - Disable FXAA in Video Settings

In case you have errors with Prod80 shaders
Simply reinstall reshade and check Prod80 shaders download to have the whole pack downloaded into your reshade-shaders folder, that will download the latest version of each effects made by prod80 user.

If your game is Out of Focus
You're using CinematicDOF.fx or quint_ADOF.fx, this is only usable for Screenshots, as it simulate a camera lens focus, you're free to disable it if you're using Reshade for onboard gameplay.


beaware: The reshade WITHOUT Raytracing will not hit to much performance, maybe 3-5fps. The use of Raytracing (RTGI shader) will cause 20-50% fps drop (not included in the download, read above)

Folder Screenshot
Sin título.png

Side by Side Comparison On/Off

Game Screenshots
V11 Inmersive



V10 Inmersive


Inmersive Natural v7.0
Vanilla weather (reshade+filter+extraFx+High graphics settings = Low fps)

Inmersive Natural v6.0 is here!
(due to old hardware this video was recorded on low-mid graphics settings)
acs 2019-12-09 21-48-02.jpg

Real Life vs Inmersive Natural v5.2+

Shader Path v1.46 or newer (02/05/2020) by x4fab - Ilja

Sol Version used: SOL v1.5.1 and v1.6 alpha1 by Peter Boerse (link of beta version on discord)

Link of 1.5.1 RC release:
Discord link for SOL v1.6 alpha:

I want to give credit once again to MartyMcfly, TheGordinho, prod80 and people from Reshade community for develop these amazing Effects so we can improve our game quality :)

Showcase (v4 cinematic gameplay)
Inmersive acc sol v4.5 + cinematic reshade + sol 1.2.4
View attachment 316519

Inmersive acc sol v4 + reshade + sol 1.2.3v Release + Shader path prev146

View attachment 311617
View attachment 311618

Read the last update if something looks wrong in SOL

Reshade Implementation
The ppfilter is now fully compatible with reshade and i choose 2 specific effects (made by MartyMcfly - all rights for him and his great work / i'm not the owner of reshade or any reshade effect) These effects will make you able to modify in real time the ppfilter look, similar to Photoshop in-game. Why i'm doing this? well... ppfilter is a matter of personal taste, i can't update this for my entire life with all the changes, so i'll only update ppfilter now to fix uncompatibilities with newer weather systems. Now you will be able to modify in real time the look to your comfort/taste WITHOUT FPS DROP

Filter + Reshade instalation / instructions inside the .rar
(you will have to download reshade from oficial page)

[Outdated below] WeatherFX

Special Thanks to Kelnor for help me to figured out how to soft headlights + track lights and x4fab a.k.a Ilja (creator of shader path) for such an addition for Assetto Corsa, all this will not be possible without this man.
Want to thanks x4fab again now because of SSAO implementation to the engine, you need to know that to use the SSAO function you'll need the Latest Custom Shader Lights mod Obligatory.
This still a W.i.P function and it may have glitchs-bugs-artifacts-fps drops- etc... any thing you found, sent it to me and i'll try to work on it. Thanks.

SSAO ON#OFF Comparison (vanilla weather ppfilters)



Tutorial - How to take screenshots in AC

Latest updates

  1. Inmersive Filter v13

    Hello everyone, finally the v13 is here!, compatible with latest sol updates 1.5.x / 1.6.0 /...
  2. Non-Reshade Filter Improvements

    Hello everyone, as you know i released the version 12 of the filter with a new "Non-Reshade"...
  3. Alternative No-Reshade version

    Hello everyone, due to the big demand on this version of the filter, i reworked the v11 preset...

Latest reviews

Actually I'm very happy because in general it looks good, but everytime when i want to take an screenshot it shows a lot of weird pixels and it would be nice when anyone could help me with that.
Looks great, decided to finally make use of reshade so I'm using your settings :)
it tells me that the file is damaged what do i do?
i cant extract the files
Great looking filter, one of the best for screenshot by far and even for gameplay it looks really good.
My only problem with it is that in photo mode the depth of field doesn't work really well (it's waaay less blurry than it should be with some combinations of f stop and focal length), so I fixed it creating a copy of the post FX script and pasting these values from another post Fx:


I suggest others using this script to give it a try, apart from this no other issues found.
loving it!!!!
I read the installation instructions but the truth is that I don't understand them well, is it ok if I drop the .rar in content manager?
installing with content manager and set with reshade option and the game looks the exact same it looks NOTHING like the pictures or videos shown
VERY GOOD, noreshade for race, reshade for photo, good job
it is awesome but i don't know why when i start practice i cant drive... also i cant get it to work on content manager
hmm. looks great until you put on the filter. all it does is glitch the game out. running newest sol and csp 1. 75 by x4fab. turned off sslr even and it still just goes black.
For those who have buggy textures at night, Go to settings > Custom shaders patch > Extra FX > Untick Local reflections (SSLR)
Crazy to think this is in-game footage.
It's really beautiful, but should've known it would drop my frames from 60 down to 40, and even lower when using rainfx. When I can upgrade my GPU, I'll be using this exclusively!
During the day it's great but at night the textures bug out and everything looks like a mess.
I downloaded the filter and it looks great but I want to uninstall it.

Is there a way to remove the filter
Very good for making amazing screens however I seem to have a bug where when it becomes late at night the textures go crazy and become extremely black and lights stop working, I'm not sure if this is me or if its because I upgraded to sol 2.0 and CSP 1.68
It looks amazing. Specially when it comes to taking photos. But on some tracks (such as Imola), even though the car looks perfect, the track looks kinda blue. I don't know how to solve it
seems super cool from the images, but i followed all the steps, and when I try to play it says "game crashed", also for the replays
I am new in this field.
I have just installed CM-CS-SOL and the graphic correction package of the paths.
After that I installed Immersive Filter with Reshade.
Everything looks great, but I get the impression that something is wrong.
As a neophyte, I followed the guide to install CS and SOL and then applied the settings they recommend in their guide.
I was wondering if after installing the filter with reshade you need to change those settings in the Content Manager to make the filter work best.
It would be nice to have CM screens with the ideal settings to make the filter work better together with G and avoid that some settings conflict with each other.
That said, I'm still amazed at the work you've done.

Latest News

File size
9.4 MB
First release
Last update
User rating
4.60 star(s) 144 ratings

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