An Interview with Reiza Studios’ Renato Simioni - Big hint at new content!

Renato Simioni of Reiza Studios, best known for the Automobilista titles, sat down for an interview to talk about the origins of Reiza, the state of Automobilista 2, and even an exclusive teaser of what's coming in the near future.

I recently had the chance to sit down remotely with Renato Simioni of Reiza Studios to discuss the history of Reiza, the development process and current state of Automobilista 2, and what's coming in the future. for AMS2.

Renato was very candid about the challenges he and his team face as a smaller game development studio, while at the same time proud of the work they’ve produced in the past and more recently. He spoke about the journey from being an employee of a well-known racing game developer to having a major platform as an independent studio.

Renato Simioni Interview 03.jpeg

We also spoke about the utilization of the Madness Engine for Automobilista 2. The move to use the gaming engine that Project CARS 2 used was a surprise to many, as Reiza had deep ties with the ISI / rFactor engine and had even collaborated with Studio 397 to release a DLC pack for rFactor 2. We discussed the rationale, challenges and advantages of the deal that was reached with Slightly Mad Studios for the use of the engine.

Another hot topic Renato opened up about was the polarizing nature of the driving experience in AMS2. Many in the sim racing community has expressed frustration with the feel of driving in the title while others enjoy it. We discussed why this could be and whether Reiza Studios has plans to make improvements on this front.

Be sure to check out the full interview on the RaceDepartment YouTube channel or watch via the embedded player above. A huge thanks to Renato for taking the time to chat with us.
About author
Mike Smith
I have been obsessed with sim racing and racing games since the 1980's. My first taste of live auto racing was in 1988, and I couldn't get enough ever since. Lead writer for RaceDepartment, and owner of SimRacing604 and its YouTube channel. Favourite sims include Assetto Corsa Competizione, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Automobilista 2, DiRT Rally 2 - On Twitter as @simracing604


So you are saying, that games are just progressing, because people keep complaining. This is implying, that game devs have no clue, what they're doing. I would reflect over that attitude for a moment...
You're projecting your own imagination onto his statements; nobody said anything like that.

If the userbase doesn't care about the state of current content and just gives a thumbs up for every new content DLC, then the developers are inclined to make more DLC.

If the userbase complains about the functionality of existing content, the developers are more inclined to improve the existing content instead of producing new content.

Naturally this includes the functionality of the software and the basic game loop as well.

10+ years of additions which pile up more and more issues without the core functionality being significantly improved because the community just asked for more content and told the complainers to stop complaining happened to flight sims; why won't it happen to car sims too?
If the userbase doesn't care about the state of current content and just gives a thumbs up for every new content DLC, then the developers are inclined to make more DLC.
The userbase factually does care. (not guessing here)

This narrative of the "fanboy" is really exhausting and has some really harmful amount of toxicity in itself, not helping the community at all. (True for ALL simulators, btw., the huge majority of the people, enjoying something, are still able to communicate flaws)
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You're projecting your own imagination onto his statements; nobody said anything like that.

If the userbase doesn't care about the state of current content and just gives a thumbs up for every new content DLC, then the developers are inclined to make more DLC.

If the userbase complains about the functionality of existing content, the developers are more inclined to improve the existing content instead of producing new content.

Naturally this includes the functionality of the software and the basic game loop as well.

10+ years of additions which pile up more and more issues without the core functionality being significantly improved because the community just asked for more content and told the complainers to stop complaining happened to flight sims; why won't it happen to car sims too?
If you think people aren't complaining or pointing out issues you should read the Reiza forums.

The whole fanboy argument is getting old and it only serves to devalue anyone's opinion when they like the game.

Good luck to Reiza i hope they reach their goals with this project.
If you think people aren't complaining or pointing out issues you should read the Reiza forums.

The whole fanboy argument is getting old and it only serves to devalue anyone's opinion when they like the game.

Good luck to Reiza i hope they reach their goals with this project.
I don't recall claiming that people are not complaining or pointing out issues.
Yes throwing terms around like fanboy is not helpful but there is some truth that some are quick to complain about people pointing out issues & that is also getting pretty old. Why do people really need to do that, why do we need a defence force in every forum?
Yes throwing terms around like fanboy is not helpful but there is some truth that some are quick to complain about people pointing out issues & that is also getting pretty old. Why do people really need to do that, why do we need a defence force in every forum?
This fanboy thing is the worst in simracing, at least from my experience. Simracing is really small, the communities of each game are even smaller and usually made of dedicated players that really like that game. It tends to look beautiful when you are looking into joining these gaming communities, everyone is helpful until you start pointing the issues. Then those super helpful and cheerful members of the community will give you "why are you playing this then?" "go play X instead" "why would I believe what you say over dev Y?" "you don't understand the physics of this simulator enough" "well I enjoy this just fine so you can leave" .

