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True to Life AI 2013 Season 1.4

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True to Life AI

Edit October 5 2021
Updated the download link.

If you want to use my mod, go for it. You don't need to ask. Just please give credit to the creators of the mods in this mod.

(end edit)


Here's a quick snapshot of what this mod actually does:
  • This collection of mods by numerous authors all found below will turn your F1 2012 game into the closest thing to the official F1 2013 game. (Installation instructions are included with the download in PDF form.)
  • There is an older 2012 version of the mod included in the main download. Take it as it is; it is no longer supported.
  • The AI is dramatically improved and highly aggressive. Blocking & overtaking are both notably improved.
  • The AI brakes later making it harder to overtake. "Problem corners" such as turn 1 at Shanghai, and turn 1 at Hockenheim have been corrected (or at least improved if no legitimate solution is possible).
  • The AI & Player have realistic top speeds at each track according to onboard video from and youtube.
  • DRS boost for the AI has been increased to match that of the Player.
  • The performance gap between difficulty levels has been reduced.
  • The "competition gap" between the Player and AI is drastically reduced. What this means is that you probably won't win races with a Force India or a Williams, and you're going to have to work hard to qualify first in a McLaren, for example. As well, you will see mid-field racers popping into the top 10 more frequently (such as Sauber, Torro Rosso, and Force India).
  • Damage sensitivity has been improved. Your car will feel more fragile and if you drive too hard, you will wear out your engine or gearbox more quickly. Mix 3, KERS, and DRS fail rates have also been adjusted. If your tyres become too worn, the likelihood of a blowout occurring has been increased. I have coded for radiators and exhaust being able to be damaged, however I don't think the game actually supports this feature as it's yet to happen to me.
  • How the AI drivers act and perform is no longer controlled by "global modifiers" for each difficulty level, but is now individually controlled per driver. This means each driver controls their own individual mechanical failure rate, good & bad day chance, mistake rate, and cornering speed without any consideration to which difficulty level you're on - giving more consistency to each difficulty level.
  • Tyre longevity and compounds for each track have been adjusted to reflect the 2013 season, as well as the corrected hard compound longevity change which came in late April.
  • 2013 DRS Zones have been included (thanks aagancia!!)
  • Nurburgring has replaced Hockenheim in Career mode. Istanbul has been included for quick races only (thanks to Derpish for getting these tracks to work!!) Hockenheim and Valencia are still available for quick races.
  • Should a sizable crash occur, you will see the safety car come out thanks to the Safety Car Fix mod - see below for the authors of this mod. Please note that if it is before lap 4, or 3 laps from the end of the race, the Safety Car will not come out...this cannot be changed unfortunately as it is hard coded within the exe.
  • Finally, all frontend, text, car, and helmet graphics are updated to reflect the 2013 Season. This is the work of everyone involved in v1tek's 2013 Season Mod found here: as well as Derpish (for Nurburgring & Istanbul tracks, and Nurburgring frontend), and vlasovas (for 2013 tyres, with Hard compound color correction by me).
  • 2013 Track Sponsor updates from Barnes are included, found here:

