Automobilista 2 | Stunning New Features in Release Candidate Build

AMS2 Spa.jpg
A brand new build of Automobilista 2 is on the way which is set to bring many improvements, fixes, new content and features with it. One of these features is quite possibly unique and never seen in a sim before!

Reiza studios published their October development update over the weekend and there is a lot of good news. Along with a new build there is also set to be an exciting run of historic content in the upcoming months!


Spa his.jpg

New content to look forward to will be the long awaited Historic 1970's Spa in not one but two layouts (with and without the Malmedy chicane added in 1970)!
This track has been built from scratch and the team even went out to Belgium to collect LIDAR data of the layout that's still largely used as public roads to this day, as a result it is by far the most accurate recreation of this legendary track!

Taking the opportunity for an update to another long-awaited project, the track team is also hard at work on Nürburgring 1971 which they expect to add to the Nürburgring DLC pack before the end of the year - this is another hugely demanding project that's coming together slowly but surely, and ultimately to a ground-breaking result.

AMS2 Indy.jpg

Also Reiza are in the process of finalising a deal for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, which we hope will join Auto Club and WTT already for an all-oval Part3 release!



On the car front, we have the arrival of the first GTP car - this Corvette was developed by GM in partnership with Lola to compete in the IMSA series in the late 1980s. The real car was fitted with a variety of different engines, from turbocharged V6s to massive 10L V8s at the end of its life cycle - for the game Reiza have decided to stick with the 366ci 6.0L normally aspirated V8 outputting over 800 HP, making this car sound as fast as it looks!

Also Reiza states:
"In more DLC news, users have been enquiring about the release schedule of the items remaining to fulfill the 2020-2022 Season Pass, so you may expect an updated schedule and more info on each item very soon"

These include the Brazilian Grand Prix Legends, Street Supercars and Adrenaline packs.
This does suggest there are more cars on the way and even Extreme Motorsports tracks to come!

Licence Issues, Mystery Track & Low Downforce


Following Licence issues over the Formula USA 2022 announced back in August, it seems this car may now not make it into the sim as Reiza stated in the Dev update:

"We are finally soon to wrap the package for Racin´ USA Pt3 - the last you heard of it was after we were contacted by IndyCar following the announcement of the Formula USA 2022 in the August Dev Update. While we still hope to get something worked out in the future, unfortunately the licence for the car is not looking to be resolved any time soon, so we have decided to roll Pt3 out without it. We will continue pursuing some arrangement for it to feature in future packs"

However on a more positive front they have included in the new build the addition of low downforce variants for Group C & GT1 cars, featuring the aero configuration they ran at Monza, Hockenheim and another track they are looking to add to the game in 2023.
When it comes to low downforce tracks, its pretty clear from the chatter on the forums over at Reiza that most players are hoping this mystery will be Le Mans, which has been asked for on many occasions. Would you like to see Le Mans make it into the sim?

You can try it now!

If you don't want to wait to try some of the improvements, new features and Historic Spa coming in the new build by opting into the Release Candidate (Beta) build that was released on Sunday. To opt in there are instructions on the Reiza forums and also in the video below!

Ground-breaking, unique new feature!

Buried within the patch notes of the new R.C build among the huge list of general fixes and features for all areas of the sim, is possibly the most important feature to enter the sim yet, as I for one can't think of another sim that can yet do this! Can you prove me wrong?
In the section under AI you will find this line:

"AI now actively pursues draft of other cars and is more appropriately affected by turbulence from the car ahead"

This to me is absolutely incredible and is extremely important when it comes to oval racing (which the game now features quite a lot of), but also on faster road course's as well!

I've put together a little video below which shows you this in action on both an oval and road course. The first time I witnessed this I have to say I was amazed to see this sort of interaction between the A.I. and player car! It doesn't stop there either as the A.I will now draft each other, and coupled with an extensive list of other A.I. improvements Reiza have really raised the bar!

If you do opt into the R.C build please remember its a beta and there may be the odd problem (like the 1970's Spa loading screen image not showing up) which Reiza are currently working on. If you do find any problems it would be wonderful of you to report it on the forums there as thats exactly what this R.C build is for, and you'd be helping make a better sim for all of us!