Pretty much all simgames are like that. ACC has some annoying problems but the community protect the devs like their lifes depend on it. Before ACC improved their tyres(old kerb bug and rail effect) I remember A LOT of players defending the behavior, together with devs denying it, but since it was a huge problem they had to fix it otherwise people wouldn't shut up about it. The game still suffer from over sensitive tyres(a few 0.X psi out of the optimal window and the car is very different), some weird ground collider effect or super stiff cars I don't know(you hit a high kerb with only 1 tyre and sometimes the whole car will lift, all 4 tyres), but these problems are more rare and players got used to the tyre window they need to work with.

AMS2 still has problems(tons of it), it's bizarre that there are people telling the devs to not look into negative posts, only small improvements lol.
This fanboy thing is the worst in simracing, at least from my experience. Simracing is really small, the communities of each game are even smaller and usually made of dedicated players that really like that game. It tends to look beautiful when you are looking into joining these gaming communities, everyone is helpful until you start pointing the issues. Then those super helpful and cheerful members of the community will give you "why are you playing this then?" "go play X instead" "why would I believe what you say over dev Y?" "you don't understand the physics of this simulator enough" "well I enjoy this just fine so you can leave" .

You're absolutely right!
This fanboy thing is the worst in simracing, at least from my experience. Simracing is really small, the communities of each game are even smaller and usually made of dedicated players that really like that game. It tends to look beautiful when you are looking into joining these gaming communities, everyone is helpful until you start pointing the issues. Then those super helpful and cheerful members of the community will give you "why are you playing this then?" "go play X instead" "why would I believe what you say over dev Y?" "you don't understand the physics of this simulator enough" "well I enjoy this just fine so you can leave" .

Pretty much all simgames are like that. ACC has some annoying problems but the community protect the devs like their lifes depend on it. Before ACC improved their tyres(old kerb bug and rail effect) I remember A LOT of players defending the behavior, together with devs denying it, but since it was a huge problem they had to fix it otherwise people wouldn't shut up about it. The game still suffer from over sensitive tyres(a few 0.X psi out of the optimal window and the car is very different), some weird ground collider effect or super stiff cars I don't know(you hit a high kerb with only 1 tyre and sometimes the whole car will lift, all 4 tyres), but these problems are more rare and players got used to the tyre window they need to work with.

AMS2 still has problems(tons of it), it's bizarre that there are people telling the devs to not look into negative posts, only small improvements lol.
The problem is with people assuming that liking something means not being critical of certain parts of it: this toxic behavior of not complaining/criticizing, but actually sh...g on developers work and attacking other users who like something as fanboys and thinking that this behavior is the only way to be listened by developers is plainly TOXIC! It's what makes most of the forums of the sim community toxic. Using words like "sh..t" "brown nosing" "fanboy", this is what is poisoning any decent conversation, not the so called fanboys who apparently are guilty for not being enough of a jackass with developers.
A few messages back I mentioned every sim has quirks and things to improve on and the community has to help developers addressing them and the reply I got was basically ranging from "no my sim is perfect" (AC in this case) to Reiza are a bunch of money scammers and anyone who is not saying so is brown nosing them. Perfect example of the typical constructive and objective conversation.

Personally I have voiced my criticism in the proper threads of the Reiza forum, but I think any person with a bit of common sense can distinguish between criticizing constructively and just being an a.......e
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AMS2, for me, lacks very much in the AI department, and that is the main reason I am not spending more time in it. Wheel to wheel racing with the AI is excellent, but that where it stops. AI are slower on the straights, they often do some unrealistic pack-racing. Some AI cars have very different physics and limitations. There are specific problems which I reported months ago and still not fixed (e.g. I re-tested today, F3s on Estoril, practice session, after a couple of laps the AI is not able to make the last corner -> carnage, reported on Reiza forums some time ago, no response, not fixed).

I am sure Reiza is a good team, they have shown it. I am sure Renato is a great guy, as we saw in this interview. I wish them the best and I hope they eventually create a masterpiece of a product. But statements during the interview like the AI is great... just no (it might have been from Mike IIRC, but it still paints a wrong picture about the sim).
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AMS2, for me, lacks very much in the AI department, and that is the main reason I am not spending more time in it. Wheel to wheel racing with the AI is excellent, but that where it stops. AI are slower on the straights, they often do some unrealistic pack-racing. Some AI cars have very different physics and limitations. There are specific problems which I reported months ago and still not fixed (e.g. I re-tested today, F3s on Estoril, practice session, after a couple of laps the AI is not able to make the last corner -> carnage, reported on Reiza forums some time ago, no response, not fixed).

I am sure Reiza is a good team, they have shown it. I am sure Renato is a great guy, as we saw in this interview. I wish them the best and I hope they eventually create a masterpiece of a product. But statements during the interview like the AI is great... just no (it might have been from Mike IIRC, but it still paints a wrong picture about the sim).
Thats an interesting read and your point is valid of course.