DISCLAIMERS & Frequently asked questions:
If you ask a question which is already answered on this overview page, please don't expect a response from me.
  • Will this corrupt my profile/savegame? If you had Mr. Pibb's 2013 mod installed previously, or if you were using the standard 2012 game, yes it will corrupt your profile. This is because when IDs are changed within the database, it creates a mismatch between your savegame and the database, thus corrupting it. Since IDs in this database differ from the default and from other 2013 mods, you'll need to create a new profile (nothing I can do about it, sorry). If you've been using this mod already, you can always update to the latest version without corrupting your profile.
  • The game should be run in English, different languages may cause crashing.
  • Only 8 cars will progress to Qualifying 3. This is due to the removal of team HRT and cannot be fixed.
  • I can't pass the hairpin test in the Young Driver's Test! I recommend you install the CTF files (aka the "cars" folder) after you have completed the Young Driver's Test, as the hairpin test is very difficult (but not impossible) to pass with the CTF files installed.
  • The game crashes when I try to race at Istanbul or Nurburgring and/or these tracks are missing from the menu! You may need to download updated camera files for these tracks from here:ürburgring-istanbul-park.636/ As well, please note that the old 2012 version of this mod has not been made compatible to work with these tracks. If you are using the old 2012 version of this mod, you will need to edit the database as instructed by Derpish on his mod page here:ürburgring-istanbul-park.521/
  • The 50% Scaled Tyre Wear database is for the 2013 version of this mod only.
  • The AI's sector times are off during qualifying! This is a known issue with Bahrain, Silverstone, Nurburgring, Spa, Monza, Suzuka, and Istanbul and can be safely ignored. It is simply a result of modding the AI's laptimes at these tracks under time acceleration so their laptimes are competitive. The AI's laptime as a whole will be competitive, but sector times may be off. Thanks to RowingAce for his help with this fix!
  • The color of the hard compound tyre in the tyre selection menu is still the 2012 gray color. However, when racing, the hard compound will be orange.
  • The car models are unchanged. Only the car livery (or paint job) has been changed. The car models cannot be modified to their 2013 versions.
  • Will this work in Career mode? Yes it will.
  • I find I'm too fast or slow in Career mode. This should be worked out for the most part, but during Career mode the cars you are racing (and are racing against) are not fully developed. During the multiple season career, the cars become more developed. Each team develops their cars with different strategies and at different speeds. So some races you'll find you're very fast, while some you'll find you're struggling at. This is because of your team's upgrade strategy. As well, AI drivers do have good and bad days. This leads to sporadic results for drivers at random during your Career seasons, and is normal.
  • I think I have installation issues. See the mod installation instructions included in the main download.
  • Can I play online with this mod? No you can not play online.
  • How do I open the game files?
  • Disclaimers about some tracks:
    • Blue flag behavior at Nurburgring may cause the AI to leave the track.
    • At Nurburgring, on turn 3 of the first lap of the race, the AI exhibits strange behavior. This is because this track was not coded to work with F1 2012, and therefore does not have enough "race start reference points" in the Nurburgring ai_vehicle_track.xml file. This causes the AI on the inside line to try and "jump" onto the racing line. I'm not sure if this can be solved. I have added more race start reference points to the file, however the game does not recognize these changes. I recommend installing the debugging options mod (found here: and deploying a Safety Car when this occurs to maintain the realism of the race.
    • One shot qualifying and flying laps at Nurburgring and Istanbul do not work as expected (for the same reason as above).
    • Fuel loads for Nurburgring are low on purpose in order to limit the use of Mix 3.
    • The AI at Nurburgring & Istanbul is as good as I can possibly make it. Please no needless complaints.
    • You cannot save your car setups at Valencia, Hockenheim, or Istanbul due to unknown limitations with available save slots when there are more than 20 tracks.. I'm not sure if this can be fixed, but if you find a way, please let me know.

Now the nuts and bolts:
Demy van Zoggel and Kristian Nenov did a good job laying some, but not all of the foundation for the AI portion of this mod with their AI mods. This mod finishes what they started and improves on it dramatically.
Huge shout out to Luke Weston for his help testing, and everyone else who's provided constructive feedback!
Below is everything that has been included.
  • Nurburgring & Istanbul park included (2013 version only): Huge, HUGE thank you to Derpish for his work getting these tracks to work with F1 2012. I have adjusted the 2013 database (only) to allow for both of these tracks to work, and have overhauled the AI for these tracks to make them as competitive as possible.
  • 2013 DRS Zones mod is included: Huge, HUGE thank you to aagancia for his beautiful work adjusting the DRS zones to reflect those in the 2013 season.
  • Safety Car Fix is included (2012 & 2013 version): The Safety Car Fix is now included in this mod. Huge, HUGE thank you to the following people for their exceptional work on this mod, and for graciously allowing me to include it with my mod: Roberto (Bob Back), remydeleeuw, Wills, driveroz247
  • Competitive Braking Mod: Huge, HUGE thank you to hill for helping me understand how this works. Version 4.0 of his mod was included originally, however over the course of numerous updates I've readjusted nearly every corner and braking point, so I can't call this portion his anymore. But he gets credit for teaching me how to mod these files.
  • v1tek's 2013 Season Mod (standard definition livery files only) is included: This site needed someone to do here it is. You should all know by now I give credit where credit is due, so all credit to those who deserve it. You know who you are. Authors of this mod can be found here: All credit to them for their excellent work on the graphical components which I've included in this mod. Note, the HD livery files are not included in order to keep the download size to a minimum.
  • 2013 Season tyre color changes: Huge, HUGE thank you to vlasovas for his work making this mod and allowing me to use it. I've made a slight adjustment to the Hard compound tyre color to make it more orange, all other work is his.
  • 2013 Track Sponsor updates included: Huge, HUGE thank you to Barnes for his excellent work updating these tracks to 2013 spec. All resources found here:
  • Revised driver performance, revised car performance, revised wet weather AI performance adjustments, increased AI competitiveness & aggressiveness, revised tyre wear model, 50% Scaled Tyre Wear, and Dry Weather mods: I did this work. Yay me.
If you've made it this far, congratulations and thank you for actually reading! Please feel free to "like" this mod, provide constructive feedback on the discussion page, or give a review (by clicking the stars on the right-hand side at the top of this page)