Next page: V1.4.3.0 Changelog
About author
Tarmac Terrorist
If I can drive it, I'm Rocking it!!! Besides writing sim racing articles I am running my own YouTube channel called Tarmac Terrorist


I can tell you that the with the M4 Class 1 if you disconnect the ARB you instantly gain 2s a Silverstone, all in the acceleration out of slow corners. I did test it myself. Back to back laps.
I find these discussions allways funny, especialy claiming that a sim like rF2 is overrated. I think that it is still highly regarded as one of the best after allmost ten years speaks for itself and I am yet to see a professional competition using AMS2. Maybe watch some of Davecams recent videos and you will get how complex the sim really is and how much nonesense it is to call a product overrated because you are gaining two seconds on your PB. Every product on this market will showcase glitches, bugs or drawbacks in the physics departement, especialy as they get more advanced with alot more variables. They are all models trying to replicate reality. Maybe you are gaining 2 seconds per lap, but that doesn't mean that you will make the race distance. I've seen people being two seconds faster than me in qualy, but at they end they ended up as one-hit-wonders.
"the team even went out to Belgium to collect LIDAR data of the layout" LIDAR data collected in 2022 from a 1970's track? Do they think nothing has changed in more than 50 years? Well, I was there last summer to see a lot has changed. Yes, most of the roads are not moved. But they don't look anymore as they looked in 1970. Maybe they still believe if we know the track is build using LIDAR data we would think it is a good track. LIDAR data is just part of the building proces, there is a lot more needed to create a decent track.
"the team even went out to Belgium to collect LIDAR data of the layout" LIDAR data collected in 2022 from a 1970's track? Do they think nothing has changed in more than 50 years? Well, I was there last summer to see a lot has changed. Yes, most of the roads are not moved. But they don't look anymore as they looked in 1970. Maybe they still believe if we know the track is build using LIDAR data we would think it is a good track. LIDAR data is just part of the building proces, there is a lot more needed to create a decent track.
Lidar doesn't create the scenery, it does place current houses, fences, etc at precise locations. It is up to the track team to view old videos, photos etc to determine what was there or wasn't to recreate the feel of the track. You might want to view a vid of the 1966 ISI version for rF2. Seemed fairly close to the 67 GPL track many of us cut our teeth on.
Lidar will give the precise flow of the roads & surfaces but for a Historic track, it is only the first step of many.
Yes, but it could be that because Reiza's car is so close in appearance that Indycar can threaten them based on a trademark on the image and likeness of their car. And it might be tougher for Reizea because Indycar themselves have designed the cars, versus teams or manufacturers in most other series. I'm just guessing and speculating
It's also not very polite to try and close a commercial deal while dropping a car that closely recalls the car you are trying to license I would say.
I find these discussions allways funny, especialy claiming that a sim like rF2 is overrated. I think that it is still highly regarded as one of the best after allmost ten years speaks for itself and I am yet to see a professional competition using AMS2. Maybe watch some of Davecams recent videos and you will get how complex the sim really is and how much nonesense it is to call a product overrated because you are gaining two seconds on your PB. Every product on this market will showcase glitches, bugs or drawbacks in the physics departement, especialy as they get more advanced with alot more variables. They are all models trying to replicate reality. Maybe you are gaining 2 seconds per lap, but that doesn't mean that you will make the race distance. I've seen people being two seconds faster than me in qualy, but at they end they ended up as one-hit-wonders.
Don't want to open a discussion. Just stating a fact: it is not true that only old cars can be exploited with the hack of the rear ARB. And no it does not have any downside so it is indeed odd. All other considerations do not belong to my post.
Don't want to open a discussion. Just stating a fact: it is not true that only old cars can be exploited with the hack of the rear ARB. And no it does not have any downside so it is indeed odd. All other considerations do not belong to my post.
All sims have hacks and exploits. Its up to the content implementers to iron them out. It doesnt necessarily have something to do with the physics engine. AMS2 has for sure exploits of it's own too unless the devs covered all of them, which i doubt.
I would suggest a complete re-install of AMS 2 after 1.4 release.For some (many) useres something went wrong .You should delete or rename your Automobilista 2 folder under Documents too.Importent.
Then start from scratch and compare.It helped many useres,not all,but many.I did it with the Beta first and then with main.And strange obscure car behavior and FFB is gone.
Ak ok great thanks will definitely re-install!
I could be wrong here, but at one time if you didn't clear your AMS2 folder under your documents folder after an update the physics would be all out of sorts. I wonder if you deleted or renamed that folder, if that would help you. The sim is awesome, and hate for others to miss out if it may be something fixable.
Thanks so much, this makes perfect sense and fits my situation. I sure I just updated and never renames anything thanks again!
All sims have hacks and exploits. Its up to the content implementers to iron them out. It doesnt necessarily have something to do with the physics engine. AMS2 has for sure exploits of it's own too unless the devs covered all of them, which i doubt.
I agree. That is why it always feels funny when people claim this or that sim is the king of physics and nothing measures up to sim xyz.
I did a race yesterday with 5 classes, from DPI to GTOpen, in Long Beach and then I rewatched the AI, I didn't see an overtaking problem, the faster cars overtaking the slower cars in a good way, even during blue flag, the DPI didn't have no problem turning the slower cars.
Within the same classes, disputes for clean positions and normal overtaking.

