Monaco_1967_by_Fero AIW file for Offline

Monaco_1967_by_Fero AIW file for Offline 2023-05-05

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I really enjoy Monaco_1967_by_Fero as a race track, but I noticed some issues with the AI during offline racing. To address this, I made some adjustments to the AI path to fix some wobbling and prevent erratic behavior. Additionally, I narrowed certain sections to prevent the AI from attempting to pass where there wasn't enough space.

The pit lanes are pretty narrow, and when too many AI racers compete, chaos can occur during qualifying as they jostle for position. Usually, I focus on setting my own lap time and end the session. Parking in your designated pit spot can be challenging, as it is located near the hairpin turn. With some practice, though, it can be done.

This track offers limited opportunities for passing, making it a formidable challenge for long races of 70 laps or more. The key to victory lies in skillfully avoiding accidents and strategically planning for pit stops.

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76.6 KB
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