Latest updates

  1. one more step towards being finalized

    As always, please read the updated overview page. There’s lots of important information there...
  2. 50% Scaled Tyre Wear is now working, Dry Weather Mod, various improvements

    As always, please read the overview page. There’s lots of important information there...
  3. 50% Scaled Tyre Wear, increased mechanical wear rates & more!

    As always, please read the overview page. There’s lots of important information there...

Latest reviews

Great mod! Will it be possible to change the liveries to the teams?
I love this work! Thank you! Go ahead...
Awesome mod, easily the best one out there but a few little points let it down... The AI have too many mechanical failures, at 50% most races finish with about 16 cars which is kinda unrealistic given the reliability of today! Also, I think the cars damage a little too easily. But great work! (Y)
great mod AI is great a few issues with the added tracks but nothing serious or gamebreaking
Very Very Very good mod :D
Very good mod , many thanks , one slight problem Q3 seems to have only top 8 and not 10 , I managed to get into Q3 with Force India @ 9 but didnt go to into final just went streight to race , not a major problem as now ive got to really race to get into top 10 Q3 with this mod , keep up the good work .
Glad you're enjoying it, but I now get to add you to the growing list of people who have not read the overview page like I've asked....idk...8,000 times?
Great job the AI act more real
Thank you so much for this amazing mod. It's very much appreciated :) I'm enjoying the career mode once again, YAY :D
Changed the game upside down ! Now I love to play it ! The physics are great, the ridiculous understeer is not there anymore, AI fights very tough, sometimes im like - WOW ! How did he overtook me there ? But there are glitches too, like in China, I was behind Hamilton by half a second right at DRS activation zone, I've activated DRS and then immediately Hamilton slammed into the wall at 250+ kph ! It's definitely a bug, but can be considered as a suspension failure too, so I'm very happy with the mod. Excellent work ! Codemasters Racing should hire you sir !
Was most likely a tyre failure, I've increased the likelihood of this happening and have had it happen to the AI too, as well as myself ;)
This mod is awesome.
Now that it contains the added benefit of the 2013 mod and the track packs, people should have no problem installing it either.
Thank you so much!
Excellent work so much more fun trying to be compatative in a Force
Fantastic mod bringing a new dimension to the driving physics/overall feel of the car, and the ai actually competes with you while you're enjoying these changes. :) Keep up the great work!
Great mod! Having an issue with 4.1, i have installed all the folders like so and the additional Istanbul circuit files, but i can only run Nurburgring and Istanbul in time trial, if i proceed to a race the game freezes up -.- HELP!!!
Be sure to read through the disclaimers section on the overview page. I also always recommend verifying files through steam first, installing v1tek's 2013 mod second, and installing my mod third (confirm overwriting all files).
F1 2012 before this mod: meh...
F1 2012 after this mod: YEAH!!!!. Snthennumbers, thank you
even though I don't drive 2012/2013 his work and blood into these modifications are tremendous. His adjustments of braking points are more than welcome and work very smooth.
Thank you for all your work, bud.
Awesome mode
The real way F1 2012 was meant to be played. Vastly improved AI behavior and an overhaul of vehicle performance brings excitement and real racing to the game for free. What are you waiting for?
Perfect stuff!
It is a very good mod, but I get the feeling that the AI still is unstable over laps; They can go 0.5 s faster than me in sector one,but lose 1.0 s in sector 2.
...well that's vague. What track(s)? Is this in career mode? or a quick race?

How about some more detail
This adds so much to the game. Lazy coders take note!

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