Then put the F-USA3, clean racing too, no touches, clean overtaking, the only mistake I saw was when two cars were going to pass a latecomer, each one went to one side and the latecomer in the middle, the car outside missed the brakes and touched the wall (something normal that would happen even with a human).

Previously in F-USA3, cars kept touching when overtaking and braking, looking like rFactor 1, it seems this has been fixed in this package.
Something to be aware of. In the release candidate there is a bug causing Gateway and Fontana not to be availible, Reiza are currently working on it and should be sorted by full release! To use these tracks at the moment you have to be on normal build. I'll be running a live AMS2 server today but will be using normal build to serve, as there are little problems with the RC build that cause crashes online (to be expected as its an RC build). Will report back any issues I run into. Here's the thread for the server:
Ok mate, for you (and everyone else asking this question about wether the A.I. can do multiclass racing now). I've tested it out thuroughly and put together this video so you can judge for yourselves!

I will however preface it with this answer I gave to a similar question from a conversation I was having on the Reiza forums, as I think its important to point out:


Glad that inspired you mate!

What I would suggest to AMS2 users is this: Spa is fantastic but, if you want a damn good race with the A.I. (especially in a multiclass situatuation) give one of the tracks thats been in the game longer a go with them, as Reiza have had time to hone the A.I. in different class'es for these tracks, the A.I. are much better tuned for them (to put it another way).

Spa is still in beta and the track itself is not finished yet, let alone the A.I. (not that you can't have a decent race there yet of course you can, im talking about if you wanna see the A.I. at their very best!). I know Spa will end up being like this with a little time!

So I've put together this video of a multiclass race at Silverstone. I said to @CrimsonEminence that I had one hell of a video for you guys and I meant it! Just look at the moves these A.I. pull off, its simply incredible! I've put a camera on the pole sitting A.I. car aswell as mine so you can see what happen's when it starts approaching the slower class cars, and on my camera you can see some of the stunning moves the A.I. pull on me!

I just can't get over how far Reiza's A.I. has come! As I say in the video, this is'nt just some of the best multiclass racing I've had with A.I.... Its some of the best multiclass racing i've ever had full stop!

Hope you enjoy this!

Good to see them improving.
With so many combos available, it would be nice to have Reiza post what combos are optimized for AI racing.

I got all excited after seeing your video.... then tried a couple of combos on my own.
I'll be honest, I only made it through the full session P/Q/R of 1 combo as I aborted the rest once I saw the following issues in the practice and qualy session.

ai hesitant to pass slower class using the draft but pulling up behind and tapping the brakes, then pulling out rather using the draft and pulling out without tapping and slowing, not holding lines, driving on the grass before the curbing, etc.
is this possibly a practice & qualy issue?

Ai strength 110
Aggression max
Car classes DPI & GTE
Tracks: Nords combine, Spa 22 and the older version 17?
Daytona road.