I wonder if this is a car specific issue then, as i don't race the F3s and i find the AI to be one of / if not the best around.

I also guess it depends on how much of a connoisseur you are, i am probably more on the average sim racer side of things, i wouldn't say im a hardcore racer as such and my racing experience and knowledge will be lacking compared to some.
I have mixed feelings about AMS2.

It does the weather thing absolutely brilliantly - really genre leading, it looks pretty good too. Although it is a bit cartoony looking at times (Imo of course - and it may well get tweaked in time).

The AI needs work, they just barge into me like I'm not even there still, although they have got better ill admit.

The stock FFB implementation is complete crap - there is no other word for it - I found a fantastic custom FFB file which I've tweaked a little, and now it feels almost as good as anything else I drive (ACC, R3E, rF2).

However, there is something wrong with the cars. I don't understand the engineering enough to say exactly what it is, but, its as if the front isn't quite connected to the road.

You've only got to drive the Porsche RSR around and watch the front end bobble up and down like a bloody kangaroo to see what i mean.

There's just something that doesn't inspire confidence in the car.

I've never played Project Cars 1/2/3 so have no biases there, or nothing to compare it against other than AC, rF2, ACC and R3E.

I want AMS2 to do well, I bought the season pass, so I'll check in on it for the next year, but it doesn't get played all that much at the moment.
Good post. I am in a similar place, although some cars feel better than others. Because of what you describe on the feel of the tires, I just can't enjoy any of the F1 type cars. When it comes to cornering, the tires feel like they are on top of the road and not planted on it. When cornering at a track like Long Beach it jumps out at you and affects my desire to drive them. I am using a custom ffb file that has helped, but something feels wrong. It feels like the tires are made of solid rubber and the car is a few hundred pounds too light, instead of a feel of the weight loading up and a sense of air in the tires. Some cars feel like the grip could snap like a twig at any moment. The GT4 cars right now feel perfect to me so I know things will get better. But right now the openwheels feel very bad and don't even have different componds for tires, so clearly Reiza know these need work.
Good post. I am in a similar place, although some cars feel better than others. Because of what you describe on the feel of the tires, I just can't enjoy any of the F1 type cars. When it comes to cornering, the tires feel like they are on top of the road and not planted on it. When cornering at a track like Long Beach it jumps out at you and affects my desire to drive them. I am using a custom ffb file that has helped, but something feels wrong. It feels like the tires are made of solid rubber and the car is a few hundred pounds too light, instead of a feel of the weight loading up and a sense of air in the tires. Some cars feel like the grip could snap like a twig at any moment. The GT4 cars right now feel perfect to me so I know things will get better. But right now the openwheels feel very bad and don't even have different componds for tires, so clearly Reiza know these need work.
The Form Ult default tires are overpressured. The historics use 'slicks' and ones I have driven are overpressured as well.
Good post. I am in a similar place, although some cars feel better than others. Because of what you describe on the feel of the tires, I just can't enjoy any of the F1 type cars..... [edited out by me]..... But right now the openwheels feel very bad and don't even have different componds for tires, so clearly Reiza know these need work.
i am as far away from a fanboy as anything and theres still plenty of views I do not agree with, but I do this vein. people cannot deny its no where near the others overall. But the title others say is nothign like Project Cars 2 with its custom FFB files and its default over a PCars2.

Not just in that but yet some others (the positive brigade) who are the usual suspects are chanting the same mantra as always about the games supposed virtues. No one can disagree the title is below all the others in overall quality, but fun is fun because driving is fun and a fair few good ones exist to drive. Do not try to make sense of it because the game is not linear in its improvement or progression. Its not just you; remember plenty of people will chant the product again and again for some reason, even though this thread was 90:10 for neg v positive, and indeed while I do play the game, more on that later, for every 10 mins, another gets 30 if the game is just not doing it as per your driving mood, not all the time do you want to fiddle with something or go on that particular version of a track or to a track not in the game, eg knuttstorp in AC/raceroom, Sonoma etc; the solution for me is to mix it in with those plus uninstalled Rfactor2, too bloated for a sub par exp to AC csp+sol patches. Knowing my luck with software that could change haha and it becomes good I won't know. My hours on AMS2 now high 500s. Other much less. AC is coming back strong. But I know I am not fully into the game hence why I am not a fanboy I only play what is going good, so many titles we all see and many patches on steam. They are not always all good. But most software houses have it down-pat largely.

-on default I use TX default 92 gain, 40, 65, 5 dampening

on kuku custom Gain 70 gain, 40, 30, 5; or as he says (between 60-70 / LFB 10-40/ Fx 20-30 / Damp 5-15)

and I actually use the custom more.

dont know what wheel you have, but can probably use his file anyway.

