"Nestled in the rolling foothills of Agoura, a few miles north of Malibu in sunny California. Paramount Ranch Racetrack was the first purpose-built road racing course in California, created during the sportscar racing boom of the 1950s around a western movie set. Extremely short-lived, it served for less than two years (from 1956-1957) before tragedy forced its closure." - racingcircuits.info
- 18 pit/grid with AI
- CSP required, lightsFX, grassfX, moarFX
- historic feelings
- original 3dmodel by maeckie (aka @Mark Ratzenbacher )
- converted to AC by @rmi_wood with permission of the author
- 3d clean-up, bridge re-work and physical road mesh by @pugsang
- logo and sections file by @Fanapryde
- animated Cessna 150 courtesy of @Mascot
- Betty Boop by @Breathe
- beta testing and feedback by Steel , TITI, leBluem and the above... Thank you all!
An update is being worked at the moment, and I will evaluate the items you noted and any changes if any.