Edit: So I just created a 5 race custom championship using the info above.
10 Dpi & 20 GTE
Daytona Road
In the race, the AI performs better but some of the issues I stated above were still happening.
One thing I noticed...maybe I missed a setting?
There is no multi-class scoring, the field was one.
I had standard top 10 point scoring enabled and because there was 10 DPI none of the GTEs scored points.
Practice and Quali were dry, Race started damp with wet tires and 95% of the field pitted before the end of the first lap to change tires.
I went from last to 1st in class within 2 laps and ultimately finished 5th as I spun using wets....which never went above 68c after the spin, avg 63c

Another thing about the AI that I find a bit concerning is its max strength.
I'm a mid-packer at best, usually 1.5-2 secs off the top world times.
I'm currently using AI strength of 110 UpTo 120 on some tracks/combos and still placing in the top 5.
If a mid-packer is maxing out the AI, faster guys are gonna be bored senseless.

I'm hoping as the AI gets optimized I'll have to dial back the strength to say 75% so I can increase it as I improve...."IF" lol

The sim I hold highly in regards to AI and comparing between titles is iRacing.
They really thought it through, fully customizable in-game driver AI, trading paints uploadable rosters, the ability to create/customize your own roster, releasing optimized combos every build, multiple season saves, the AI is so smooth and quick to react when approaching slower vehicles and very challenging with room to increase the strength over time.
I currently run an AI strength spread of 65-75 and fight for a top 10 position.

I have faith in Reiza, that in time they will be able to have a similar AI product.

The game has improved greatly in the last yr and I look forward to future development....I'm just finding things a tad frustrating at this point searching forms to find what is and isn't currently optimized in this title.
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Its only a very small niche of the sim community that over rate it, Everyone else rates it pretty low for a number of valid reasons.

also, its as ugly as a pork chop.
Apparently there are a few more players overrating the sim than some other sims and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Pork Chop can be pretty tasty aswell.
Personally I find it a shame they waste their resource on (the very iffy) Project Cars foundation. I was hoping they could/would move AMS2 significantly away from ProjCars such that it overcame the deficiencies whilst leveraging the (mostly visual) qualities of the platform. But seems they can't/won't (they certainly haven't so far) - it can look nice but it's still ProjCars.

And ProjCars just isn't very good.
I was hoping they could/would move AMS2 significantly away from ProjCars ...
I own both games. I don't like PC2 at all, due to the weird, unnatural and for me incomprehensible driving physics.

AMS2 drives completely different and feels worlds better. You can't feel the PC2 roots at any point. The driving physics and the force feedback are absolutely no longer comparable.

I think you are stuck in your opinion and are now obsessively looking for little things that remind you of PC2.

What you say is simply not true anymore. Not after the massive physics, tire and FFB changes Reiza has brought lately.
Been away for a long time, so good to come back and see the same old stuff on RD lol.

I have funnily enough been playing PC2 this weekend, put about 8 hours into it, mix of the RX and supercars (Ferrari / lambos etc) on some of the awesome tracks on PC2.

I have then gone onto AMS2, it's not really comparable anymore, i think some people on here just like to troll sadly (although i does make funny reading).

I have just finished a race round Caldwell Park in the Minis (the new ones), wow, its really really good now AMS2 (i urge everyone to try this combo), in fact i prefer it to AC's fb and handling (not all cars, but lots of them, including that Mini!). I tried out the Procar on Donnington, both PC2 and AMS2, worlds apart now and they feel like completely different sims. In fact i do really enjoy the PC2 car/track combo, but its not correct and predictable like AMS2.

Great video from Tarmac Terrorist, solid signing RD! his enthusiasm is infectious :)

The improvements that keep getting made with this title are fantastic, well done to the guys that are making it so good.

Cant wait for the career.
I find these discussions allways funny, especialy claiming that a sim like rF2 is overrated. I think that it is still highly regarded as one of the best after allmost ten years speaks for itself and I am yet to see a professional competition using AMS2. Maybe watch some of Davecams recent videos and you will get how complex the sim really is and how much nonesense it is to call a product overrated because you are gaining two seconds on your PB. Every product on this market will showcase glitches, bugs or drawbacks in the physics departement, especialy as they get more advanced with alot more variables. They are all models trying to replicate reality. Maybe you are gaining 2 seconds per lap, but that doesn't mean that you will make the race distance. I've seen people being two seconds faster than me in qualy, but at they end they ended up as one-hit-wonders.
It has nothing to do with the quality of physics. Esports stays away from ams2 due to the p2p multiplayer system which makes running esports events very difficult compared to iracing or acc.

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Paul McCaffrey
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