Even if the game is only maybe 6 or 7/10 for sim I dont know what people think I think its 8/10 at times and 4/10 others, but do not forget grip progression settings, try medium or high if its off; for me of September I am enjoying it 10/10 for what it is, but its not perfect. Its fun in many parts though, procar? Great one. Others too but not all. A big part is head shake is on, movement 35, legacy yes, geforce 40 in camera>configuration; then control>config>break sensitivity 35 with my 50% soft load cells

Some people want it to be their "forever" game. Just enjoy it a bit and dont eagerly look so close, they could fix it all. You can get this sim to heart pounding levels now.

Make no mistake its still behind the other titles, but fun is fun.

Just dont expect it to be this linear progression of development like some wrongly believe. Its not. But fun is fun, I can play it for long periods sometimes without playing the others, when I do play. But maybe put laps of it in between others when you do play as I also sometimes do. Just stick to the ones you know are good. And races. It may be below raceroom and the AC's but its not bad, I just find with the grip while the gyro and directional improved and the sustain of the vehicles, its all over the place. I honestly do not think it will be in a state to resolve until mid next year on that front, but gems do exist.

I uninstalled for several months and september is obviously good, but you paid for it so may as well use it by mixing it up I think is my attitude, into when you go into others, but raceroom truly takes so long to start for some reason. If its bad in AMS2 and a lot can be, depending, I just stay away from it. It only needs a few good tracks and cars. So it is what it is, I am usually ahead on trends so I read others uninstalled it. Its semi decent when you mix it in, and of course as a change of pace, a fun one at that, depending, its good for actual racing and not a hot lap, got to really push and I think the AI is ok for pushing yourself. I also think a championship etc is too much for the title, but a quick race is good. Beats the former hot lap mantra, or actually I also try to do time trials lol but need practice on more tracks, but again before too long as I am congruent and consistent (and rarely wrong about many things) it will probably be uninstalled so ones time is not wasted, with the view of coming back later in the products life cycle. But for a few brave people of course they are having fun. The game is fun, since driving is fun

edit I take that back a little. so pegging that back I actually think its a driving mood based thing, gen 2 car 3 f1, the turbo, at nord gp, is a good drive with progressive grip and middle session. there is a competent enough system there, its similar to the other games a lot of the time, with its own kind of model. i probably wont uninstall again, I am not one to be vindictive about install uninstall because I have the space, I do play more and less, but the definite driving style is there but what throws people off is the games arc and good expereicnes becoming buried by the lesser cars. Procar was another standout. I am sure some others and BMW and merc basically drove the same as on brands as other titles. The solution for most people would be to mix it in I would think. Like I will go and do a raceroom thing and it will be basically the same but a bit more smoothed over in terms of inputs even if it seems to be more on-point, its really actually kind of (dont quote me on this) doing less but its fun in its own way as I said this is... But of course with such variation in the driving per movement, I think you will find the layers of the games systems make the driving untenable for people such as yourself over time through no fault of your own both intentional on the games part and unintentional. Maybe its not all that bad when limiting exposure the non satisfaction parts, as per the interview. Its limiting a product, but it is what it is. To not play it is to lose the coins spent acquiring it; just ignore the limited utility unfortunately.

I am sticking to for eg formula classic gen 2 model 3, and others of likeness eg v10, and procar and sauber and gt1s and gte's, and rocco. I must say these are excellent and if not spot on, a lot of fun, like driving some kind of similar car. And I generally try to be as real, cynical and hard as I can on games. I still have not got the time to play civ 6 and eu4, ark or anything much else, like assassins creed last 2 still unplayed much, as much as I would want for example.

make no mistake though, the game is like it is for a reason, and is regarded as little as it is for a reason too. blindly defending it is the same thing as outright rejecting it to an objective eye. but you got to admit you could say the same with assasins creed, they are just games. but lies be lies
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Here’s much better technical explanation of the underlying processes and improvements.

No doubt AMS2 will get better with every update. That’s why Mad Engine was given to those guys to play with it. ;)

For me to seek the origins of video game is proof of something I am excited about. Now that I recently played with intensity, I have jumped ship from other race sims.
The physics, graphic design of tracks, and the Force Feedback is superior. An entire lap is filled with a lateral response through the FF that sets it apart.
As a result my circle of people I race with has changed. I can race on any game, so differences are subjective.
But it came to a point of non stop satisfaction, even if I don't win public race.
Polarizing? You bet your asssss!
If you have a natural skill or a deep passion for the art of racing, this game is exceptional.
Renato has a talented group of artists developing all facets.
Those modders who have some notoriety on AC need not be close minded. Reiza group are way beyond any of the AC independent modders.
The benchmark for a racing sim has just been raised

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Mike Smith
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