Ka0s Lap Distance

Ka0s Lap Distance 1.1.0

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Ka0s Lap Distance is a minimalistic app for Assetto Corsa which shows you the current distance remaining in a lap - as text and a moving bar.

This app was created on request by TheBestBeast in the offical Assetto Corsa forum (thread here).

Changes in Latest Version (1.1.0 | 29-Aug-2014)

  • Updated for AC 0.22 shared memory update


  • Download the latest file from http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/ka0s-lap-distance.2821/
  • Extract the contents of the archive into your main Assetto Corsa folder (typically SteamApps/common/assettocorsa)
  • In-game (during a session), move your mouse towards the right of the screen and click on the "K" icon shown below to activate the app:


You can configure many aspects of the app directly in the code.

Head over to assettocorsa/apps/python/ka0slapdistance/kld/src/config.py and tinker away to your heart's content. There are pretty detailed comments inside the file itself, explaining what the various options do - feel free to ask me how to change some stuff around as well.

You can :
  • Change the window opacity
  • Change the colors of the lap completion bar
  • Choose between kmh and mph


Main Window


Nothing. I consider this app feature complete and it's very unlikely that I will make feature additions to it.


v1.1.0 | 29-Aug-2014
  • Updated for AC 0.22 shared memory update
v1.0.1 | 27-Jul-2014
  • Fixed current lap to start from 1 to be consistent with other AC apps
v1.0.0 | 27-Jul-2014
  • Initial Release. Yay!
  • Like
Reactions: Neverfall

Latest updates

  1. Updated for AC 0.22 shared memory update

    Changes in Latest Version (1.1.0 | 29-Aug-2014) Updated for AC 0.22 shared memory update
  2. Version 1.0.1

    Fixed current lap to start from 1 to be consistent with other AC apps

Latest reviews

Good app! thank you very much :)
Does exactly what it says on the box.

Latest News

Tushar Saxena
File size
67.4 KB
First release
Last update
User rating
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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